MTL - Resurrection of Terror: My Eight Magical Skills Will Be Automatically Cultivated-Chapter 174

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Regardless of looks or temperament, Ma Yuzhen is better than Ma Lingling.

It's just that Ma Yuzhen's clothes are very simple, which makes her look very old.

If she changed into a youthful girl's costume, Ma Lingling was completely incomparable with her.

In the end, Ye Hao shook his head indifferently and ignored Ma Lingling. Instead, he picked up the water pipe and continued to spray a lot of water on the heart of the world.

Seeing this situation, Ma Lingling asked curiously, "Boss Ye, what are you doing? Isn't this just a stone, and you need to take a bath?"

"Yeah!" Ye Hao nodded and replied affirmatively.

"This piece of stone is very valuable to me, but the filth attached to it makes me feel extremely disgusted, and I have to clean it thoroughly!" I'll help you with this little thing Do it, Boss Ye, you should go back to rest early! \"

Ma Lingling came over and planned to take the water pipe from Ye Hao.

Ye Hao shrank his hands and took back the water pipe.

"This item is very unusual, you better not touch it!"

Ye Hao glanced at Ma Lingling and said solemnly:

"Something like bad luck, once you get it, you can't get rid of it!"

"Ah, this...\" Ma Lingling stuck out her tongue and asked, \"Is it so scary?"

"I'm not joking with you!" Ye Hao said in a condensed voice.

"This thing can only be seen and not touched, otherwise you will be at your own risk!"

Leaving this last sentence, Ye Hao has almost cleaned the filth in the heart of the world.

After dropping the water pipe, Ye Hao stopped chatting with Ma Lingling and returned to his room immediately.

After Ye Hao left, Ma Lingling cautiously stood up from her seat and walked towards the heart of the world.

The heart of the huge world was polluted by ghost energy, and a layer of dark and sticky filth was attached to the surface.

After taking a close look, Ma Lingling couldn't help frowning:

"What the **** is this thing, dirty??.?..."

She couldn't hold back the curiosity in her heart and wanted to reach out and touch it, but a stern voice came from behind her:

\"Lingling, what are you doing, didn't I tell you, you can't touch the guest's things casually!\"

Ma Yuzhen ran over from a distance, grabbed Ma Lingling's wrist directly, and dragged Ma Lingling back to the hotel lobby.

Ma Lingling pouted and muttered: "Mom, why are you so nervous, I just want to see what that thing is?"

"Of course I won't mess around with the guests' things!"

"Don't bang that thing!" Ma Yuzhen told Ma Lingling in a low voice.

"That thing is very dangerous, it will most likely kill you, I'm not joking with you!"

"Got it!\" Ma Lingling nodded again and again, "I was too impulsive, I assure you..."

"Forget it, go and rest early, I'll guard it tonight!"

Ma Yuzhen will stick to this place in person, while Ma Lingling will stay in the hospital and accompany her to return to the room to rest until midnight.

The next morning, before dawn, Ye Hao came to the courtyard to flush the heart of the world.

But she saw Ma Yuzhen standing alone in the courtyard, engrossed in the mind of the world in the center of the courtyard, like a puppet. Fortunately, she thought she was dozing off, and ran over to see that Ma Yuzhen's eyes were round, and she didn't mean to be sleepy at all.

But it was standing there, motionless, looking very strange.

"Boss, are you all right? Are you feeling unwell?"


Ye Hao said a word, and Ma Yuzhen's body suddenly shook slightly, and finally reacted.

"I'm fine, I just remembered some old things and stayed for a while!"

Ye Hao always felt that there was something wrong with Ma Yuzhen.

But at this time, Ye Hao really couldn't think of what was wrong.

In short, Ye Hao did not sense any hostility from Ma Yuzhen, nor did he find any dangerous aura.

For Ye Hao, this is enough!

Even if Ma Yuzhen really hides some unknown secrets, now Ye Hao is busy dealing with the issue of Heart of the World 1.2, and there is no time to waste time on her. Ye Hao picked up the water pipe again and cleaned the heart of the world meticulously.

During this period of time, Ma Yuzhen took the initiative to ask Ye Hao some questions:

"Mr. Ye, I think your item is very valuable. Why don't you find a secret warehouse to store it?"

"There are many people in our hotel, and we store such valuable items. I am afraid that it will last for many years..."

"I'm afraid what?" Ye Hao replied indifferently.

"No matter who it is, who dares to attack me, I will let him come and go!"

"I naturally believe in Mr. Ye's ability, but... your treasure is invaluable, there is nothing wrong with being cautious!"

"Thank you for reminding the boss, I will handle it carefully!"?

Chapter 218: Superior Skills 【Subscribe】

Having said that, Ye Hao took out the banknotes again and handed them to Ma Yuzhen.

"This is today's hosting fee!\"

"I hope the lady boss can help me look after my baby as always!"

"Don't worry, Mr. Ye, I will be optimistic about this thing!"

Ma Yuzhen is actually not worried about this piece of "goods" from Ye Tian, ​​after all, where is the size of this piece of goods placed. The volume of the Heart of the World is two circles larger than that of the grinding table, and it is more than five or six tons if the weight is small.

An ordinary person can't hold such a large item at all, and it has to use construction machinery to shake it.

If you want to take away the heart of the world, you must make a big noise!

Even if it is left unattended, no one else can steal such a large object, not to mention the large number of cameras installed in the hotel courtyard. After Ye Hao poured water on the Heart of the World, he left the hotel courtyard.

When he walked to the door, he was bumped into by Ma Lingling.

"Hey, isn't this Boss Ye, why are you here!"

Ye Hao 02 hurriedly waved his hand and said, "Okay, okay, don't call me boss, I really can't stand it!"

When Ma Lingling wanted to say something, Ye Hao got up and left.

"Lingling, what are you messing around with!" Ma Yuzhen reminded.

"Boss Ye is a very busy person. They have time to chat with us here. You can call him eldest brother in the future!"

"I think Ye Hao's brother Ye Hao treats people with kindness and sincerity. He is a very good big brother!"

Now Ye Hao has just left the courtyard and hasn't gone far yet, Ye Hao has heard what Ma Lingling said. To be honest, this made Ye Hao feel very depressed!

There is very little contact between Ye Hao and Ma Lingling, but Ma Lingling claims that Ye Hao treats people kindly and is a good big brother! This is something that is not related at all, and she has to be forcibly pulled together.

The only explanation is that this girl "liked" Ye Hao in her heart and fell in love with Ye Hao at first sight, otherwise it would be impossible to be so fanatical.

After Ye Hao walked away, Ma Yuzhen suddenly lowered her voice and said to Ma Lingling:

"I see you, little girl, is your heart overflowing?"

"Looking at how handsome and fair the young man is, is he tempted or what?"

Ma Lingling's face suddenly turned red: "Mom, what are you talking about, I'm ignoring you!"

When Ma Yuzhen and Ma Lingling were communicating with each other, there was a loud noise behind them!


There was a huge roar, and the entire small courtyard shook violently.

Looking back, I saw the Heart of the World, which was placed not far behind, exploded directly from it, and shattered into pieces all over the ground.

"Ah...this...??...what the **** is going on here?"

This sudden scene frightened Ma Lingling.

"This is something belonging to Brother Ye Hao, how come it was suddenly destroyed, this...\"

At this time, Ye Hao had heard the news and returned to the hospital.

The Heart of the World, which was still intact just now, has now shattered into pieces all over the yard, and it has burst into disrepair.

A cloud of cold and stench black gas quickly gathered in the debris.

The ghost king!

"Jie Jie...\" The ghost king screamed and roared sharply.

"Ye Hao, you idiot, you can't think of it, the deity has now completely integrated the heart of the world, and today is your death!"

Ye Hao sneered and replied, "The Ghost King of the Underworld, you are a good way!"

"Jie Jie, God really helped me, God helped me!"

The ghost king of the underworld laughed wildly, and the hideous laughter made the eardrums burst, it was really unbearable.

Ye Hao bent down and picked up a fragment of the broken heart of the world from the ground, and the expression on his face was also very peaceful.

"Hahaha!\" The ghost king's laughter became even crazier, "Ye Hao, you may never have imagined that I can completely integrate and absorb it in just one night!"

"Now that the Heart of the World has been completely absorbed and utilized by me, these fragments on the ground are worthless!"

"Not bad!" Ye Hao nodded and smiled, "I despised you, the treacherous ghost king!\"

"Hahaha, now you know how good I am, but unfortunately it's already late!\"

Speaking of which, the Ghost King of the Underworld is even more proud that his tail is about to go up to the sky.

"The two women in this hotel are not normal humans at all. I borrowed their power to quickly dissolve the heart of the world and improve my own strength!"

"Now, I have completely merged successfully, and your fate is only a dead end!"

"Oh?\" Ye Hao asked curiously, "Since Lord Ghost King thinks he has the chance to win, can you answer a few questions for me?"

"Humph!\" The Demon King of the Underworld refuted sternly, "If you have any last words, just say it, don't blame me for not giving you a chance!"

Ye Hao nodded and continued: "That's right, Lord Ghost King just said that the two women in this hotel are not normal human beings, so I want to know what kind of existence they are?" "Haha, of course, it is the Inferi !\"

"These two women exchanged souls before dying, and both of them have only half-life!"

"Although they look like normal people on the surface, they are not human in nature!"

"You?...What kind of monster are you!"

Ma Lingling's face changed greatly, and she refuted in a coquettish voice: "Who allowed you to talk nonsense here!"

"My mom and I are normal people, you..."

"Go to hell!" Ghost King Qu Ming suddenly spewed out a cloud of filthy aura, killing him at Ma Lingling's location.

"Lingling be careful...\"

Ma Yuzhen planned to come over to block the blow for Ma Lingling, but Ye Hao shot at a critical moment and launched a counterattack against Mi Ming Ghost King.

The Ghost King of the Underworld believes that he is now invincible, and even Ye Hao can never block his fatal blow.

But he never dreamed that his fatal blow was easily blocked by Ye Hao!

"You, this is impossible!\"

When the ghost king was about to launch a new round of attacks, Ye Hao had already rushed forward and pinched his neck with his hands.

At this time, the ghost king realized that his strength was very weak, and he was picked up by Ye Hao's neck like a chicken, and he had absolutely no ability to resist.

\"how can that be?"

Ghost King Qu Ming's complexion changed greatly, and he roared sharply.

"What the **** is going on, I have clearly integrated the energy of the Heart of the World, why is it so weak!"

Ye Hao replied coldly, "That's because I sprayed a lot of Fiery Sun Water on the Heart of the World!"

"Things like Lieyang Water are the nemesis of your ghosts!

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