MTL - Rebirth and the Deadly Enemy HE-Chapter 176 i want to go to heaven

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Rong Si felt her throat was a little pungent, probably because of the whiskey in her hand. They were about to finish a bottle, Rong Si looked at Cheng Jinzhi who was flushed. Cheng Jinzhi's alcohol capacity has never been very good, and he usually only has one or two drinks when he comes to the bar. This time, half the bottle was gone. Cheng Jinzhi's voice was loose and charming, and the heat was already spraying in her ears. She didn't know if it was the smell of alcohol on her body or Cheng Jinzhi's. It seems to have a mellow aroma that is unique to grain brewing.

How many nights, when their skin touched, she entered Cheng Jinzhi's warm territory. Cheng Jinzhi put his arms around the back of her neck and buried her in the hollow of her neck. "Si'er slow..."

"It's so tight." At that time, Cheng Jinzhi's cheeks were as pink as they are now. Rong Si was moved by the warmth of her fingers, and when the other party raised her eyes, Rong Si bit her lower lip, and together they turned the other party's reproach into continuous panting.

The noise of the surrounding bars became louder, and countless handsome men and women fell onto the dance floor and shook. The disorderly and rhythmic lights of the bar slid across Cheng Jinzhi's cheeks, and Rong Si held Cheng Jinzhi's face with one hand. Thinking day and night, how can the enemy be gentle for a moment. The back alley of the bar is a bit messy, the ground is wet, and there are many broken bottles around, so don't get your feet hurt. It seems that a pair of wild mandarin ducks have just bid farewell here, and there are still untightened condoms on the ground. Rong Si cupped Cheng Jinzhi's face and kissed it anxiously. This was the first time they kissed in so many days, Rong Si was very impatient like a little boy kissing for the first time. Cheng Jinzhi was still hunched over, but when Rong Si bit her, she leaned against the wall again, stroking Rong Si's slender neck with both hands. Under Cheng Jinzhi's caress, Rong Si's breathing became less rapid. As soon as she took a breath, her hand began to caress Cheng Jinzhi's leg. He lifted Cheng Jinzhi's leg very conveniently.

Cheng Jinzhi blinked. "You want me here?"

Of course they don't have such an opportunity, and you have to be careful as a public figure, even in a foreign country. Rong Si couldn't figure out what Cheng Jinzhi was thinking, maybe Cheng Jinzhi was just teasing her, and now she has ignored this moment of tenderness. Cheng Jinzhi is moody, she is willing to be happy with herself at this moment, maybe she will not allow her to approach and touch her the next moment. She was taken in and released by Cheng Jinzhi, again and again, and she was about to worship him like an idol.

"The reporter is probably coming soon." Cheng Jinzhi gasped in Rong Si's ear. "You need to hurry up."

The time was so tight, of course there was no other posture, so I kept one posture. Five minutes, three hundred seconds, every second is so real. When they came in, the crew also thought that Cheng Jinzhi and Rong Si had gone to the bathroom. Cheng Jinzhi's face was a little crimson, red like drunk. On the other hand, Rong Si's cheeks flushed a lot.

"Rong, are you drunk too?" the crew asked.

"En." Rong Si's ears turned red again, and she raised her eyelids to look at Cheng Jinzhi. Cheng Jinzhi raised a lazy smile from the corner of his eyes, picked up the glass and took a sip of the wine.

Both Rong Si and Cheng Jinzhi drank a little wine, and the crew's driver drove them back home. Rong Si let Cheng Jinzhi lean on her shoulder, took Cheng Jinzhi's hand, and interlocked his fingers. Bustling Hollywood, for many people the nightlife has just begun. The pace of life in a city depends on how late the nightlife lasts. For star-studded Hollywood, of course, it's all night long. I don't know how many co-stars there are, and I went to the set yawning after being high all night. They took a handful of cold water as if it was the beginning of the day. Cheng Jinzhi had her eyes closed at first, but when she stopped at the signal light, she opened them again. In the night when the traffic is constantly flowing, the light from the street lamps spreads on the car windows. It seems to be raining, and the lively scenery outside seems a little lonely.

After taking a shower, Cheng Jinzhi sat on the sofa and read a desk book, curled up on the soft sofa with his calves in his hands. Just after turning a page, Rong Si came over. Rong Si also just took a shower, she raised her hand to pick up the towel on Cheng Jinzhi's head, and began to help her wipe her long hair. It seems to be raining heavily outside, and the winter rain is a bit cold on the floor-to-ceiling windows. Rong Si lit the Ningshen aromatherapy indoors, and Cheng Jinzhi took another sniff. "when are you going back to China?"

"Wait two days."

"You keep running to me, and your unweaned brother didn't make trouble with you?"

"I told him." Rong Si paused, and then wiped Cheng Jinzhi's long hair. "I won't let him come to you."

"He dares." Cheng Jinzhi said: "You can't say that. If he comes, he will just relieve my boredom."

Rong Si smiled, and just quietly brushed Cheng Jinzhi's hair.

"You're going back to China in two days, is it for the endorsement of the mobile game "Jiangshan Beauty"?"


"That's just right, I'll go back to China with you." Cheng Jinzhi raised his hand and curled the ends of his hair. "DC is also urging, so returning to China just happened to take care of this matter."

The mobile game market is changing with each passing day. Unexpectedly, the long-distance running of "Jiangshan Beauty" will last for ten years. It is probably a rebroadcast of "Jiangshan Beauty". This classic mobile game has returned to the public's attention. A lot of gossip was also pulled out. Not long ago, someone broke the news on overseas forums, saying that Cheng Jinzhi and Rong Si also played this mobile game back then. And according to the game, the two parties got married in the game.

"Cheng Jinzhi's game is really called 'I want to go to heaven'? Personal signature or 'Play Queen's Pet'?"

"...The news is too fake. I don't believe that Rong Si would choose the name 'Little Baby Rong'."

Hai Nei er said that he didn't believe it, but the Weibo hot search still came up. #我要上天成锦之##容小宝贝#.

"Little baby Ture? It's too cute hahaha how can I look directly at her on the financial news."

"Wow, I've played this before. At the beginning, 'I want to go to heaven' and 'Baby Rong' were in the top ten of the hero list, and they were reported for scoring. It's quite a big deal. Please like it if you show your age."

"It's fake at first glance. Stars are so busy, how can they have time to play games. Let alone Cheng Jinzhi and Rong Si."

Soon, the official blog of "Jiangshan Beauty" was also reposted. "The out-of-date Internet celebrity greets His Majesty and His Highness [流泪] [流泪] [流泪] What should I do, I want to kneel when I see the game characters."

“[流泪] [流泪] [流泪] Me too, why it’s been ten years. Watching “Jiangshan Beauty” made my heart ache. Fortunately, His Majesty and His Highness got married in the game.”

"Every time there is an inexplicable hot search, there must be some inexplicable advertisement [picking the nose] I will understand more when I see you forwarding it. I have played mobile games. Instead of doing such fancy things, it is better to think about how to improve Page layout [pick nose]."

"Childhood memories, Cheng Jinzhi's acting skills are really good, so good that I didn't doubt her gender in the play."

When Cheng Jinzhi went back to China and went to Weibo, he also saw a lot of mobile games. Of course DC knew Cheng Jinzhi's game account, and asked Cheng Jinzhi to cancel the account. She hadn't played this game for so long, she thought her account had been recovered. After thinking about it for a long time, I didn't think of my password. I only realized it when I saw the hot search of "Rong Xiaobao". "Baby Rong" was the name of the game that she changed for Rong Si. "Rong Si, do you still remember my account password for "Jiangshan Beauty"?"

Rong Si's memory is pretty good, so it should be right to ask her. Sure enough, Rong Si replied in seconds. Cheng Jinzhi logged into the game and found that not only was his character not "old", but his level had been maxed out. Previously, the maximum level was level 60, but later the maximum level was adjusted all the way to level 100. Many dungeons have been developed for mobile games, and the full level was adjusted to stimulate users. At this time, the mobile game "Jiangshan Beauty" also called her. "Miss Cheng, do you really want to cancel your account? Your activity level has always been quite high."

It should be a mobile game linked by DC.

"Well, then I'll take a look." It seems that it wasn't posted by the game staff. Cheng Jinzhi sent the screenshot to Rong Si. "You've been playing this for so many years?"

If it's not the staff, it's Rong Si. Although Xia You and Gou Yu also knew her password, they were not good enough to give her top-level equipment. These equipments are so mouth-watering that Cheng Jinzhi once forgot that he is a RMB player.

"Well. I'm still in the meeting, and I'll play with you after the meeting."

...She asked Rong Si, did she ask Rong Si to play this game with her? Not to's pretty fun. Soon, there was a system message reminding her to receive the tenth anniversary golden wedding gift package.

"Oh? Why did Madam come here alone? It's raining and the ground is flowing, and the young couple should not hold grudges when they quarrel. Please also ask your husband to come together." NPC Yuelao replied.

...Why is it still the same as it was ten years ago? Cheng Jinzhi couldn't help but rolled his eyes. The game is also pretty pompous. When we were married for a hundred days at the beginning, it was called a happy marriage for a hundred years, and there was a golden wedding in ten years. Only after taking two mobile phones did Cheng Jinzhi upload Rong Si's account. After receiving the big gift package, the logo after their names changed to [Sea Kushilan].

At this time, a message broke out on the World Channel: "Authenticated user Cheng Jinzhi [I want to go to heaven] and authenticated user Rong Si [Rong Xiaobao] have received their ten-year golden marriage [sea dry stone rotten] reward."


Almost at the speed of light, there were online game players around her and Rong Si's game characters. It is estimated that the system has not reacted, and Cheng Jinzhi's character is stuck. Rong Si's game character flashed for a moment, Cheng Jinzhi looked at the other phone, and Rong Si's account went offline. In less than a second, Cheng Jinzhi's interface appeared. "Your husband 'Rong Xiao Bao Bao' invites you to share the [Fuyao] branch reward - flight."

After confirming, the game characters of Cheng Jinzhi and Rong Si took off.

"I want to go to heaven, I'm going to heaven." Netizens replied one after another.