MTL - Resurrection of Terror: My Eight Magical Skills Will Be Automatically Cultivated-Chapter 244

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The contest between the two sides lasted for less than a day, and Qianjun in the world of light was driven out of the ghostly abyss.

At this time, the battle between Ye Hao and Hou Jun and others basically came to an end.

The younger brothers under his command have all run away. How can Hou Jun and the others still be in the mood to continue fighting?

The air of darkness swept across the sky, and Wolf of Montenegro had to drive the ice boat and quickly escaped from the battlefield.

"I want to run, but there is no door!\"

The three green snake sisters blocked their way from behind!

A fierce light suddenly flashed in Wolf's eyes. Not only did he not slow down, but instead he increased the speed of the ice boat. Under his control, the ice boat was like a group of wild horses running away, moving towards the green snake. The bodies of the three sisters collided with each other.

The three Green Snake sisters also took out their magic weapons one after another to fight against the ice boat's attack.

In Fu Xiaoqing's left hand, he was holding an emerald green frost long sword.

In her right hand, she was holding a blood-red bead, and a strong demonic energy emanated from the bead.

The Frost Sword Hou Jun knew that it was indeed Fu Xiaoqing's magic weapon, and it was called the Frost Sword.

The blood-red pillar in Fu Xiaoqing's hand, but Hou Jun couldn't see what it was.

Xiaolan also held a blue pillar in his hand, while Xiaohong held a black bead in his hand.

Seeing the huge ice boat roaring towards the three sisters of Qing Snake, they threw the beads in their hands and smashed them towards the ice boat.

\"No, hurry away...?.??\"

Before Hou Jun finished his sentence, the ice boat had already collided with the three beads.

\"Boom!" A loud noise came, and the ice boat exploded directly!

The powerful and unparalleled impact directly blew out a striking gap in the corner of the ice boat.

"Ah, it's impossible, it's absolutely impossible...\" Seeing this scene, Wolf Montenegro's eyes straightened in shock.

He could never have imagined that the three ping-pong ball-sized things in the hands of the three Green Snake sisters actually smashed his ice boat. What are the three little beads, and their power is so terrifying?


When Kuroyama Wolf was stunned, Yamaoka Taro urged him to retreat quickly.

"Hey!\" Montenegro Wolf could only endure the pain in his heart and control the ice boat to escape!

\"I want to run now> It's already late!\"

The Blue Snake sisters wanted to continue chasing them, but unfortunately the ice boat escaped so fast that the three of them couldn't catch up.

When they returned, Ye Hao had already put away the Shadow Wings and returned to the ground.

"Leader, your pair of wings is really powerful!"

Xiaolan was very interested in the Shadow Wings on Ye Hao.

The three green snake sisters are demon creatures, and they can also fly in the air.

However, the three of them's ability to fly in the air is simply weak compared to Ye Hao!

After Ye Hao's pair of shadow wings danced, his body moved as fast as a phantom of a gust of wind.

Even the ice boat of Wolf of Montenegro couldn't track Ye Hao's flight speed, which was extremely terrifying.

"Hehe, if you like it, I'll get you one too!" Ye Hao said unhurriedly.

"Ah?\" Xiao Lan was overjoyed immediately, "Aren't you joking with me, lord, am I also qualified to have such a pair of wings?"

Ye Hao returned solemnly: "In front of so many people, do you think I'm lying to you?"

"Then when can I have a pair of wings like yours?" Xiao Lan was so excited that she was about to jump up.

However, Ye Hao smiled back unhurriedly: \"By the way, you seem to have told me before that your best method is to pretend to assassinate. If you prepare well in advance, you can assassinate people who are much stronger than you. target, is it real?"

Xiao Lan asked, "Who does the leader want me to assassinate?"

Ye Hao thought for a while and replied, "I want you to assassinate Yamaoka Taro!"

"That guy Yamaoka Taro makes me very annoyed, he must die!"

"Eh...?..." Xiao Lan couldn't help but wrinkle her head, "Assassinating Yamaoka Taro, I'm afraid this is a bit difficult!\"

"Don't be nervous!" Ye Hao said in a condensed voice, Yamaoka Taro had already been injured by me, and he could only exert about 50% of his combat power at most. As long as Yamaoka Taro died, the fighting spirit of the Bright Alliance would even be considered a complete collapse. ! "

Xiao Lan thought for a long time before replying: "I'm afraid I can't do this task alone. My sisters and I will do this task together. How about letting them both get Shadow Wings after it's done?"

"This..." Ye Hao frowned.

The bargaining power of this girl, Xiao Lan, is really not ordinary!

Even if Ye Hao is a little big, but considering that Shadow Wing is just a practice, not a substantial magic weapon, Ye Hao agreed to Xiaolan's request.

Even if Ye Hao doesn't agree to Xiaolan's request, Xiaolan can share it with her sisters in private after getting the exercises.

It's just that Ye Hao has done this favor, and that's it.

"Okay, then it's settled!"

When there are rewards, (Wang is good) naturally everyone likes to do it, especially the rewards given by Ye Hao are all crazy things. Assassinating Yamaoka Taro is not an easy task!

After all, Yamaoka Taro is the president of Yamaoka Club, and Toyo's Yamaoka Club is the top organization in the world.

Yamaoka Taro is also one of the five giants of the Light Alliance.

Such a powerful character is definitely not something you can kill casually with a single word.

But fortunately, Taro Yamaoka is now seriously injured, and his strength cannot be exerted at all.

If Fu Xiaoqing and the others plan properly, there may be a chance to succeed in the assassination!

After accepting the mission, the three sisters of Qing Snake left the abyss of ghost energy.

After leaving the abyss, Fu Xiaoqing told Xiaolan: "Lanlan, you are too bold!"

\'The task that Ye Hao sent out is completely a terrible task! "?

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Chapter 355: Assassination

"You dare to take on such a dangerous mission?"

"Hey..." Xiaolan said weakly, "Sister Qing'er, don't you like the Shadow Wings of the Alliance Leader?"

"I like it, of course I like it very much!" Fu Xiaoqing replied without hesitation.

"Well then, since my sister also likes Shadow Wings very much, let's join forces to kill Yamaoka Taro and get the reward!"

"It's too easy for you to think!\"

Fu Xiaoqing shook his head and sighed: "Yamaoka Taro is not so easy to kill!"

"And if we can't succeed in this mission, maybe we'll have to take ourselves in too, hey...\"

"Okay sister, don't be too pessimistic!"

Xiaolan smiled and said: "The problem is not as complicated as you think. We have the treasures that the leader of the alliance bestowed upon us, and the combat power has been greatly increased many times. Now Yamaoka Taro is seriously injured, and the combat power is greatly reduced. Now, it's not too difficult for us to get rid of him!"

Xiaohong said weakly: "Actually, even if we don't accept this dangerous mission, when the opportunity is ripe in the future, the leader of the alliance will also teach us the Shadow Wing Technique!"

"Little 643 Red, don't say that!\"

Fu Xiaoqing hurriedly corrected: "We follow the leader of the alliance. If we want to gain long-term benefits, we must ensure that our own strength is not too far behind the leader of the alliance!"

"If the strength gap between us and the leader is too great, we can't help him at all, and we will be marginalized!"

"So, we must always ensure our leading position, and we must not fall behind!"

"Eldest sister is right!" Xiaolan said solemnly, "We must get the Shadow Wings immediately and maintain our absolute leading position!"

"If we let the others lead, our situation will not be good!"

Ye Hao's character is quite generous, but Ye Hao's generosity is for all his own people, not for a specific person.

Ye Hao is generous to the people around him, but first of all you need your ability to surround Ye Hao.

In the beginning, Ma Yuzhen and Zhao Yan stayed by Ye Hao's side all day long.

Later, Hu Na stayed by Ye Hao's side all day, and now it's the three sisters of Green Snake (acbc) who stay by Ye Hao's side all day.

Although Ye Hao didn't take the initiative to alienate Zhao Yan and Ma Yuzhen, but because of their limited strength, they couldn't help Ye Hao too much in the battle. Basically, they couldn't surround Ye Hao.

In the future, Ye Hao will definitely come into contact with more powerful characters, and there will inevitably be more powerful people around Ye Hao.

If the three sisters of Qing Snake are not strong enough, even if they bite the bullet and get close to Ye Hao, I am afraid they can only be a "cannon fodder".

Ye Hao's growth rate is too fast, which is obvious to all.

Under the leadership of Fu Xiaoqing, the three sisters disguised as human female soldiers and entered the barracks of the human army.

Then, with the help of false identities, the three sisters of Qing Snake gradually approached Yamaoka Taro's military tent in the human army camp!

After all, Yamaoka Taro is also a big man, and his vigilance is still very high.

He knew that his injuries were very serious, so he arranged a large number of ninja guards around his tent.

Moreover, the ninjas around him are the darkest and most cruel ninjas among the ninjas.

Shadow Ninjas are all female ninjas. These female ninjas have been subjected to extremely harsh training since childhood. Shadow Ninja is ruthless and strong in martial arts. In order to complete the task, they can do whatever it takes, even their own body or life.

The special group of shadow forbearance is a bit similar to the dead men in ancient Chinese society!

As long as the master gives an order, these people are willing to sacrifice their lives at any time, and they must also resolutely implement the master's order.

\"This is a bit tricky!\"

Standing outside the tent and glancing at the large number of shadow ninjas around, Fu Xiaoqing also felt a headache for a while.

Xiaolan muttered secretly: \"Sister, let's just break in?"

"Those shadow ninjas are strong, but in front of me they are scumbags!"

"I'm entangled with these shadow ninjas outside, you and Hong sister rushed in and killed Yamaoka Taro!"

"No!" Fu Xiaoqing's head shook like a rattle, "It's too dangerous to do this!"

"Although Yamaoka Taro's combat power is greatly reduced, his escape ability is very good.

Eastern Ying people are good at using poison. Once Yamaoka Taro foresees that he is facing a trap, he will release a highly poisonous miasma to hinder us!

"As long as this guy successfully unleashes the counter-attack method, our assassination plan will never succeed, and even if one fails, we have to beat ourselves in. This place is their base camp!"

"Okay.??...\" Xiao Lan nodded in response, "Then we will all obey my sister's arrangement!"

Fu Xiaoqing lowered his voice and said: \"We disguised as patrols, moved around Yamaoka Taro's tent, looked for opportunities to sneak into the tent, and attacked him by surprise and killed the scourge of Yamaoka Taro!\"

"Remember, after the action starts, if we can't succeed in one hit, we will retreat immediately, and we must not be entangled with him!"

"Okay sister, we all know, you can rest assured!"

The three green snake sisters spent nearly an hour watching the scenery outside Yamaoka Taro's tent, and finally found that several female soldiers entered Yamaoka Taro's tent with dinner.

Those shadow ninjas are very cautious, and they will search the meals collected by the female soldiers in detail.

After confirming that the food was non-toxic and that the female soldiers did not have any weapons on their bodies, they were allowed to enter the tent.

"We'll be disguised as food delivery soldiers in a while and go deliver food to Yamaoka Taro!"

In Fu Xiaoqing's beautiful eyes, a sharp murderous intent suddenly flashed.

"I'm afraid it won't work...\" Xiaolan said angrily, "Yaoka Taro is a bit too treacherous. Those female soldiers who just entered the door were all searched!"

"We can't carry weapons, and we can't even use the method of poisoning. If we go in with our bare hands, we won't be able to kill Yamaoka Taro!"

"Don't get excited!" Fu Xiaoqing said in a condensed voice, "The two of you stay outside, I can just go and assassinate Yamaoka Taro alone!"

"If you hear any movement in the tent in a while, immediately attack those shadow ninjas to help me break through!" "Okay sister, just don't worry, we promise to complete the mission!

Chapter 356: One Hit Kills

Fu Xiaoqing came to the entrance of Yamaoka Taro's tent with a fish. Yamaoka Taro was lying on the bed at this time, recovering from his injuries, and a woman with heavy makeup stood next to him and gave him a massage.

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