MTL - Resurrection of Terror: My Eight Magical Skills Will Be Automatically Cultivated-Chapter 176

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Ye Hao didn't have any extra excuses, and went straight to the next link by striking while the iron was hot!

"Ma Yuzhen, since you want to repay me, then I will give you this opportunity. I don't want you to be a cow and a horse for me. You will stay by my side and serve me in the future!"

"However, I need you to stay by my side in a persevering manner. I think you can accept it?"

"Contract?" Ma Yuzhen asked, "What are you planning to do?"

General Ghost said, "Ma Yuzhen, don't you think you have too many questions?"

"If it wasn't for our boss this time, both you and Ma Lingling would have to be killed by the ghost king!"

"And our Boss Ye took you away from Ma Lingling and saved Lingling for the second time!"

"With such a great kindness and virtue, even if Boss Ye asks you to be a bull and a horse for her, isn't it a matter of course?"

"I...that's fine!\"

After such a reminder from General Ghost, Ma Yuzhen finally made up her mind to follow Ye Hao and serve Ye Hao in the future! .



Chapter 221: Potential Stocks

In fact, Ma Yuzhen is not completely simple-minded, letting others control her thoughts.

She is very aware of her own situation. Although she survived by means of sorcery, she is essentially dead.

As the so-called reincarnation of life and death is separated by yin and yang, it is true that the dead and the living cannot have long-term contact.

She stayed by Ma Lingling's side for a long time, which did not benefit Ma Lingling at all, on the contrary, it would harm Ma Ling~ling.

Now Ma Lingling's body has been infected with a lot of ghosts, and it has essentially become a state of "not human beings or ghosts"?

In this case, Ma Yuzhen would not continue to drag Ma Lingling down anyway.

She had to make up her mind to completely keep a distance from Ma Lingling so that Ma Lingling could live a normal life.

Not only can we not harass Ma Lingling, but we can no longer harass innocent ordinary people.

Since Ye Hao is a person with means and is not afraid of the Yin Qi in her body, it is the best choice for her to stay by Ye Hao's side.

One is to find the best place for himself, and the other is to stay by Ye Hao's side to repay Ye Hao's "kindness" to her.

That night, Ye Hao brought Ma Yuzhen and his party to Xuecheng.

This place in Xuecheng is located in a severe cold area, and it is not too far from the ghostly abyss.

Ye Hao planned to stay in this place for a while to digest the heart of the world he had just absorbed.

As long as the energy of the Heart of the World is completely consumed, Ye Hao's strength can certainly be improved by several levels.

After the accommodation was arranged, General Ghost came to Ye Hao's room for the first time.

"Master, the heart of the world was shattered by the ghost king, this world...?...\"

Ye Hao said: "The heart of the world is something that can exist forever, and no force can completely destroy the heart of the world, unless you completely destroy the world!" "Otherwise, after the heart of the world is destroyed, it will soon be destroyed again. Condensed a new heart of the world!"

"The ghost king of the underworld controls the heart of the world in a polluted way, which can block the spread of the energy of the heart of the world,

But if the ghost king of the underworld directly destroys the heart of the world, he will never think of anything! \"

The ghost general asked: "After the heart of the world was destroyed, hasn't the master... already absorbed a lot of energy?"

"Haha!\" Ye Hao replied with a wry smile, "What I draw is not the energy of the heart of the world, but the energy of the ghost king!\"

"After the Heart of the World was shattered, the powerful vitality contained in it quickly dissipated.

But before the heart of the world collapsed, all the energy had been drained by the ghost king.

Ye Hao took away the energy of the heart of the world from the ghost king Kui Ming, which is equivalent to Ye Hao swallowing the heart of the world.

After figuring out this matter, the ghost general asked another question:

"Master, this Snow City... doesn't seem to have anything of value!"

Ye Hao didn't explain much about his stay in Xuecheng.

The General Ghost didn't ask any more questions. Even when he was about to return to his room to rest, Ye Hao told him:

"If you have time, please guide Ma Yuzhen's practice more, so that her strength can be improved as soon as possible!"

"Yes, Master!"

The ghost general left Ye Hao's room, and Ye Hao muttered secretly:

"This Ma Yuzhen is a good seedling, not bad!"

The main reason why Ye Hao stayed in Xuecheng for a while was also for Ma Yuzhen.

An extremely cold place like Xuecheng is the most suitable for Ma Yuzhen's cultivation. Ma Yuzhen's yin body, cultivation in such a place, the speed of cultivation must be twice the result with half the effort. The aptitude of the corpse is many times stronger than that of the ghost. As long as Ma Yuzhen is cultivated, he will definitely be Ye Hao's right-hand man in the future.

It is not easy to cultivate an Infernal Corpse. It does not mean that if you give a corpse half of its life, it will become an Infernal Corpse.

A woman with a certain Yin attribute must use tricks to hold her breath within a day after her death, in order to become a real Yin corpse.

Yin women are not easy to find, and even if they do find them, Ye Hao can't directly kill a living person and refine a corpse.

This method is really too cruel, and it doesn't conform to Ye Hao's principles of doing things.

The night gradually deepened, and Ye Hao gradually fell asleep.

In the haze, Ye Hao vaguely felt the temperature around his body, and suddenly it became icy cold.

The sudden chill made Ye Hao's body tremble faintly, and soon Ye Hao opened his eyes.

0??For flowers...

However, he saw a ferocious ghost figure, moving rapidly on the head of his bed.

\"Go to hell!\"

Ye Hao was startled, he stretched out his hand and slapped it fiercely at the ghost figure.

The ghost shadow was smashed into nothing by Ye Hao's slap, and finally turned into a pure Yin Sha energy, which was absorbed by Ye Hao.

"Your Liuku Immortal Thief is quite satisfied with the Yin Sha Ghost Qi, and the training speed is increased by 30%!"

"Huh?\" Ye Hao couldn't help but wrinkle, "What's the matter?"

"I just killed an ordinary ghost, how powerful is a little ghost?"

System: The Specter that just attacked its master came out of the abyss of ghost energy!

"The Abyss of Ghost Qi is the place where the Heart of the World is nurtured. Although the Heart of the World has been taken away by you, most of the Specters in the Abyss of Ghost Qi have absorbed some of the energy of the Heart of the World!"

"After the master killed these evil ghosts, he absorbed the energy of the heart of the world from their bodies!"

"The energy level of the Heart of the World is very high, and the Liuku Immortal Thief likes this energy very much!"

"That's not right!" Ye Hao asked in confusion, "When I devoured the heart of the world before, the Six Vault Immortal Thief directly increased my training speed by 300%, how come it's only 30% this time? efficiency?\"System: Because of these ghosts, there is only a small amount of Heart of the World energy in the body!

"The vast majority of the energy in the Heart of the World was absorbed by the Ghost King!"

"So the master has already obtained a lot of benefits when he killed the ghost king of the ghost!"

"The benefits of these little ghosts hunted now are far less than that of the ghost king, but these little ghosts are numerous,

If the owner can hunt down a large number of goblins and devour energy, it will be of great benefit! \"

"Yeah!" Ye Hao said in a condensed voice, "It's a good idea, no matter how small a mosquito's legs are, he's still meat!"

When he was in Ancheng before, Ye Hao couldn't meet a decent baby for a long time!

Devouring ordinary defective cultivation will have very limited effect, and it will also lead to the disgust of the Sixth Library Immortal Thief. It is definitely not a long-term solution! Ding.


Chapter 222: Long-Term Planning

Although the energy in the little ghost is far less powerful than that of the ghost king, it still has a 30% effect, which is not bad. With these little ghosts constantly "giving support", Ye Hao can be regarded as having a stable source of cultivation.

As long as Ye Hao insists on "hunting", it will not take long for Ye Hao's cultivation to take off like a rocket! Thinking of this, Ye Hao jumped down from the bed and left his residence overnight into the mountains to hunt ghosts! "Congratulations to the host for successfully killing the red-clothed female ghost, the Liuku immortal thief is quite satisfied with the prey, and the training efficiency has increased by 30%!" "Congratulations to the host for successfully hunting down a black ghost female ghost, the Liuku immortal thief is satisfied with the prey, and practice Efficiency has increased by 20%\"\"Congratulations to the host for successfully killing the Yasha ghost, Liuku Immortal Thief is basically satisfied with the prey, and the training efficiency has increased by 10%" After that, Ye Hao continued to hunt with "553\" There are five or six Specter Ghosts, but Liuku Immortal Thief is getting more and more dissatisfied with the effect of their prey! Until the last ghost hunter, the conclusion given by Liuku Immortal Thief directly became this:

"Your Liuku Immortal Merchant is not very satisfied with the prey, and the training efficiency is increased by 0%!\"

System: Devouring a large number of low-level imps, the improvement effect will be weakened rapidly, and the weakening standard will be refreshed once a day!

On the same day, if a large number of imps of the same level are killed in a row, the Six Vault Immortal Thief will resist the energy of the World Heart in these imps. This means that Ye Hao can't rely on these little devils to gain experience and improve his strength.

If you want to quickly improve your combat power in a short period of time, you have to find some powerful ghost kings.

Of course, Ye Hao can also use the method of time accumulation to continuously obtain the energy of the heart of the world from the little ghost, and gradually improve his own strength! From Ye Hao's own subjective level, Ye Hao is more inclined to the former set of plans.

But it was already late at night, and Ye Hao was not very familiar with the situation in the mountains.

After some thought, Ye Hao decided to go back to rest temporarily.

After dawn tomorrow, find a guide who knows the way to lead the way, and it is not too late to go into the mountains to hunt ghosts.

This place in Xuecheng is very close to the abyss of ghost energy. It can be said without hesitation that this place is simply a ghost's nest. Hunting ghosts in this place is more convenient than hunting, because there are too many prey in this place.

The next morning, Ye Hao found two guides in Xuecheng.

Both were young men, a man and a woman.

The man's name is Chang Fei. He is a young man in his 20s with a standard flat head and looks very energetic. The girl's name is Zhao Yan, who is only 19 years old this year. She is a beautiful girl in fashionable dress.

"I have explained the task to you very clearly, do you have any confidence?"

Ye Hao gathered the two thoughts together and gave a lecture!

"Have confidence!"

"Speak louder, I can't hear you!"

"We must complete the task, please rest assured boss!\"

The two young men raised their voices and swelled with anger.

"Well, since everyone is confident, let's go right away!" Ye Hao waved his hand to signal.

"The salary will be calculated for both of you from now on. If you want to quit midway, please bid me farewell three hours in advance!"

"If someone leaves without saying goodbye, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

"How could it be!" Zhao Yan replied coquettishly.

"Boss, don't worry, I, Zhao Yan, will definitely help you complete this mission!"

Zhao Yan's words were loud, but Chang Fei suddenly said:

"Zhao Yan, think about it!"

"This time we went out, not to play games, but to go out to play life..."

"What kind of unrealistic idea do you have, or...?"

"Chang Fei, there's no need for you to meddle in your business here, hum!"

Zhao Yan glared at Chang Fei fiercely.

Unexpectedly, Chang Fei exposed her on the spot.

"Boss Ye, you may not know that Zhao Yan is a second-rate female anchor. She wants to go out with you... catch some live videos of catching ghosts to gather popularity and make money!"

"She has no practical ability to protect you at all, let alone be a guide!"

Zhao Yan immediately became angry: "Chang Fei, don't be rude, I'm going out with Mr. Ye to be a guide with all my heart!"

After speaking, she even looked at Ye Hao with a flattering look and explained:

"Mr. Ye, don't listen to Chang Fei's nonsense here!"

"I know the terrain around Xuecheng very well. I don't even need a map when I travel within 100 kilometers of Xuecheng. I really want to help you with something. You must give me this opportunity.

Ye Hao replied indifferently: "Okay, I don't care what purpose you are doing with me!"

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