MTL - The Chief Minister’s Ferocious Wife-Chapter 410 a little cruel

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   Chapter 410 is a little cruel

   The next day.

  Shan Chang and Zhong Peifeng came to Xie's house early.

   It happened that Zhao Chuchu and the others were having breakfast, so they sat down and had some.

  The mountain chief was not polite to them either, and Zhong Peifeng didn't refuse when he saw this.

  Shan Chang was full of praise for Chang Hong's craftsmanship, making Chang Hong feel embarrassed.

"The chief of the mountain has praised me badly, so I can only meet people with this little skill, and nothing else. If the chief of the mountain does not dislike it, I will eat more. Lord Lang said yesterday that there are guests coming this morning, so I prepared more. "

   "Hahaha, I just want to eat, I'm not polite."

   Shan Chang laughed.

  He is unassuming, approachable, not like the mountain leader of an academy at all, but looks like an ordinary elder.

  The breakfast prepared by Chang Hong was killed by Shan Chang and Xie Jun.

   Seeing this, the chief of the mountain patted Xie Jun's head lovingly: "It is a blessing to be able to eat, and Junjun will be a lucky person in the future."

   "Thank you, Chief." Xie Jun blushed, "The same goes for Chief."

   "Then it's your auspicious words." The mountain chief smiled heartily again, "Okay, I heard from your brother that you are also studying now, go ahead and check your homework after I finish my illness."

  Xie Jun panicked.

   is even more panic than being checked by Xie Heng.

   But he didn't dare to say anything.

Zhao Chuchu next to    laughed. Whenever he was checked by a teacher, it was a psychological shadow for students, even if it wasn't his own teacher!

   "Okay, Mountain Chief." Xie Jun obediently went, but his face was tragic, as if he was going to die.

   Xie Heng shook his head helplessly.

   Zhao Chuchu asked Shanchang and Zhong Peifeng to go to the pharmacy with him.

   She has to give the mountain chief an acupuncture first.

   "After the injection yesterday, I finally got a good night's sleep last night. I haven't slept so comfortably until dawn in more than ten years. Chuchu, I'll leave this old problem to you!"

   "Don't worry, the mountain chief, and make sure that the medicine will cure the disease. But you have to pay attention to yourself in the future, otherwise it will hurt again after a long time."

   "I'm not young anymore, so I should pay more attention."

   "Master Shan take off your clothes, Dalang helps me hand over the medicine box."

   Xie Heng took the medicine box on the shelf to Zhao Chuchu.

   "Today will be more painful than yesterday, so bear with it."

   "I brought all the veils."

  Shan Chang smiled and took out a plain handkerchief, folded it and bit it.

   "Come on," he said vaguely.

   Zhao Chuchu couldn't help laughing: "Shan Chang, you really don't care about your image at all."

  Shang said: "That's the style of the old and sour Confucianism. What is the image, and it can't be eaten as a meal, as long as the disease can be cured, I don't care about it."

   Zhao Chuchu likes such elders.

  Although the mountain chief promised that he could endure it, he couldn't help groaning in pain when he really started giving needles.

   Zhao Chuchu didn't joke, it really hurt more than yesterday, and after a while he was sweating profusely, clutching the stool tightly.

  Zhong Peifeng watched from the side, and he was sweating for the leader of the mountain.

   Zhao Chuchu said to Zhong Peifeng after putting the needles on the acupoints: "Master Zhong, you also go to sit down opposite, take off your shirt, and pull your trousers to this place."

   She gestured a place naturally.

   Zhong Peifeng's face was flushed.

   He has never done this before a woman.

   But Xie Heng and the mountain chief are here, and Zhong Peifeng feels that he is too hypocritical. Zhao Chuchu is a doctor, just doing what a doctor should do.

  Zhong Peifeng persuaded himself, but his face was always red.

   "Your medicine is still missing. I'll give you a needle first, and then wait for the medicine to arrive before starting to take the medicine."

   "Okay, thank you lady for your hard work."

"you are welcome."

   Zhao Chuchu took out another needle pack and opened it in front of Zhong Peifeng.

  Zhong Peifeng swallowed the needle when he saw the needle on it, it was longer than the needle he had pierced to the mountain just now.

   "Don't panic, pain is normal." Zhao Chuchu comforted him, "You're younger than Shanzhang, so you're not even worse than Shanzhang, right?"

   Mountain Chief Zhong Peifeng: "..."

   There is no need to say that!

   Zhao Chuchu also used the healing power while giving Zhong Peifeng acupuncture.

   Zhong Peifeng felt pain at first, but soon found that as the needle pierced his skin, a thin warm current poured into his body along with the needle.

  When the warm current slowly traveled through his meridians throughout his body, his whole body became relaxed.

   After Zhao Chuchu gave him the needle, he felt a little top-heavy.

   "Dalang, get me something to eat."

   She needs to replenish her energy, otherwise she won't be able to hold on.

   Xie Heng couldn't help worrying when she saw her face turning pale, and immediately went out to bring in some food.

   Zhao Chuchu ate a plate of dim sum and finally eased the discomfort.

   It's time to take out the long needle.

   The mountain chief was soaked with cold sweat.

  When all the needles on his body were taken off, the mountain chief let out a long sigh of relief: "I almost slapped myself in the face and couldn't bear it anymore!"

   "Tomorrow will be much better, not as painful as today." Zhao Chuchu said.

"That's good."

   "The mountain chief is also afraid of pain."

   "I was not afraid before, but now I am really afraid."

  Seriously, at this age, he has never experienced such pain.

  Fortunately, I took it down.

   "Don't worry, it won't happen tomorrow."

   "Well, I believe you. Chuchu, I'm going out first."

  Shanchang couldn't stand his sweat and urgently needed to change into clean clothes.

"it is good."

After the mountain went out, Zhao Chuchu looked at Zhong Peifeng.

   After using the healing power once, Zhong Peifeng's face was visibly redder.

  Xie Heng walked up to her and asked in a low voice, "Chuchu, are you feeling better? Do you want to eat more?"

   "Is the elbow still burning?" Zhao Chuchu is thinking about this now, "I still want to eat chicken legs."

   "Sister Hong was still burning just now, you wait, I'll get you something else to eat?"

   "No, I just want to eat meat now."

"I gonna go see."

  Xie Heng raised his feet and walked out.

  Zhong Peifeng wanted to stop him, he was in the pharmacy with Zhao Chuchu, he was not used to it.

   But Zhao Chuchu didn't say anything to him, but went to fiddle with her herbs, which made Zhong Peifeng relieved.

   Otherwise, he really doesn't know how he can talk to Zhao Chuchu like this.

  After a while, the scent is tangy.

   Xie Heng came in with a large plate of soy sauce elbows.

  The roasted elbows are crispy and fragrant, fat but not greasy, making people move their index fingers when they see it.

   Zhao Chuchu immediately put the herbs aside and strode over: "Woooooo, my favorite is finally ready."

   As soon as the chopsticks were clamped, the meat and bones were separated. Zhao Chuchu couldn't wait to taste it, and was satisfied.

  It's so fragrant, she likes Chang Hong's cooking!

  Xie Heng said in a low voice, "Slow down, it's very hot just out of the pot."

   "I'm not afraid." Zhao Chuchu stuffed it into his mouth one by one, unable to stop eating.

   Xie Heng had to separate the elbows that Zhao Chuchu hadn't eaten yet, and let them cool down, so that Zhao Chuchu would not get burned too quickly.

   Zhong Peifeng was the first time he saw such a loving couple.

   His father and mother have a good relationship, but his father would not treat his mother like this.

   And Xie Heng looked so cold, he didn't expect to have such a careful and considerate side, and he treated Zhao Chuchu like this in private.

   The Xie Heng he saw was full of Zhao Chuchu, and when he was beside Zhao Chuchu, there seemed to be light in his eyes, which was completely different from Xie Heng in the academy.

   Obviously they are all in the same room, but they are a world of their own, and no one else can insert it.

   Zhao Chuchu recovered much better after eating two sauce elbows.

   She wiped her mouth, got up and came to Zhong Peifeng: "I'm going to take off the silver needle."

   "Okay, thank you lady for your hard work."

   "How? Do you want to eat elbows?"

  Zhong Peifeng said honestly: "I think."

   "Then think about it, you won't be able to eat such greasy food in a short time. Everything should be light, and there are many things that need to be avoided."


   "So take good care of the disease, can't you let go of your appetite to eat and drink when you are cured?"


   "People are alive, that bite is the most important thing, Young Master Zhong, bear with it."

   "Okay, Mrs. Xie."

   Zhong Peifeng was helpless.

The smell of    sauce elbow has been tempting him.

   Before, he had no appetite for food at all, and just after he had Zhao Chuchu injected with acupuncture, he found that he seemed to have an appetite.

   It's just that Zhao Chuchu told him not to let him eat, so... a little cruel.

  Although Zhong Peifeng had never eaten elbows before, after all, his family was poor and could not afford it, so all his money was basically spent on his studies.

   "I'll go out first and see how the mountain chief is doing." Zhong Peifeng made an excuse to leave so as not to hinder Xie Heng and Zhao Chuchu.


  Zhong Peifeng quickly left.

   Zhao Chuchu returned to the table and continued to fight with the elbow.

   "Sister Hong's craftsmanship is really good, and I want to eat it tomorrow." Zhao Chuchu muttered, "Don't you want to eat Dalang?"

   "I'm not hungry, I'll give you something to eat." Xie Heng looked pampered, "Eat slowly, no one will rob you. By the way, what happened to you just now?"

   "It takes too much energy to give two people acupuncture at the same time, and my small body can't handle it. Don't worry, I can make up for it by eating more meat." Zhao Chuchu explained.

   "Why didn't you do this before with acupuncture?"

"It's not the same, it's mainly because Zhong Peifeng's illness is too serious, so it consumes my energy more. The needle is not just inserted and pulled out. Oh, Dalang, don't ask so much, I'm measured. Save people and save people, But I won't put myself in it, I don't have that kind of saint's mind."

   "Then do what you can, don't treat others, but you will fall ill."

   Xie Heng only hated that he didn't have Zhao Chuchu's ability, otherwise he wouldn't make Zhao Chuchu so tired.

   "If you really feel sorry for me, you might as well learn the craft of this sauce elbow from Sister Hong, and make it for me next time."

"it is good."

   Xie Heng agreed without thinking.

   Zhao Chuchu fed Xie Heng while eating.

   Xie Heng saw that it was the chopsticks she had used and accepted it.

   The two went out after eating a plate of soy sauce elbows.

   Shan Chang and Zhong Peifeng both went to Xie Jun's study to watch Xie Jun read.

  Xie Jun is a little stressed.

   After all, that was the head of the academy. For Xie Jun, it was an existence that made him more nervous than Xie Heng.

  The mountain chief originally wanted to give advice to Xie Jun, but it turned out that Xie Heng taught him better than him, so he simply said nothing.

   He didn't know, he was sitting there like a mountain, and it was not natural for Xie Jun to do anything.

   Fortunately, Xie Heng came in and asked the mountain chief to have tea, which made Xie Jun relax.

  Because of Chang Hong's excellent craftsmanship, the mountain chief didn't go back to the academy that day, but went back after dinner at Xie's house.

   Zhao Chuchu saw that the mountain chief likes food so much, and he asked Chang Hong to make a lot of things that he could take away and pack it for the mountain chief.

  Shanchang laughed so hard that he could see his teeth but not his eyes. He happily carried the food box and went back, not being polite to them at all.

   But in the next time, the mountain chief didn't do this anymore. After the acupuncture, he went back in a sedan chair, as did Zhong Peifeng.

   But the medicine Zhao Chuchu wanted was never found.

   Zhao Chuchu could only give up and give Zhong Peifeng another recipe.

   This recipe is not impossible, but the effect is not so good, but with the use of supernatural powers, the medicinal materials are actually deceitful.

   Mrs. Yuan sent Zhao Chuchu a lot of expensive supplements because she couldn't help Zhao Chuchu find that medicine.

   Zhao Chuchu: "...Godmother, what are you doing? I'm so young, why do I need so many supplements? Let me waste it."

"You should have a baby with Dalang in two years. Now you can start to make up your body, and it will be easier to conceive when you want a baby." Mrs. Yuan said with a smile, "I found these things specially for you, you can't live up to them. I have a heart."

   "Godmother, why don't you leave it to Ahui, I really don't need it. You forgot that I'm a doctor, no one knows how to make up your body better than me, right?"

   "What? Disgusting?"

   "It's not that I hate it, it's a waste if I don't use it. Besides, these things are so expensive that people who seek medical care from me can't use them. I know you love me, godmother, but will you listen to me this time?"

   "You child..." Mrs. Yuan was helpless.

   But Zhao Chuchu didn't want it, she had no choice but to have someone carry it back.

   "By the way, I heard that someone in Qingyang Academy embarrassed you before?" Mrs. Yuan said about Yu Linjiang, "Will it harm you?"

   Zhao Chuchu smiled and said, "He did it by himself."

"That's how it should be, don't be soft to those who harm you, otherwise it will be cruel to yourself. If anyone dares to do this in the future, you will move the Yuan family out. They are not afraid of death. Come to Zhao's family and see the Yuan family for mercy. he does not!"

   "They dare not come, the Yuan family is too flattering."

   "It should be known that you are also a member of the Yuan family, lest any cat or dog come up to you and disgust you."

   "Thank you godmother, but I can deal with those people. Yes, what about Ahui?"

"She's been in the yard these days, and she won't let anyone in. I don't know what she's tinkering with. Chuchu, did you tell her something? Her attitude towards me has changed a lot now, not like As before, when you see me, you don't have a good word to say."

   "She understands how good you are to her, and that you really love her, so be embarrassed, think about it, and then you can let go and accept it."

   "Ahui has a good heart, and I can understand why she is hostile to me. But fortunately, it's all over. Speaking of which, it's because of you that the Yuan family has another way to survive."

   Zhao Chuchu smiled slightly: "It should be because you are good people who have good rewards, and I just happened to save Ahui. Ganniang, how is the douchi you said last time?"

   Mrs. Yuan said: "Today the manager said that he didn't do it, and I don't know which step was wrong. If it's convenient for you, can you go and see what's wrong?"

   (end of this chapter)

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