MTL - Rebirth of Glory and Splendour-Chapter 59 brother

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Xie Qiu and Wei Zhao were talking, and Wei Chongrong was silently watching, and never interrupted. It was only when he heard that the wind in Yujing was different, he couldn't help but "crack" in his heart, and some bad feeling came out.

For a long time, Wei Chongrong regarded the East Palace and the Qin Palace as one, and they both prospered and suffered from each other. Now, the witch-gu incident has disappeared before it happened, and the battle against Fuyu has also won a decisive victory. As long as there are no accidents, Wei Ming will survive for another three or four years before he can successfully succeed to the throne. Wei Chongrong could never have imagined that the accident would come, and the biggest variable was Wei Zhao, who changed everything.

The superiors are suspicious, which has existed since ancient times, Wei Su is a very typical example, then Wei Ming, what would he think of Wei Zhao?

Restoring Youzhou is nothing, Li Mian did it ten years ago. Earlier, Ji Qing, Jun Lin and others had recovered the lost land in Shuozhou, Yanzhou and other places for the Dayan Dynasty. Wei Zhao's greatest achievement was to open up Lingzhou.

Even if Wei Ming is open-minded and doesn't care about Wei Zhao's achievements, what will the people around him think? There is also the emperor, the two princes sent by the queen, one inside and one outside, hold political power and military power respectively. Will he feel insecure?

In front of Xie Qiu, Wei Chongrong didn't say a word. Later, he returned to the former imperial palace converted into the governor's mansion. He expressed his doubts to Wei Zhao, and he was also very curious. The supreme throne, what is the idea.

After listening to his son's words, Wei Zhao was stunned. After a while, he asked with a smile: "Rong'er, why do you have such an idea? Or, where do you see that I have intentions for that position? "

Wei Chongrong shook his head and lowered his voice: "Dad, I don't think you want to fight with your uncle, but I'm afraid... someone will think so." The prince in the previous life was such a tragedy, he never thought about the key points. The emperor, but the emperor thought he had harmed him.

It doesn't matter whether Wei Zhao wants to replace the East Palace, what matters is whether the emperor thinks he has such an idea, and the prince thinks he has such an idea. Once one person's answer is yes, the calm situation becomes a mess.

Wei Zhao was silent for a long time without speaking. He suddenly realized that his son was right. He has a bad relationship with the prince, which will give people an opportunity, but he has a good relationship with the prince, and the emperor may not feel comfortable when he sees it.

After a long time, Wei Zhao reached out and rubbed his son's head, pondering: "Don't worry, I will handle this matter."

Wei Chongrong saw that Wei Zhao's expression was quite sure, and didn't say anything more. After all, they still have more than half a year to return to the capital, and as of now, the uncle of the prince still cares about their father and son, which is no different from before.

From the 29th year of Yongjia, when Ji Yu sacrificed his life to recover Wulan City and Baicheng, it took the Dayan Dynasty 21 years to recover Youzhou. On the other hand, it took less than three months to develop Lingzhou, which was unbelievably fast.

However, Wei Zhao knew very well in his heart that it was one thing to conquer Lingzhou, and it was another thing to truly unite people's hearts. The current Lingzhou seems to be calm, and it is his thunder method that acts as a deterrent. Under the surface of the water, the waves are still turbulent.

Wei Zhao never thought of educating those Fuyu people who had surrendered, so that they felt from the bottom of their hearts that they were the subjects of Dayan. He just treated them in a gentler way than the original Fuyu nobles, ploughing the fields for them, and letting them live and breathe.

At the same time, Wei Su came here in large numbers from neighboring prefectures and even the mainland, and encouraged intermarriage. After two or three generations, this land will be truly branded with Dayan, and it will become inseparable from then on.

Unconsciously, Wei Chongrong returned to Qingjia for half a year. Just entering September, the first snow in the Northland fell, giving people a big dismount for newcomers. Wei Chongrong was born in Qingjia. He lived here for ten years in his last life. He was very adaptable to the cold climate. , you can take off your clothes and go to the river for a winter swim, and the people around you are stunned. Are they really not cold? It was horrible.

Unfortunately, Wei Chongrong's good mood did not last long because Wei Zhao was ill and was still very ill.

When marching to fight, military doctors are definitely necessary, but they are good at trauma, and they are helpless to Wei Zhao's high fever.

Seeing that Wei Zhao's burning was getting worse and worse, Wei Chongrong was so anxious that he scratched his ears and cheeks. He even sent someone to ask Shangguan Yuan if he had studied medicine with his father, and the answer was no. Suddenly, Wei Chongrong had a flash of inspiration, remembered someone, and hurriedly ordered Tuoba Xianhan to find him.

Wei Zhao was awake at this time, lying on the kang wrapped in a thick mattress, looking very tired. Seeing Wei Chongrong jumping up and down, he couldn't help but whisper, "Rong'er, don't jump around, my eyes are dazzled, come and sit for a while."

King Qin had an order, but Wei Chongrong didn't dare to disobey. He ran over three steps at a time, sat down on the edge of the kang, first patted Wei Zhao's forehead, and then asked softly, "Dad, you Do you feel better? I don't feel like it's as hot anymore?"

Wei Zhao sighed and smiled bitterly: "You can count ten or eight times in one hour?"

"Yes, yes." Wei Chongrong nodded again and again, and then complained: "I said long ago that we should return to Beijing earlier, but Daddy just didn't listen..." The winter in Lingzhou is too cold, Wei Zhao The body that has been hit repeatedly is obviously unbearable.

Wei Zhao opened his mouth to speak, and Tuoba Xianhan went outside to ask for advice, saying that he had found the witch doctor Wei Chongrong asked him to find.

Wei Chongrong jumped off the kang excitedly, and said hurriedly: "Xianhan, quickly bring people in." He also realized later that the old witch doctor's medical skills are no less than those of the imperial hospital. them.

The witch doctor followed Tuoba Xianhan into the inner room, his expression neither humble nor arrogant, his eyes looking at Wei Zhao were also calm, without the slightest resentment.

"I have seen King Qin, I have seen the little prince." The witch doctor bowed and bowed to Wei Zhao and Wei Chongrong.

Wei Chongrong stretched out his hand to help him up and made a gesture of invitation: "Mr. Yilou, please this way." He only learned not long ago that this old man who delivered him and saved him and Wei Zhao more than once The surname of Mr. Yilou is compounded, and the single name has the character "Sheng".

The witch doctor glanced at Wei Chongrong, walked silently to the kang, and reached out to give Wei Zhao a pulse. Wei Chongrong stared at his expression, for fear of seeing any bad signs. Fortunately, the witch doctor's expression has been very calm, so that he can't see why.

After a while, the witch doctor stood up, cupped his hands, and said, "You don't need to worry, little prince, the prince just feels a cold, and it's not a big problem. I'll prescribe a prescription and drink two doses of medicine. It's just..."

"But what? You're done talking!" Wei Chongrong asked urgently. He knew that the focus was on the back, it was just a little cold, the military doctors wouldn't be able to handle it, there must be other reasons.

The witch doctor concentrated and said solemnly: "The lord's foundation is damaged, although he has been carefully recuperated, he is not as healthy as ordinary people, and he has used too many good medicines, and ordinary medicines are already ineffective for him, so his recovery will be very slow. ,and…"

"And what? You want to kill me, don't you?" Wei Chongrong was speechless towards Mr. Yilou's temper.

The witch doctor turned his head to look at Wei Zhao, and when he saw him looking sideways at him, Fang slowly said: "I suggest to the lord to return to the south as soon as possible. Spending the winter in Qingjia is extremely detrimental to your body. If you have two more colds , and there is nothing that can be done below.”

After listening to the witch doctor's words, Wei Zhao was silent, and he waved his hand for a while, motioning him to go down and prescribe the decoction first.

Tuoba Xianhan followed the witch doctor out the door, Wei Chongrong returned to the kang and sat down, begging: "Dad, you have heard, stop being stubborn, let's go back to Beijing, okay? I don't like seeing you. I don't like being sick at all..."

Wei Zhao frowned deeply and did not speak. He knows how his body is, but if he leaves now, he still has a lot of things to do. Unless there is a suitable person to replace him, he will not be reconciled to fall short.

Seeing that Wei Zhao refused to answer, Wei Chongrong lightly pounced on him and said in a coquettish tone, "It's October, your body can't take it anymore, if it gets colder, what are you going to do? Daddy, don't you want to leave me alone?"

Wei Zhao put his hand on his son's back, stroked it twice, and sighed helplessly, "Rong'er, let me think about it again."

Yi Lousheng did have two brushes. After drinking the medicine he prescribed, Wei Zhao's body temperature slowly dropped.

Wei Chongrong was afraid that he would not be able to persuade Wei Zhao because of his lack of skill, so he specially invited two rescuers. Under the condition that Huo Qingyang and Xie Qiu patted their chests and assured, Wei Zhao finally gave Wei Su a Taoist book, asking him to return to Beijing in advance.

Shangguan Xiang and Duanmu Hui's assertion to Wei Zhao was still in their ears. Wei Su had no reason to be inaccurate, and immediately approved the permission on the booklet. He was old, and the white-haired person gave too much to the black-haired person, and he didn't want to see any accidents happen again.

The 100,000 horses that went out to Fuyu at the beginning had already been brought back by Ji Xin when he returned to Beijing, and the rest had to be stationed in Lingzhou for a long time. Therefore, when Wei Zhao returned to Beijing, he would not bring a large army with him, but traveled in a light vehicle and escorted by three hundred personal soldiers.

After Wei Zhao left, the remaining soldiers followed Huo Qingyang's command. Anyway, when he won Qingjia City, Wei Su named him Marquis of Wu'an for his merits and deeds. He was absolutely qualified and would not be criticized.

Thinking of the upcoming separation, Huo Qingyang was depressed for several days, trying to stick to Wei Zhao's side.

Seeing this situation, Wei Chongrong felt both amused and felt an inexplicable sense of crisis. But thinking about the early construction of Lingzhou, Huo Qingyang might not be able to return to Beijing for four or five years, so he generously sympathized with him, and lent Wei Zhao to him temporarily.

Although Huo Qingyang couldn't go back to Yujing, he asked Wei Zhao to help him take two people back. One is his long-lost sister Huo Qingyue, and the other is his seven-year-old niece Huo Yingying.

Huo Yingying originally had the name Fuyu, but after Huo Qingyang found their mother and daughter, she abandoned her original name, and Wei Zhao gave it a new one, and called him Yingying after his surname Huo, which means bright and clean as jade.

Huo Yingying is a taciturn girl. Wei Chongrong has been with her for half a year, but she has not heard a word from her. Of course, there are not many opportunities for them to deal with each other, only two or three times a month.

On the other hand, Tuoba Xianhan took care of Huo Yingying's mother and daughter because of their mutual sympathy. Wei Chongrong once asked Tuoba Xianhan if he wanted to change his mother's surname, just like Huo Yingying. Tuoba Xianhan thought for a while, then shook his head, saying it was not necessary.

At the end of October, Wei Zhao and his party set off for Beijing. Although there were two more Huo Qingyue and Huo Yingying, their mother and daughter were very good at riding.

Passing through Qingzhou, Wei Zhao and others encountered a little trouble, and someone tried to assassinate. However, the number and strength of the assassins are very limited, and Wei Chongrong is still thinking about whether to rush to the addiction, and all the assassins who swarmed have been eliminated.

"Your Highness, there are no marks on the assassin's body, so you can't tell the history. The two captured alive... both took poison and committed suicide..." Being stabbed by someone is a very annoying thing, and it's even more unpleasant when there are no clues. No wonder the relatives who came to answer The soldier had a displeased expression on his face.

Wei Zhao waved his hand and said calmly: "They came prepared, you don't have to worry about it, just strengthen your guard in the future."

The personal soldiers led the way, Wei Chongrong came over, frowned and said, "Dad, today's events are a bit strange." The strength of the assassins is too weak, but people suspect their intentions of.

Wei Zhao snorted coldly and said sarcastically, "Actually, it's nothing, it's just that some people want to enjoy the benefits of a fisherman."

Wei Chongrong frowned even more, and asked curiously, "Dad, do you know who sent the assassin?"

"I don't know." Wei Zhao shook his head and sneered, "But I know what their purpose is."

Wei Chongrong sighed and stretched his brows. He only hoped that the prince's uncle would be as awake as his father.

Xu Shi knew that Wei Zhao had become wary, and the trip after that became extremely smooth, and no one with no eyes dared to trouble them again.

Although Ji Xinban had already enjoyed the treatment of Prince Jiaoying when he returned to the DPRK. This time when Wei Zhao arrived in Beijing, Wei Ming still went out of the city thirty miles to meet him in person. Wei Ming didn't come alone, he brought his three sons with him.

When Wei Chongrong heard the news, the big stone in his heart fell to the ground. No matter what the uncle of the Crown Prince thought, he was able to put on such a posture to fight back against those who used Wei Zhao's military exploits to provoke their brotherhood.

"My younger brother pays respects to His Royal Highness, His Highness Changle Weiyang." Wei Zhao got off his horse, bowed his head and bowed.

Wei Ming stretched out his hand to support Wei Zhao, and said loudly: "You and my brother, why are you being polite."

Wei Zhao got up and said with a smile, "The ceremony cannot be abandoned, Brother Huang."

Wei Ming didn't care at all, stared at his face for a moment, and sighed: "It's dark, I'm thin..."

Their brothers were busy reminiscing about the old days, and Wei Xuan, Wei Chongrong and others had to see the needles when they came up to salute, otherwise they would be speechless.

Of Wei Ming's three sons, Wei Chongrong's favorite is Wei Xuan, and he immediately congratulated him: "Congratulations, big brother, you have a daughter, when can you show me your little niece?" The witchcraft didn't happen. This little girl is lucky.

Wei Xuan was a father for the first time, and she smiled when she mentioned her daughter: "Your news is quite fast, did A Qiu tell you?"

Wei Chongrong laughed, but didn't say anything. He didn't dare to say that he only said that when the time was almost up.

Wei Lan stood beside Wei Xuan, her usual arrogant expression. Wei Chongrong was not used to it and ignored him at all.

On the other hand, Wei Mao was a little excited when he saw Wei Chongrong: "Rongrong, I've seen the battle report, you are amazing!"

Wei Chongrong was inexplicable and took a step back in fright. What does Wei Mao mean? Could it be that he took the wrong medicine!