MTL - Rebirth and the Deadly Enemy HE-Chapter 177 kiss don't drive

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She could quit the game obviously, why did she want to "go to heaven" with Rong Si like this. Cheng Jinzhi was still a little dazed when he "go to heaven". I'll go, that's fine too. In "Beauty of the River and Mountain", there are three hidden branch lines, which were even made into 3/3 by Rong Si. The winner in life is really too fast. Cheng Jinzhi pulled the screen, and saw the golden "Baby Rong" on Rong Si's head.

"I'm retiring." Cheng Jinzhi and Rong Si chatted privately.

"Wait a minute." Rong Si opened the golden wedding gift bag and fused all the top equipment inside to add attributes to Cheng Jinzhi's equipment. "Okay, that's fine."

Before exiting, Cheng Jinzhi took a screenshot of the screen. After all, the sky doesn't go up casually. When taking the screenshot, Rong Si was also included, and Rong Si's body was almost the same as before. The white robe fluttered, very much her own style. The mobile game "Jiangshan Beauty" has not survived smoothly for ten years, and it went bankrupt twice in the middle. It is now the tenth anniversary, and it has been brought back to life after burning this fire. Rong Si has been playing mobile games like this for ten years, she is really a **** player. No wonder the staff called her when she was about to cancel her account. In fact, Cheng Jinzhi was a little puzzled, and Rong Si didn't like to play games, she was twenty-four hours a day, and she wished she could spend twenty-four and a half hours at work. How can there be such leisure? After thinking about it, after quitting the game, Cheng Jinzhi checked the social platforms again, all of them were discussing the golden wedding gift package in "Jiangshan Beauty".

"It's so rich! I'm going to die, I haven't beaten this sword for two months."

Cheng Jinzhi thought for a while, it seemed that Rong Si fused the sword to give her attributes.

"I didn't expect to be able to eat Auntie's candy @美味的persimmon now."

Cheng Jinzhi, who has lived for two lifetimes, has a problem with the word aunt. She thought she was still young and in the prime of life. The official blog "Delicious Persimmon" looks familiar, so Cheng Jinzhi clicked in to have a look. She knew it when she saw the profile picture, it seemed to be her and Rong Si's CP fan. The activity is not low, and the activity value of the other two official blogs related to it, "Persimmon Supply Station" and "Psimmon Official Website", is lower. Cheng Jinzhi flipped through it casually, and actually found her and Rong Si's... eighteen-fork essay. Cheng Jinzhi also saw it before, and showed it to Rong Si when he was in love with Rong Si. Looking at it now, it's actually all good, she and Rong Si seem to have tried...

Although Cheng Jinzhi seldom posts on Weibo now, he still reads entertainment news when he is free. I also interact with my fans in private. When she recovered and returned to the entertainment industry, many fan organizations came to visit her. Later, she was involved in drug abuse rumors, and fans even took the initiative to contact DC, which helped DC a lot.

"Jinzhi, are you not making domestic dramas now?" Jiahe asked her. Jiahe is the screenwriter of "Ren Shu", which is based on an online novel.

"It was taken. Sister Jiahe has a good book?"

"Do you still remember "Benevolence"? The author of the original book contacted me and said that she later wrote two novels for you and wanted to give it to your studio for free. Let me come and tell you that I am afraid that your studio will feel free because If you can't sell it, there is no market." Jiahe told her.

"That's it, it's okay. Sister Jiahe, send me the book, and I'll read it when I have time." Cheng Jinzhi sent several expressions of thanks.

"I see that your current activities are all abroad, and I'm afraid it will affect your plan." Jiahe said: "You read the book first, but you must pay attention to rest."

"Okay, thank you, Sister Jiahe."

The women chatted, and as they talked, they talked about feelings. It was Jiahe's husband Lao Zhou who was filming "Benevolence" with Cheng Jinzhi. The relationship between the two is very stable. "Jinzhi, do you have someone you like now?"

"Sister Jiahe, you want to match me?"

"That's what I said, you don't like the media I said." Jiahe said: "I just watched your news, and saw that you are relatively close to some American stars."

"They're all friends."

"Well, to be honest, my sister really wants someone to take care of you."

"Sister, don't worry, I'm fine now." Perhaps the netizens teased her. In fact, her age is really not that old in the entertainment industry, but her relationship history is relatively complicated. Rong Si Xia You and Wu Di were the ones who put it bluntly. Wu Di's PR team didn't know whether it was to tie up or what, anyway, Wu Di acquiesced to the PR team's approach. Even though Wu Di has a rumored girlfriend now, just like in his previous life, a well-known internet celebrity who has had **** with him. As soon as the news came out, Wu Di sent her a message. It seems that he wants to clarify the matter between him and the Internet celebrity, indicating that he is single. Wu Di said that he has been waiting for her all these years.

After chatting with Jiahe, Cheng Jinzhi began to sort out the company's information. After a while, Jiahe sent her two notebooks. It is the work of "Boundless Ink" that has just been completed in the past two years. It has been serialized for a long time and has a very large number of fans on the Internet. "Ink Color Boundless" said it was free, but if possible, she would certainly not let her suffer. "Borderless Ink" is both the author and screenwriter of these two books. She sent the script to Jiahe and asked Jiahe to give it to her. It is very in line with the current aesthetic requirements and value orientation. If it is played, it will definitely gain a group of younger fans. Although she is now also accepting domestic scripts, in fact her work focus has long shifted from domestic to foreign. She doesn't have so much time to shoot TV dramas.

The next day, Cheng Jinzhi went to shoot the endorsement commercial for the mobile game "Jiangshan Beauty". When she arrived at the studio, Rong Si was already there. She was wearing the same outfit she had been ten years ago, and still had a whip in her hand. Ten years in a flash, the audience's ten years, is it not their ten years. Rong Si seemed to be looking for status, she turned her head to look at Cheng Jinzhi, Cheng Jinzhi was wearing men's clothes, he looked a bit handsome and weak. The studio was still in the preparation stage, and the sound engineer played the opening song of the drama version of "Jiangshan Beauty", "You Ya". "Swords, lights and swords, red candles burn out, tents are cold, how many smokehouses, ice and snow are cut and cups are held in the palms, rise and fall are like brittle willows, life experience is like a boat..."

When Cheng Jinzhi and Rong Si were standing together, the photographer held up the DSLR and put it down with some emotion. "Your Highness and Your Majesty, it's been a long time."

It can be seen that "Jiangshan Beauty" created a frenzy of ratings. Even after many years, some people still call Cheng Jinzhi "His Royal Highness Bai Qian". Cheng Jinzhi raised his eyelids, and met Rong Si's gaze. Rong Si raised the corners of her lips. "Your Highness."

"Your Majesty." Cheng Jinzhi also smiled calmly.

After a burst of flashes, the photographer took more than a dozen photos in succession with Rong Si and Cheng Jinzhi in this state. In fact, there is really nothing to say, the entanglement between them is like "Jiangshan Beauty" ten years ago. Life is like a play.

"Miss Cheng, come closer." The photographer said.

Cheng Jinzhi is much shorter than Rong Si, and she has to step on a special wooden bench like ten years ago. Rong Si supported Cheng Jinzhi, raised her eyelids and looked at Cheng Jinzhi.

"This is here."

After the filming ended, without waiting for Cheng Jinzhi to take off his robe, Rong Si directly hugged Cheng Jinzhi off the stool. This photo was also taken by the photographer.

"Sweet! The official dad is here to distribute candy again." Seeing the behind-the-scenes photos on the official mobile game blog, many netizens left messages.

"Welcome to join @美食的柏子 @柏豆设计者@蒸子官方网站."

Cheng Jinzhi's role in "Fire of War 6" was not completed until the Chinese New Year. The set was already icy and snowy, and when Cheng Jinzhi got off the camera, Rong Si wrapped her in a cotton coat. The overcoat was really big, and it already covered Cheng Jinzhi's whole body. Rong Si rubbed her hands together and hugged Cheng Jinzhi's frozen red ears.

"Is the ticket booked?" Cheng Jinzhi asked.

"It's booked, do you want to take a break?"

"No. Just go back to China, I hope to catch up with this year's New Year's Eve dinner."

The weather was not very good and many flights were canceled. Had to fly to the nearest, and then choose to drive to another airport. Rong Si's skills were relatively stable, so Rong Si took the lead. Cheng Jinzhi was sitting in the passenger seat, and received a call from DC from China. "Two big bosses, can't you spend the night at a nearby hotel?"

It was a bit noisy in DC, probably because I took my wife and children home. Cheng Jinzhi laughed. "Happy New Year."

Then hung up on DC. Seeing that DC couldn't reach her, he called Rong Si. Cheng Jinzhi picked up Rong Si's phone and replied to DC. "Don't make any noise, Rong Si is driving."

After seeing the text message, DC stopped. "Then go to the airport and call me back."


After driving for a while, the snow stopped. The weather is finally not so bad. "Can you hurry back?"

"I can." Rong Si said.

"Okay then, don't drive too fast."

"Are you sleepy?" Rong Si was going to get the blanket with the other hand, but Cheng Jinzhi stopped her hand. "It's icy and snowy, hold on to the steering wheel."

Cheng Jinzhi said: "The road is too boring, let me talk to you. The car is so boring, I'm afraid you will fall asleep."

As long as Cheng Jinzhi endured, so did Rong Si. When Cheng Jinzhi was filming, Rong Si was still working **** the sidelines. She squatted in a small corner, holding her notebook and typing. Rong Si came here this time because of her grandma's order to pick her up for the New Year. I just didn't expect to be blocked on the road near the airport. The road ahead is closed. Rong Si got out of the car and communicated with the person in front. When they came up, Rong Si also brought a cup of hot coffee. Rong Si handed it to Cheng Jinzhi and started to turn around. "Don't worry, I asked about other routes, and it won't take much time."

"There's sugar cubes in the car. If you think it's too bitter, you can add two yuan." Rong Si's expression was a little calm, as if she could handle all emergencies.

"It's better for you to drink, I haven't had anything to drink for half a day."

Rong Si raised the corners of her lips. "Then take a sip."

Cheng Jinzhi took a sip without knowing why.

"feed me."


Rong Si's thin lips gently pressed the rim of the coffee. Rather than drinking coffee, it is better to say "indirect contact" with Cheng Jinzhi. Cheng Jinzhi frowned. "Do you want to kiss me?"

"Let's talk about it earlier." Cheng Jinzhi seemed very ordinary, he put his arms around Rong Si and touched Rong Si's lips generously.

The car skids.

"Be careful." Cheng Jinzhi laughed. "Hold the steering wheel."

"Yes." Rong Si's expression became turbulent, and her ears turned red.