MTL - Resurrection of Terror: My Eight Magical Skills Will Be Automatically Cultivated-Chapter 196

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In a tavern in the Black Shark Valley Village, Ye Hao and Chen Dongkai discussed the next step.

The purpose of Chen Dongkai entering the desert this time is to find the whereabouts of his younger brother Chen Donglin.

But until now, Chen Donglin has not been able to be found.

The mission of Chen Dongkai and the others on this trip is not yet complete, but Ye Hao and his party have reached the end of the trip when they reach the Black Shark River. Lieyanghua lives in the oasis of the Black Shark River.

If you can't even find the sunflower here, then the whole death doesn't want to find the sunflower.

"Mr. Ye, this journey is really thanks to your care for us!"

Chen Dongkai said solemnly: "If it weren't for your help, I'm afraid we'd all be buried in the sand at this time!"

"Hi!\" Ye Hao said disapprovingly, "Since everyone is friends, it is also necessary to help each other!"

"It's just that we want the Black Shark Oasis to do some important things, I'm afraid we can't continue to walk with you!"

"The next road, you have to be more careful!"

Chen Dongkai smiled shyly and said, "Mr. Ye, do you think this will work? I'll pay you to be our guide and help us walk the rest of the way. You can just ask for the price!"

Ma Yuzhen resolutely refused: "It's amazing to be rich, the most important thing my husband lacks is money!"

"We came to the Desert of Death to find the scorching sunflower, and you should walk the rest of the way by yourself!"

Chen Dongkai suggested: "We can stay temporarily and help you find the Sunflower!"

"After we crossed the desert, we arrived at Fengdu City. There is an airport in Fengdu City, and we can fly directly across the desert!"

"After all, it won't delay you 1.2 or less time. How about Mr. Ye, help us!"

Ye Hao shook his head and sighed: "Mr. Chen, it's not that I don't want to help you. We're looking for Lieyang Flowers on this trip to save lives!"

"And you ventured into the desert to save people!"

"As the saying goes, saving people is like putting out a fire. If you end up delaying your journey of saving people for my sake, that's not good!"

"Hey!\" Chen Dongkai shook his head and sighed, "Mr. Ye, we all know very well what it means to be missing in the desert of death!"

"My younger brother has been missing in the desert for more than three months, and I know he must be in a bad way!"

"I don't have desert walking experience myself, so I didn't plan to come here for an adventure, but my mother never forgets Dong Lin, and at her strong request, I had to go this way!

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Chapter 528: Dead Man's Ditch

"Take a step back along the route my brother walked. It would be great if I could find my brother's bones!"

"If he really has no bones left, there is no way to do it. Even if he sets up a tomb, he will have an explanation with the old mother at home, but the danger in this desert is not something that ordinary people like us can deal with. !\"

Ma Yuzhen replied sternly: "If it's just to make the old mother at home feel at ease, then you have almost completed the task now!"

"Crossing the desert is indeed very dangerous, but if you march down the Black Shark River, you will be very safe!"

In the generation along the river, most areas are settled by humans, and the probability of encountering danger is very small!

Chen Dongkai shrugged and sighed, "I think it's still necessary for me to follow the route my brother walked and search again?  …"

When Ma Yuzhen wanted to say something, she was interrupted by Ye Hao: "Okay, that's it!"

"After we stay in the oasis to find the sunflower, we'll hit the road together across the desert!"

Ye Hao is not a person who likes to be busy, but Chen Dongkai's behavior really made Ye Hao feel very moved.

In the past few days, Ye Hao could also see that Chen Dongkai and the others had no experience of survival in the wild.

If Ye Hao hadn't helped them a few times in the middle, they might have lost their lives long ago.

Although everyone didn't get along for too long, Ye Hao felt that Chen Dongkai was also a friend worth making, so since Chen Dongkai was willing to wait, he should help him walk the rest of the journey. Even if you go back, you still have to walk thousands of miles of desert.

Going straight across the desert, and then flying back, doesn't make much of a difference in essence.

The progress of searching for the Sunflower was very slow. Ye Hao and his party searched for the Black Shark River Oasis for two days and could not find it.

Seeing that the night of the full moon is coming soon, and the Lieyang Flower can't be found for a long time, Ye Hao only feels that his head is getting bigger.

But as the saying goes, there is no way out of the sky, and it is not true at all.

At dusk that day, Chen Meimei found a plant that was suspected to be a sunflower in a ravine.

This ravine is called Dead Man's Valley, and it was brought by a local guide with Chen Meimei.

The local guide said that the place of the dead man was once a battlefield in ancient times, and many corpses were buried in this place.

It is said that there are a large number of fiery ghost kings active in the ditch of the dead. No one has seen the real face of the fiery ghost king, because everyone who has seen the fiery ghost king is already dead. For the locals, the ditch of the dead is a forbidden place!

Chen Meimei expressed her willingness to give the guide 50,000 yuan to let the guide enter the valley to collect the sunflowers.

Unexpectedly, the man who was greedy for money shook his head like a rattle and refused to enter the ditch of the dead.

Chen Meimei didn't have the courage to venture into the dead man's ditch, so she passed the news to Ye Hao.

After receiving the letter from Chen Meimei, Ye Hao came to the hillside opposite to the ditch of the dead for the first time, and used binoculars to check the blooming flowers in the ditch of the dead from a distance.

At this time, the sky was approaching dusk, the valley was completely dark, and the telescope effect was not very good.

Ye Hao looked at the binoculars for a long time and couldn't see a reason.

"Meimei, when you just looked at the valley with the telescope, were you sure you saw the blazing sun flower?"

Chen Meimei thought for a while before continuing: "I did see a large orange flower in the valley!"

"It's very similar to the sunflower in the picture, but I'm not 100% sure if it's the sunflower!"

Chen Dongkai followed and explained, "Mei Mei has never seen a real sunflower!"

"On the basis of a picture, it is difficult to judge whether what she saw is a scorching sunflower!"

"Forget it!" Ye Hao said in a condensed voice, "Even if there is hope, we have to put in 12 points of effort!"

Today is the night of the full moon. If there are no more blazing sunflowers today, then Zhao Yan will have no chance.

If you miss the night of the full moon, it is useless to find the sunflower.

Therefore, even if the dead man's ditch is full of crises, Ye Hao must take the risk to go in and walk around.

Under the leadership of Ye Hao, everyone entered the dead man's ditch overnight.

The dead man's ditch is really dangerous. After stepping into the valley, the first thing that catches the eye is a lot of white skulls.

Roughly estimated, the number of skulls in that pile may be at least 200.

"Ah!\" Seeing these things in the dark night, but the girls were frightened.

For a while, the screams came one after another, and the whole Dead Man Ditch became a lively vegetable market in an instant.

After a long time, Ye Hao spoke to break the restlessness in the valley: "Well, Mr. Chen, the Valley of the Dead is definitely not a good place, you'd better avoid it, otherwise, in case of danger, we may not have enough energy. Protect you!\"

"Alright!" Chen Dongkai was also embarrassed.

Just before entering the valley, Ye Hao advised them not to come down and join in the fun.

But Chen Meimei and the others insisted on coming down, and Chen Dongkai didn't stop them at that time.

Okay now, just entered the valley and haven't started to do business yet. Chen Meimei and the others were frightened by a pile of skulls and screamed and collapsed on the spot. With their 580 psychological quality, the dead man's ditch is indeed not suitable. them.

In order to ensure the safety of Chen Dongkai and the others, Ye Hao specially asked General Ghost to **** them from the Valley of the Dead.

At this time, Ye Hao himself had taken Ma Yuzhen and the others towards the depths of the dead man's ditch.

The bottom of the valley of the dead is filled with a strong yin qi. Ye Hao can predict that a large number of ghost kings with extremely strong yin qi are active in this valley!

The strength of these ghost kings is even more powerful than the Miyuan ghost king Ye Hao met in the ghost abyss before.

This made Ye Hao secretly sigh in his heart: "Could it be that this thing is the legendary Fire Ghost King?"

Suddenly Zhao Fang couldn't help but let out a scream: "Look, there are scorching sunflowers there, my sister is saved!" Ye Hao looked in the direction Zhao Fang pointed, and found that there was indeed a large area of ​​lush growth. Sunflower.

Zhao Fang couldn't wait to go over to collect the scorching sunflowers, but Ye Hao shouted loudly: \"Don't go there, it's dangerous!"

"Om!\" At this moment, a blazing white flame suddenly rushed up, burning directly to Zhao Fang's eyebrows. Zhao Fang couldn't dodge in time, and was instantly burned by the flames.

In an instant, Zhao Fang's body turned into a huge fireball. .

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Chapter 529: Fighting the Fire Ghost King

"Sister, what's wrong with you!" Zhao Yan saw that Zhao Fang was in danger, and immediately rushed to rescue her.

Ye Hao immediately put his hand on her shoulder, and then Ye Hao suddenly pulled Zhao Yan back with one hand.

"Husband, you must?...\"

Zhao Yan didn't finish a word, Ye Hao suddenly rushed forward, grabbed the burning fireball, took off into the air, and flew directly into the mid-air more than ten meters high. Under the night, the huge fireball hung in the air. Like the sun!

Afterwards, Ye Hao took Mingxinzhu from his arms, and under the light of Mingxinzhu, the fireball finally went out.

Although the fire only lasted for a short period of time, Zhao Fang had already been burned into a piece of coke.

Fortunately, her body is essentially a ghost, not a human being.

If it was a normal human, it would have been completely cold by now.

Even if Zhao Fang is a ghost, he has been severely injured.

According to Ye Hao's estimation: Zhao Fang's three souls and seven souls lost at least one soul and one soul!

Fortunately, Ye Hao rescued him in time. If it were a few seconds later, Zhao Fang would be completely gone.

Ye Hao took Zhao Fang to the ground slowly, and not far away, a huge fireball slowly flew to Ye Hao.

\"Get out of my territory immediately, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!"

Ye Hao put down Zhao Fang, who was seriously injured, stared at the fireball in the distance, and said calmly: "As expected of the fire ghost king, he is really powerful, ordinary ghost kings can't stand under your hands!"

"Humph!" The Fire Ghost King snorted coldly, "Get out of here if you know how powerful it is, I don't want to kill people today!"

The Fire Ghost King is also a rather treacherous guy, with a very big bluff, but he didn't do anything to Ye Hao.

He wanted to use scolding to drive Ye Hao away, but he definitely couldn't!

"I didn't plan to do anything with you, but I need scorching sunflowers, if you let me take away a group of scorching sunflowers, that would be great!

The Fire Ghost King angrily roared: "You can't take anything from my territory, and leave it all for me?"! \"

At the same time, Ye Hao was also ready for battle at this time.

The Fire Ghost King belongs to the extremely cruel and tyrannical dark beings, and these things have no humanity at all.

But the sunflower is something that Ye Hao must get. At this time, it is meaningless to say any unnecessary nonsense!

The Fire Ghost King suddenly spewed out a mass of white fire and swooped towards Ye Hao's position.

At the same time, Ye Hao also sacrificed the bright heart pearl in his hand for the first time, blocking the menacing ghost fire.

"The damned person should be you!" After blocking the ghost king's fire, Ye Hao suddenly swooped towards the ghost king.

The momentum of Ye Hao's charge was so rapid that the Fire Ghost King had no time to evade, so he was punched fiercely by Ye Hao.

"Bang!\" This punch came, and the body of the fiery ghost king burst back and retreated more than ten feet, and directly slumped on the ground with his buttocks. Ye Hao seized this opportunity and rushed forward. He took a few steps, pulled out a few blazing sunflowers, and put them in his arms.

The Sunflower has been successfully obtained, and Ye Hao should leave here!

Today, Ye Hao was in a hurry to save people and really didn't want to entangle with the Fire Ghost King.

But the flaming ghost king is not at all interesting, Ye Hao is about to leave, but he is clinging to it and refuses to relax.

The Fire Ghost King directly used his body to become a huge fireball, swooping towards the direction where Ye Hao evacuated.

A muffled sound of "Om" came, and Ye Hao only felt that the temperature around him suddenly soared by dozens of degrees.

The scorching heat wave hit his face, and Ye Hao only felt that the position he was in was the fiery hell.

The Shadow Wing spread its wings and flew out, dragging Ye Hao's body into the air dozens of meters high.

The huge fireball also chased after it, but at this time, Ye Hao took out the sunglass with a wave of his hand!

Read The Duke's Passion