MTL - Rebirth of Glory and Splendour-Chapter 60 spring hunting

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Sure enough, after saying those words, Wei Mao turned his face, regained his original rebellious expression, and turned to Wei Xuan and said, "Brother, you have already heard, and when you see Uncle Sixth Emperor, you have to testify for me. , I'm a man of words."

Although Wei Chongrong didn't understand what Wei Mao meant, he knew that there was a reason for the incident. Instead of Wei Mao really changing his attitude towards him, he breathed a sigh of relief and asked Wei Xuan for proof, "Big brother, what do you mean by third brother? Why can't I understand it?"

Wei Xuan shook her head helplessly, and explained with a smile: "When Qingjia City was captured, weren't you trapped in the tunnel? The Fourth Emperor mentioned this in his battle report to the Emperor's grandfather, saying that you I was sleepy inside for two days and two nights, but I managed to open the stone gate and escape. Uncle Sixth Emperor heard about you, and kept saying in the palace that you were amazing. The third brother was not convinced and said it was nothing special. Uncle said..."

Speaking of this, Wei Xuan couldn't help laughing, Wei Mao is really boring, Wei Hao is just a little older, what is the truth with him. But he was good, not only did he care about Wei Hao, but he also lost the bet, so he had to go to Wei Chongrong and personally say that he was amazing.

Wei Xuan laughed and told about the bet between Wei Mao and Wei Hao. Before he could finish speaking, Wei Mao's face was as black as the bottom of a pot. Wei Chongrong actually wanted to give Wei Mao face, but he endured it, but he couldn't, so he burst out laughing.

When people are in a desperate situation, they will burst out with energy that you can't imagine. Don't say it's Wei Mao, it's Wei Chongrong himself, if you get him a stone gate of the same material and put it in front of him, he will never cut a hole out of it, Wei Mao is not wronged.

Wei Mao was so angry that he didn't say a word to Wei Chongrong on the way back to the city. Wei Chongrong didn't care, but felt that Wei Mao was normal. Whenever he was polite to him, he would doubt whether he was doing something small behind his back.

Wei Zhao's pioneering work in Lingzhou and his achievements deserved to be heavily rewarded, but he was already the king of the county, and the only reward would be the addition of a prince. According to convention, the prince of Dayan is not crowned a prince, and the highest is the county king. Only when the old emperor dies and the new emperor gives his brother a promotion and reward can he be named a prince. If Wei Zhao now seals the prince, and Wei Ming ascends the throne in the future, there will be a situation where there is no reward.

How could Wei Zhao not see Wei Su's embarrassment, he immediately said that he didn't need any reward. But in the coming year, after Wei Chongrong was replaced by Yuan, he wanted to make him the heir. In order to stop the mouths of the old guys in Zongzheng Temple, he wanted to ask the emperor for an order first.

Seeing that Wei Zhao's heart was all about his precious son, Wei Su's mouth twitched slightly. Even if Helianzhuo was already dead, Wei Zhao personally ordered the killing. When he saw Wei Chongrong, he still felt awkward. He couldn't be like Wei Xuan and his brothers.

Wei Zhao saw that the emperor was moved, but he was reluctant to open his mouth.

Seeing this, Wei Ming persuaded: "Father, Rong'er is smart, courageous, intelligent and brave, and he can afford the position of the heir."

The emperor's eyes turned to and fro on the faces of his two sons, and for a moment he said solemnly, "Precise play."

"My son, thank your father for your grace." Wei Zhao bowed his head to thank him, and then cast a grateful glance at Wei Ming.

Wei Su nodded slowly and motioned to Wei Zhao to flatten his body. The prince and the king of Qin are brothers and sisters, and he is very satisfied when he sees them.

Wei Zhao left the palace and returned to the mansion, and Wei Chongrong had already settled Huo Qingyue and Huo Yingying in the side courtyard of the palace. Huo Qingyang sealed the Marquis of Wu'an, the emperor must give him a house, but others are in Lingzhou and can't come back in a short time, most of the people in the Ministry of Industry will not be too diligent.

Besides, with the mansion, Huo Qingyue, a single woman who has been kidnapped by the Fuyu people for many years and has a daughter who is half of an alien blood, how can she live in the capital when she is unfamiliar and Huo Qingyang is not there, so Wei Wei Zhao directly took them back to the palace.

After hearing Wei Chongrong's report, Wei Zhao felt it was appropriate, so he didn't ask more about the Huo family's mother and daughter, but instead asked, "Rong'er, that Tuoba Xianhan, how do you plan to settle him?" Wei Chongrong didn't even have a friend of the same age by his side. Tuoba Xianhan had saved his life for him, and he was only a few years older than him, so he let him follow him, both as a partner and a follower. Now that he is back in the capital, he can no longer be so casual. Tuoba Xianhan has some skills, and it is not a waste to make the best use of it.

Wei Chongrong thought for a while, and then said: "Xianhan, let him read as a companion to me first. He can't speak Chinese and can't read. It's inconvenient to help me in the future." Sometimes , he will feel that Tuoba Xianhan is very similar to his previous life.

Wei Zhao had no objection to Wei Chongrong's arrangement, but just asked, "How old is he this year?" Fuyu's children are generally precocious, and it is really difficult to judge their age from appearance. Wei Zhao gave up long ago. make such an effort.

"Thirteen years old, four years older than me." Wei Chongrong stretched out his right hand, retracted his thumb, and opened the remaining four fingers.

After returning to Beijing for several days, Wei Chongrong began to return to Gong Xue to study, with a companion who was more than half a head taller than him. I haven't had a serious class for more than half a year. Although Wei Chongrong has time to study by himself, he is still a lot behind the classmates in the class.

In Gongxue, Wei Chongrong's best friend is Gu Chuan, but he is filial piety at home and has not returned. Wei Chongrong and the others are general acquaintances, and he is not particularly familiar with them. He wanted to find someone to borrow notes to read, and it seems that Wei Mao was selected.

"Third brother, can you do me a favor?" During the break, Wei Chongrong suddenly walked up to Wei Mao, startling him.

Wei Mao was stunned for a moment, then regained his senses and quickly assumed the attitude of a brother, and said slowly, "What's the matter? You said."

Wei Chongrong was not polite to him at all, and said straight to the point: "Third brother, I want to borrow your notes for a look."

Wei Mao was stunned again, he heard right, Wei Chongrong actually came to him for help, it felt really good. Wei Mao sat up straight, his eyes swept back and forth on Wei Chongrong, and after a while, he said, "I put everything I remember in the East Palace. Can I bring it to you tomorrow?"

Wei Chongrong smiled and nodded: "Yes, thank you third brother." After speaking, Wei Mao returned to his seat while playing with a surprised look.

"What the **** is going on?" Wei Mao muttered to himself, pinching his face, as if he was in a dream.

The next day, Wei Mao brought Wei Chongrong all his notes during his absence from class. He gave the things to Wei Chongrong and said casually: "That's all, take it back and take a look at it. If you don't understand anything, you can ask me at any time."

Wei Chongrong took the notes with both hands and looked through them. He found that his memories were very complete, and his own opinions were written next to them. They were all written by Wei Mao, and he couldn't help but look up and smiled at him: "Thank you third brother, I will not be polite. of."

Wei Mao raised his hand and scratched his head, still confused, but Wei Chongrong asked him for help, it felt really good.

On the way home, Tuoba Xianhan said to Wei Chongrong in Fuyu dialect: "Little Prince, did you do this on purpose?"

Wei Chongrong smiled without saying a word, but was very happy in his heart. Before returning to Beijing, Wei Zhao repeatedly instructed him that in special times, he should have a good relationship with his cousins ​​in the East Palace.

Wei Chongrong was deeply embarrassed by this. He and Wei Xuan were very good from the beginning. He and Wei Lan and Wei Mao were not on the right track when they met for the first time. If the two sides could keep the water from the well and the water from the river, even if it was very harmonious. It's easier said than done to improve.

But the day when the prince's family went out of the city to meet them, Wei Mao's performance of admitting the gamble and accepting the loss gave Wei Chongrong a different feeling.

Wei Hao was less than four years old, and as the young uncle, it was not easy for Wei Mao to fool him, but instead of doing that, he fulfilled his promise. So Wei Chongrong is going to try. Compared with Wei Lan, who has a arrogant personality and is not easy to contact, Wei Mao is still cuter.

Wei Chongrong asked Wei Mao to borrow the notes on a whim. If he was willing to lend him, he would be close to him for many reasons. If he refused, the relationship between the two was just maintaining the status quo. For Wei Chongrong, there was no any loss.

What Wei Chongrong didn't expect was that Wei Mao was a good boy who was consistent in appearance, not only promised to lend him his notes, but also had no reservations about him. You know, it is Wei Chongrong's own writing. Except for Wei Zhao, he can't show all of it to others.

Tuoba Xianhan couldn't help laughing when he saw Wei Chongrong just laughing. Wei Chongrong regained his senses and asked in Chinese, "Can you understand what we're saying? It seems that you learn things quite quickly. After returning home, I'll teach you how to read."

Tuoba Xianhan nodded and said slowly: "I can understand a little bit, I can guess the general meaning, can you teach Yingying by the way?" When I was young, I learned a little from Huo Qingyue and Huo Yingying.

"Yingying..." Wei Chongrong said and patted his head, "Thanks for your reminder, otherwise I would have forgotten, I have to tell Meng Junda to invite a female gentleman to come back and teach her to read and write. , chess, calligraphy and painting, etc.”

Tuoba Xianhan was stunned, and said: "Is it okay?" Wei Chongrong was so kind to Huo Yingying, he was a little surprised.

"Of course you can." Wei Chongrong said to Tuoba Xianhan very seriously: "Yingying is the niece of Marquis Wu'an, and she is just a guest at the palace at the moment. What is it like to invite a female gentleman, it is completely right." Lian Tuo Ba Xianhan had such an illusion. He might have to beat the servants of the palace again. Huo Qingyue and Huo Yingying were not widowed mothers or daughters, they were Huo Qingyang's relatives. No matter what Huo Qingyang's background was, he could be named a marquis with military merit at the age of nineteen, and his future was boundless. His sister and niece should not be neglected.

Tuoba Xianhan smiled knowingly, he was preconceived, but he forgot that Huo Yingying's identity was not what it used to be.

When the two returned to the palace, Wei Chongrong first approached Meng Junda and conveyed his meaning. Meng Junda immediately said that both Hoff and Miss Huo were honored guests invited by the prince, and he would not dare to treat them lightly. He would go to invite the lady immediately, and promise to invite the best in the capital.

Back then, Wei Zhao wanted to replace Meng Junda's long history. Unexpectedly, he suddenly became enlightened after being beaten, and he did things neatly and properly. Wei Zhao looked satisfied, so he gave up the plan of substitution and let him continue until now.

Wei Chongrong has always been very at ease with Meng Junda, and let him retire after explaining the matter. He asked Tuoba Xianhan to take his belongings and Wei Mao's notes back to his courtyard, and he went to the main courtyard alone, ready to greet Wei Zhao.

The reason Wei Zhao asked to return to Beijing was because he was ill. How could Wei Su be willing to let him continue to work hard? All the daily affairs of the Dongcheng Camp were left to Weichang, the king of Ping County. , do not have to go to court during the year.

In addition, the emperor sent the imperial physician to visit every ten days to ask Wei Zhao for the Ping An pulse. King Lu's Neijun Sun Ye got the emperor's will, and he also ran to the Qin Palace when he had something to do. Although his medical skills were above the imperial doctor's, he was a human being...a little bit difficult to get along with.

Wei Chongrong walked through the hall, and heard a familiar voice from inside the house: " still have self-knowledge, you didn't try to stay in Lingzhou, if you really think about coming back after winter, I guess you will always be there forever. I can't come back..."

"Fourth brother, come and sit." A boy about five or six years old sat on the stone bench in the yard. When he saw Wei Chongrong beckoning to him, he motioned for him to sit over. It was Wei Ruo, the only son of King Lu's husband. He is also his only cousin, who is six years old this year.

"Ruo'er, how long have you been here?" Wei Chongrong walked over and sat down next to Wei Ruo.

Wei Ruo stretched out his hand, curled his thumb, ring finger and little finger, and held up his index and middle fingers.

Wei Chongrong was ashamed, and expressed his deep sympathy for Wei Zhao, who had been nagged by Sun Ye for two hours in the house, but he did not plan to go in to rescue him, because King Lu's nagging skills were really extraordinary, even His precious son was powerless to resist, and could only avoid its edge.

After sitting with Wei Ruo for a while, Wei Chongrong sighed: "I'm curious, how does the third uncle live his usual life?"

Wei Ruo was expressionless, and spit out eight words: "One is willing to fight, the other is willing to suffer." Only he is the most pitiful person in the middle.

Wei Chongrong put his hand on Wei Ruo's shoulder and patted it lightly, his eyes full of helpless words.

Wei Zhao stayed at home for a winter, and did not return to Dongcheng Camp until the beginning of spring. Many people speculated that Wei Zhao was not really sick, but kept a low profile and avoided confrontation with Donggong, just like he gave up the reward before and only asked for the throne for his son.

Neither Wei Zhao nor Wei Ming would respond to this statement, which is simply nonsense.

For the children of Gong Xue, there is a very important thing in March, that is, the Spring Hunting in Shanglin. Wei Chongrong is skilled in bowing and horses, and is among the best in spring hunting every year, winning people to gnash his teeth, but he has nothing to do with him.

This year's spring hunting, Junqing came very rarely, it is said that it was due to Junhua's strong request.

"Brother Rong, will you take me to ride a horse? Daddy won't let me ride alone." Before Wei Chongrong could figure out what to do, Junhua grabbed his sleeve.

Junhua had just turned five years old, with Yuxue cute and dark eyes, like crystal grapes, no one could bear to refuse his request. Wei Chongrong has always favored Junhua, so naturally he would not refuse, and immediately took him to the stable to select horses.

"Brother Rong, I want that black horse, I want—" As soon as Junhua arrived at the stable, he saw a tall black horse.

Wei Chongrong smiled and shook his head. That horse was too tall and fast. It was good to ride for hunting, but it was a bit of a waste for them to ride and play. Fortunately, Junhua is not an unreasonable child. Wei Chongrong carefully explained the reason to him, and he agreed to choose another horse.

They were slowly choosing, when Wei Mao came over, and also fell in love with the dark horse at a glance. He told the people in the Royal Horse Supervisor and took the horse away. Junhua pouted unhappily: "The beautiful horse is gone..."

Wei Chongrong rubbed his head and said with a smile, "When you grow up, I'll take you on our 'Liuyun'."

Junhua was very happy, Zhanyan smiled, and his brows and eyes curled with laughter. In the end, Wei Chongrong chose a docile white mare.

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