MTL - Resurrection of Terror: My Eight Magical Skills Will Be Automatically Cultivated-Chapter 175

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Chapter 219: Digging the Wall?

"You have swallowed so much Lieyang Water, even if you successfully integrate the Heart of the World, you will still be limited by Lieyang Shuiyan!"

"Now you can only be slaughtered by others, hey..."

"It's impossible, I'm going to kill you with my own hands, I..."

"Ah..." The Ghost King of the Underworld didn't finish a sentence, Ye Hao punched him with a backhand.

With a direct punch of thunder and a heavy blow, the ghost king of the underworld directly disintegrated into a mass of ghosts and disappeared without a trace.

"Your Liuku Immortal Thief is very satisfied with the Heart of the World, and the training speed has increased by 300%!"

"Tsk tsk!" The pure energy of the Heart of the World poured into Ye Hao's body. Ye Hao felt that his strength was like riding on a rocket and soared rapidly.

After stabilizing the situation in his body, Ye Hao turned his attention to Ma Yuzhen.

"You...what do you want to do?" Ma Yuzhen hurriedly took Ma Lingling into her arms and said in a panic.

"What means do you have to rush at me, don't hurt Lingling!"

Ma Lingling is also not to be outdone: "Don't hurt my mother, I can do whatever you want!"

Ye Hao waved his hand and said, "What are you two doing so nervous, I have no plans to do anything to you?"

"Tell me about your experience!"

Ma Yuzhen and Ma Lingling are indeed in a mother-daughter relationship, but 15 years ago, Ma Yuzhen fell off a cliff and died because of an accident.

The place in Yangri Town is very close to the abyss of ghost qi. In this small town, there are a lot of ghost qi sorcery.

After Ma Yuzhen stumbled and fell to her death, her husband Ma Gui found a trickster to use tricks to extract half of Ma Lingling's soul power and placed it on Ma Yuzhen's body. Ma Yuzhen got Ma Lingling's soul power and "lived" again.

To outsiders, Ma Yuzhen is no different from a normal living person, but in fact, although she can move and speak like a living person, she is essentially dead. There is no way in this world to truly bring the dead back to life.

Ma Yuzhen's current form could not be regarded as a living person, but only as a corpse.

She does not have the body temperature that a living person should have, her body is completely cold, and there is no blood circulation in her body.

Therefore, her face was as pale as white paper, and there was no blood at all.

Ma Lingling was taken away for half of her life, resulting in her incomplete soul power. Strictly speaking, she can't be regarded as a normal person now.

The mother and daughter share "a breath of anger", neither of them can be regarded as normal people, but only as "infernal corpses".

Infernal corpses are half-human and half-ghost in nature, and the Ghost King of the Underworld can directly draw "anger" from their bodies.

After the ghost king is partially angry, he can quickly integrate the heart of the world without being rejected by the heart of the world.

Therefore, he was able to completely integrate the heart of the world in a very short period of time.

It's a pity that Ye Hao is not a "fool" either, he has already made an article on Heart of the World in advance.

Yesterday afternoon, Ye Hao sprinkled water on the heart of the world many times. In fact, what he sprinkled was not ordinary clear water, but scorching sun water.

After the Lieyang Water was sprinkled on the Heart of the World, it was soon swallowed up by the Heart of the World.

The Ghost King Mi Ming only wanted to quickly integrate the heart of the world and get rid of Ye Hao's control, but he didn't find any clues.

Now the two sides have completely torn their faces, and when they are about to start, the ghost king of the leg underworld finds out that he has been calculated, but it is too late.

"Please let us go!" Ma Yuzhen fell to her knees and begged Ye Hao.

"Although Lingling and I...we have such existences, we have never done anything wicked!"

"We're just running a hotel right here, earning a little bit of money to live on, I-"

"Okay!" Ma Yuzhen wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Ye Hao.

"I didn't say what to do with you either?"

"However, what I want to tell you is: since you are now separated by yin and yang, it's better to clear the relationship!"

"Although Lingling has had a part of her soul power taken away, she still has a part of her life power in her body, and she can still live like a normal person!"

"But you, Ma Yuzhen, are different. You died 15 years ago. You and Lingling are separated by yin and yang. You stay with her for a long time, which doesn't do her any good. On the contrary, it hurts her." Me? ?..." Ma Yuzhen's mouth twitched, and she continued after a long time.

"At that time, Lingling was still young, and her father was away all year round and didn't come home. I really couldn't worry about her!"

"Later, when I was going to leave them, her father was no longer there, me?..."

Ye Hao said in a condensed voice, "But now that Lingling has grown up, it won't do her any good if you stay by her side like this!"

"On the contrary, the two of you get along day and night, and the yin qi in you has invaded her body, making her now...not a ghost or a ghost!"

??Me?....I really shouldn't stay by her side! "Ma Yuzhen's nose was sour and she started to cry.

At this time, Ma Lingling suddenly became popular.

She pointed at Ye Hao and retorted: "Don't meddle with your business, okay, my mother is fine now, I have no problem staying with her, it's all of my own accord!"

"Haha!" Ye Hao waved his hand and smiled, "It's true that I'm nosy, when I didn't say it!"

Ye Hao laughed at himself and got up to leave the yard.

Ma Lingling also said angrily: "Mom, don't pay attention to this conceited guy, I want to be with you forever, I think it's fine for us now, I..."

"No!" Ma Yuzhen said suddenly, "Lingling, I can't stay by your side in the future!"

"Mr. Ye is right. If I stay by your side, not only will it not help you in any way, but it will actually harm you!"

"Now that you've grown up, you can take care of yourself (Li Li's), I'm... time to go too!"

"No, mom, don't leave me, I...don't leave, I want you to stay by my side forever!"

Ma Lingling took Ma Yuzhen's hand and refused to let go. Ma Yuzhen was anxious and turned the blame on Ye Hao.

"Lingling, you've grown up now, I don't need to take care of you anymore, it's time for me to find my own happiness!" Mr. Ye has great powers and extraordinary temperament, I want to follow him ! "

"Ah... me?..." Ma Yuzhen said these words, which made Ma Lingling dumbfounded on the spot.

Even Ye Hao was a little confused at this time: What does the entanglement between your two mothers have to do with me? This dragged me in for no reason, this is really a lie! Ma Lingling was stupid on the spot, but Ma Yuzhen said confidently: "Lingling, why are you so excited?".

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Chapter 220: That's it [Subscribe]

"Your father hasn't been here for many years. I have worked hard to bring you up, and I have suffered a lot!"

"Now I have finally found my happiness, you... can't tie me to you!"

"Me?..." Ma Lingling glanced at Ye Hao and asked, "Do you like her?"

"If you don't like him, just say so!"

"Eh?..." Ye Hao just felt that Ma Yuzhen's arrival was too sudden.

Ma Yuzhen's real age has always stayed 15 years ago, and her appearance and temperament are very good.

Fifteen years ago, she was in her twenties, and she was definitely a beauty.

However, her cold body made Ye Hao feel very "unsuitable".

Of course, Ye Hao also knew that Ma Yuzhen's purpose in doing this was to find an excuse to leave Ma Lingling, and would not be a drag on her in the future.

Because of this, Ye Hao didn't feel anything about Ma Yuzhen, but he didn't speak directly.

But Ma Yuzhen didn't think it was enough, so she stepped forward, hugged Ye Hao's wrist, and said softly:

"Mr. Ye.... I really like you, I hope you can give me a chance"

Having said that, she blinked at Ye Hao.

"Cough cough..." Ye Hao bit his head and replied.

"If that's the case, then you can stay by my side in the future!"

Ma Yuzhen didn't let go of Ye Hao's arm, and Ye Hao didn't "reject". Only then did Ma Lingling accept the reality.

In order to avoid having too many dreams at night, Ma Yuzhen explained all the funerals that day, and left Yangri Town with Ye Hao.

Ma Lingling sent her directly out of the town for more than ten miles. She didn't leave until Ye Hao took Ma Yuzhen into the car at the end.

The car slowly left, Ma Yuzhen sat in the back row, watching Ma Lingling's figure gradually disappear through the window, two lines of clear tears kept falling from her eyes. At this time, Ye Hao said: "Okay, Madam Ma, now I have helped you get rid of that girl's entanglement, what are your plans!"

"I..." Ma Yuzhen asked, "You let me leave Lingling, didn't you.... to make me follow you?"

"How do you talk?" Ye Hao shrugged and sighed.

"It wasn't me who forcibly separated you and Ma Lingling, it was you who decided to leave her, and I zealously helped you once!"

"Obviously I helped you, how did it become like this from your mouth?"


Ma Yuzhen opened her mouth wide and wanted to say something, but she finally swallowed the words back.

After a long time, she continued: "Yes, you really helped me!"

"If it wasn't for your kind reminder, I'd never be able to bear that girl Lingling!"

"I stay by her side like this, not only does it not help her, but it hurts her!"

"I want to thank you for this!"

"That's right!" Ye Hao nodded.

"I never thought about using you, I really want to help you!"

"As the so-called yin and yang are separated, the living and the dead belong to two different worlds. The number of the living is yang and the number of the dead is yin.

"Now Lingling's yin is very heavy, it's not a good thing for her!"

"This time, your identity as a corpse has attracted a ghost king of the underworld, and I can take action to subdue him,

If there is another ghost king next time, Lingling will have to be buried with you! "

Ma Yuzhen asked, "Mr. Ye, you just said that Lingling's ghost energy will attract the ghost king, in case..."

"You can rest assured at this point!"

Ye Hao said in a deep voice, "As long as you don't stay by his side for a long time, she won't be able to get rid of the ghost!"

"There is no way to get in touch with new ghosts, and the ghosts in her body will be gradually consumed by the sunlight, and it won't take long for her to become a normal person!"

"Thank you very much, Mr. Ye, if (acbc) wasn't you... I'm afraid I would really hurt Lingling!"

"In the future, I am willing to serve you as a cow and a horse, and repay your great kindness and virtue!"

The scenes that happened in the car really made the ghost general feel very shocked.

Obviously Ye Hao "poached" Ma Yuzhen, but Ma Yuzhen was not angry.

On the contrary, he is grateful to Ye Hao, and now he wants to repay Ye Hao's great kindness.

"Infernal corpses" like Ma Yuzhen are evil in the eyes of ordinary people, but they are treasures in Ye Hao's eyes.

Infernal corpses are different from ordinary ghosts, all ghosts exist in the form of souls.

Although Specter can have a substantial form after transforming into shape, they are still a soul in essence.

Specter, who exists in the form of souls, has certain combat power, but his combat power is also very limited.

But Ma Yuzhen is a completely different existence. Ma Yuzhen, an infernal corpse, is a "zombie" to put it bluntly.

The way of existence of zombies is completely opposite to that of Specter.

Specter only has a soul body, not a real body.

But zombies have only one body and no soul.

If Ma Yuzhen can be trained as a zombie, then her combat power is extremely terrifying, and zombies are born without souls, and they are the nemesis of ghosts. Even those mutant aliens are vulnerable in the face of the extremely powerful Infernal corpse.

And the most important thing is: Ma Yuzhen, an infernal corpse, can be "charged" because he has half of his soul.

She was grateful to Ye Hao in her heart, and naturally obeyed Ye Haoyan.

It can be expected that Ma Yuzhen will definitely become Ye Hao's "gold medal" fighter in the future, and Ye Hao's "hard work" today is also worth it.

Ma Yuzhen was grateful to Ye Hao and willingly served Ye Hao.

Read The Duke's Passion