MTL - Resurrection of Terror: My Eight Magical Skills Will Be Automatically Cultivated-Chapter 198

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"Bury some of the ashes on the spot, and we pack and take some of the ashes back, which can be regarded as letting Mr. Chen Donglin return to his roots!"

"Yes, this is a good way!\"

Chen Meimei also agreed with Ye Hao's method: "It's too difficult to bring the body back directly!"

"Not only is it difficult to succeed, but it is also very likely that we will be involved in it!"

"Leaving the desert with only a part of the ashes, the difficulty will be greatly reduced!"

Chen Lele also added: "The point is, we can't be sure that this remains is the second uncle's!"

"If we take this corpse now, we have to go back the same way!"

"With a corpse, it is impossible for us to cross the 800-kilometer Heifengkou area anyway!"

"But the crux of the matter is, maybe my second uncle is still alive now, and he's waiting for us somewhere ahead!"

"If we give up exploring for this unidentified corpse now, it may delay the business!" Chen Lele's words made Chen Dongkai tempted.

Chen Dongkai's tough attitude also softened a lot: "Lele is right, just take part of the ashes on the road, and we bury the rest on the spot!" The problem of the corpse was properly dealt with, and everyone was able to continue Forward.

If Chen Dongkai insisted on taking a corpse on his way, Ye Hao didn't know what to do.

0??For flowers...

The weight of a corpse is less than a hundred kilograms. It is unimaginable how such a behemoth can be brought out of the desert.

After embarking on the journey again, Zhao Yan asked Ye Hao: "Husband, do you think there will be black zombies in this strong wind?"

"I heard that the black zombies in the desert of death are all in groups!"

"From the time we entered the desert to now, we have only encountered one!"

Ye Hao asked back: "What's the matter, don't you think it's not exciting enough to meet the black zombies?"

"No no no!" Zhao Yan shook her head and waved her hands with a smile, \"Husband, what are you talking about, I'm not that boring!"

"What I want to say is: will there be black zombies in this sandstorm!"

"In the outside world, my sense of smell is very sensitive. If there are black zombies in the surrounding area, I can detect it from a long distance!" "But in this sandstorm, I feel that my sense of smell is completely deaf!"

"Not only is the sense of smell deaf, but the visibility is also very low. Even if the zombies are standing in front of me, it is very difficult to see them!"

"If there really are black zombies here and they attack suddenly, our situation will be very bad!"

Ye Hao reached out and patted Zhao Yan's shoulder and said with a smile: "Your worries are not unreasonable, but I don't know the answer to your question now!"

"The only thing we can do now is to work hard to prevent dangerous situations that may arise at any time!"

"If the black zombies come to attack, let them go back and forth!"

"Yes, no matter if he is a black zombie or a white zombie, as long as he dares to make trouble, he will be turned into a dead zombie!"

"Hehehe!" Ye Hao nodded and smiled, "You girl is getting more and more interesting now, not bad!"

"Humph!\" Zhao Yan replied angrily, "I see that you clearly treat me as a little girl, and they are obviously adults now!"

"Okay, okay, I admit that I was reckless, okay, my sister Zhao Yan!"

Ye Hao is really going to be deeply shocked by Zhao Yan now. When this woman was a female anchor before, she was really vicious and vicious. Now, after obeying Ye Hao's side, she even exposed the girl. Unique ignorance. Ding.


Chapter 262: Encountering Corpses

Ye Hao is also very clear that Zhao Yan has not changed much in essence, what has really changed is the change in himself.

Her gentle side will only be shown in front of Ye Hao alone, no one else will want to see her gentle and pleasant side.

The range of activities of black zombies is all over the dead desert!

In the area of ​​Heifengkou, due to the high wind and sand, there are not many active black zombies, but the active black zombies in this area have the habit of living in groups. If they do not appear, they appear in groups.

The good luck of Ye Hao and his party before was completely exhausted.

On this day, the big guy ran for a long time against the violent sandstorm, and finally found a relatively safe campsite.

This campsite is a leeward cave, and there are "583" Populus euphratica trees at the entrance of the cave. It is very stable in the cave and will not be attacked by sandstorms.

"Wow, this place is heaven!"

After entering the cave, Chen Meimei jumped up happily.

After struggling in the fierce sandstorm for a day, Chen Meimei felt that she had lost half of her life.

It was so easy to find such a shelter without wind and sand, and the joy in her heart was simply indescribable.

\"This kind of dark, damp, dark place has become a paradise in your mind. If this is really paradise, I suggest you stay here forever in the future!\"

Zhao Yan had a lot of opinions on Chen Meimei, and at this time she didn't forget to anger Chen Meimei.

In the past, of course, Chen Meimei had to refute Zhao Yan face to face for maintaining her "dignity", but this time, Chen Meimei unexpectedly chose to remain silent, because she chose an excellent one for herself. Camp location.

A large group of people huddled in a small tent last night, it was a **** on earth!

Today, I managed to find a spacious and sheltered place, and I have to make good use of it.

When the big guy was busy setting up the camp in the cave, Ye Hao suddenly said loudly: "This place is not safe, we must leave this place immediately!"

"Ah?\" When Ye Hao said this, he immediately stunned everyone, "This place is very suitable for camping, why do you want to leave this place?"

Ye Hao said in a deep voice, "This place is a zombie cave, and there are black zombies living in it!"

"The black zombies may be out now, but they will definitely come back. We must get out of here as soon as possible!"

Chen Meimei asked inexplicably: "Brother Ye Hao, we encountered black zombies in the oasis before, didn't you kill them?"

"If there is another black zombie, can't we just kill him?"

Ma Yuzhen retorted: "I said you, Chen Meimei, do you have a disease in your head? How did my husband tell you before that the deserts of Heifengkou are all active in groups!"

"The probability of us encountering black zombies here is very small, but as long as we encounter black zombies, it must be a terrifying group of zombies!"

"Ah?\" Chen Meimei's expression changed suddenly, "You mean, there are a large group of zombies living in this cave?"

Ye Hao nodded and replied, "I can feel the unique corpse smell of black zombies in this cave!"

"I don't know how many black zombies there are, but there are definitely black zombies here!"

"If we are blocked by a large number of black zombies in the cave, the situation will be very bad!"

"Then what are you waiting for, hurry up and run!" Chen Dongkai was already restless.

Chen Dongkai listened to Ye Hao's suggestion and immediately greeted everyone to leave the cave. Sure enough, just after everyone left the cave, a few black zombies ran over from a distance.

The wind and sand outside is still very large, and the black zombies are blocked by the wind and sand and cannot run fast in the desert.

This also gave Ye Hao and his party a certain amount of time to leave the cave, but the difficulty level of black zombies is also very terrifying. These guys can only walk on the surface like humans on the soil and rock ground, but after reaching the sandy ground, they can Escape in the sand.

And this is the most terrifying place for black zombies.

After Ye Hao and his party left the small mountainous area, they soon entered the sandy land again. After entering the sandy land, Ye Hao could see from a long distance that the black zombies got into the soft sand dunes one after another. .

Seeing this scene, Ye Hao really felt his scalp tingle for a while.

The black zombie that Ye Hao encountered last time was a 0..

These black zombies drilled into the dunes, obviously planning to repeat their old tricks, using their old routines.

However, Ye Hao and his party were deep in the environment of howling winds, and no matter how anxious they were, they couldn't increase their speed.

Finally, ten minutes later, Ye Hao suddenly felt an extremely dangerous aura coming from under his feet.

"Everyone stop moving immediately, be careful, there are black zombies under our feet!"

"Ah, there are black zombies under your feet?..."

"Ouch!" Chen Dongkai wailed and fell to the ground with a thud.

Then there was a pitch-black zombie head that emerged from the sand and bit frantically.

Chen Dongkai was frightened and retreated to avoid the attack of the black zombies, but he was still caught by his ankle. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break free. With the appearance of the black zombies, the situation at the scene instantly turned into a mess.

Chen Meimei and the others were so frightened that they shouted and dared not go up to save people.

Ye Hao stared at the violent sandstorm, walked up hard, cut off an arm of the black zombie with a knife, and rescued Chen Dongkai.

After being rescued, Chen Dongkai asked extremely anxiously: "Mr. Ye, I heard that zombie toxin can be infected. I was scratched by a zombie. Do you think I will become a zombie?"

Ye Hao glanced at the injury on Chen Dongkai's leg and sighed helplessly.

Chen Meimei suggested: "Now 1.2 cuts off my father's leg, will it stop the spread of corpse poison?"

Ye Hao shook his head and sighed, "You've watched too many movies and TV shows, right? Zombie virus flows in human blood. As long as the zombie virus is infected, it's useless to drain the blood from the whole body!"

"Unless... a monk with advanced Taoism, you can use your own Taoism to forcibly remove the corpse poison from your body!"

"Mr. Ye, I beg you, save my father, I know you must have a solution!"

Chen Meimei and Chen Lele knelt down directly in front of Ye Hao.

But even so, Ye Hao is now helpless: "The corpse poison has entered his body, so am I...?...\" Damn! \" Having said this, Ye Hao's face suddenly changed greatly, "Everyone is riding a camel, there are zombies below! "Come on the camel and leave me alone!" \"?

Lei Iw

Chapter 263: Unfortunate trick

Chen Meimei and the others couldn't let go of Chen Dongkai, but Chen Dongkai tried his best to drive away a few girls, but in the end, the two bodyguards pushed Chen Dongkai onto the camel.

Fortunately, the wind speed in the desert dropped a little at this time, and the man was riding on the camel, clinging to the reins, barely able to stabilize his body.

But even a camel can't run fast in this dire environment.

The camel is moving fast, but it is still inevitable that the zombies that will sneak in the sand will attack.

But the good thing is that the camel is big enough that even if it is scratched by a black zombie, it can still struggle and run, and it will not fall down immediately. After fleeing all the way for more than 50 kilometers, it can be regarded as completely free from the harassment of black zombies!

The group came to a low-lying oasis. There were a lot of trees growing in the oasis. These trees blocked the attack of the strong wind, making this oasis a rare paradise in the area of ​​Heifengkou.

02 After confirming that they were in the safe zone, Chen Meimei and the others immediately took Chen Dongkai off the camel's back.

After this period of delay, the corpse poison has spread on Chen Dongkai's body. Chen Dongkai's leg was scratched by the black zombie. At this time, it has completely turned black, and black thick water is flowing out of the wound.

"Father, are you alright! 〃 When several girls saw Chen Dongkai's tragic state, they all covered their faces and cried, devastated.

Ye Hao was also very distressed when he saw this scene not far away.

Chen Dongkai has now been infected with corpse poison, and it is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to survive if they are infected with corpse poison.

The only way to keep Chen Dongkai alive is to turn him into a corpse like Zhao Yan.

But the corpse is also a zombie in essence, and normal people may not be willing to become like this.

And Chen Dongkai looks like this, maybe death is his best destination.

"Mr. Ye, I beg you to save my father, as long as he can survive, let me do anything!"

"I can be a bull and a horse for you in the future, please save my father!" Chen Meimei ran over again, fell to her knees and begged Ye Hao.

Several other little sisters also planned to come to Ye Hao for help, but were stopped by Chen Dongkai!

"Okay, you girls don't continue to make trouble anymore. Mr. Ye has helped us enough. If he had a way to save me, he would have already taken action to save me, so don't make it difficult for me. "

After drinking down a few girls, Chen Dongkai continued: "Mr. Ye, will I soon become a black zombie and hurt innocent people?"

Ye Hao nodded and replied: "Infected by corpse poison, you will soon become a zombie!"

Chen Dongkai asked again: "I have seen some movies and TV shows that say: After people become zombies, they will give priority to attacking their relatives. Is it true?"

"Uh????" Ye Hao replied embarrassedly, "There is indeed such a situation!\"

"Zombies are very sensitive to smells. Most of the low-level zombies have no vision. They can only detect the breath of living people by their sense of smell!"

"The aura on the people close to them is very familiar to them and will be their priority target!"

\"So that's what it is!\" Chen Dongkai sighed with a miserable smile, "Then if I commit suicide now, I won't become a zombie, right?"

Ye Hao said in a deep voice: "The most effective way to kill zombies is to completely burn them into ashes. Zombies are lifeless things, and it is difficult to kill them completely by ordinary means!"

"Yeah!" Chen Dongkai nodded and replied, "Then you should set up a fire now and burn me to ashes!"