MTL - Resurrection of Terror: My Eight Magical Skills Will Be Automatically Cultivated-Chapter 177

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"In a word: this time we go out, but we will face danger. Everyone must be vigilant at all times, you know?"

"Yes, boss!\"


Even if Chang Fei didn't say it, Ye Hao had an inseparable guess about Zhao Yan's identity.

After all, a little beauty like Zhao Yan with a good temperament, isn't it good to live a pampered life in the city, why do you have to deal with those ghosts? The only reason that makes sense is that the girl wants to use the ghost hunt to gain greater benefits.

This kind of thing is not something ordinary people can do, if Ye Hao can really catch the ghost.

Then Zhao Yan can completely use this to quickly gather a lot of popularity, and it is not impossible for him to become popular.

As for the salary Ye Hao gave her, it was irrelevant to her.

Danger is unavoidable, but if you want to rise quickly in this world, you can't let yourself live too easily.

Two hours later, Zhao Yan took Ye Hao to a deep valley on the outskirts of Xuecheng.

At the mouth of the valley, Zhao Yan explained to Ye Hao: "Boss Ye, the valley in front of you is Chenxiang Valley, and there are ghosts in 1.2!"

"I heard that more than ten years ago, there was a vicious madman who murdered and robbed many times in the wild. After each murder, the murderer would throw the dead body into the Tao Chenxiang Valley."

"Among them, there is a pregnant woman who is very angry. After she died, she became a ghost, wandering in the valley all the year round!"

Snow City is very close to Devil May Cry Abyss, so the probability of encountering a Specter at night is still very high.

In the past, all the ghosts in the abyss of ghosts were ruled by the ghost king.

Although the ghost king of the underworld is vicious and cruel, and extremely vicious, the ghost king of the underworld is not particularly powerful before he completely integrates the heart of the world, so this guy is still very low-key. Under the constraints of the ghost king, the ghosts and monsters under his command lived in the abyss of ghosts for a long time, and seldom came out to play. .

Chapter 223: Death Live

But since the ghost king was killed by Ye Hao, the ghosts in the abyss of ghosts lost their restraints.

The Specters who lost their restraints left the Devil May Cry Abyss one after another. Xuecheng was relatively close to the Ghost Qi Abyss, and there were a large number of Specter activities around.

The female ghost in Chenxiang Valley is very famous in the Snow City generation. If Ye Hao expected it well, this female ghost should have the strength of the ghost king.

It may not be as powerful as the Ghost King Tai, but catching her would be of great benefit to Ye Hao.

Standing at the mouth of Agarwood Valley, and after paying attention to the valley for a long time, Ye Hao couldn't help sighing:

"I can sense that this agarwood valley is full of auspicious aura. It seems that there should not be particularly powerful ghosts?"

Chang Fei can remind: "Mr. Ye, please don't take it lightly. Over the years, the Chenxiang Valley female ghost has killed more than a dozen powerful aliens, and the unfortunate people who ventured into the mountains have suffered extremely tragic casualties. ah!"

"It has been two or three years, and no one has dared to venture into Chenxiang Valley!"

"I think it's better that we don't go to die. I know that there is another place where we can catch some 02-ordered brats..."

Zhao Yan said frantically: "It's so boring to catch little devils, since we've come out, we'll simply eliminate the evil for the people and eradicate the devils in Chenxiang Valley. Isn't it heart-warming!"

"Okay!" Chang Fei wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Ye Hao.

"Well, Mr. Chang Fei, since you are full of fear of Chenxiang Valley, then I will not force you to enter the valley!"

\"You stay in Taniguchi, I will go in with Zhao Yan to hunt ghosts!\"


"Don't worry, staying behind is also part of your job. We will still pay you the agreed price for the salary during your stay, which is 80 yuan per hour!"

"If that's the case, then I'm here to stay here. If you need me to do something for you, just tell me!"

Ye Hao picked up a wooden stick from the ground, looked for a flat open area at Taniguchi, and used the stick to draw a circle about 10 meters in diameter on the ground, and encircled Chang Fei in it.

After the circle was drawn, Ye Hao said in a condensed voice, "Chang Fei, after we enter the valley, stay in this circle and don't run around!"

\"The surrounding area is very unstable. If you run around the world, your life may be in danger at any time!\"

"Don't worry, Mr. Ye, I'll stay here and wait for you to come back. If I find anything unusual, I'll call to let you know!"

After the two sides briefly explained the communication method, Ye Hao took Zhao Yan into the valley, while Chang Fei set up tents in the Anza camp in the circle drawn by Ye Hao.

Watching the backs of Ye Hao and the others gradually disappearing at the end of his field of vision, Chang Fei couldn't help saying angrily:

"Zhao Yan, you idiot, you're really tired of living!"

Chenxiang Valley is a place where Xiong Ming is far away. Since Yin Yuxue was murdered here more than ten years ago, for so many years, those who have the courage to enter Chenxiang Valley have been killed.

Except for Master Haichang who escaped from Chenxiang Valley by chance four years ago, everyone who entered here died.

Chenxianggu is completely a Jedi, and Chang Fei really doesn't think that Ye Hao has the ability to subdue that ferocious Specter.

In this regard, Chang Fei has just stated his point of view very clearly, and tried his best to dissuade Ye Hao from entering Chenxiang Valley.

It's a pity that Ye Hao is now "bewitched" by Zhao Yan and doesn't listen to Chang Fei's trick at all.

On the other side, after Ye Hao took Zhao Yan into Chenxiang Valley, Zhao Yan really took out the mobile phone and searchlight from the bag, and began to finally shoot Ye Hao's ghost hunting operation, and started a live broadcast in her live broadcast room. .

Ye Hao looked back at Zhao Yan, and Zhao Yan responded to Ye Hao's expression with a cold smile.

That's right, although Zhao Yan still had a smile on her face at the moment, it didn't make people feel the slightest warmth.

She looked at Ye Hao as if she was looking at a dead person.

"Hey!" Ye Hao shook his head and sighed, "Zhao Yan, Zhao Yan, do you know what the most terrifying thing in the world is? "

Zhao Yan explained hypocritically: "Mr. Ye, don't be angry, I have no choice but to do this, just to eat a meal!"

Ye Hao said in a deep voice, "Zhao Yan, you must not mean that the most terrifying thing in the world is a Specter!"

"The most terrifying thing in this world is never a ghost, but a human heart!"

Zhao Yan replied hypocritically: "Boss Ye, you are so right, there are too many bad people in this world, I..."

\"You cannon fodder Xiao Yanyan's name is very good!\"

"You..." Zhao Yan's complexion suddenly changed, "You?... How do you know!"

Cannon fodder Xiao Yanyan is the name of the blogger in Zhao Yan's live broadcast room, although she has already started broadcasting.

But she was about three meters away from Ye Hao's position, and now the phone camera was facing Ye Hao, not the phone screen facing Ye Hao.

Ye Hao didn't see her phone screen at all, how could he know her anchor's nickname?

Moreover, Zhao Yan, the cannon fodder Xiao Yanyan's anchor, is not a "serious" anchor, but a notorious death anchor!

In Zhao Yan's live broadcast room, the content of the live broadcast is not the video of the Taoist hunter killing the ghost, but the live video of the ghost hunting the Taoist.

Now Zhao Yan has brought Ye Hao into Chenxiang Valley, and has turned on her live camera, waiting for Mr. Specter to kill Ye Hao.

She took the camera and filmed the whole process of Li Gui killing Ye Hao on the spot, and performed "Death Live" at night.

Although this live broadcast of death is extremely cruel and vicious, it can satisfy the bloodthirsty and brutal twisted desires of some people!

Therefore, Zhao Yan has a group of very loyal fans. As long as Zhao Yan's live broadcast room is launched, there will be a lot of popularity immediately.

And most of these viewers are VIP customers, who paid a lot of money to watch the live broadcast, and also gave Zhao Yan an almost crazy reward.

Zhao Yan ignored Ye Hao's life and death, Zhao Yan only cared about how much money she could earn!

The live broadcast has already started, the Specter will be here soon, and Zhao Yan's death anchor has officially started.

"Hey!\" Ye Hao shook his head and sighed, "Zhao Yan, you really have no humanity!"

"I see that you have a beautiful appearance and a pure expression, but I didn't expect that under the beautiful skin, there is a dirty heart wrapped!"

Zhao Yan sneered and replied: \"Brother Ye Hao, what are you doing so excited...Aren't you the so-called master of ghost hunters? Let me see your true abilities!\"

"Speaking of which, if you are a ghost hunter, if you can't even win a ghost, then even if you are dead, what is there to be wronged?".

Chapter 224: Female ghosts fight each other

"Hey!\" Ye Hao just sighed slightly and didn't say anything more.

Zhao Yan ignored Ye Hao and started talking to the camera screen.

"Dear viewers and friends, the cannon fodder Xiaoyanyan's live broadcast room has started!"

"Today we have invited Mr. Ye Hao, a famous ghost hunter, to catch the female ghost Zhao Fang in Chenxiang Valley!"

Zhao Yan's words came out, and the live broadcast room suddenly became lively.

"What's the name of this cannon fodder who is going to die today?"

"I can't wait to enjoy the visual feast of cannibals!"

"Sister Yanyan is too cruel..."

"I just like this kind of beautiful, cold and ruthless femme fatale, hahaha!"

"What about the ghost in red, why hasn't it come out yet, I can't wait!"

"Hey, what a sin!\"

The voices of the audience in the live broadcast room are one after another, and they are endless.

At this time, Ye Hao turned his back to the live camera, and the audience could only see Ye Hao's back, but could not see Ye Hao's face.

The most frequently displayed on the live broadcast screen is Zhao Yan's cruel and cold face.

Suddenly, a red light flashed in front of the camera, and a fiery red phantom suddenly appeared in front of Zhao Yan.

"Ah!\" The moment the red phantom appeared, Zhao Yan couldn't help but let out a scream.

"The devil is here, good brother, come and protect me!"

On the surface, Zhao Yan was frightened by the ghost in red and screamed, but in fact she did this purely to "enliven" the atmosphere in the live broadcast room.

The screams of women can easily arouse the emotions of the audience.

Especially a girl with a very high value like Zhao Yan, her fear and screaming can arouse men's desire to protect.

Zhao Yan also took advantage of this to earn more rewards.

Ye Hao sneered and replied, "Zhao Yan, you just said that my life and death have nothing to do with you.

Then what does your life and death have to do with me, I don't have the time to help you?"!"

Zhao Yan refuted sharply: "Ye Hao, you are still stubborn when you die, you must be the one who died today!"

Ye Hao sneered and replied, "Why are you so confident, Li Gui has no humanity, she will kill you just as well!"

"Giggle.?????\" Zhao Yan covered her mouth and laughed,

"Brother Ye Hao, you are so naive, Zhao Fang is my cousin, she will never hurt me, she will strangle you alive and tear you to pieces!"

Zhao Yan's words finally resolved the doubts in Ye Hao's heart.

No wonder Zhao Yan dared to engage in this kind of "death live broadcast", co-authoring her and the Chenxiang Valley female ghost actually still have such a relationship!

With this special relationship, the female ghost will definitely not hurt him, and he can leave calmly after filming the live broadcast in Chenxiang Valley. Zhao Yan smiled very heartily, in her opinion Ye Hao is now a dead person.

After a while, the female ghost killed Ye Hao, and after the audience had a good time, she was able to get a lot of rewards.

Unfortunately, the scene that Zhao Yan expected did not happen. After the female ghost in red appeared, she did not attack Ye Hao.

The female ghost in red stood motionless beside Ye Hao, Zhao Yan hurriedly shouted:

"Cousin, what are you still doing, kill this man and drain his blood!"

\"Kill him!\"

Zhao Yan urged the female ghost in red to kill Ye Hao quickly, but the female ghost in red still did not attack Ye Hao, but suddenly turned around and glanced at Zhao Yan. "Ah, you...???. You are not my cousin, who are you!"

Only then did Zhao Yan realize that the female ghost in red was not her cousin Zhao Fang at all, but a strange woman.

This female ghost in red is Ma Yuzhen who followed Ye Hao in secret!

Of course, Ma Yuzhen would not attack Ye Hao. On the contrary, she would follow Ye Hao's order and attack Zhao Yan.

It's too late to say it!

When Zhao Yan realized that the situation was not right, Ma Yuzhen had already rushed in front of her.

This frightened Zhao Yan, and without any extra hesitation, she just ran away.

At this time, Zhao Yan was still carrying the camera in her hand, running in the valley with the rugged road, she must not be able to win Ma Yuzhen.

Read The Duke's Passion