MTL - Resurrection of Terror: My Eight Magical Skills Will Be Automatically Cultivated-Chapter 246

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Howard couldn't imagine how Ye Hao conquered them.

In such a short period of time, no matter how powerful Ye Hao's charisma is, it is impossible to make the three sisters of Qing Snake 100% his servants.

The only possibility that can be said in the past is that the three sisters of Qing Snake have obtained huge benefits from Ye Hao!

If they continue to follow Ye Hao in the future, they will be able to continuously gain more benefits.

Conversely, if they betrayed Ye Hao, they would definitely lose more than they gained.

In the past few days, the three sisters of Qing 02 Snake got the magic weapon demon Lingzhu from Ye Hao.

The demon spirit bead is the exclusive weapon of the demon spirit. The demon spirit can inject the demonic energy in its own body into the demon spirit bead and release a powerful attack.

With the assistance of the Demon Spirit Orb, Fu Xiaoqing and the others' fighting power has increased by at least 20% on the previous basis!

Each person increases the combat power by 20%. If three people join forces, the combat power will be doubled!

Just today, the three Green Snake sisters learned the Shadow Wing skill from Ye Hao again.

As long as they master this skill, their strength will be raised to another level.

Since following Ye Hao, the speed of the three sisters' strength improvement is as fast as a rocket. Why are they willing to leave?

The three Green Snake sisters joined forces to attack, and Luanna wanted to fight back, but Hollaide shouted loudly!

"Stop fighting, we surrender!"

Having said that, Howard immediately grabbed Luanna's wrist.

Howard prevented the conflict, and he finally chose to compromise!

As the saying goes, a hero does not suffer immediate losses, this is not false at all.

Howard is very clear about his current situation. He is in the center of Ye Hao's territory, and he is in a tight encirclement. Not to mention a big living person, even if it is a fly, don't want to fly from here. go out.

Dignity or something is completely worthless compared to life, at least in Howard's view.

"If you eat this, I will believe that you really surrender!"

Ye Hao took out a brown pill from his arms and handed it to Howard.

Seeing this pill, Howard could not help frowning.

\"This is a heartbreaker!"

"Not bad!" Ye Hao replied with a smile, "Your Majesty is still very discerning, not bad!"

Lu Anna retorted softly: "Ye Hao, what do you mean, we are all willing to surrender, and you still want to kill them all?"

"To kill them all?" Ye Hao couldn't help frowning.

"Although I don't understand medicine, I also know that this evil pill is even deadly poisonous!"

"You gave us poison, didn't you want to poison us?"

Fu Xiaoqing said, "I've never heard of it, vampires are afraid of toxins!"

"You...?..." Luanna exclaimed, subconsciously retreating and taking a big step.

What Fu Xiaoqing said was right at all, vampires are not afraid of toxins at all.

Normally, it is a highly toxic substance for humans, but it has no effect on vampires.

The few words that Luanna just said were purely a matter of mileage.

After being stuck for a while, Luana continued, "Then what exactly is this evil pill?"

"Shaxin Pill is not a deadly poison. This kind of medicine can block the circulation of vitality. After taking Sha Xin Pill, if there is no antidote, the practitioner's cultivation will never be able to improve any more!"

Luana asked again: "We are vampires, and we can't be immune to this toxin?"

"Yes!" Howard replied affirmatively, "Our unique bloodline constitution, yes, we can be immune to almost all toxins!"

"But the poisoning principle of Sha Xin Pill is quite special. Even our vampire blood cannot be exempted from the poison of Sha Xin Pill!"

"In this case, we can't take this medicine anyway!"

"Husband, let's fight them!"

"When the two of us join forces, we may not have the strength to fight. Even if we can't win and escape, there is still hope!"

At this time, Ye Hao also spoke: "If you feel that you have the ability to escape, you can give it a try!"

"But what I want to remind you now is: if you fail to escape, you will not even have the qualifications to surrender. Waiting for your final result, there is only a dead end!"

"I...?...\" Howard's old face suddenly became extremely difficult to look at.

After hesitating for a moment, he finally made his final decision!

"I surrender!"

Howard knew that Ye Hao gave him this evil pill to prevent him from betrayal.

As long as he honestly works by Ye Hao's side, Ye Hao will definitely give him the antidote before long.

Moreover, Hollaide's current cultivation path has encountered a serious bottleneck. Even if he does not take Shaxin Pill, his hope of breaking through the realm is extremely slim, and the effect of taking Shaxin Pill on him is the same. That's it.

Howard took Sha 643 Heart Pill and swallowed it in one bite, but Lu Anna had no choice but to do as she did.

"Okay!\" Ye Hao clapped his hands and smiled, "Welcome you two to join us in the abyss of ghosts!"

"Now you can leave!\"

"Leave?" Luanna frowned suddenly, "Are you really going to let us go?"

"Prison I"

-4/8, ?

Ye Hao replied solemnly: "I am the most trustworthy person, and I will never go back on what I promised!"

"That's good!\"

"Husband, let's go quickly!\" Luanna pulled Hollaide and hurried away.

But Howard did not rush to leave, but instead asked Ye Hao: "What do you want me to do for you?"

"It's very simple!" Ye Hao said in a condensed voice, "I hope you can lead your vampire alliance to join our ghostly abyss!"

"As long as you are willing to join us, I can promise to give you the antidote within the next year!"

"Okay, then it's settled!"

Watching Howard and Luanna walk away, Fu Xiaoqing asked worriedly, "Leader, just let them go. If they don't come back, what should we do?" ?" Ye Hao replied with a sneer, "The Bright Coalition is finished now, is there any other way out if Howard doesn't come to join us?

Chapter 359: Shocked

"Um..." Fu Xiaoqing's pretty face was full of fog.

Hu Na walked up and said: "The comprehensive strength of the Bright Alliance is not weak, but their ability to cooperate with each other is a mess!"

"These guys have their own ghosts, and they all only care about their own immediate interests. Together, they are just a group of rabble!"

"Now that Taro Yamaoka is dead, the people of Yamaoka Club will definitely break up and retreat immediately!"

"Before, when the five giants of the Bright Alliance joined forces, they could only barely play a tie with our leader. Now, without Yamaoka Taro, they can't beat us 100%!" Fu Xiaoqing said: "If we just put Howard If they are detained, they may be able to quickly facilitate the surrender of the Bright Alliance!"

Ye Hao replied indifferently: "Don't worry, it won't be long before Hollaide and Lu Anna have to come back!"

"The Shaxin Pill I gave them is definitely not an ordinary Sha Xin Pill!"

"If they don't come back, they won't live long!"

There are also grades of things like medicinal pills!

Ordinary Shaxin Pills are second-grade medicinal pills, which can only limit the channels through which the organism can absorb the vitality of the outside world, so that the cultivation of the poisoned person cannot be improved.

However, the Shaxin Pill in Ye Hao's hand is a third-grade medicinal pill. In addition to restricting the cultivator's improvement, it can also tell the cultivator's existing vitality and forcibly seal it. For a period of time in the future, the cultivation bases of Hollaide and Luanna will pass at an extremely fast speed.

Until seven days later, their cultivation base will drop to the level of ordinary first-level little vampires.

The strength has dropped sharply, followed by a sharp decline in combat effectiveness. What is the use of them even if they return to the Bright Alliance?

Bright coalition army camp!

Hou Jun has ordered the barracks of the Yamaoka Society to be blocked, and the news of Yamaoka Taro's assassination will not be released to the public for the time being, in order to avoid a complete collapse of the military's morale.

"Hey."! \"

"Now all hope is on the Howards, and I hope they can succeed!"

Heishan Wolf followed suit and said, "Even if Ye Hao can't be killed, and Ye Hao can be severely injured, we still have hope!"

"It shouldn't be a problem to do this!"

"Yeah, Brother Howard's strength is still very strong, we should trust him!"

Everyone was talking a lot, and Hollaide now seems to be the "hope" of the whole village.

It is a pity that the expectations of these people are destined to be completely disappointed.

The Howards have now left the ghostly abyss.

However, they did not immediately return to the Bright Coalition Army Camp, but took a detour to Yangri Town not far away.

"Husband, what shall we do next?"

Luanna asked anxiously: \"Since you know something about Shaxin Pill, you must have a way to detoxify it?"


"Yes, we must detoxify as soon as possible, otherwise, if Hou Jun and the others find out about this matter, how will we get along in the future?"

Hollaide thought for a while and continued: "I have a way to detoxify, but what I have to consider now is, how did Ye Hao find us?"

"Ye Hao keeps a large group of zombies under his hands. These zombies are born with very sharp noses!"

"It must have been those zombies who found our trail..."

"No, no, no!" Before Lu Anna could finish her words, she was interrupted by Hollaide, "Didn't you realize that Ye Hao had set up the net in advance, waiting for us to jump in?\"

"We just got close to his house and were immediately surrounded by a large group of them!"

"If we act in a hurry, it is impossible for so many masters to jump out at once and completely block our retreat!"

"You have also seen that the ordinary patrolling sentinels in the ghost abyss are not very strong!"

"Even if these people find clues, they can't stop us!"

"But after our identities were exposed, the three green snake sisters only took a few seconds to surround us!"

"Is it possible that characters like the Three Green Snake Sisters will serve as the patrolling biscuits?"

"Impossible, it's absolutely impossible!"

Lu Anna said in a deep voice: "After the three sisters of Qing Snake obey Ye Hao, their status in the abyss of ghost energy is still quite noble!"

"We can see this for all to see!"

"Their status is basically equal to the number two. How can they serve as patrolmen?"

"now it's right!"

Hollaide said in a deep voice: "The three sisters of the Green Snake are definitely not patrolling sentries. They must have received Ye Hao's order in advance to organize troops to ambush us around us!"

"But how is this possible, our actions tonight are top secret!"

"This action was secretly negotiated by the five of you, and I didn't even know about it in advance!"

?? Among us, there must be one person who has defected to Ye Hao now! "

"Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for the actions of this evening to be easily exposed!\"

\"bang bang bang.\"

When Howard and Luanna were communicating, there was a sudden knock on the door outside.

Luanna hurried over and opened the door.

Entering from outside were two vampire soldiers.

"Your Majesty is bad, something big has happened!"

The soldier said in a panic, "Just tonight, Taro Yamaoka was assassinated by Ye Hao's men!"