MTL - Soaring the Heavens-Chapter 2217 Strong support

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The stars are vast, and the teachers and apprentices are whispered.

A figure flashed on the platform of the Longyan Station, which is the jade.

Yuluo Brass does not have the compassionate attitude of the Mirror Buddha. It is always a glamorous appearance. It refers to Pu Lan. "It is a bit of a matter to find your disciple and ask for it."

The mirror flower Buddha did not refuse, but only looked back at Pu Lan, and looked at Pu Lan’s own attitude.

Pu Lanhe went up, but saw Yuluo brakes drifting away, she had to fly with it.

Jinghua Buddha waited, waiting for the disciples to come back and ask what was the situation, but did not wait until the disciples came back, looking at the starry sky in front of the eyes instead condensed, and suddenly there appeared a large group of people in front of them, rushing to face.

The two groups of dragons and scorpions immediately expanded into a large group of horse guards, and the striker quickly prepared for the enemy.

The two men of Qing and Buddhism quickly came out and looked at the platform. They saw that there were one billion people in the enemy and that the coach in the enemy army was Yan Xiao.

I didn’t see any other people around the world. The Buddha said: “There is no need to hide people from the front of us. This is to stop the delay of the cattle. It’s a matter of iron and heart.”

Green Lord Shen Sheng ordered, "kill!"

The strikers of both sides directly started to play, the streamer was raining, and the two-way shot.

However, there was a sudden riot in the Qing and Buddha sides. Someone shouted: "Run!"

Qing and Buddha also found that the number of people on their side is a bit wrong. According to the direction of the noisy crowd, they probably saw some clues. The people on their own side did not all come out. There are dozens of Guards generals who have not Unexpectedly, the people quickly broke into the starry sky from both sides. The troubled side did not know what happened. When the reaction came to be a defect, it immediately caused a riot.

Not only the Guards, the situation in the Buddha world seems to be even worse. A group of Buddhist disciples not only did not release their squatters, but quickly rushed away, the key is that one of them is quite high.

The always-satisfied Buddha’s mouth smacked and smacked, and the eyes were staring at one of the backs of the crowd, Yuluo? The jade face Buddha that you have left behind?

He couldn't believe his eyes. Even the Lord Buddha had a whisper in his eyes. "Hey!"

Yuluoshu did run, not only ran, but also ran with his own group of accompanying disciples, and caught a man with an anxious but unable to move, Pu Lan!

Yuluo brakes are also somewhat inexplicable. Miao Yi suddenly contacted her and asked her to take Pula away when she got out of her body. At least she tried to give Pran a break and not let Pulan get involved in this fight.

The meaning of Yuluo Brake is that if it is not important, then forget it. At this time, it is really not suitable for extra-budgeting, which is easy to accident.

The implication is to ask Miao Yi what it is to do with this, and it is not worthwhile to take risks at this time.

However, Miao Yi seems to have taken the wrong medicine. She is very stubborn. If she does not explain it, she will say that she will save. There seems to be some anger in her words.

Later, I also realized that it was a matter of letting Yuluoshu take risks, and replied to her, saying that she had saved Pulan in her early years. It is not necessary to kill her now and leave her regrets. Let Yuluo see the situation, if it is Even if there is risk.

In the exchange, Yuluo brakes that Miao Yi is somewhat abnormal. For those who do not leave regrets, they will risk saving a person who does not have much to deal with. What kind of joke? When is this? It is impossible to accidentally appear. An accident will kill many more people. She would like to ask Miao Yi who has died in this war and how many people who are about to die in this battle are the people you know. Not to save?

However, I did not argue with Miao Yi. I only said that I tried it. The result was quite smooth. I took Pu Lan with me.

Yu Luozha looked back and looked back. Not only did his disciples follow, but many familiar or unfamiliar Buddhist disciples also ran to this side. At first they thought they had exposed themselves to killing themselves. The result was found to be wrong, but also escaped.

This made her secretly scared, and Niu Youde’s infiltration of Buddhism was so powerful? These runners are not a nameless generation, just by knowing her.

The number of people she took away was almost 200 million. I don’t know how many people these people took.

Both Qing and Buddhism are violent, and it can be said that they are watching people running but not chasing them. They don’t want to chase them. They can’t wait for these people who have fled the betrayal to be frustrated, but they dare not chase. The striker army has been strangled fiercely, and they dare not go to the two sides to chase. One is worried about the distraction of the main force, and the other is that there is a trap that will have a trap in the cow. This series of wars has not been confronted with the cow, but the cow The wrists and achievements that have been attacked by the Germans are enough to be taboo.

The fierce roar of the smashing shocked the stars.

The commander of the Chinese army, the commander of the Kushiro Marshal Yan Xiao, was very nervous. He did not expect that the person who was facing the front and the Buddha would be him.

His pressure is bigger than anyone else, Miao Yi has already told him very clearly, let him command a billion troops to drag the Qinghai 2.5 billion people.

When he first received the order, he thought that Miao Yi was joking, using a billion people to drag the Qingfu 2 billion elite army? Not to mention 2.5 billion, it is a problem for the Shangdong 500 million Guards to win! Of course, Miao Yi did not let him win, just let him try to drag on, and win the time for the Qingyue army to win the public.

At first, he almost thought that Miao Yi wanted to take the opportunity to cut him off, thinking it was cleaning. After all, he was the old department of Yan Defang. However, I thought it was a little thought. It was because Miao Yi trusted him that he gave him such a daunting task. His battle may be related to the victory and defeat of the entire battle. He is simply taking him for a gamble. How can Yi take such a big deal to clean him.

After trying to understand this, he is not for himself, but for Miao Yi to pinch the cold sweat, really dare!

If this battle can reach the strategic goal set by Miao Yi, it will be a great credit, and the king cannot be overemphasized!

Although the shadow of Yan Defang is still in his heart, after all these years have passed, he has already embarked on his own path. He does not want to live up to the trust of Miao Yi, but the possibility of completing the task is not big. If you have a bad life, you have to be left here.

Although Miao Yi said that there are post-hand arrangements, he will provide all kinds of favorable and strong support to him. Who is the green and the Buddha? On the individual's bravery is the figure of the first rank of the army, and his master will be very dangerous.

His Majesty seems to have taken this into account, saying that he has sent two top players to protect him.

Yan Xiao looked at the two temperamental and extraordinary women who stood on the side of the black charcoal. He was known by the black charcoal. He knew that it was the person who was very cared for by Tian Zhiyun. As for the two women, he really didn’t know. Where is the sacred, I don’t know the origins, I have never seen it, can I block the two people of Qing and Buddhism?

However, it can be clearly seen that the black charcoal is a pair of two women.

As for the so-called other support, he still does not know what it is.

"The handsome man, there seems to be something wrong inside the enemy!" The vice-president on the side suddenly pointed to the enemy camp.

Yan Xiao looked at it, and sure enough, it seems that someone was fleeing and quickly said: "Estimate the enemy." His energy should be placed on the changes in the situation.

Immediately, several people concentrated on the exploration. After several people met and confirmed the results, they replied: "The handsome man, the enemy seems to have only two billion people."

In the heart of Yan Xiao’s heart, it seems that there are four or five hundred million people missing. Is this one of the so-called favorable support?

I think it should be like this. Under such circumstances, there will be no accidents for no reason. Such a big accident must be driven by someone behind the scenes. The person who promotes is definitely a hostile force, so it must be related to the squatting side.

The lack of so many people is certainly a way to reduce stress, but compared to the amount of enemy forces, there is also the enemy's combat power, the decompression effect is not great.

The two men who stood side by side on the dragon's scorpion and the Buddha also got a detailed number of people lost. The guards of the Guards had more than 100 million horses being taken away, and the Buddha's side was even worse. The scattered people also had a More than 100 million, Yuluo Brake has taken away more than 200 million people.

This total is added together, which is equivalent to a reduction of nearly 500 million people.

The consequences of the betrayal of Yuluochao are not limited to this. The 1.5 billion soldiers who were brewing in the heavens have not been delayed, at least the soldiers of Yuluolu must not want to count on it, but also the loss of almost 200 million people. This is not just a loss. If you add something to the other side of the other side, it will not be a good thing.

"Xiahou family!" In the mouth of the Qing dynasty, he sneaked a word, he could not think of it and could think of this matter and the Xiahou family could not get rid of it.

The Buddha who stared at the battle station said: "It must be procrastinating. The main goal of Niu Youde is in the public, and can't be dragged down!"

Qingzhu Shen Sheng said: "Don't entangle, dragon and phoenix attack, rushing in one fell swoop!"

With a command, thousands of dragons and phoenixes in the army accompanied by the dragons and phoenixes, the sound of chilling resounded, and the dragons and phoenixes circling around began to interweave and dance, and the lineup quickly formed!

A large number of guards and squadrons began to line up and prepared for the impact of the cover after the dragon and phoenix.

The squadron of the Chinese army in the middle of the town was suddenly tense, and the dragons were thick and thick. The strong defense ability of the dragons was very small. If the clusters collided, the broken bows of the group could not be blocked.

At this moment, the black charcoal on his side and the two guardian mysterious women flashed together and rushed together, instantly turning into a black dragon and two colored phoenixes. They were two extremely dazzling colored phoenixes, far more than the other camp. The color of the Feng nationality is dazzling.

The black charcoal of the flying dance roared in the sky, and the double phoenix circling and screaming, making melodious and profound.

Qing, Buddha and other people quickly stared at it. I don't know where the dragons and phoenixes come from Miao Yi, and the dragons and phoenixes of the other side seem to be different from ordinary dragons and phoenixes. For example, the colors of the two phoenixes are more beautiful and dazzling. They have never seen them.

In the other party's camp, the dragons and phoenixes appeared in the moment, and the dragons and phoenixes gathered here suddenly changed dramatically. It seemed to collectively echo the roaring and screaming of the dragons and phoenixes in the other camp.

Hey! The dragon that towed the dragon's dragon suddenly pulled out of the tail, and the two dragons were given to the powdered body.

The people on the dragon's plaque, including the youth of Qing and Buddhism, screamed away and shook away from the dragons that turned into pieces. (To be continued.)

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