MTL - Resurrection of Terror: My Eight Magical Skills Will Be Automatically Cultivated-Chapter 245

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Hearing the movement outside, Yamaoka Taro looked back.

When he found out that the person who came was the maid who delivered the meal, he immediately retracted his gaze and continued to complain.

"This Ye Hao is really such a jerk, I'm going to be **** to death by him!"

The heavy makeup woman smiled and replied, "Boss, why are you so angry? That guy Ye Hao's death is coming soon!"

"Hey!\" Yamaoka Taro said angrily: "I hope that fellow Howard can kill Ye Hao, in this case, this war is over!"

\"That's a must!\" The heavy makeup woman said with a sneer, \"That boy Ye Hao is the grasshopper of the autumn queen, and it won't take a few days to jump on his toes!\"

"Maybe early tomorrow morning, his head will be hung on the top of the abyss, and it will become a big joke!"

Yamaoka Taro sighed: \"I hope so~, I??..."

"Sir, let's say a few words less!"

Yamaoka Taro wanted to continue talking, but the woman with heavy makeup gave him a look for the first time, signaling him to stop talking!

The heavy makeup woman means that there is a little maid standing next to us. The assassination of Ye Hao is the biggest secret of the Bright Alliance. How can such a big thing be heard casually by a maid?

If this maid's mouth is not reliable and the secret is leaked, it will lead to the success of Hollaide's assassination plan!

"Hahaha!" Yamaoka Taro laughed loudly: "I think this girl is very beautiful, let her stay in the tent with me tonight!"

"She can only stay on my bed tonight and can't go anywhere, how can she leak the secret?"

When Yamaoka Taro said this, the coquettish woman suddenly came to a realization.

On the other hand, Fu Xiaoqing, who was very cooperative, pulled his head down and said nothing.

The coquettish woman waved her hand and said, "Stinky girl, what are you still doing, why don't you come over quickly?"

"It's your blessing that the president sees you!"

"Today evening, you will stay in the account of the president, and take advantage of this opportunity, and you will be able to ascend to the sky in one step!"

"Yeah!\"Fu Xiaoqing just nodded in response, and didn't say much.

Although she is in a state of disguise now, not only her appearance has undergone great changes, even her voice has undergone great changes, but there are some essential things that can never be changed. If you talk too much, an accident will still be noticed by Yamaoka Taro.

"Since the president has important things to do, then I won't disturb the president!"

The coquettish woman was very sensible and arranged for Fu Xiaoqing to serve Yamaoka Taro, and she left the tent as soon as possible.

After the coquettish woman left the tent, Fu Xiaoqing had the "courage" to look around inside the tent.

Under normal circumstances, Yamaoka Taro carries the golden dagger with him, but today Yamaoka Taro was seriously injured, so he did not carry the golden dagger with him today, but placed it not far from the bedside. on the desktop.

When seeing this dagger, a faint light finally flashed across Fu Xiaoqing's eyes!

This dagger will become an excellent weapon for Fu Xiaoqing to kill Yamaoka Taro!

"Yeah!\" Yamaoka Taro glanced at Fu Xiaoqing and exclaimed, "Little girl, come and accompany me for a drink!\"

Fu Xiaoqing nodded and ran over to pour Yamaoka Taro a glass of wine.

In the process of pouring the wine, Fu Xiaoqing secretly squeezed a tear out of his eyes and dropped it into the wine glass.

This tear is not an ordinary tear, but Fu Xiaoqing's nirvana: green snake and the like!

As a snake spirit, Fu Xiaoqing's best attack method is poisonous attack!

All parts of her body can release toxins, which can kill people invisibly.

Yamaoka Taro was in a relatively sluggish state at this time, and with his most elite shadow ninja guards patrolling outside the tent, he was absolutely assured of his own safety and did not pay attention to the female soldier in the tent at all.

Fu Xiaoqing carefully handed over the wine glass, and Yamaoka Taro didn't forget to grab Fu Xiaoqing's hand while taking the wine glass.

"Ah!\" Fu Xiaoqing suddenly exclaimed, and with a flushed face, she retracted her hand.

"Hahaha!\" Yamaoka Taro burst out laughing, took the glass and drank it.

0??For flowers...

\"Little beautiful daughter, let's go to bed and have a good talk!\"

After drinking the drink, Yamaoka Taro grabbed Fu Xiaoqing's wrist and went to the bed.

At this time, Fu Xiaoqing suddenly exerted force to shake off Yamaoka Taro's pull.

"Hahaha!\" Yamaoka Taro laughed instead of being angry, \"I didn't expect you to be quite a strong girl, I just like a hot beauty like you, but I wouldn't be interested if you were soft!\ "

When Yamaoka Taro wanted to continue to tease Fu Xiaoqing, he suddenly felt a chill in his body.

"Ah, you??... What the **** did you just give me a drink, you??..."

Before Yamaoka Taro finished speaking, Fu Xiaoqing stabbed him in the heart with a direct backhand.

"You bitch..."

Yamaoka Taro still wanted to fight back, but he had no chance at all. He was in a state of serious injury and unhealed, and now he was poisoned by Fu Xiaoqing, his body was cold and stiff, and it was very difficult to move his fingers.

Fu Xiaoqing stabbed Yamaoka Taro in the heart, and Yamaoka Taro suddenly opened his mouth and spit out a ball of black saliva at Fu Xiaoqing.

"Pi Liu...\" Fu Xiaoqing hurriedly turned over to avoid, but moved a little slower, and still burned his arm by the venom.

A knife pierced Yamaoka Taro's heart, and Yamaoka Taro's body was like a deflated ball, and he lay upright on the ground.

In the abyss of ghost energy, there are two shadows sneaking in the darkness at the moment.

It's Vampire King Howard and her vampire princess Ruanna, who are also on a secret assassination mission.

In the daytime today, Ye Hao and the five big bosses fought fiercely for a whole day without being able to decide the winner. Finally, the vanguard of the Bright Coalition Army was defeated, causing the five giants to finally return to Sun Yu!

In the day-long fierce confrontation, Yamaoka Taro, one of the five giants, was seriously injured, and several others were more or less traumatized. Similarly, Ye Hao himself was not immune and suffered certain injuries. Ye Hao can think of sending someone to assassinate Yamaoka Taro, Yamaoka Taro and the others, of course, can also think of this kind of trick. Ding.

Chapter 357: It's Just a Clown Jumping A Beam

The best person to carry out the assassination mission is undoubtedly Hollaide!

It's not how clever Howard's assassination method is, but because Howard's identity is rather special.

Hollaide's vampire identity also belongs to the creatures of the dark world, which is almost the same as the life forms in the abyss of ghosts.

Naturally, when Howard entered the abyss of ghosts, he would not be aware of the zombie evil spirits.

If you let other people come over, it is almost impossible to secretly sneak into the abyss of ghosts.

It should be known that although ordinary zombies have no vision, their sense of smell and hearing are ten times more than that of humans.

These guys are much more powerful than police dogs, and no one can hide in front of them.

Only Hollaide can do it. Although he has a human form, he doesn't have any of the popular "June 43" in him.

Even if the zombie guards smell their breath, there will be no reaction, because they are essentially "the same kind".

Using his identity as a cover, Howard easily came to the abyss of ghosts.

Regarding the topographical structure inside the Ghost Qi Abyss, Hollaide also collected certain information before coming here. He has a high-precision map in his hand, and it is not difficult to find Ye Hao's residence.

With the help of the map's instructions, Howard came to Ye Hao's residence at around eleven o'clock in the evening.

At this time, Ye Hao had already fallen asleep, the door was closed and a group of zombies stood guard at the door.

Lu Anna said in a low voice, "Your Majesty, with Ye Hao's strength, it might be difficult for us to approach him quietly?"

"Indeed!" Howard replied, "Ye Hao's strength is much stronger than ours!"

"We can't beat him together during the day, and it's impossible to approach him quietly!"

If it was during the day, Hollaide and the others might be able to approach the target after disguising their identities like Fu Xiaoqing, and then execute the assassination.

But it was night, and there was no better way than to sneak in.

"Then what should I do?" Luanna asked.

Hollaide thought for a moment before responding: "It's completely impossible to approach Ye Hao quietly!"

"We still find a place to hibernate and wait until Ye Hao walks out of the room by himself!"

When the strength of the cultivation base reaches a certain level, people's senses will become extremely sharp.

Even if Ye Hao is in a sound sleep state, as long as there is a little abnormal movement within 50 meters around him, it will definitely be hidden from Ye Hao's eyes.

Fu Xiaoqing was able to approach Yamaoka Taro mainly by taking advantage of the opportunity to deliver meals. When Fu Xiaoqing entered the tent, Yamaoka Taro had already discovered her, just because he disguised well and did not arouse Yamaoka Taro's alertness.

If it was in the dead of night, Fu Xiaoqing wouldn't be able to lurk around Yamaoka Taro.

Yamaoka Taro also considered this issue, and he started the assassination operation earlier than Fu Xiaoqing.

But due to the complicated terrain in the ghost abyss, it took them too much time.

There is no point in talking so much nonsense now, time has been delayed, and emergency plans must be adopted.

After Hollaide and Lu Anna had settled down, they took Lu Anna away from Ye Hao's residence as soon as possible, intending to find a remote place to hibernate.

But at this moment, the door of Ye Hao's room suddenly opened, and Ye Hao himself came out from the door.

"Respected Vampire King, since you have already come, why do you rush to leave?"

"Let's have a good chat, I have a lot to say to you?"

"Not good!" Hollaide's heart sank suddenly, and he was completely frozen in an instant, unable to move on the spot.

"Run, my lord!" Luanna grabbed Hollaide's arm and ran desperately.

Unfortunately, before she could take a few steps, she was surrounded by a large group of people coming from behind.

Ma Yuzhen brought a large group of people and had already been ambushed around them. At this time, the escape route for the Huo Lai De and his wife had been completely cut off by her, and the two of them could not escape.

Ye Hao stepped forward and said with a smile: "King Hollaide, what are you doing in such a hurry?"

"I still have a big gift for you, look at this!"

After speaking, Ye Hao threw a bulging bag in front of Howard.

After the bag fell to the ground, the mouth of the bag fell apart, and a big **** head rolled out from the inside..

"Ah!\" Seeing this situation, Lu Anna's frightened face turned pale, "This is.... Yamaoka Taro, he.... he...."

Fu Xiaoqing said in a loud voice, "That arrogant fellow Yamaoka Taro has already been killed by us!"

"Now there is only one choice left for you, and that is to submit to us!"

"Otherwise, your fate will be 10,000 times more miserable than Yamaoka Taro!"

Not to be outdone, Lu Anna replied, "Fu Xiaoqing, you are a little too arrogant. Although you are a lot of people, but our husband and wife are going to leave, you can't stop us!"

"Then you can try it and see if you can get away!"

At this time, Howard finally spoke: "Sister Xiaoqing, why do you do this? Before, you were the leader of the Green Snake Alliance, and you were considered the top figure in the world!" "At that time, you were the leader of the Green Snake Alliance. What kind of scenery is it?"

"Now you can only condescend to be a little girl beside Ye Hao, even I feel wronged for you!"

"The Heart of the World is a good thing, it is now under the control of Ye Hao, and it has nothing to do with you at all!"

"But if we join forces to kill Ye Hao, each of us will have a share in the heart of the world, why not do it?"

"The strength comparison between our two sides is very delicate now. If you three sisters, the Green Snakes, join our Bright Alliance, Ye Hao will surely die!"

According to Hollaide's estimation, he said that these 1.2-remarks will definitely make Ye Hao feel abhorrence!

Ye Hao will definitely not give him a chance to finish his words.

Unexpectedly, until he finished speaking, Ye Hao also stood still.

It was as if the provocative remarks he just said were a pair of useless deaf ears to Ye Hao.

What embarrassed Howard most was that not only did Ye Hao ignore his provocative words, but also Fu Xiaoqing himself didn't say a word.

Xiao Lan was the first to break the awkward atmosphere: \"Ho Laide, you stupid pig, we gave you a chance. Since you don't understand and cherish it yourself, we just happened to send you on your way today! After Xiao Lan said a word, The three Green Snake sisters immediately rushed out of the queue and flanked the Howard couple from different directions.

Chapter 358: Being Broken and Compromised

Seeing this scene, Howard collapsed on the spot!

He just wanted to provoke the relationship between Ye Hao and the three sisters of Qingshe, but now it seems that she herself has become the biggest joke.

It took Ye Hao a few days to subdue the three Green Snake sisters, and they have gained such a high degree of loyalty. Fu Xiaoqing and the three sisters are all famous tigresses around the world.

Read The Duke's Passion