MTL - The Chief Minister’s Ferocious Wife-Chapter 409 I met good people

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   Chapter 409 All the people I meet are good people

"You still have parents and brothers and sisters, isn't it good to live? How many people take risks in order to survive, just to fight for an opportunity. Now the opportunity is in front of you, but you have to choose to give up. Do you feel good about it? "Zhao Chuchu looked at him.

   "I am willing to save you because my husband said that you are a good person. Otherwise, if you change to someone like Yu Linjiang, you will kneel down and beg me and won't save you, unless he can smash my heart with money."

   Zhong Peifeng did not speak for a long time.

   After a long time, he said in a low voice, "I know Mrs. Xie, you are for my good, but if I owe you too much, I don't know how to face you in the future."

"Why are you so stupid? You never thought that if you were gone at a young age, how uncomfortable would it be for your parents to give away the white-haired person? Not to mention that they have paid so much for you, if you leave it alone, Abandoning it should be considered unfilial, right?"

   "I've been reading books for so many years, but I didn't understand Xie Niangzi thoroughly. I'm really ashamed..."

  Zhong Peifeng looked stunned.

   "Then will you be cured?"

"Ms. Xie said so, if I still refuse, then I don't know what to do. I, Zhong Peifeng, will never forget the life-saving grace of Madam Xie. If it is of use to me in the future, please feel free to tell me, and I will do my best to repay it. Thank you ma'am."

   "Okay, just remember to owe me a favor."

   "But Mrs. Xie, can I continue to stay in Qingyang Academy?"

"Don't use two things in one mind. Your illness is already very serious, and I don't know how you endured it. As long as you are alive, you can continue to study at any time, but when you die, nothing is left. Mr. Zhong You're still so young, it's not a year or two away, right?"

   "That's right, when will I start treating the disease? I'll go and talk to the mountain chief."


   "Then I would like to thank Mrs. Xie first."

  Zhong Peifeng bowed deeply to express his gratitude.

   "Well, since that's the case, then go back and prepare first, it's getting late, I have to go home with my husband."

   "Thank you for walking slowly."

  Zhong Peifeng stood in the pavilion and watched Zhao Chuchu leave.

   When Xie Heng saw Zhao Chuchu coming, he went up to meet him.

   "Are we going home?"


   Xie Heng naturally took Zhao Chuchu's medicine box, and then said to the deputy mountain chief, "Deputy mountain chief, the students will leave first."

   "Okay, be careful on the road." The deputy mountain chief waved his hand and didn't ask anything else.

   Xie Heng and Zhao Chuchu left hand in hand.

  Zhong Peifeng walked out of the pavilion and came to the deputy mountain chief.

   "How are you?" the deputy mountain chief asked with concern, "Miss Xie is so serious, but what kind of strange disease is there?"

   "Deputy Mountain Chief, the student wants to temporarily leave the academy for a year to get medical treatment. Madam Xie said that I am very ill and should be treated as soon as possible, otherwise my life will be in danger."

   The deputy mountain chief looked at Zhong Peifeng, who had always been thin and bloodless. He didn't see much of Zhong Peifeng on weekdays. He thought that Zhong Peifeng was just too hard to eat.

   I don't know how he endured it, and he was not discovered by anyone in the academy for two years.

   "Miss Xie said so, think about it, you are sure to cure you, don't think too much, you can study later, but you are not joking. If you need money, just tell me." The deputy mountain chief said warmly.

   "Thank you, Deputy Chief." Zhong Peifeng's nose became sore.

   "Okay, you have to tell the mountain chief about this, go ahead, the sooner you start treating the better, the pain won't wait for anyone."

   "Yes, the students will go now." Zhong Peifeng bowed his hands and separated from the deputy mountain chief.

The mountain chief already knew that Zhong Peifeng and a master were called by Zhao Chuchu alone to check their pulse again, and when he saw Zhong Peifeng, he also looked concerned: "Peifeng, if you are ill, go to the doctor first, yours here in the academy. The seat will always be reserved for you, and everything can be at ease."

   Before Zhong Peifeng spoke, the mountain chief said this first, which made Zhong Peifeng even more moved.

   "The student thanked the chief of the mountain, and Mrs. Xie said that the student's illness will take about a year or two to recover, I'm afraid it's time..."

"In any case, your health is the most important thing. You have always been diligent and eager to learn. I believe you will be able to do it in two years. Illness can not delay your time. You have nowhere to go in Fucheng, so just stay in the academy for the time being. But you can't continue. In the dormitory, move to my side, there is an empty wing, which is also convenient for you to decoct medicine on weekdays."

  Zhong Peifeng's tears immediately fell.

   He knelt down and kowtowed to the chief of the mountain: "Thank you, chief, thank you..."

"Stupid boy, get up, since you are a student of my Qingyang Academy, then I, the mountain chief, can't just watch you get into trouble, can't you? If you really want to thank me, study hard and strive for a place in the future. Jinshi, it is also good for my Qingyang Academy to be honored."

   "Students will definitely work hard."


   After Zhong Peifeng came out of the mountain chief, he went back to the dormitory to pack his things.

   After the classmates found out, they all came to help.

   They didn't ask any questions, they squeezed out a little money from their small expenses and put it together and handed it over to Zhong Peifeng.

   "This is our little thought, you accept it, get well soon, and strive to meet you in the capital when you recover."

   Zhong Peifeng refused, but they couldn't help but tell Zhong Peifeng.

  Zhong Peifeng's nose was sore again, and he choked: "Thank you."

   "Thank you, we are all brothers, nothing else can help you, this is the only thing we can help you, don't think so much, just treat the disease well."

   "That's right, you are very optimistic about you, so don't disappoint us then."

   "Maybe we will still ask you in the future, so I will let you owe us a favor first, and then I will be right to go to you, right?"


  Everyone, you speak my words, try to make the atmosphere as relaxed as possible.

  Zhong Peifeng knew that they said this on purpose, so they didn't plan to get the money back, otherwise why would they all get together?

  Zhong Peifeng felt that what he said at the moment was very pale. He could only write down these classmates who pulled him at the most difficult time, and secretly vowed that if he can get ahead in the future, he must repay them well!

   He did not refuse and accepted the kindness of his classmates.

After   , he moved his luggage to the yard of the mountain chief, and the book boy had already cleaned up the wing room: "If there is anything missing from Young Master Zhong, just tell me."

   "Thank you, enough is enough." Zhong Peifeng said gratefully, as long as there is a place to live, he really doesn't ask for so much.

  I originally wanted to go back to my hometown, but if I take medicine every day, my family will definitely know that they will be worried. Now that I can continue to settle in the city, I just hide it from them.

   He may have done a lot of good deeds in his last life, but now he has met so many good people, especially Zhao Chuchu and Xie Heng.

On the way home, Zhao Chuchu sneezed suddenly: "Well, it seems that the surnamed Yu is scolding me again. But Dalang, your trick is really bad! How did you know that holding back like this would lead to an accident? ?"

   "I've seen it before." Xie Heng explained with a smile, "Anyway, he's not a good person, so it's good that he can't make waves in the future."

   "So you've been putting up with him, just waiting for the opportunity to make more moves?"

   "Well, step by step."

   "Then do you know what will happen to him in the future?"

   "No one can cure you except you, and you will all get sick in the future."

   Zhao Chuchu gave a thumbs up.

   Yu Linjiang has nowhere to say that this is a dumb loss.

   But he deserves it.

   Xie Heng even said that he was not a good person, and he thought he was inferior to a beast.

   "By the way, Dalang, Zhong Peifeng is so ill, isn't his family situation very bad? I plan to save him, so do you have any plans for where he will stay?"

   "The Chief of the Mountain will make arrangements, don't worry about us."

"how do you know?"

   "The Chief is a good man."

  It's a pity that Si Kou Zhendong was offended, and everyone in Qingyang Academy didn't end well.

   "If that's the case, then don't care, let's go, let's go to the pharmacy to buy medicine first."


"It's too troublesome to decoct the medicine. I plan to make the medicine into pills, so that Zhong Peifeng can take it more conveniently, so as not to decoct the medicine every day and make the whole academy smell of medicine, I'm afraid that Lin Jiang's gang will be chattering again. Help people to the end."

  Xie Heng looked sideways at Zhao Chuchu, her confidence made her seem to be shining, Xie Heng couldn't see anyone else.

   "Chu Chu, you are also a good person."

   "Nonsense, I'm not. Look at a lot of people I don't save, and I'm often criticized for not having the morals of a doctor."

"Should you save or not, you have a scale in your heart, and you're right if you don't save them. No one stipulates that the doctor will save the whole world. The doctor is also a human being, and there are grievances. "

   "I just like Dalang, you tell the truth, I also think I'm right."

   This is the unity of the three views, otherwise Xie Heng would have Xie Heng killed sooner or later if she wanted to be a holy father and let her have a big heart to save this one and that one.

   Holy Father and Our Lady!

   This is the way of survival that the last days taught her.

   While they were talking, they entered a pharmacy.

   Zhao Chuchu said a bunch of medicinal herbs, but there were several that were not available. She went to almost all the pharmacies, but there was still the last of the medicinal herbs left.

   The shopkeeper told Zhao Chuchu that he had never heard of that herb, so Zhao Chuchu had better find a way to replace it with other herbs.

   Zhao Chuchu: "..."

   If she can replace it, why does she go to so many pharmacies?

   There was no other way, Zhao Chuchu could only go to the Yuan family and ask the Yuan family to inquire.

   Mrs. Yuan responded, and left Zhao Chuchu with dinner: "I've come here, it's not too late to leave after dinner, Dalang is here, isn't it just right? Your grandma has been thinking about you lately!"

   "Godmother, I really don't need it. I have to rush back to deal with a bunch of medicinal materials, which is for life-saving use. I'll come back to accompany you in a few days when I have some free time. Don't tell my grandma."

   When Mrs. Yuan heard this, she did not dare to keep Zhao Chuchu.

   But she still let Zhao Chuchu bring back a box of vegetables from the back kitchen.

   Walking out of Yuan's house, Xie Heng also said to Zhao Chuchu, "I will also send someone to inquire about this medicine and find it as soon as possible."

   "As soon as possible, otherwise Zhong Peifeng won't be able to hold on, he's running out of time." Zhao Chuchu sighed.

   It seems that the ability is still to be used.

  Zhong Peifeng is too ill and needs to consume a lot of powers. With her current strength, she needs to use the powers at least three times, and every time she runs out of them, she may be overdrawn and faint.

  If you can find medicine, the ability only needs to be used to assist, and it does not need to consume too much.

   "Well, I know." Xie Heng nodded.

   The two returned to Xie's house. Chang Hong had already prepared dinner and was waiting for them to return.

   On the other hand, Chai Le cleaned up the yard again, cleaned up the flowerbeds, and just asked them what kind of flowers they liked and planned to plant some.

   Zhao Chuchu is not very cold to flowers and plants.

   She felt that planting flowers in such a yard was too wasteful, so she told Chaile to buy medicinal seeds and plant them all.

   It is very common to grow vegetables in the yard, but growing medicinal herbs... Chai Le is the first time I see it.

   But then he thought that the hostess was a doctor, and thought it was normal. After Zhao Chuchu had eaten, he asked for some advice, and then he began to prepare the medicine.

   Zhao Chuchu is very satisfied with the couple.

   He worked diligently and didn't talk much. After being given to the Xie family by the third prince, he stayed in the Xie family wholeheartedly.

People like    are the most useful.

  Chang Hong couldn't take it easy. Seeing that Zhao Chuchu was handling the medicinal materials, he took the initiative to help.

  I don’t understand that she will study seriously and will not be self-righteous.

  Chai Le is relatively rude. After helping a little, he found that he would only do a disservice and did not increase Zhao Chuchu's workload.

  With the help of Xie Heng and Chang Hong, Zhao Chuchu handled the medicinal materials much faster.

When the    has not arrived, it is almost done, and the rest is concocted.

   The medicinal materials are not ready yet, so don’t be in a hurry. Zhao Chuchu plans to go outside the city tomorrow to find out if there are any medicinal materials. What if it is not used as medicine?

   "Chuchu, rest first, the mountain chief and the others will come over tomorrow morning." Xie Heng urged Zhao Chuchu to take a bath, and he took the initiative to arrange the remaining medicinal materials by category.

   Zhao Chuchu was also very happy.

  Chang Hong ran to the kitchen to prepare hot water for Zhao Chuchu.

   If Zhao Chuchu refused, Chang Hong would have bathed Zhao Chuchu.

   Zhao Chuchu likes to enjoy, but she is really not used to it.

  Chang Hong didn't give up: "My technique is very good. After a hard day's work, the lady will feel much more comfortable by pressing her shoulders."

   Zhao Chuchu shook his head: "No, I'll just ask Dalang to press it for me."

   She said so, and Chang Hong did not insist on it ignorantly.

   Zhao Chuchu soaked in the tub, thinking of the day, Yu Linjiang's ugliness made her laugh.

  Xie Heng is really damaged.

   What readers love most is face.

   And Xie Heng made Yu Linjiang lose face. Even if he continued to stay in Qingyang Academy, there would be a shadow.

   And the sequelae caused by holding back urine like Yu Linjiang is afraid that he will follow him all his life.

   After all, the medical level of this era is not good, and there is no possibility of curing Yu Lin Jiang.

   Yu Linjiang will beg her head sooner or later.

   However, she would not save Lin Jiang, even if she smashed it with money, it would be useless.

   She has no shortage of money!

   Someone like Yu Linjiang who is scheming and likes to spray feces, one counts as one, and if she saves her, count her as the loser!

   (end of this chapter)

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