MTL - Rebirth of Glory and Splendour-Chapter 58 Lingzhou

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The military doctor came quickly, and he probed Wei Chongrong's pulse and said, "Your Highness Qi, the little prince's pulse is peaceful. Except for a little weakness, there is no serious problem. You can rest for two days, and you will recover in a few days."

Wei Zhao breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, and while watching the military doctor treat the wound on his son's hand, he ordered someone to bring some soft and digestible food. Wei Chongrong was trapped in the tunnel for nearly two days, without dripping rice, but not everything he could eat.

Earlier, Wei Chongrong was in high spirits, even a little excited, and he was holding it all in one breath. Now that I saw Wei Zhao, I naturally relaxed. Before the food was delivered, I lay in bed and fell asleep. The upper and lower eyelids were glued together and could not be separated at all.

Wei Zhao called him softly and told him to eat before going to sleep. Wei Chongrong mumbled twice, turned over, and didn't answer. Wei Zhao shook his head helplessly and could only let him sleep first, but Wei Chongrong suddenly opened his eyes and sat up on the bed.

"Rong'er, what happened?" Wei Zhao was taken aback by Wei Chongrong's unusual reaction.

Wei Chongrong rubbed his eyes, forced himself to wake up, and asked, "Dad, have you arrested all the nobles from the Seventh Division of Fuyu?"

Wei Zhao nodded, and replied inexplicably, "Yes." No matter men, women, or children, he never let go.

Wei Chongrong then asked: "What are you going to do with them? Kill them all?"

Wei Zhao was silent for a moment, then nodded and said, "Yes." He would let go, only the civilians and slaves in Fuyu.

Wei Chongrong hurriedly said: "There are two people, you must help me stay." Fortunately, I didn't fall asleep just now, otherwise I would have missed a major event.

"Who is it?" Wei Zhao asked curiously, shouldn't Wei Chongrong want to show mercy to Helianzhuo's men?

"One is Tuoba Xianhan, the other is Luo Jia, Helian Luo Jia." Wei Chongrong yawned, "Dad, I'm really sleepy, you can just keep the people for me, wait for me. I'll explain to you slowly when I wake up."

Wei Zhao was a little surprised to hear Luo Jia's surname, but Wei Chongrong brought it up on purpose, and he would definitely do it.

Wei Chongrong slept for another day and night. When he woke up, the situation in Qingjia City had undergone earth-shaking changes.

Except for Tuoba Xianhan and Luo Jia who he asked to stay, Wei Zhao ordered to behead all the nobles of the seven tribes of Fuyu, and he did not accept the surrender. Later, he announced to the people of Fuyu that they could choose to stay and become subjects of Dayan, and the court guaranteed that they would have fields to cultivate, and the taxes were only half of Guannei's. If they insist that they are from Fuyu, they can bring their family property that can be transferred and move to the area north of the Yaslan Mountains before the end of the year, and no one will stop them.

Faced with such a choice, the people of Fuyu who are used to being slaves will be suspicious. In the past, they could only rely on the nobles to survive, not to mention their own fields, they themselves belonged to the nobles, not to mention the things they planted.

Today, Dayan has captured Qingjia City, beheading all seven nobles, making people panic. Many Fuyu people speculated that they would drive them out like the Zhengao people in the past, thus occupying their homes and land.

Unexpectedly, the Dayan people are ingenious, not only do not kill, but also let them choose. The leftovers can be planted with a 30-year tax and one tax. After five years of continuous planting, the land will be yours; if you want to go, you will never stop him, as long as you can move it, you can take anything.

It was said that no pie would fall from the sky, but a big one suddenly fell, knocking all the people of Fuyu unconscious.

The situation in the city stabilized, the established policy was announced, and Wei Zhao took the time to meet with Frieda. Loga, who was only four years old, obviously didn't understand what was going on. When Wei Zhao entered the room, he happily twirled his spinning top without even looking at him.

Frieda looked at her son tenderly and said calmly, "What are you going to do with our mother and son?"

Wei Zhao's eyes also fell on Luo Jia, and he said for a long time: "Leave Lingzhou, and never come back." After Fuyu fell to the country, Dayan established Lingzhou in Fuyu's hometown, and Wei Su ordered to relocate from Yanzhou and Yunzhou. Wanjun and people settled down.

"That's it?" Freida was taken aback, as if she did not expect Wei Zhao's conditions to be so simple.

Wei Zhao let out a long sigh: "Let go of you, because you saved Rong'er, and let go of your son, because he is Rong'er's younger brother."

Frida smiled clearly: "So, I don't thank you, it's time to thank the little prince." Her bet was finally right.

Wei Zhao waved his hand and signaled that she was not polite: "a tat for a tat, it's just a matter of courtesy, you don't need to be more polite. Rong'er is still asleep, you don't need to thank him, take your son, hurry up, and give it outside. You have your horses and coils ready."

Frida's eyes lit up: "I can go anywhere?" She didn't want to stay in Fuyu for a long time.

Wei Zhao twitched his lips in a funny way: "You can't stay in Lingzhou, where else can you go other than going home to take refuge with Wesley? Is it possible that you still want to go south to enjoy the scenery of Dayan?" It's not that he doesn't know about it, but he doesn't plan to pursue it.

Frida raised her eyebrows slightly and said proudly, "I'm going to find Shuxia, you can't care."

Wei Zhao didn't want to talk to her, so he turned around and left. He didn't tell Frieda that the real reason for letting her go has nothing to do with Wei Chongrong. She is the granddaughter of Princess Xin'an, and Dayan owes too much to that beautiful princess. If it is not necessary, she will not easily kill her descendants.

Wei Chongrong was awakened by hunger, and before he opened his eyes, he shouted for someone to bring food.

The speed of the people coming was also very fast, but when Wei Chongrong saw him, he was immediately stunned: "Why are you?"

Tuoba Xianhan put a bowl of warm white porridge on the table, clasped his fists and said, "The King of Qin asked me to serve you."

Wei Chongrong was both surprised and delighted. He had indeed begged Wei Zhao for mercy and asked him to keep Tuoba Xianhan alive. But he never expected that Wei Zhao would put the person directly beside him, and he was simply overjoyed. He jumped off the bed and ran to the table with his shoes on his back. He suddenly lost his smile: "I managed to escape from the tunnel with great difficulty, so you can give me this." Wei Chongrong has always been fond of meat. But today's breakfast, not to mention meat, not even pickles.

Tuoba Xianhan cupped his hands and said, "This is the order of the military doctor. You haven't eaten for nearly three days, you can only drink white porridge."

The white porridge is just white porridge, it can't be thicker, Wei Chongrong took the bowl, the spoon was useless, and he drank the porridge cleanly. Reluctantly coaxing his stomach, Tuoba Xianhan brought hot water, let Wei Chongrong wash his face, and brought him the clothes he changed for today.

Wei Chongrong took the clothes and said in a daze, "My father asked you to be my servant?" Isn't this too wasteful.

Tuoba Xianhan smiled indifferently: "King Qin only said to let me follow you, and I have to do whatever you want me to do." Wei Chongrong nodded, feeling that it was almost the same, with Tuoba Xianhan's skill, It would be a waste to be a bodyguard for him, let alone a servant.

As soon as Wei Chongrong changed his clothes, Wei Zhao sent someone to pass him on, saying that he had something to tell him.

"Dad, what do you have to do with me?" In front of outsiders, Wei Chongrong and Wei Zhao are called father king, but in front of him, he still prefers to be called father, he thinks it is more cordial.

Wei Zhao's expression was calm, and he pulled his son to sit down beside him. He paused and asked, "Do you want to see him?"

"Who do you want me to see?" Wei Chongrong had an inexplicable expression on his face, and only understood when he saw Wei Zhao's slightly tangled expression. He was talking about Helianzhuo, so he shook his head and said, "I don't see him, anyway. We met and there was nothing to say."

Wei Zhao patted the back of Wei Chongrong's hand and sighed softly, "It's okay to see him..." He killed everyone else, so he kept Helian Zhuo. He was afraid that Wei Chongrong would wake up and want to see him, but he didn't want to. He didn't mean it at all, it was a bit unexpected.

Seeing that Helianzhuo finally ordered to stop the search and did not kill Wei Chongrong, he planned to give him a good time, so he wouldn't torture him slowly, it's boring, let him go in the past. .

Wei Chongrong raised his eyes and looked at Wei Zhao, frowning slightly, wondering if it was his illusion, he always felt that today's Wei Zhao had a strange attitude towards him. Wei Chongrong thought for a while, and suddenly asked, "Where's Loga, how did you arrange him?"

Wei Zhao was surprised by his hindsight, and replied, "I asked Frieda to take him away, and I will never return to Lingzhou."

Wei Chongrong felt that the result was not bad, so he didn't ask any more questions. He actually didn't feel anything about the so-called younger brother.

After a moment of silence, Wei Zhao said again, "Rong'er, have you eaten breakfast? Just went out to help me with something."

Wei Chongrong didn't ask what it was, and frowned, "I haven't had breakfast yet." The bowl of white porridge with a clear bottom doesn't count.

"Then go after breakfast." Wei Zhao explained to Wei Chongrong what he wanted him to do.

Fuyu is a slave country, slaves are attached to the nobles and work for them for many years without pay and without personal freedom.

Wei Zhao killed all the nobles in Fuyu, gave the original slaves the status of commoners, and allowed them to freely choose their whereabouts. He didn't expect anyone to thank him, but only hoped that the establishment of Lingzhou would go smoothly and not miss the spring and autumn harvest this year.

Unexpectedly, the people of Fuyu were used to being enslaved, and they suddenly became free and could not adapt to it. Moreover, they had a serious distrust of Wei Zhao and the soldiers under his command. Many people neither wanted to leave nor stay. State preparations have been slow.

Wei Zhao had no choice but to sacrifice Wei Chongrong's identity as the "Second Prince of Fuyu" to add credibility to his words.

Ji Xin felt that Wei Zhao was desperately ill and went to the doctor, and the people of Fuyu had to trust Wei Chongrong to be a ghost. Who knew that they really believed it. Those who wanted to leave silently began to pack their luggage, and those who wanted to stay were queuing for registration. Everything was proceeding in an orderly manner.

Wei Chongrong was also surprised by this. Does he have a face that looks trustworthy? Why did those people believe when the same words came out of his mouth? No wonder Wei Zhao traveled a long way and wanted to bring him here because of this.

Facing Wei Chongrong's question, Wei Zhao didn't answer, and let him think for himself. Tuoba Xianhan gave him some ideas, that is, what the people of Fuyu believed was not him, but his identity, and they needed to find a support for their beliefs.

Wei Chongrong was puzzled and finally chose to accept this explanation. Indeed, the people of Fuyu believe in ancestors and ghosts. Instead of letting them abandon their original beliefs, it is better to replace them with new ones. How simple is it.

Wei Zhao's attitude towards Wei Chongrong has always been a little cautious. At first, Wei Chongrong thought it was his distress that scared Wei Zhao, but he didn't take it to heart. He thought it would be fine in a few days, no big deal.

Unexpectedly, after a period of time, this situation not only did not improve, but intensified. Wei Chongrong really didn't understand, so he just didn't think about it. In the middle of the night, he got into Wei Zhao's house with a pillow and asked him directly what was going on.

Wei Zhao obviously did not expect that Wei Chongrong's reaction would be so direct, and he was speechless for a while.

Wei Chongrong was in a hurry and asked: "Dad, is there anything else we can't talk about? I find it strange that you are like this, it feels like you are trying to please me, we don't need this, right? wrong?"

Wei Zhao bit his lip and said after a while, "Rong'er, have you ever blamed Daddy?"

Wei Chongrong was at a loss and wondered: "What do I blame you for? What's going on?"

I was nervous for a few days, but Wei Chongrong didn't respond, Wei Zhao felt powerless and muttered: "The people of Fuyu kidnapped you and used it to negotiate terms with me, but I didn't agree to anything, even if They said they were going to kill you, did you..."

Hearing this, Wei Chongrong quickly interrupted Wei Zhao's words and said anxiously: "Dad, what are you thinking about? No matter who it is, it is impossible to agree to the other party's conditions in such a situation, whoever agrees is an idiot! "

Wei Zhao was speechless, and the corners of his lips rose slightly. He didn't want to admit that he almost became an idiot in his son's mouth.

Wei Chongrong stretched out his limbs, occupying half of Wei Zhao's bed, and put himself in the most comfortable position, ready to sleep.

Wei Zhao lay down beside him, only to feel that all the worries were swept away in an instant, and his mood became extremely cheerful.

Lingzhou's affairs were gradually on the right track, but the officials in Lingzhou were late and unable to arrive, not only Wei Zhao could not go back, but Ji Xin could not follow, and had to help Wei Zhao deal with the mountain of government affairs.

Ji Xin has complained many times. His little monkey has never left him for so long. When he returns to Yujing, he may be forgotten. He wanted the little monkey, he wanted kindness, he was going crazy, and he wanted to grow wings and fly back.

When it comes to Junhua, Wei Chongrong's heart is also itchy, but Wei Zhao said that even if the officials of the ten counties of Lingzhou and the four counties of Youzhou are all in place, they will not be able to go back this year, so he has already done it. So ready to be forgotten by Junhua.

To recover Youzhou and develop Lingzhou, Wei Zhao had issued a military order before he set out on the expedition. There are Ji Yu, Lu Ziqian, and Li Wei's lessons ahead. Many people don't say it, but they want to see Wei Zhao's jokes.

In just three months, Wei Zhao accomplished the goal set before the war ahead of schedule. When the news came back to Yujing, the court and the opposition were shocked. Dayan established the country for nearly three hundred years, and there were more than one emperor who recovered the lost land. Wei Su became the first in history to open up new territories.

Due to the fact that the war was going on so smoothly, there was an extra prefecture, fourteen counties, and hundreds of counties vacant positions. All of a sudden, the personnel department was busy, and all of a sudden, he asked them where to look for that. More suitable officials come out.

Youzhou and Lingzhou are both border crossings and places of bitter cold. They have great responsibilities and poor conditions. Those who are capable are reluctant to go. The emperor who is incapable does not worry about letting them go. Things will become complicated. You push me Let, have not landed for a long time.

After the trouble, the emperor was angry, and the people who fought in front of them hadn't complained yet. If they were beaten down and let you be an official in the past, there is nothing to complain about. Therefore, the Ministry of Personnel ranked senior officials according to their seniority, examined the actual performance, moved the ones that should be moved, and promoted the ones that should be promoted. Finally, the list of officials was compiled.

When the new officials took office, and the King of Qin gave them a place to stay, the King of Changning could finally return to Beijing for business.

The first governor of Lingzhou was named Shangguan Yuan, the second son of Shangguanxiang, the **** of medicine, and the younger brother of Shangguanxuan, the current minister. When Wei Chongrong saw this old acquaintance, his mood was very complicated. No one could predict where the talented Shangguan family would go in the future.

Qingjia was originally the king city of Fuyu. After the county was established, it did not change its name. It became the most important one of the ten counties in Lingzhou. The position of the first county governor was taken by Xie Qiu, a former criminal, which was beyond everyone's expectations.

You must know that Xie Qiu is the only son of Princess Yuankang, and the emperor's most beloved grandson. He is not allowed to go anywhere. .

Wei Zhao greatly appreciated Xie Qiu's choice. With the qualifications of working in Qingjia, his resume will become very good-looking.

However, Xie Qiu reminded Wei Zhao that due to his outstanding military exploits, there are various arguments in the capital, many of which are provoking his relationship with the East Palace, so he must be careful and prepare for it in advance.