MTL - On the Wedding Night, Ms. Cui Realized-Chapter 58 Familiarity

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On October 25th, Song Zizhen married Miss Dou's family, and the wedding banquet was held to perfection.

As a 'cousin', Pei Xuan also made friends for the groom, so he blocked most of the wine for his friends out of emotion and reason.

She holds a good amount of alcohol, so she won't get drunk no matter how much she drinks. She drank until the table was full of guests, and then she stood up unsteadily, with watery eyes: "Back, go home!"

The servant tried to help him, but was pulled away, Pei Xuan stood in the cold wind to sober up from his drunkenness, started to straighten his clothes, refused the Song family's warm offer to stay, and returned to Sushui Bieyuan with Cui Ti overnight.

The famous 'Sick Xizi' in Xijing finally got married and became a married woman, Cui Ti still felt weird, as if something went wrong, this person suddenly changed.

Be nice and nice.

It was completely different from the Dou Qingyue she knew before.

The carriage was driving along the straight long street, and a good friend got married. Pei Xuan was really happy for him. When he was happy, his stomach was full of wine, and his cheeks were flushed. With the support of temperament and prominent family background, the daughter's attitude dyed with peach blossom color can be regarded as covering up.

To outsiders, she doesn't show her beauty, but to Cui Ti, Pei Xuan puts her body in her arms and lays down in her arms. Even in wide-sleeved Confucian clothes, she can tell at a glance that she is a real girl.

Cui Ti rubbed her hot face with her palm: "Do you want to sleep for a while?"

Pei Langjun, who is not drunk for a thousand cups, is drunk tonight, his eyes are foggy, and he is slow to get drunk: "I asked Zizhen, what does he like about his cousin, and guess what he said?"

Every flower is in everyone's eyes, Cui Ti 'sees' Dou Qingyue, she feels bad, but she is also curious: "How do you say it?"

Pei Xuan lazily absorbed the warmth from her arms, and relaxed all over his body: "He said that at first sight, he liked Miss Dou's face, but when he gets along again, he likes her gentle and watery disposition."

"Gentle as water?"

Cui Ti was startled.

As far as she knew, Dou Qingyue's tenderness like water was all given to Xingguang, so, did this young lady really change her gender?

"My lady." Pei Xuan looked at her madly: "My cousin's heart is no longer with me, you can let it go."

"Which eye of yours is looking at me with a grudge?"

Pei Xuanmao chuckled in front of her chest, Cui Ti blushed from her smile, leaned a little awkwardly, and simply became magnanimous: "Okay, I get it."

Yesterday is like dying yesterday, the good ones are kept, and the bad ones are forgotten. If Dou Qingyue is willing to be a good person and cherish everything in the present, she is willing not to be enemies for the sake of the Pei family.

The more she gets along with Pei Xuan, the more love she gets, and the more open-minded she becomes.

The premise is that Dou Qingyue will not mess with her.

Rabbits will bite people when they are in a hurry, let alone people?

She was thinking about her own thoughts, Pei Xuan slowly fell asleep in her arms, Cui Ti kissed the center of her brow, and softly told the driver to drive more steadily.

"Young lady."

"I have seen the young lady."

As soon as they entered the gate of Bieyuan, the maidservants saluted in an orderly manner.

As soon as I got home, there was a heavy rain outside, and the bean-sized raindrops slammed down, and there was a faint smell of mud in the air.

"Keep your voice down, don't wake her up."

Cui Ti asked worriedly.

The maidservants had seen the deep affection between her and Mr. Lang, so they covered their mouths and lowered their heads, giggling quietly.

They laughed at them, Cui Ti has a good temper, she never treats her servants harshly, and she doesn't like to play with the prestige of the young lady for nothing, so she is quite respected by the servants in other gardens.

The bell went around the beam to carefully support Pei Xuan back to the room, while Baitang was behind to protect Cui Ti. It was raining heavily outside, as if a big hole had been broken in the sky, and the water was pouring down.

"You go out first."

"Yes, young lady."

Cui Ti tilted her head: "Tangtang, you go out too."

Baitang wrung out the water-soaked handkerchief and handed it to her, knowing that the young lady didn't want others to take a look at the drunken gentleman.

She was comforted by the amusing possessiveness and intense jealousy.

What Cui Ti was like in the past, and what she is like now, it can even be said that when she met Pei Xuan, the blind girl who was wronged and lived in the dilapidated house in the south courtyard was truly alive.

It is no longer a meekness that is static and muddle along.

There are treasures and dreams that you care about and want to occupy forever.

Baitang backed out without hesitation, and did not forget to close the door before leaving.

The storm was blocked by this door, and the inner room was warm and quiet. Cui Ti wiped Pei Xuan's face with a wet handkerchief. Her fingertips touched the delicate and smooth face, and she was a little distracted.


Pei Xuan fell into a drowsy sleep, awakened by the heavy wind and rain outside the window, her eyes were sleepy, her clothes were removed, her long hair was spread out, and the collar of her inner coat was slightly open, reflecting her delicate collarbone.

With jet-black hair, icy muscles and fine bones, and a beautiful woman, she subconsciously held Cui Ti's wrist that was so white that blue blood vessels could be seen.

Cui Ti blinked, her heart was beating like thunder, and the thunder was shaking, and the movement was about to catch up with the momentum outside the door.

She pursed her lips slightly: "Are you awake?"

Pei Xuan's reaction was a little later than usual, she looked so cute, Cui Ti restrained her heartbeat: "Xingguang, let me wipe your body for you."

This is easy to understand.

The elegant alcoholic lying on the bed let go of his hands obediently, closed his eyes, perhaps feeling the heat, and tugged at his loose collar.

A large piece of skin came into Cui Ti's sight, and she secretly sighed that she had become this man's wife, otherwise she would always feel that she was taking advantage of him when she encountered this scene.

The temperature of the door of the room rose little by little, and the incense slices in the purple gold stove released strands of fragrance mist, and Cui Ti trembled her hands to serve the person next to her pillow.

The drunkard fell asleep comfortably.

Turning the person over, tossing back and forth for a quarter of an hour, Cui Ti's neck dripped with sweat, letting the sweat flow out, she sat on the edge of the bed and admired Pei Xuan's good looks.

For some reason recently, the more she looked at Pei Xuan, the more familiar she felt.

Familiarity is enough, the feeling of sore nose and wanting to cry really overwhelmed her.

"Did I owe you something?" She murmured to herself, raising her hand to touch her head, but all she could touch was a jade hairpin and a head of soft hair.

That weird sense of disobedience came again.

Cui Ti didn't know what to say.

It's not clear whether there are more and more rabbits in the rabbit house, she often has a kind of intuition that is outrageous to say the least.

Intuition told her that she should have two long soft rabbit ears, but...

How can a good person grow a pair of rabbit ears?

That's scary!

Worried about scaring her 'husband' who was disguised as a man, she scratched her head with her fingers and couldn't touch the rabbit ears, so she couldn't take the time to pinch Pei Xuan's tender face.

At the age of eighteen, he is too tender.

Cui Ti never gets tired of playing.

One autumn rain and one cold, Xijing gets colder every day.

Three months later, winter.

On a snowy day, when the snow was deep enough to his ankles, Song Zizhen came to the door dressed coquettishly in a gaudy cloak.

When Pei Xuan saw him, he put his hand on his forehead, feeling a headache like seeing an old acquaintance with his outfit.

The old acquaintance Ning Hehuan helped Titi out of a soft heart. According to the rules of heaven, she might be being punished. In the spirit of humanitarian concern, she reluctantly disliked Baba's friend Song who came here.

Song Zizhen wrote "joyful" all over his face: "Xingguang, guess what happy event brother has?"


Reincarnation of the Eighth World

The former Wen Quxing raised his eyes and teased deliberately: "Are you going to marry again?"

Song Zizhen's face was stunned, and then he said "Bah, bah, bah": "What nonsense! Why did you react to that **** Zheng Wuji? Was it intentional?"

He was about to beat up the reincarnated immortal with his fists clenched, but when he met Pei Xuan's smiling eyes, he really couldn't do it.

damn it!

He said angrily: "You are a big man, why do you look so dazzling?"

Pei Xuan's tone was innocent: "You can ask my parents, or if it doesn't work, you can ask the gods."


Seeing the joke in her eyes, Song Zizhen's eyes lit up: "Okay, what kind of trick is this? Finally, you look a little young!"

What are young people like?

Anyway, it's not more upright and boring than the gentlemen in the academy.

He was happy for Pei Xuan's change, but he was even happier to come. He narrowed his eyes into a line with joy, and took a sip of fragrant tea: "Don't interrupt, come and guess!"

Someone Song held his head high, like a proud rooster.

Pei Xuan pondered: "But Qingyue is pregnant?"

Song Zizhen couldn't hold back a smile: "You are so smart, you are indeed the cousin of me and Ah Yue!"

Good news came out within a few months of their marriage, which shows that he and Dou Qingyue had a very sweet life after their marriage.

"Auntie is not allowed to spread the news for the time being, but I am impatient, so I only told you and the surname Zheng. Xingguang, you wait to be a godfather, and my children will be your children in the future!"

Before Pei Xuan could say a few words, the man seemed to be on a hot wheel and then ran away without a trace.

Back home, Song Zizhen kissed the baby girl's belly, and said seriously: "My good boy, Dad has already found a good backer for you, so please don't torment your mother! Do you hear me?"

He looked childish, 'Dou Qingyue' smiled and said nothing.

There was heavy snow, few birds were seen in Xijing, and a tree of red plum blossoms in the suburbs, and the cold fragrance filled the nostrils. At this time, the children of the aristocratic family who couldn't sit still at home rushed out excitedly.

Stepping on the snow to find plum blossoms, building snowmen, playing snowball fights, enjoying the grand winter scenery, even if you don’t dare to do anything, just chasing each other in the snow and sweating your forehead is a rare fun.

As the new year was approaching, the emperors in the palace were on vacation, and the courtiers were cooking wine at home, or holding literary meetings every now and then.

There are many arty people.

Pei Xuanjian is in the emperor's heart and has a bright future, so whenever she has free time, people often come to invite her. Cui Ti doesn't like to restrain her, and only asks her to abide by one point: don't drink too much when you are outside.

She really doesn't mind if someone's drunken appearance is seen by outsiders. It's more uncomfortable for outsiders to take a second look than to lose a catty of meat for her.

Cui Ti was in a daze in the rabbit room again today.

The steward of the rabbit room stepped forward respectfully, holding the finished fluffy in both hands: "Young Madam, what you asked for is ready."

"So fast?"

The steward smiled honestly: "I dare not ask the young lady to wait for a long time."

Cui Ti didn't teach people to work for nothing, and everyone was rewarded with five taels of silver.

But she said that the 'fluffy' hat she specially told everyone to rush to make was an extremely cute hat with two long and soft rabbit ears, which had the effect of confusing the real one.

Although her request is weird everywhere, she is very popular, and the servants in the other garden, regardless of gender, treat her with special respect.

Besides, it's just a strange-looking hat, given the young lady's current status in the mansion, let alone a furry hat with rabbit ears, even a hat with donkey ears is acceptable!

Cui Ti couldn't see with her eyes, but she could figure out that the hat was what she wanted with just one hand.

She was ashamed to let others see her wearing such a hat, so she only wore it secretly in the inner room.

"Tangtang, how do you look?"

Baitang laughed so hard that her face turned red: "Young Madam, it looks good in this hat!"

The bell and the winding beam also praised it in unison.

Cui Ti couldn't put it down after she got the hat, and loved to touch the drooping fake rabbit ears when she was free, but she didn't dare to let Pei Xuan see it, lest she think she had some weird hobbies.

"Is she out?"


Without waiting for her to speak, Baitang thoughtfully presented a brand new rabbit fur hat.

However, Pei Xuan who walked out of the gate of Bieyuan had already noticed that the person next to his pillow was behaving strangely recently. Compared with before, he seemed to be looking forward to her going out to socialize.

This is very wrong.

She was so worried that she couldn't sleep well.

Just imagine that it took eight lifetimes to catch up with your sweetheart, and Titi treats her coldly within less than a year of marriage. Even a reincarnated immortal can't bear this deep melancholy.

She turned around, trying to find out.

Seeing her go and come back, Menzi wondered.

Along the way, the servants did not dare to speak out when they received winks.

Before they reached their bedroom, they heard a burst of laughter through the door. Pei Xuan lowered his eyebrows and felt a little sour in his heart.

Look, she is not at home, and her wife is so happy.

She gritted her teeth, suppressed the grievance that the idea was not humane, and quietly pushed open the door.

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