MTL - On the Wedding Night, Ms. Cui Realized-Chapter 57 Flower in the fog

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Cui Ti and the Fat Rabbit in her arms were stunned at the same time, and the main pet looked at the person standing outside the door almost at the same time. Pei Xuan's throat was blocked by such tacit synchronization, and he didn't speak for a while.


Cui Ti definitely saw her, and asked concerned: "Are you feeling unwell?"

Instead, she told the bell beside her to go to the back kitchen to bring a bowl of pear soup.

Hearing this, Pei Xuan's expression softened, and her heart couldn't help feeling warm. She stepped forward, glanced at the arrogant fat rabbit, and immediately recognized that it was the stupid rabbit who wanted to bite her finger a few months ago: "It's okay, It's just cold today."

As she said she tightened her shirt, Cui Ti immediately handed over the rabbit in her arms to the steward: "I'd better go back to the room with you, take a bath, and warm yourself up."

Pei Xuanwen was overjoyed.

The young lady came as soon as she said she wanted to come, and when she said she would leave, she hooked Lang Jun's little finger and left happily. The lame steward couldn't help but wonder, was it her illusion? I always feel that Mr. Lang doesn't like these little furry animals.

The fragrant soup for bathing in the clean room was prepared, and Cui Ti undressed her sweetheart. She was used to this, but she was still a little shy, and her ears were reddish.

After Pei Xuan's memory recovered, he enjoyed being a real mortal, enjoying the fireworks only in this world. He untied his belt, and before his underwear fell to the ground, Cui Ti turned his eyes away. She stared straight at this thin-skinned little rabbit. : "Won't Titi come with me?"


Cui Ti's ears were on fire, as if she heard something extraordinary.

"Not together?"

She hooked her fingers, and shook it lightly twice, until Cui Ti's heart seemed to be soaked in a honey jar.

Acting coquettishly on a serious person is very powerful, not to mention that this coquettish person is Pei Xuan, the person Cui Ti has loved for two lifetimes, she stumbled when she spoke: "Okay, okay."

The autumn rain is cold, and the passing birds try their best to fly towards the place with eaves. The cat in the courtyard nests lazily on the window sill, and occasionally the rain that blows obliquely wets its fluffy hair. The cat yawns reluctantly. move the ground.

The outside is full of the coolness of autumn, and the clean room is as warm as spring, and the affection is as spring.

The best incense pieces are burning in the purple gold furnace bit by bit, the green smoke curls up, and the white mist evaporates. After a closer look, two jade-like people are sitting opposite each other.

Pei Xuan is eighteen years old, since he has been honest with Cui Ti, he will let go of the tiring restraint when he returns to the room, his nature will be released, and his body will develop rapidly.

When Cui Ti arrived, she didn't dare to mess with her eyes.

The point of watching.



Cui Ti's ears were so red that they were about to bleed.

No matter how intimate things have been done, the current atmosphere that makes people blush and heartbeat still makes her chest rise and fall, and the reserve that comes from her bones is also soaked in this boxy hot spring pool, her eyelashes trembled , boldly went to see Pei Xuan.

Accidentally seeing the dazzling white, he hastily looked away, he really looks like a flexible white rabbit in the mountains.

Pei Xuan couldn't help but think of the first time he saw her, in front of a mirror across thousands of distances, the rabbit spirit girl who had just transformed into her arms in her arms, the timidity faded away, and the whole person was in awe. Get active.

She has been looking into the mirror for eight hundred years, and the fiery eyes of the eight hundred years, this girl is not unaware, but her every temptation is in vain, because no one responds.

Pei Xuan stared at Cui Ti's rare daze, Cui Ti also took this opportunity to appreciate the good figure of the person next to the pillow openly, the more she looked at it, the more ready to move, she curled up her toes in embarrassment, her face flushed, and she went straight to hide in the water.


Wen Quxing, who was caught in the past, came back to his senses and said with a smile, "What are you hiding from?"

She simply dived down and played a game of 'you hide and I chase' with Cui Ti. After a while, there was a burst of laughter from the clean room.

After laughing, they broke out again. I don't know how Pei Xuan teased people and annoyed them. Wen Quxing, who is a serious example in the heavenly court, will inevitably be bullied by rabbits once he steps into love.

Cui Ti got annoyed and grabbed her to bite her.

The person who was bitten suddenly felt happy, and Tianling Gai went numb from the excitement.

Shameless thoughts rushed up irresistibly, Pei Xuan's calf rubbed against the man's slender calf, Cui Ti's eyes brightened: "You have no good intentions."

Someone was upright: "You are right."


Cui Ti's face changed abruptly, and then she pushed the person down, gaining the upper hand. .

It has been raining for a long time.

The clouds are disappearing and the rain is coming, and the brows of the lazy Wenquxing are full of spring. Taking advantage of Cui Ti's embarrassment and running to the back kitchen, she ordered someone to pick a "peerless rabbit" from the rabbit room and send it to her.

The master wants rabbits, and the manager has not been here for a long time, but he also knows that Pei Langjun likes to eat rabbit heads, and he is worried that the rabbits he sent will be poisoned, so he personally sent a two-month-old baby rabbit.

It's a small one, it's pitiful just looking at it, Mr. Lang won't even let the cubs go!

Pei Xuan was very satisfied with this little cub who hadn't grown up, so he rewarded the steward casually, and the steward left in peace.

While pawing the rabbit, Pei Langjun savored the lingering taste.

She felt that her heart was really not good, and she was bullying the rabbit.

According to the human world, it is probably the old fairy who ate tender rabbits?

She pinched the bright, eighteen-year-old young, white and tender face, with a smile on her face.

Cui Ti bullied her severely, her legs were weak and her hands were sore. After she finally got rid of her complacent mood, she entered the door and saw Pei Xuan hugging a two-month-old baby like a child. The cub is in a delicate mood.

"This rabbit has really nice fur."

Pei Xuan opened his mouth coldly.

It's about praising the rabbit.

Cui Ti walked over carefully leaning on a bamboo stick, seeing the rabbit sleeping on all fours in her arms, she let out a soft "oh".

"This rabbit's tail is also cute."


The rabbit's tail was short, and Cui Ti couldn't find the tail in the snow-white mass at first glance.

She echoed, "It's cute."

Who doesn't like a cute bunny?

She liked raising rabbits when she lived in a tile-roofed house in the south courtyard of Xiningbo Mansion before the age of eighteen, but she still cautiously said: "This rabbit is still young."

Rabbits are bigger, fatter, and cuter!

Pei Xuan glanced at her: "Oh, it feels so good."


Cui Ti was stunned, and suddenly remembered that she said the same thing not long ago, praising her for fair skin, good skin quality, cuteness, and good touch.

She blushed hopelessly and glared at someone.

Pei Xuan smiled: "I'm going to sleep with this bunny tonight."


Bai Tangchu was watching the excitement there, with a playful face, and felt that her husband was out of his mind, isn't this just trying to annoy people? Didn't you see that the young lady's expression is already very aggrieved?

Cui Ti was indeed aggrieved.

She even wondered if Pei Xuan's sudden call was a tactful protest against her bad technique.

If it's not good, she will definitely practice more in the future.

But there is no way to say this at all, and it is hard to mention it.

She frowned aggrievedly. In the past, she frowned like the sky was falling, but this time she hugged the rabbit and sat as firmly as Mount Tai.

She looked at the rabbit, then at the man, and suddenly she turned into a gourd submerged in the sea of ​​vinegar, and the gourd had its mouth sawn off.

A shadow looms over.

Pei Xuan raised his eyebrows and asked in surprise, "Titi?"

Cui Ti snatched her Tutu without saying a word, and stood there with an expression of disbelief.

Pei Xuan lost his cub, and seeing his beloved wife who lost his temper, he smiled until his eyes curled into beautiful crescents, and said softly, "Look, I'm just teasing you, why are you so annoyed?"


Responding, Cui Ti wanted to jump: "You, you are teasing me again!"

She was thinking that there would be no more rabbits at home in the future!

She really can't stand Pei Xuan's doting eyes not because of herself.

Neither can rabbits!

This turbulent possessive desire exploded from her chest, and amidst Pei Xuan's soft laughter, Cui Ti was in a daze for a moment, as if she saw someone hugging her in her arms, she shook her head, seeing her real sweetheart in front of her eyes.

"What's the matter, are you tired?"

Cui Ti bit her lip: "No."

It's just that you'd better be like Xianjun who only has Jiaojiao and a rabbit, and you only love her alone.

After being the young wife of the Pei family for a long time, maybe even Cui Ti herself didn't realize that she no longer had the carefulness she used to have, but instead had the arrogance that was as soft as catkins and as light as a feather.

This arrogance is all done by one person.

That night, the bunny went back to the rabbit room to sleep, Pei Xuan hugged her big and cute Titi rabbit to sleep, Cui Ti still remembered the day, and was determined to practice with the reincarnated Wenquxing.

It's hard to tell whether Pei Xuan won or lost this encounter.

My waist was sore for several days.

Inside the sinking cave, Acacia Sanxian watched "Blooming in the Mist" for several nights with a numb face, embarrassingly trying to dig a hole to bury herself.


How could she not want to watch this passionate young couple together with her deadly rival?

The important clips are not visible at all, but the "flowers in the fog" hanging in the mirror full of water, coupled with Qin Jing's sneer and sneer from time to time, she suddenly has a sense of reality of "being in prison".


Read The Duke's Passion