MTL - Soaring the Heavens-Chapter 2219 Persuade

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♂ 苗 Miao Yi and his party quickly copied the road in the sky, even if it was the way to kill the area, did not stop at all, went straight to the place where Guangling Gong was located.

On the way, Miao Yi repeatedly urged Qingyue to be fast and fast. Although she gave strong support to Yan Xiao, she could not block the 2 billion army of Qingfo. It was enough to support Yan, and how long he could support him.

But after all, it is a billion people, coupled with the support of Yuluo, and so many people should be able to withstand a period of time?

The man who returned to repair the side also received a message from Miao Yi, urging them to come at full speed, hoping to have time to support Yan Xiao.

When the battle outside the Bafang Temple was over, there was no way to report the war situation, but the enemy was annihilated, but the enemy also lost nearly half of the horse, and the 300 million army only won 150 million. Miao Yi also urged him to lead the team back as soon as possible to support Yan Xiao!

All the way to anxiety, finally waited for the report of Qingyue and Yang Zhaoqing, has arrived at the scheduled location, ready to attack the Guangling male horse.

At this time, I received a report from the Black Charcoal, and learned that Shangguanqing had been killed by the Green Lord. Miao Yi’s spirit was alive and he had a little more confidence in advancing the next step. He immediately contacted Luo Wei: Luo Shuai, The Qingfo army has been intercepted by our ministry, and it is temporarily unable to support Guanglingong. The six billion troops of our department have already reached the position of Guanglingong!

I heard that the Qingfo people were intercepted, and Luo’s spirit was invigorated: it should be done later, but it should be done outside, and the public should be suspicious of me!

Miao Yi: It is not the best policy to attack the coercion by force. The time spent on procrastination is too long. I can't stop the time when the Qingfo can intercept. Wulu Marshal Huang Hao, Wu Lun Marshal Gu Yucheng, the king wants to give them a chance, are you sure?

Luo Wei: Do you want to attack them?

Miao Yi: I don't want to, but try my best!

Luo Wei slightly silently said: I am afraid that there is no chance. Guangling Gong is suspicious of me. He has already recruited Huang Hao and Lonely City, and has been controlled by Guangling.

Miao Yi: If you control it, you may not be able to do it. They can also exert pressure on Guanglinggong in the vicinity of Guanglingong. At this point, even if they are determined to make public and die, they will not be willing to bury them for the public. It’s not enough to see the external pressure. I need your cooperation. If it’s not working, it’s not too late to move the army!

Luo Wei is slightly silent: good!

The two began to discuss the details of the forced landing.

Yang Qing, from the side, looked at the busy Miao Yi from time to time, and did not say anything. He kept watching silently.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to talk, but the battlefield has reached this point. The two armies have all pulled out. The final decision is still on the battlefield. The mobilization command and the ability to respond on the battlefield are stronger and better. Decisive power.

If you don’t say anything else, for example, if you use a billion people to block the Qingfo army, he can’t do it. There is no chance of winning. But Miao Yi has made this decision decisively. He wants to stop it. I still want to keep silent. The reason for giving up the block is also very simple. If you do not send someone to block the Qing Buddha army, the Qing Buddha will inevitably merge with the Guanglingong. The stalemate situation will be long-term. He has no better solution and has not solved it. How does the light know what to block? What is the truth?

Miao Yi obviously saw this, and decided to sacrifice one billion people!

He also wants to watch and watch. The battle has reached this point of glue. If there is a possibility that you can lose all the way, you want to see how Miao Yi step by step to reverse the situation...

Standing in the foothills of the Guanglinggong, there was a haze in the dignity. He found himself on the Luoluo. Luo Yan said that he was going to be a hostage. He was late, and he estimated that he had completed the deployment of his Majesty. .

When he reacted, he found that it was already late, attacking Luo Wei? Luo Yan holds almost one-third of the strength of the Western Army, and the consequences of the attack are heavy. Give up Lost and escape? I am afraid that Luo Wei will not let him go smoothly now. As long as he moves, Luo Yi will have to send troops to drag him. [Love ↑ △ Xiaoxiao said △ network wqu]

The reason why he is here to unite with the Qingfo Army is because he knows that he has been pegged by Niu Dede and can't run. He wants to drag on to the Qingfo army to participate in the decisive battle against Niu Youde. He is looking for opportunities in the war. Detach, let the Qingfo army help themselves entangle the cattle and virtue.

However, Luo Wei is doing this now, and his hopes are completely shattered.

Gou went to the side and reported: "Wang Ye, the Detective, the Qing dynasty army encountered a positive block of the cattle and the Germans on the way!"

"Positive blocking?" Guangling was somewhat unbelievable. He had a glimmer of hope in his eyes and asked: "They have already launched a positive decisive battle?" If this is the case, the Qingfo army has already dragged Niu Youde for him. He can take the opportunity to get out or wait for the opportunity to be cheap.

Hook more and shook his head: "According to the visual inspection of the probe, Niu Youde dispatched almost one billion people to block!"

A billion people will dare to block the elite of the Green Buddha? Guangling’s expression of sighs and sighs: “The madman of Niu Youde, this is to pay attention to the king at all costs!”

Not far from the mountainside, the Wulu Marshal Huang Hao and the Wulu Marshal Gu Yucheng under the Guangling Gong’s 'Guardian' also found that the situation was wrong and found that they seemed to be controlled in disguise, but they did not see Luo Yi with them. .

The starry sky is vast and boundless, and the land where the two are located is desolate. It seems that it is very boring.

At this moment, the two received the Miao Yi’s star bell communication, giving the two people almost the same meaning, let the two people trust him, promised to seal the king, and told Luo Wei that he had returned to him, and Guangling was running. No, I only said that there are not many opportunities for the two to consider, so that the two can make a decision early.

"Niu Youde?" Huang Hao, who first received the communication, asked the sound of the lonely jade city that quietly put down the star bell.

Lonely city dagger, the two looked at each other, seeming to find their own control, and Luo Wei is not among them, the people Luo Yi this is the self-respect of the soldiers have not listened to the lord.

The two naturally won't be told by Miao Yi what is what, definitely be sure to find Luo Wei confirmed.

The two were also not good at the same time, and they exchanged slightly. Huang Hao was contacted by Luo Hao.

At the moment, there is no need to go around the bend. Huang Hao directly asks: Luo brother, have you invested in Niu Youde?

Luo Wei: I don't want to, can I always give my brothers a way to live? The Qingfo army has been stopped by the cattle and the Germans. We have already been surrounded by Niu Youde’s people. We can launch the attack at any time. Now there is no attack because Niu Youde still wants to persuade the prince to be easy and green. The final battle of the Buddha. In fact, we all know that with the unification of the three armies of the East, South and North, the pattern of checks and balances in the world has been shattered. It is unlikely that Wang Ye would like to hold his own weight again. What's more, now that he has been surrounded, it is impossible for Niu Youde to let The prince ran away. Wang Ye refused to drop is his arrogance, he can do Yan Defang, you can also do lingzhi, but what about us? I have already made a decision. I will look at the two. Now I have a good deed to the cow. It is another matter to defeat and surrender. The end and the treatment are also another matter. There is something to remind the emperor, Gao Guan and Shang Guanqing have betrayed the green master. Even Yuluo Zao also took people to betray the Buddha. If you really want to start a war, the emperor is afraid that there are many people who want to turn their backs... ...

At this time, Guang Linggong also received a message from Miao Yi.

Miao Yi opened the door: Wang Ye, I have long admired the beauty of the woman, and hope that the prince can complete!

Guang Linggong naturally knows what he meant by this. At this point, the beauty is a shit. The implication is that he wants to be his own person. What does it mean to be a person? There is no other meaning besides letting him join in to deal with the Qingfo people.

People don't say that the word 'surrender' just doesn't want to irritate him. It really has to fall into the hands of others, not to mention a daughter. At that time, people will take it for granted, and everything is for others.

Guang Linggong sneered, replying on his hand: It is good to say that the king had already given the heart of Meier, and Wang Ye knew it in the Governor’s House of the Nether. As long as the cow king did not stare at the king, he raised his hand and placed the king and returned. The king immediately sent the Meier to the prince and offered a thick dowry!

Up to now, he still called Miao Yi as the prince, Miao Yi said that he did not accept the emperor.

A Guangmeier wants Miao Yi to give up the opportunity to annex the Western Army. This is a joke for Miao Yi, let alone a Guangmeier, ten hundred thousand tens of thousands of Guangmei children gave him Miao Yi, He will not promise, with the world still afraid to find a woman who can look beautiful and beautiful?

At this point, if Miao Yi really dared to give up a warplane for a woman, he couldn't explain to the soldiers who were killed by the **** blood. Yi's words turned: the Qingfo army has been stopped by the shackles, broken The army is dead, the high-ranked defection, the defeat of Shangguanqing was defeated by the Qingzhu, the defect of the defender has been turned into a beggar, the rebellion of the two dragons and the phoenix has been invested, and the garrison of the Guards has been turned into a squad, and a large number of people in the Buddhism have been rebellious. Hey, Yuluosha has hundreds of millions of people to rely on, and the group has already voted for it. The Xiahou family is also in the control of the shackles. Luo Wei has also invested in 朕, and the 朕 army has surrounded the lord!

A series of people and forces reported it, and the wide-ranging public hearings stunned and gnawed back: How then, want to scare the king?

Miao Yi: The White Lord has left the town demon tower, and the Purgatory Army has also been out of trouble. It is bound to find Qing and the Buddha to settle accounts. The two are already dead ends, and the number of gas is exhausted, but they are recalcitrant!朕 朕 嬴 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九Even if you let go of the prince now, let go of the Qingfo two, Wang Ye feels that there is no support, can you live safely? As long as you are not happy, this world will inevitably be in turmoil for a long time. If today's general trend is underway, only you can sweep away the chaos, so that Haoyu will be peaceful and peaceful. Except for you, there is no second person in the world who has this ability! Why do you need to worry more about where the king goes? Give Wang Ye a fragrant consideration of time, after a scent, Wang Ye’s attitude determines whether the army of the squad wants to attack! (To be continued.) Mobile users please browse and read, a better reading experience.

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