MTL - The Chief Minister’s Ferocious Wife-Chapter 408 Be careful if you want to be a dad

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   Chapter 408 Be careful if you like being a father

  What else do the deputy mountain chief and the masters understand?

   Seeing the once outstanding student end up in such an embarrassed state, more than sadness is anger.

   How difficult is it to admit that you are better than yourself?

   In order to make Xie Heng lose face, he came up with such a method.

   "Quickly bring him back to the dormitory." The deputy mountain chief didn't even look at it, and the scholar's gentleness had already been defeated by Yu Linjiang.

   "It hurts, it hurts..."

   Yu Lin Jiang didn't get better after incontinence, and he kept screaming in pain.

"help me."

   Zhao Chuchu was unmoved.

   "Since you don't believe in my medical skills, why do you want me to save you? You're not afraid that I'll kill you? The nearby medical clinic is not far from here.

   "I was wrong, please save me. You are a doctor, and it is your duty to save people..."

"Fuck you motherfucker, who stipulated that I must save you? I can save anyone I want. I didn't study medicine for you, and it's my duty to save people? Why don't you say why you became like this, Did I force you?"

"It wasn't you who forced me, it was Xie Heng! If it wasn't for him, I would still be the best student at Qingyang Academy, and Xie Heng stole everything from me. If it wasn't for this, how could I have let myself become like this? Xie Heng, did you tell me those words on purpose?"

   Yu Linjiang finally reacted at this moment.

   "I didn't expect Xie Heng to have such a vicious mind. I was just talking about it. You hurt me like this?

Xie Heng said lightly: "I was chatting with a good friend, why did I get to you? How can a gentleman eavesdrop on other people's speech? Yu Linjiang, I have always had no grievances with you, you have targeted me over and over again, and now it is even worse Put this inexplicable crime on me."

   After a pause, Xie Heng cupped his hands and said to the deputy mountain chief: "The student urges the deputy mountain chief to investigate this matter thoroughly, and give justice to the students and the lady."

   "Deputy Mountain Chief, you can't listen to Xie Heng's nonsense." Yu Linjiang said loudly, "He just hurt me on purpose."

"Xie Niangzi's free clinic was originally a good thing, but now you are messing it up like this, it's a shame for my Qingyang Academy!" The deputy mountain chief said angrily, "You guys, tell me, what exactly is this? What's going on? If I find out, I'll be kicked out of Qingyang Academy regardless of the fault."

   As soon as these words came out, Yu Linjiang's little valet panicked, and told the ins and outs of the matter like a bean in a bamboo tube.

   Yu Lin Jiang's face was completely bloodless.

   As for the other students, they also told the deputy mountain chief what they saw in a fair and objective manner.

The deputy mountain chief sneered: "Yu Linjiang, what else do you have to say? After reading for so many years, the truth has been read into the dog's stomach? I am really disappointed in you. I never expected you to be like this. Like a narrow-minded person, doing such a thing because of a little thing!"

   "Deputy Mountain Chief, I know I'm wrong. I was obsessed for a while. I beg the Deputy Mountain Chief to give me another chance!" Yu Linjiang was afraid. If he was kicked out of Qingyang Academy, what face would he have?

   "You already knew today, why did you have to?" The deputy mountain chief sneered, "If you put your mind on reading, there will always be a day when you can surpass Xie Heng, but unfortunately you don't have the right way!"

   "The students really knew they were wrong. I beg the deputy mountain chief to give me another chance!" Yu Linjiang knelt down and kowtowed in pain.

   "It's not me who you should ask for forgiveness, but Xie Heng and Mrs. Xie."

   Yu Lin Jiang choked upon hearing the sound.

   Want him to apologize to Xie Heng and Zhao Chuchu?


"No need, I don't accept it." It didn't mean Lin Jiang said anything, Xie Heng was the first to speak, "His hostility towards me won't disappear just because I'm sorry, deputy mountain chief, please forgive the students for being selfish, students shouldn't be bullied like this. My wife, so I won't forgive him."

   Deputy Mountain Chief didn't know what to say for a while.

   If it wasn't for the severe abdominal pain, Yu Linjiang would have jumped up: "Xie, do you think I will apologize to you? You are dreaming!"

   Xie Heng smiled and did not speak.

"Take him back to the dormitory, don't be embarrassed here. I will tell the mountain chief about this. Before the mountain chief has decided to do this, he is not allowed to leave the dormitory for half a step." The deputy mountain chief said sharply, and then he asked A master went to a nearby medical clinic and asked a doctor to see Yu Linjiang.

Yu Linjiang was helped down by his classmates unwillingly, and he still kept shouting: "I will never beg you on Xie Heng's head in this life. Also, remember to me, don't let me have the opportunity to step on your head. Come on, or you will be forced to live and die!"

  Xie Heng's expression was calm, and he was not affected by Yu Linjiang's words.

   "Deputy Mountain Chief, let's continue, it's too late to see all the doctors today."

"it is good."

   The deputy mountain chief, seeing Xie Heng so calm and calm, secretly applauded.

  The order was restored, and they lined up for Zhao Chuchu to see a doctor.

   Qingyang Academy's students are mostly young people, and basically they have various minor problems because of lack of movement.

   But halfway through the consultation, Zhao Chuchu's expression suddenly became serious.

   The man whose pulse was diagnosed jumped in his heart and had a bad premonition.

   He held his breath, not daring to move.

   Zhao Chuchu took the pulse and asked him to stretch out another hand.

  The man was even more nervous.

   And his classmates also became nervous.

   Because this is the first time Zhao Chuchu has shown such a solemn expression.

   "Your pulse is a bit complicated, can you wait aside first, and then check it carefully after I help others see the doctor?" Zhao Chuchu said to the man.

   He asked: "Is it serious?"

   "You won't know until you check it carefully, don't be nervous."

"it is good."

  The man got up and walked to the side, clenching his hands quietly.

   Zhao Chuchu glanced at him, he was wearing the uniform clothes of Qingyang students, but the shoes under his feet were very old and very old, and his hands were also very rough, presumably a child of a poor family.

   Sometimes God is really too much.

   Even if you are poor, you will still get sick, and you will not be able to survive at all!

   But this disease was replaced by another doctor, and the man could only wait to die. It was his luck to meet her.

   The rest of the people also had more or less various minor ailments and pains. Zhao Chuchu gave them prescriptions and asked them to take medicines to treat them slowly.

After the free clinic was over, Zhao Chuchu said to the deputy mountain chief: "Scholars have been sitting at desks for a long time, and their shoulders and necks will have some pain, but most people have mild symptoms, so they don't need to take medicine. I have a set of actions here specifically for this. Yes, why don't I teach the academy and let them make time every day to do it in the future?"

   "It's so good, then I have to thank the lady."

   "You're welcome, I will teach my husband well when I go back, and then let him teach them?"

"It could not be better."

   Zhao Chuchu nodded, then motioned for the deputy mountain chief to sit down as well, and began to check the pulse of him and his masters.

   The deputy mountain chief and the others are not as good as young people when they are middle-aged, and basically have old problems.

   Zhao Chuchu said them one by one, convincing them.

   When it was the last master's turn, the smile on Zhao Chuchu's face disappeared again.

  The Master's heart also thumped.

   "Let's take a step to talk?" Zhao Chuchu asked.

"it is good."

  Master's heart beat faster, thinking that he had an incurable disease, and the whole person seemed to be exhausted.

   Zhao Chuchu motioned for the man to follow.

  The deputy mountain chief took them to the garden behind the academy. There is a pavilion near the back mountain. No one will come here at this time, it is very quiet.

   The deputy mountain chief and the student stopped at a place far from the pavilion.

   Xie Heng did not approach either.

   Zhao Chuchu and the master came to the pavilion, and she cut to the chase: "I wonder how many children there are in the master's family?"

  Master was stunned for a moment, then sighed: "I have never had a son and a half daughter."

   "Has the master seen the doctor?"

   "No, my wife has been taking medicine."

   "90% of the reason you don't have children is because of you."

"What did you say?"

   "The remaining 10% is that I haven't checked your daughter-in-law's pulse. I'm not sure if she is also pregnant."

   "Wait, you say it again? We don't have kids because of me?"

   "Yes, you are sterile."


  Any man who hears this sentence will not admit it.

   Doesn't this mean that he is useless?

   "Xie Niangzi, these words can't be said nonsense!" The master sank his face.

   Zhao Chuchu said in a low voice, "If you are so taboo and avoid doctors, even if you put your wife in a medicine jar, or re-marry another one, you won't have children of your own! If they are pregnant, you have to be careful if you like being a father!"

  Master stood up: "You don't have to talk nonsense here."

   "I'm just making an analogy. If the Master doesn't want to be a father, that's also the Master's choice. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone else about this except you and me. This is the most basic morality of a doctor."

  Master saw that Zhao Chuchu was so serious, and remembered that his wife was taking medicine every day but her stomach didn't move, and that Zhao Chuchu had the name of a genius doctor, he was a little shaken.

"Master can go back and think about it, or find a reliable doctor to check the pulse again. Your student is still waiting, he is really sick." Zhao Chuchu said, "I have to give him a careful examination as soon as possible. Check it out to make sure, it’s better to prescribe the right medicine.”

The master wanted to say something, but when he heard that his student was ill, and Zhao Chuchu's statement obviously meant that he was very ill, he couldn't be in a hurry if he had children, but his students might just wait. Help.

   "I'll go back and think about it first, and I hope Madam Xie keeps it a secret."


  Master got up and left the pavilion.

   The deputy head of the mountain motioned for the students to go over.

   When he arrived at the pavilion, his whole body was tense.

   "Relax, don't be so nervous, stretch out your hand, and I'll give you another pulse." Zhao Chuchu was just doing it for others to see, she had already determined what was wrong with the man.

   She pointed to his upper abdomen: "Is there often burning pain here? Sometimes not only will it not relieve after eating, but it will worsen?"

   "Yes!" He said in surprise, "How do you know?"

   "Irregularly nauseated, without appetite, black stools, and especially weak?"

   "Yes, Mrs. Xie, am I seriously ill?"

   "How long have you been like this?"

"one Year."

   "Have you been so patient?"

  Zhong Peifeng lowered his head: "I'm still young, I'll be over after a while."

   Zhao Chuchu wanted to say that it was impossible to endure it.

   But the medical level of this era, stomach cancer is waiting to die.

   Seeing the doctor doesn't help at all.

   "What's your name?" Zhao Chuchu asked, she actually knew that his name was Zhong Peifeng, and he had a good relationship with Xie Heng.

   "Zhong Peifeng."

   "Master Zhong, your illness is already very serious. If you drag it on, your parents will only be able to send the white-haired person to the black-haired person."

   Zhao Chuchu said it bluntly.

   "Do you sometimes vomit and still have blood?"

   "Yes, Mrs. Xie, what's wrong with me?"

   "Your stomach is bad."

   "Am I dying?"

  Zhong Peifeng's face turned pale and trembled slightly.

   "No, you can't die with me here. Other doctors may be helpless, but I can."


   "Why are you lying to me? I often hear Xiang Gong mention you at home. You should have a good relationship with my Xiang Gong, right?"

   "Well, Zi Zhao often points me, he is my good friend."

   "But if you want to heal, you should stop reading for the time being."

   "Don't read?"

"Continue after you are cured, otherwise I am afraid that you will ignore your health in order to study and take medicine for nothing. Life is just like this, the imperial examination is once every three years, and if you miss this subject, there will be another subject, but life is real when it is gone. Gone."

   "Miss Xie, I'm so sick, can I really be cured?"

   "Do you doubt my medical skills? You shouldn't let others know about your illnesses, right?"

  Zhong Peifeng raised his eyes to look at Zhao Chuchu, a little in disbelief.

   How did she know?

   "It takes time to cure your disease. It's not like a cold or a cold. You can get over it after taking the medicine. If you delay it, it will kill you."

   "But my family has done everything for me to study, and I can't afford the consultation fee. Forget it, life and death are a matter of life, as long as you live."

  Zhong Peifeng also wanted to live, but the reality made him have no choice but to give up.

   In addition to reading, he can't really dig out the house.

   Zhao Chuchu couldn't say anything harsh on him.

  Before the end of the world, she often saw people in the hospital who chose to give up treatment because of the shortfall of 10,000 or 20,000.

   It’s not that they don’t want to live, but that they have already borrowed everything they can, and it’s almost impossible to borrow…

   So health is the greatest wealth, this sentence is true at any time.

   "Don't you want to live?"

"I think, I think more than anyone else, but I don't want to see my parents give everything for me. Thank you madam, they are already living very hard, so don't let them suffer and torture any more. If there is an afterlife , I can only respect them well until then."

   Zhao Chuchu saw that this was Zhong Peifeng's sincere words.

   He didn't ask her to save him first, and give him money later.

  The people who can communicate with Xie Heng are of decent character.

   "I can save you. As for the consultation fee, you can wait for you to pay me back slowly. You can be my friend to help you!"

   Zhao Chuchu took the initiative to speak, making Zhong Peifeng stunned.

"How can I trouble you?" Zhong Peifeng murmured, Yu Linjiang said about her in that way, she refused to nod and promised to save Yu Linjiang, but now she said something like this to him, "Miss Xie, it is possible that I will spend my whole life. If you can't afford it, neither you nor Zi Zhao owe me, I'm already very happy to have this heart."

   (end of this chapter)

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