MTL - Resurrection of Terror: My Eight Magical Skills Will Be Automatically Cultivated-Chapter 197

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The sun mirror suddenly became powerful, and reflected the death beam back to the fire ghost king.

"Ow!\" The Fire Ghost King suddenly let out a mournful howl, and the huge fireball crashed to the ground.

At this time, the Fire Ghost King finally fully realized Ye Hao's strength. He knew that he could not be Ye Hao's opponent with his strength. Without any more nonsense, the guy ran away without looking back. It's a pity that he only wanted to escape at this time, it was already too late!

The light of the sun mirror accurately shone on the Fire Ghost King's body, and the Fire Ghost King instantly collapsed into nothingness.

From the place where the Fire Ghost King collapsed, Ye Hao found a ghost fire bead.

"Yes, this thing is the best material for making ghost fires!" Ye Hao looked at the ghost fire beads repeatedly, and nodded with satisfaction, "The effect of this thing is even better than the sun grass!"

Ma Yuzhen asked curiously: "So, the ghost fire in the ghost fire beads can directly treat the blood ghost spots for Zhao Yan?"

Is such that! "

"That's great, we've been busy for so many days, and we finally got something!"

"Hey!\" Ye Hao looked up at the bright moon in the sky, and said with emotion, "It's time for one to break!"

Ye Hao directly used the ghost fire beads to release the ghost fire to burn the blood ghost spots on Zhao Yan's body.

The matter of the blood ghost spot was handled properly, and the big stone hanging in Ye Hao's heart could be regarded as completely falling to the ground.

Chen Dongkai's desert trip is still nearly half way to go. Since Ye Hao has promised him, he will definitely help him finish it.

However, the remaining part of the journey is also the most dangerous part of the desert of death.

There is a piece of sand called Heifengkou, which is simply a land of Shura.

Before Ye Hao encountered a black sandstorm in the desert, the scene was like purgatory on earth!

In Heifengkou (Li Qianhao), black sandstorms are purely commonplace.

Statistics show that the annual average wind speed at Heifengkou is above Grade 8.

All the year round, the wind and sand cover the sky and the sun, and there is no life in the Jedi.

More than half of those who had an accident across the desert of death died in the area of ​​Heifengkou.

The most dangerous area in the entire Heifengkou stretches for about 800 kilometers. This place is a forbidden area for life.

After studying the topographic map of Heifengkou, Ye Hao advised Chen Dongkai: "Mr. Chen, Heifengkou is extremely dangerous, our daughters, don't go to risk!" "Let them stay in the Black Shark River. Oasis, just take a boat down the river and leave the desert!"

Chen Dongkai smiled bitterly and replied, "I didn't plan to bring them here when I came out this time!"

"It's all those girls who volunteered and had to come with me to join in the fun!"?



Chapter 530: New Discoveries

\"Even if I were to persuade them to dismiss them, I'm afraid it would have no practical effect!〃

Ye Hao said in a condensed voice, "The danger of this place in Heifengkou is definitely not something I fudged out of my empty vernacular!"

With my strength, I don't want to take risks in such a place if I don't have to! \"

\"It's still too late to make a decision now, and when the danger really comes, it's too late to regret it!"

"Of course I'm very clear about this, I'll go talk to them!"

\''Although I know it doesn't make much sense, they are my daughters, their safety is very important to me, and as a father I must take responsibility for their safety! "Chen Dongkai went to his four daughters to talk about the things he left behind, and his tone was very tough.

However, the result of the negotiation was unsatisfactory. Chen Dongkai's four daughters refused to listen to the advice and insisted on going with Chen Dongkai.

Undoubtedly, those girls were all the kings who called it, and they were determined to follow Chen Dongkai to the end.

Since good words and persuasion are useless, they can only leave immediately.

After walking 100 kilometers across the Black Shark River, he gradually entered the Heifengkou area.

It can be seen from a long distance, the direction of the black tuyere is full of sand, and the yellow sand and dust cover the sky 583Ho

"This place really reinterprets the true meaning of the word hell!"

Even Ye Hao was very determined, he couldn't help grinning when he saw this scene.

Chen Dongkai leaned in and said, "If something happens to Donglin, I think he probably died in this place, eh?...\"

A rough estimate is that the wind speed in the area around the Black Shark Mouth is at least level ten.

Under such a ferocious hurricane, it is really difficult for people to stand firm. Ye Hao and his party can only hold the reins tightly to maintain their balance. Fortunately, the camel's weight is large enough to barely stand in the strong wind. stable.

Ma Yuzhen said: The sandstorms in Mudgdi continue all year round. Even if someone really died here, they would have been buried by the thick yellow sand long ago. How could they be found? "

〃If I don't come here, I will never feel at ease in my whole life! "

Ma Yuzhen wanted to say something more, but Ye Hao stopped him; "Okay Yuzhen, please say less!"

\'Since Mr. Chen misses his family dearly, let's help him, anyway, we have nothing else to do now! 〃

Ma Yuzhen pouted and replied: \"Anyway, you are the boss, you have the final say!"

The deeper you go, the stronger the wind will be!

People were running in the wind, unable to open their eyes at all, and Chen Dongkai's daughters were almost swept up into the sky because of their delicate bodies.

Fortunately, before entering the black air outlet, Ye Hao asked the big guy to use a rope to tie it to the moon room and tightly tie it to the camel.

Even if people are blown to the sky, as long as the camels are still there, nothing will happen, and this is the only way to walk through the black wind.

Running in the gust of wind takes a lot of physical strength. Within two hours of walking out, the group was exhausted and could no longer walk.

In the depths of the sand sea, Ye Hao found a giant stone.

Said to be a stone, in fact, this thing is more like a hill in essence.

This hill is like a big mushroom cap, standing on the sand dunes, as stable as Mount Tai!

The height of the sand dunes must be more than two feet high, and a cross section of the sand dunes is almost vertical, which can perfectly resist the intrusion of strong winds. One side of the boulders is flying with sand and rocks, and there is a tenth-level strong wind. The wind speed on the other side is only five or six at best. look.

This wind speed is completely capable of resisting the human body!

Behind the mountain pack, is the perfect place for Anza camp.

But the space in this place is limited, so Anza can only go down to two tents.

If you want to continue the Anza tent, Anza has to be outside the stone wall. The wind speed there is too violent, and the tent can't be fixed at all.

How can two tents fit in more than a dozen people?


On Ye Hao's side, only Ye Hao, Ma Yuzhen and Zhao Yan needed to live in tents, and one tent was barely enough.

Zhao Fang and the little ghosts under her command can exist both physically and spiritually.

In such an environment ravaged by hurricanes, they are of course active in spirit bodies, and no matter how violent the wind is outside, it has no practical effect on them.

Just as Zhao Yan zipped up the tent, Chen Dongkai's voice came from outside!

"Mr. Ye, can I have a few words with you?"

Ye Hao stuck his head out and asked: \"What's the matter, Mr. Chen, do you have anything to do with me?"

"It's like this..." Chen Dongkai said bravely, "We can't sleep as a group of people crowded in a tent, I..."

Before Chen Dongkai could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Zhao Yan: "What are you joking about, all women live in our tent, what's the matter if you come in, don't you have sleeping bags? - Forget it at night!\"

Ye Hao also sighed helplessly: "This is really inconvenient, Mr. Chen!"

Zhao Yan has made it clear that Chen Dongkai will not be allowed in, and Chen Dongkai still has the old face to continue to drill in.

Besides, the tent that Ye Hao and the others stayed in also had very limited internal space. The three people who got into it were already full. If they wanted to drill into it, there was really no room for them.

Not long after Chen Dongkai left, Chen Lele ran over again.

"Mr. Chen, can I go in?"

This time Zhao Yan is completely angry: "What are you doing here, we have no place here!"

Chen Lele explained: "My brother and the two bodyguards were lying in the outer pockets, but my father was getting old. I was worried that he would be damaged by the wind, so I let him go to the tent!"

"But our sleeping bags are limited, let me go and squeeze it with you!"

Zhao Yan pulled the zipper directly and said indignantly: \"Look for yourself, is there any extra space here?"

Chen Lele said as a matter of course: \"I think Mr. Ye is strong, why not??..."

"Can you shut up for me?" Chen Lele didn't finish his words, but was interrupted again by Zhao Yan, "This is our tent, why should my husband make room for you!

"I think you are superfluous. If you are sensible, get out now, otherwise I will throw you out immediately!"

"We've run out of extra sleeping bags, can't let me sleep outside?"

Chen Lele looked pitiful, and Ma Yuzhen said directly: "Since this girl wants to come in to join in the fun, why don't you come in and sleep together?"

"She is not afraid of a girl, how can my husband be afraid of this?".

Chapter 531: Fighting to the End

Ma Yuzhen just said it casually, but Chen Lele really got in.

Not long after Chen Lele got in, Chen Meimei also got in.

As a result, there were a total of five people in a small tent.

The night in the desert is harsh and cold, and five people piled up together can concentrate ~ "warming".

Otherwise, the "playing game" of this crowd of people must be to heat people to death.

The night passed in a hurry, and when the next morning dawned, Ye Hao's bones were about to fall apart.

When Ye Hao came out of the tent, he saw Chen Dongkai crying while holding a corpse.

"What's the situation?" Realizing that something was wrong, Ye Hao also went up to check the situation at the first time.

Chen Dongkai told Ye Hao: "This body is my brother Chen Donglin!"

"Isn't it?" Ma Yuzhen asked curiously, "This corpse has already been weathered out of shape. How can you tell that he is your younger brother?"

Chen Dongkai took off a gold chain from Chen Donglin's arm and said, "I gave this gold chain to Donglin at the beginning!\"

"This bracelet is tied with a wolf tooth, and it is engraved with a forest character!"

"That wolf tooth was specially made by me. The bracelet and the wolf tooth are perfectly matched. This person must be my brother!"

Ye Hao also nodded and replied: "If you say that, you are basically inseparable!"

Chen Dongkai cried again while holding the corpse, but Chen Meimei put forward a different opinion: "Dad, I don't think this bracelet alone can mean that this is my second uncle!"

"Golden bracelets are valuables, maybe someone else stole the bracelet from my second uncle for the sake of wealth!"

"Or maybe my second uncle was short of money and sold the bracelet to someone else!"

"No matter what kind of situation it is, there is a great possibility of existence. Let's continue to look for it, maybe we can find my second uncle!"

This gold bracelet alone cannot prove the identity of the owner.

The main reason is that this corpse has been completely eroded by the wind and sand, and it is completely impossible to see the face.

Saying he is Chen Donglin lacks actual basis.

Of course, another intention of Chen Lele's insistence on saying this is to give Chen Dongkai a little psychological comfort.

Under the comfort of everyone, Chen Dongkai finally stopped crying, but he had another plan.

"Although this corpse is now beyond recognition, it is difficult to determine his true identity, but I can't just leave him in the desert like this, I want to take him out of here!"

"Take it out?\" Zhao Yan is not happy anymore, \"What are you kidding me, the environment here is bad, people may be blown to the sky at any time!"

"It's already difficult for us to walk by ourselves, with a heavy corpse, how can we walk?"

"I'll bring my brother's body, so I won't bother you!" Chen Dongkai's will was very firm.

Ye Hao also knew that it was pointless to continue to persuade him to give up the plan.

Simply, Ye Hao came up with a central plan: "Well, just burn the corpse on the spot!"

Read The Duke's Passion