MTL - Rebirth and the Deadly Enemy HE-Chapter 178 A hundred birds turn toward the phoenix

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Rong Si had a great sense of direction, so she drove around the vast snow field to the airport in a daze. Before arriving at the airport, she changed the flight, and the timing was quite accurate. After waiting at the airport for half an hour, Cheng Jinzhi felt a little sleepy. Rong Si took out a blanket from her bag and covered Cheng Jinzhi. "You go to bed first."

"I said what are you packing in your bag, so it's a four-dimensional space bag." Probably influenced by the director of "The World Is Flat", Cheng Jinzhi made a cold joke.

"A four-dimensional space bag?"

"It can hold anything." Cheng Jinzhi said, "Doraemon's treasure bag, don't you have a childhood?"

Sitting opposite Rong Si and Cheng Jinzhi were several Asians. They covered their screaming mouths and seemed to recognize them, these two big stars. Although they didn't bother the big stars, they also took pictures of the big stars.

"Strangely, I thought I was in China." They tweeted this Weibo, and attached photos of Cheng Jinzhi and Rong Si. Before this Weibo was scanned by the studio, it was forwarded by the marketing account first. It turned out to be a tourist behind Cheng Jinzhi and Rong Si, who recorded their conversation about the treasure bag just now. Cheng Jinzhi, who was a little sleepy, didn't play much with his mobile phone, so he naturally didn't know about the bombardment of social platforms. Rong Si's cell phone had run out of battery a long time ago. When she was driving just now, she had a few conference calls with her Bluetooth on. After getting off the plane, Cheng Jinzhi was still a little dazed. When the two left the airport, they saw many fans rushing over.

Don't these fans go back to celebrate the New Year? When the security personnel came over, Cheng Jinzhi and Rong Si had already been hugged by fans, and signed their names for half an hour. There are so many people, it doesn't matter who they are.

"Hi, please sign Cheng Jinzhi for me." A fan directly held Cheng Jinzhi's poster and approached Rong Si. Cheng Jinzhi couldn't squeeze in, so he picked up Rong Si who was close.

"Please sign Rong Si." Some fans brought the book to Cheng Jinzhi.

It was only after getting in the car that she and Rong Si were posted online. Cheng Jinzhi and Rong Si have nothing to do with each other now, one is in the entertainment industry and the other is in the financial industry.

"I'll go. Is this time to go home and see your parents?"

"I heard gossip before that a couple of **** celebrities got married on an unknown island, and they invited many friends in the circle. Could it be Cheng Jinzhi and Rong Si?" A netizen left a message like this. Sure enough, under this floor, many netizens followed and left messages. "Really? Please dig deeper."

When the Internet dug up Cheng Jinzhi and Rong Si Chen Zhima Rotten Millet's ten-year affair, the two were squatting at the foot of the mountain eating roasted sweet potatoes. Cheng's father knew that they were coming, so he insisted that he would go down the mountain to pick them up in person. There was no other way, Cheng Jinzhi had to wait with Rong Si at the foot of the mountain. The lady selling roasted sweet potatoes looked at them several times. When Cheng Jinzhi went to buy them, she was ready to say "Yes, I am Cheng Jinzhi". Unexpectedly, the aunt didn't look at her, but looked at Rong Si behind her. "Is that a star? I think it looks familiar."

Ma'am, don't you think I look familiar? Rong Si obviously looks so out of touch, how did she get to know the people? Cheng Jinzhi felt that Rong Si was suitable to be an official. After Cheng Jinzhi bought two big sweet potatoes, the aunt smiled and said, "Girl, you should also be an actress, right? You look so pretty."

"Why did you buy so many sweet potatoes?" Rong Si looked at the sweet potatoes that Cheng Jinzhi held in both hands.

"It's the twelfth lunar month of winter, that aunt looks very pitiful." Will Cheng Jinzhi admit that he was praised by the aunt? of course not.

"That's it."

"You ate these two big ones, I can't eat so much." Cheng Jinzhi said.

Rong Si's appetite was smaller than Cheng Jinzhi's, how could she eat so many sweet potatoes. But she also followed Cheng Jinzhi and picked up all the big sweet potatoes in her hand.

"Why do you two look so ugly?" When Cheng's father went up the mountain, he looked at Cheng Jinzhi and Rong Si behind him. Cheng Jinzhi waved his hand. "Dad, don't talk to me, I'm going to throw up."

Lost and wasted, the two were at the foot of the mountain, you and I gnawed the sweet potatoes one by one. It doesn't count if you said anything to me, Rong Si didn't say anything, but just buried herself in helping Cheng Jinzhi eat. Cheng Jinzhi, on the other hand, kept talking. Only after I finished talking did I realize that I ate a lot of baked sweet potatoes. The feeling of wanting to vomit but not wanting to vomit, the roasted sweet potato rolled in my stomach. Cheng Jinzhi leaned on Rong Si's shoulder uncomfortable. After finally making it to the top of the mountain, grandma walked over, with a familiar smell on her body. "I just baked sweet potatoes and you want to..."

Hearing the name of the roasted sweet potato, Cheng Jinzhi covered his mouth, crouched on the side of the grass and spat it out. When going up the mountain, she thought about greeting her grandma's body. When she turned her head to vomit, grandma jumped and jumped away. Very healthy.

...It seems that there is nothing wrong with her old man's health.

On the other hand, Rong Si gave her back and gave her two sips of water.

"Are you feeling better?" Grandma's words came leisurely.

"Grandma, why are you like this?" Turning around, grandma stood far away.

"Wipe your mouth, I'm too old to look at you." Grandma even covered her eyes with her hands.

Rong Si took a tissue, raised her chin and wiped her mouth. "Are you more comfortable?"

"It's not that uncomfortable, are you going to vomit?"

Rong Si shook her head. "Can you still stand up?"


It's not possible, Cheng Jinzhi's eyes are a little staring when he stands up. Rong Si hugged Cheng Jinzhi, and when she went back to the temple, grandma also walked by Rong Si's side. Seeing that grandma was silent, Cheng Jinzhi wanted to show her respect.

"Grandma, you were still kind to me when I was a child. You even changed my diapers back then." Cheng Jinzhi said.

"Nonsense." Grandma said, "When did I change your diapers, it was all done by Yuesao."

"..." Stop talking, just give yourself a little self-esteem.

When Cheng Jinzhi lay down, he still felt a little backache. Rong Si carefully placed Cheng Jinzhi on the bed, and Cheng Jinzhi put his hand on the back of Rong Si's neck. "Ugh."

"What's wrong?" Rong Si asked nervously, thinking that Cheng Jinzhi was uncomfortable.

"Grandma hates me."

"I don't despise you." Rong Si said seriously.

"Oh? Let's prove it." Of course it can't be proved, Cheng Jinzhi intends to embarrass Rong Si.

Caught off guard, Rong Si lowered her head and kissed Cheng Jinzhi's lips. He even pried open Cheng Jinzhi's teeth. prove that she doesn't dislike her throwing up?

Cheng Jinzhi bit Rong Si's tongue. "I'm so weak, you still want to take advantage of me."

"Okay, you have a good rest." Rong Si behaved now, and licked the corner of her mouth as she said it, as if reminiscing. "I think you'll feel better if you rinse your mouth again."

As soon as Rong Si finished speaking, Cheng Jinzhi hugged Rong Si who hadn't got up yet, and bit her lower lip hard.

"Just kidding." Rong Si hugged Cheng Jinzhi and didn't cry out.

He still had the time to joke around with her. As soon as the teeth were pressed hard, the bite became heavier.

Cheng Jinzhi felt that his health was failing, and he didn't make trouble with Rong Si later. When I woke up the next day, it was New Year's Eve. There are no people in the temple for personal practice, and it is very quiet. Far away from the hustle and bustle of the world, even the sound of firecrackers is far away, and the muffled sound seems to be hidden in another mountain. At the New Year's Eve dinner, her parents sat on one side, and she and Rong Si sat on the other side next to grandma.

"I didn't expect to live until this year's Chinese New Year." Grandma raised her glass and said with emotion.

"Mom, what are you talking about? It's such a good day." Cheng's mother Wen Qiyun interjected.

"Why are you nervous? I'm already at this age. It's better to let you guys have some psychological preparations than to say that I live longer than Nanshan." Grandma said.

"Mom, don't say that. Qiyun and I, as well as Jin Zhirongsi, hope that you can stay with us for a few more years."

Grandma smiled. "I hope I have the same luck."

After dinner, grandma talked again. "On New Year's Eve, watching TV is boring. I want to listen to a more festive song."

"I'll call you a band tomorrow?"

"It's not good to call people here for the New Year's Eve." Grandma said.

"Grandma, what do you want to hear?" Rong Si asked. Seeing the electronic organ in the living room, she sat down in front of the electronic organ.

The slender fingers are already on the black and white keys, just waiting for grandma to announce the title of the song.

Grandma thought about it. "Let a hundred birds face the phoenix."

"The electronic organ doesn't work, it's boring." Grandma said.


"Huainan, go get the suona from the utility room." Grandma said to her son Cheng Huainan.

It's kind of funny. Cheng Jinzhi looked at Rong Si, told you to sit down in front of the electronic piano, and told you to show your loyalty eagerly. Cheng Huainan brought the suona from the utility room, wiped it and said, "Mom, do you want your son to play it for you?"

"You are short of energy." Grandma took the suona and gave Cheng Huainan a meaningful look. Cheng Huainan felt a little guilty.

"Si'er, come here."

"Yes." Rong Si took the suona. Such a cold person, holding a suona in his hand, reminded Cheng Jinzhi of the old ladies with braids, waist drums and Yangko that he had seen a while ago. Suona has a rich connection to this.

The way Rong Si played the suona was a bit professional, and Cheng Jinzhi thought she was going to be a blockbuster because she was hiding something. Unexpectedly, she finished blowing the suona out of breath. There is still a bit of neither humble nor overbearing on his face, he deserves to be a winner in life. At the end of the song, Cheng Jinzhi couldn't help but applaud gloatingly.

Coming out of grandma's room, Cheng Jinzhi gave Rong Si a meaningful look. Just looking at it one more time, when the first firework exploded in the sky, Cheng Jinzhi woke up and saw Rong Si who was touching him. Rong Si exchanged glances with her, knowing that she woke up in the middle of the night because she was thirsty, so she gave her a sip of water very clearly. Then went to her bed. Cheng Jinzhi shrank back and leaned against the cold wall. "What are you doing here?"

"Prove yourself." Rong Si lifted Cheng Jinzhi's blanket.

Read The Duke's Passion