MTL - Soaring the Heavens-Chapter 2218 Civil strife

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Several dragons dragging the chain quickly rushed into the dragon and phoenix cluster to meet.

The dragons and phoenixes in the cluster suddenly rioted. In this camp, the strokes were raging like a cloud, and the dragons and phoenix spewed water and spit, causing chaos.

Unprepared, the Qing and the Buddha’s Ma Cang promoted the counterattack. The sword and the sword slashed on the solid scales of the dragon and appeared on Mars, leaving a deep mark, but it was difficult to break. The dragon’s powerful defense ability was amazing.

The squadron of the Chinese army sitting in the town saw the dragon and phoenix of the other camp actually anti-water, and could not help but feel the spirit, and knew that Miao Yi gave him another support.

Look up and look at the black dragon and the two colored phoenixes hovering above. Yan Xiao’s heart is secretly sighed. It really has the emperor’s phase, and even the dragon and phoenix can also drive.

Seeing that Longfeng was in the center of his own army, he was inconvenient in his own camp. He was attacked by a cluster of broken arrows and arrows. The green master who had escaped from the dragon’s tail was gloomy, and he grasped it with a big sword. In the hands, the sword is a big domineering, rare alien sword, it is no wonder that the Jiuding sword can be given to Wang Dingchao, because there is a sharper alternative.

When the sword reached the hand, the green master suddenly came out, and the dragon that had collided with him was slammed into the head of the dragon head. The dragon was drawn from the tail, and the young master swung the sword and phantom. When the dragon tail was cut off, and the sword was slammed down, a sword was born and a huge dragon head was smashed down.

The solid defense of the dragon's invulnerability could not stop the attack of the young master's sword, and the blood and rain that smashed out.

The green master with a sword succeeded, and the sword was smashed again. A **** rain burst, "Hey!" A dragon screamed and screamed on the spot.

The Lord of the Buddha also did not give up, a huge knives with dark and cold light in hand, the body shape flashed, and the dragon and the phoenix.

Qing and Buddhism personally tried to calm the internal chaos by forcing personal force in the first time.

The Wuqu, carrying a large knives and knives, stretched his face and commanded the army under the guard of the Chinese army.

The hovering black dragon and the two colored phoenixes both turned into a human figure and returned to the side of Yan Xiao. The black charcoal cast a roar: "Shangguanqing, at this time, do not move, when will it be?"

Shangguanqing? Yan Xiao suddenly looked back at the black charcoal. Is it the person who is the official of the Tiangong Grand Master?

This scorpion even Yan Xiao has pinched the cold sweat for the Qing master, and even caused the whole Qing, the Buddha and the Ma Jun to be confused, and even the attack rhythm is somewhat disordered.

Qing, Buddhism, Sima Wentian and Wu Qu and so on were almost the first time to look back at Guan Qing.

What do you mean? Shangguan Qing himself is a bit embarrassed.

However, he is useless. The key is that the people under his command are not jealous. The hundreds of defenders who guarded the Chinese army suddenly burst into a blistering red knife. They collectively rushed to the martial arts in the command center guards. The violent knife broke out and broke everything. The momentum destroys the central defense and takes Wuqu directly.

Shangguanqing was really scared. He almost didn't jump out. He hadn't reacted to what was going on. He had seen a flash of people flashing, and he was screaming at the sword. It was the green lord who was angry at the extreme.

The speed of the Green Lord is too fast. Shangguan Qinglian has no chance to explain it. He hasn’t even reacted to how to explain it.

"Counter thief!" Green Lord's roar with incomparable grief, did not expect that the confession that has always been with him is actually a traitor, the anger in my heart can be imagined, a series of chaos inside the Heavenly Palace does not know whether this traitor played How big is it.

His anger and sword can be described as a full blow.

when! Shangguanqing’s sword was smashed and broken. It’s really that the sword of the Green Lord is too sharp. The whole man has been smashed into two halves by the inexhaustible sword, from the left shoulder to the waist rib. In the blood that burst open, the two officials, who were divided into two sections, had big eyes and were terrified and unbelievable.

The command center that suffered the attack of the shadow guards was in chaos. Even Wuqu could not stop the collective attacks of so many shadow guards, and retreated after a large number of soldiers were desperately resisting the guards.

The Lord Buddha has rushed over to kill the attacking defenders.

The anger of Qing’s heart is hard to say. He is almost certain now that the news of the break of the army and the wish to leave is that Shangguan Qing leaked to Miao Yi, and the sword screamed, and the body of Shangguanqing was cut and messed up. I hate my heart.

This scene made Sima ask the sky to look at the back of the chill, and the Shangguanqing, who has been a cow for so many years, is actually this kind of end. Is Gao Guan really persecuted?

The scene of the chaos inside the Tianting people, the situation of the Qing dynasty roaring Shangguanqing, made Yan Xiao a bit stunned, even he was unbelievable, the green Lord’s side was so badly like this? No wonder the cows have the morality to challenge!

"Hey!" Black charcoal and two mysterious women screamed again.

The shadow guards who failed to succeed in the raid quickly moved collectively, and under the cover of the rushing dragons and phoenixes, they broke through the blockade of the army and slammed into the depths of the stars.

It is really the dragon's collision power is too fierce, the internal is difficult to resist, can only let the other side rushed out, the rushing shot of the Meteor Arrow did not play much role, failed to pose much threat to the shadow guard and the dragon and phoenix escape.

When the young master slashed his sword, he ordered the army to chase after him, but he was caught by the Buddha and warned that he could not be impulsive. The main purpose now is not to pursue these rebellions, but to break through the blockade and go to the ambassador. It is impossible to let Niu Youde’s traitors succeed. It is by no means a wise move to disperse troops.

Yan Xiao once again turned his head to look around, only to see two guardian mysterious women open their arms to embrace the starry sky, the storage bracelet on the jade-like wrist constantly emerged with a bright ice flame, the ice flame dragon rose to the sky, The rushing into the starry sky disperses into an phoenix phoenix, and flutters its wings to the Qing and the Buddha.

"Put the arrow!"

In the Qingwu army, the meteor arrows and arrows are intercepted by the rain. However, those ice flames are not physical, but they slow down the speed of the ice flame phoenix. With the arrival of the hundred ice flame phoenix, the ice flame phoenix can be regrouped even if it is defeated.

The phoenix phoenix rushed into the Qing dynasty army, spewing a pair of ice flames, galloping in the army, burning screams and screams.

The violent attack has no effect on these non-physical ice flame phoenixes.

The turmoil in the Qingfan army is really one wave after another. It is almost endless. The green eyes are splitting, and the Buddha’s eyes are twitching.

"Usage treasure!" The Buddha suddenly snorted.

For the severe military of the interception, the fear of the fear gradually subsided, and the internal chaos of the enemy was constantly changing. The morale of the two sides was really different. Even the Qing army did not know what would happen in the back. It is impossible to prevent it!

The escaped dragon and phoenix and the shadow guards circled a circle in the sky, and under the black carbon, they returned to the side of Yan Xiao, forming a strong Chinese military guard for Yan Xiao.

At this time, the Yuluo Brake and the Guardian Rebels who fled from this time also came back and joined the squadron of Yan Xiao.

Yuluo Brass brought 200 million people to support Yan Xiao.

As for the rebellious Guards generals, there is no way to take over the more than 100 million guards who took them out to support Yan Xiao. Those Guards who were taken by these ties have controlled the use of the star bells in the storage space. I don’t know what’s going on outside. I really want to understand what happened and I won’t support it.

However, these rebellious Guards generals have collected more than 100 million pieces of the ruins of the Guards.

There are also the rebellious generals who are also reluctant to use the more than 100 million soldiers who have taken them away, but they have also collected more than 100 million broken bows.

Originally, the squadrons did not have a broken bow, but the Buddha hoarded a lot of hands. Before the war, they were sent to the hands of the following people. If the war is over, they will be handed over to the recycling, the situation and the heavens in the bliss. Here you have to control the situation in large areas.

The Qing and Buddha rebels sent almost 300 million pieces of broken bows to Yan Xiao, and Yan Xiao was overjoyed, and immediately ordered them to go down.

Together with the two hundred million squadrons who have all the equipments under the jade robes, Yan Xiao is really a great spirit. The forces of the enemy and the enemy have not changed, and so many more broken bows have been blocked. Yi’s confession task has greater confidence.

Miao Yi gave him 300 million pieces of broken bow support. One billion people equipped with 300 million pieces of broken bows is definitely a high ratio, plus 300 million pieces provided by the rebels, and 200 million yuan under Yuluo. Zhang, here is already equipped with 800 million broken bows, and Yan Xiao naturally has confidence.

The Qingfo army seems to have found a way to deal with the ice flame phoenix, and people continue to come up with magic weapons that can collect things, and those ice flame phoenixes are included in the magic weapon.

The attack power of the Ice Flame Phoenix is ​​actually not big. The key is that the ice flames that are constantly being used for spitting are powerful, but they are unable to resist the conquest of the magic weapon.

Seeing this, Yan Xiao immediately ordered the Xuan female to let the ice flame phoenix retreat. The ice flame phoenix should be withdrawn to its own army striker camp to block the enemy and not be wasted on the harassment that is not too big.

The loss of two or three hundred ice flames of the Phoenix lineup quickly retraced ~ ~ according to the instructions of Yan Xiao placed in the striker to prepare.

The Qingfo army launched a violent attack, and countless shielded cone dragons rushed toward the arrow rain.

In the face of such a strong offensive, there are a lot of broken bows here, but many people have never used the broken bow, and the time has not been adapted to the time of the adaptation. Skilled, often almost broken by the enemy to break the line of defense.

Fortunately, Yan Xiao had made preparations in the morning. In the face of the shield cone dragon who almost broke through the defense line, the ice flame phoenix immediately greeted the attack, carrying the ice flame into the cone dragon, and repeatedly defeated the attack with the cooperation of a large number of broken bows. The cone array that came, kept the line of defense and prevented the enemy from attacking.

Seeing this, Qing and Buddha looked at each other and nodded to each other. They each recruited 100 million people and earned them in the pocket.

I saw that the two people committed suicide and went out of battle. They all went out alone and rushed forward against the streamer arrows.

A stream of youthful cockroaches whirls and sways. A hollow body was torn, and the streamer that came in was gone.

Rao is a man with a high degree of mana, and he does not dare to resist the too large number of meteor arrow cluster attacks. When he sees the impact of the two people, he quickly flashes in the dense stream, trying to avoid the too concentrated arrows. Rain attack.

In a short while, the two men each fell into the front of the Yan Xiao attack, such as a stone hit the wall, wielding a sword to break the line of defense, where the person who killed the horse turned over, no one can stop. The two quickly swept out of the gap and released the men and women who came with them. (To be continued.) mz

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