MTL - On the Wedding Night, Ms. Cui Realized-Chapter 59 full of snow

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The maidservants gathered around chattering, Baitang laughed so much that his facial features flew wildly, and insisted on adding a short rabbit tail to Cui Ti, the bell was at the side annoying her, and Wuliang couldn't hold back a slap on her. Shoulders, the atmosphere in the room is harmonious.

Cui Ti touched her fake rabbit ears, her eyebrows curved: "Just talk nonsense, see if I punish you or not?"

Baitang has been serving her for a long time, relying on the sisterhood that is not her own but rather her own, she is not afraid of her at all, she only pretends to be afraid on the face, covering her head and pretending to scurry, while running, said narrowly: "Ah, ah, my hat , where are my rabbit ears!"

The bell circled the beam and burst out laughing, Cui Ti also blushed.

Her hobby came suddenly, so she didn't dare to let outsiders know about it, so as not to spread some rumors, such as "Mrs.

Such words are not good, and it is not good for the Pei family's reputation.

So she hid in the house and had fun secretly. The servant girls around her were all good-natured and more loyal. Cui Ti touched their understanding and bought them a rabbit outfit in private.

Everyone in the room laughed and made noises, but no one saw Pei Xuan standing outside the bead curtain.

The bead curtain blocked her view, so she couldn't see clearly. Pei Xuan stretched out his hand to lift the curtain, and what she saw made her stunned on the spot!

Jiao, Jiaojiao?

Long rabbit ears, snow-white rabbit clothes, except for the lack of a short tail, like a rabbit girl thousands of years ago.

Pei Xuan's eyes were slightly moist, and his heart was moved. He couldn't help guessing: Did the lady remember this?

Her heart was surging, but suddenly she heard the bell and exclaimed: "Lang Jun?!"

The room soon became a mess.

Bai Tang hurriedly took off the rabbit fur hat for the young lady, probably too flustered, the rabbit ears wrapped around Cui Ti's neck, and she couldn't take it off no matter what, she was so anxious that her forehead was sweating.

Bell and Zuoliang plopped and knelt down without daring to hide, obediently willing to be punished.

After the chaos, there was another ironic silence.

Cui Ti's face turned pale and turned red, her lower lip was bitten to death, she lowered her head, not daring to look into Pei Xuan's eyes, let alone wondering whether Xing Guang would think her strange after seeing this scene Strange.

Embarrassed, she wanted to cry.

Baitang was the first to say: "Lang, Mr. Lang, it's the slave who encouraged the young lady, and if you want to punish him, Mr. Lang will punish the slave and maidservant!"

They rushed to be punished first, Cui Ti couldn't bear it, and slowly raised her head to look at the 'husband' who was supposed to go out to socialize, her eyes were red: "It's my idea, it has nothing to do with them."

Pei Xuan was dumbfounded by the "awe-inspiring loyalty" of the four masters and servants: "What kind of villain am I? Get up, get up quickly."

As she approached, she untied the two rabbit ears wrapped around her neck for Cui Ti. Not to mention, these ears were strangely long. She pinched them lightly, and they were soft and fluffy.

Cui Ti's face flushed red, and the top of her head was so ashamed that it was about to smoke.

"You go down first."

Baitang glanced at the young lady who was clearly out of mind, and retreated hesitantly, followed by Hao Bell and Zuo Liang.

Mimi stared out of the door, the cold wind blowing through the corridor, and felt ashamed after knowing it——嗐! How did it get seen?

Yes, why did Xing Guang see it?

Cui Ti was very embarrassed.

Putting aside the rabbit ears and rabbit hat, Pei Xuan admired Cui Ti's rabbit suit playfully: "My lady looks so good in this outfit."


Cui Ti immediately covered her face and turned her back to her.

"I mean it."

Whether it's real or not, Cui Ti just wants her to forget everything she saw just now.

Seeing that she still didn't believe it, Pei Xuan put the rabbit hat on his head: "My lady, what do you think of me wearing it?"

She played with those two rabbit ears very much.

Cui Ti held back her embarrassment and turned her head, trying to hold back a laugh. Pei Xuan is tall, weak and slender, suitable for playing a fine green bamboo, but not a rabbit. Rabbits are slightly rounder and more beautiful. How can there be a big and thin one?

Seeing her smile, Pei Xuan had an idea: "My lady, why don't we play the first meeting between the fairy and the rabbit?"

We met for the first time?

Cui Ti's pretty face turned hot: "Aren't you going out?"

"not going."


She said that the wind is the rain, and she was so excited that she even called someone through the door and sent someone to the Song Mansion to spread the word.

After the corresponding process was completed, Pei Xuan had a lot of time: "My lady?"

Inexplicably, Cui Ti had the illusion of throwing a rock at her own foot.

The sweetheart is the youngest number one scholar in Dazhao, with a good literary talent. With her good literary talent, Cui Ti 'read' all the affectionate and romantic scripts. Needless to say, the reincarnation of the eighth life of "Xianjun and Rabbit Spirit" is written Hundreds of pages full.

And the first time we met...

Cui Ti slanders Pei Xuan because he doesn't mean to be drunk.

The "first encounter" between Wen Quxing and Rabbit Jing is when Xianjun sees a girl who just happens to be a human in a mirror.

This is described in the manuscript: "I saw a white light suddenly appear, and the rabbit turned into a girl of fourteen or five years old, with innocent eyes, black as ink, and white skin like snow, occupying the magic of heaven and earth. Still timid, she vaguely sensed the prying eyes of outsiders, and asked softly, "Who is looking at me? The surroundings are silent, only the grass and the wind."

That was the 'first meeting' of the two.

Cui Ti remembers it very clearly, and even remembers the turmoil that was difficult to calm down when watching this passage.

She glanced at Pei Xuan, turned around and was about to run away when someone grabbed her waist. .

It was snowing heavily outside the window, and every household was busy for the new year.

In the study, Cui Ti's muscles and bones were crisp. Soft, with no strength to hold a pen, Pei Xuan held her hand and led her to write Spring Festival couplets.

"Where is it posted?"

"Stick it in our bedroom."

Cui Ti was relieved.

Every time this festive season comes, there are countless colleagues who come to ask for words. After the Spring Festival couplets are distributed with good friends, there are people in the palace again.

The leading **** smiled and held the calligraphy written by Pei Shidu for His Majesty on the return journey. Pei Xuan rubbed his sore wrist. honest."


Honest people don't have wives.

Wen Quxing has been honest for ten thousand years, but also deserted for ten thousand years. After eight hundred years of looking into the mirror, he has not touched a rabbit's hair with that bit of reserve.

Pei Xuan, who was reincarnated as a human, wanted to experience what it was like to be a human being. He didn't want to be an honest piece of wood, so he suggested, "How about we make lanterns?"

During the Chinese New Year, the atmosphere is indispensable.

In the afternoon, two rabbit-shaped red lanterns were hung in front of the gate of Sushui Bieyuan. Every passer-by would raise their heads and wait and see for a while.

In the twelfth lunar month, only the cute little tail was left. On the twenty-seventh of the twelfth lunar month, Pei Xuan and Cui Ti rushed back to the prime minister's mansion to reunite with their relatives.

The sound of firecrackers in Xijing has been going on for the past few days, and on the first day back to Xiangfu, Xiningbofu sent someone a wedding invitation, Cui Dai's marriage is settled.

Let’s say that Miss Cui San, who is not a fuel-efficient lamp, almost choked herself to death when she drank tea two months ago. She had a high fever and almost burned her brain. Unfortunately, two front teeth in the middle were knocked out.

Unfortunately, for this reason, there are rumors in the market that she has collided with some gods.

Cui Dai often hid in her room and shed tears during the days when she was at home behind closed doors.

When she was dizzy from crying, she was also thinking that she was just unlucky and was labeled as a "sorrowful star" by ignorant people, and she was ridiculed by a group of rich ladies just because she was missing two front teeth.

Thinking too much, she thought of Cui Ti.

Cui Ti was born blind, and was abandoned in the dilapidated South Courtyard with the stigma of being a "bad child". She never recognized her as the elder sister, and she took it calmly.

The sisters moved from place to place, even without Baitang, Cui Ti could live a better life than her.

Because Cui Ti is a flower that blooms out of a stone.

tougher than her.

Cui Dai still doesn't like this elder sister very much, jealousy and envy have been at work all the time, it is impossible to think that she will encounter a 'catastrophe', and Cui Ti will send someone to send a dentist when she learns what happened to her.

At first she thought Cui Ti sent someone here to laugh at her.

But she thought too much.

The dentist made her dentures and encouraged her to go out wearing them.

Cui Dai cried that day with tears in her eyes, and felt that Cui Ti, a blind man, was much better than the wine and meat friends she spent all her time making.

After suffering, once she wakes up, she seems to have grown up overnight, and she no longer wants to compete with Cui Ti.

Furthermore, the incidents that happened one after another have made her understand that people should cherish their blessings, otherwise they will lose even what they have.

She worked hard to repair the precarious love between her parents, helped her mother dress up, and tried her best to please her father.

It was very clumsy at the beginning, but fortunately Uncle Xining and Mrs. Uncle didn't care about the eldest daughter, but they really loved the younger daughter.

Cui Ti was someone the husband and wife had never loved with all their heart, so even making up for it seemed cold and ridiculous.

Cui Dai is different.

Cui Dai has been devoting herself to being a parent every day since she was born.

In the past, she couldn't bear to be beaten and scolded, and gave in all kinds of ways, but now she thinks about it and is willing to change. Because of her alone, the haze hanging over Cui's house has gradually dissipated.

Everyone is trying to have a good time.

After listening to Cui's family's report, Cui Ti pinched the wedding invitation with her fingertips and smiled lightly: "Okay, Xingguang and I will go."

Cui Jian is Cui Shao's personal entourage, he is very honorable in Cui's house, he respectfully said: "Miss San specially ordered that this old servant bring a word to you."


"The third girl said that on the day of her wedding, she would sincerely apologize to her elder sister. She hoped that her elder sister would see that blood is thicker than water and forgive her for being young and ignorant. She knew she was wrong."

Cui Dai used to laugh at Cui Ti as a blind man, an unpopular scourge.

Now she is also called "Sangmenxing" and "ugly monster with missing teeth".

Only when you have tasted that words are like knives do you know that knives cannot be easily drawn out of their sheaths.

The smile on Cui Ti's lips widened: "It's rare."

Cui Jian looked at her worriedly, thinking of Cui Dai's pleading before going out, and said in a low voice: "According to what this old slave sees, the third girl has really learned a lesson this time."

At the age of eight, Cui Ti received a meal from him, and always thought of the old servant, nodded: "Does she like this marriage?"

"I like it, I like it very much! Although my husband's family is not as prominent as the eldest son-in-law, but he is quite honest, the third girl is very satisfied!"

"As long as you are satisfied." Cui Tiwen said, "I will remember what you said."

"Okay, okay... old slave, old slave, I'm leaving now."

She got up and saw them off.

How could Cui Jian have the nerve to ask her to see him off? Run away in a hurry.

Baitang was surprised and said: "Is this person really changed?"

"Xu Zhen has changed."

Cui Tiwu lost his mind.

She had already planned to 'have no' parents and sisters in this life, but her fate turned a corner again when she didn't know it.

After this year, Cui Dai should be almost sixteen.

Will be a big girl.

She has complicated emotions. In the past, Cui Dai got involved with her in everything, being coquettish and rude, but now she is willing to call "sister" and say "I know I was wrong."

This belated "sister" and "knowledge" make people have mixed feelings.

She secretly had something on her mind, she should smile and make trouble, and she didn't want to disturb the mood of her family.

But Pei Xuan was so careful that he still noticed it.

On New Year's Eve, after the reunion dinner, Mrs. Pei walked over wearing a beautiful dress with a smile: "Titi, Xuan'er is waiting for you in the room."

"wait for me?"

Cui Ti looked bewildered.

She couldn't see the joy in her mother-in-law's eyes, but Baitang on one side could see it clearly: "Maybe there are some surprises waiting for Young Madam."

"Talk out."

Mrs. Pei glared at the little girl Baitang.


Cui Ti couldn't wait to urge: "Tangtang, help me quickly."

She likes surprises best.

In the beginning of spring, the weather is still very cold, Cui Ti came to the door wrapped in a thick cloak, Baitang said: "Young Madam, this is it, you go in quickly!"

She ran away in a hurry, wondering whether to play with the bell, or watch the sunrise tomorrow with the beam.

Cui Ti didn't have such troubles as hers, she barely touched the door, the door opened from the inside, and a thin white arm stretched out, leading her into the room.


The doors are closed and bolted.

The inner room is as warm as spring, and the snow-colored carpet covers the floor. Pei Xuan is dressed as a daughter, stepping barefoot on the soft wool blanket. She has slender eyebrows, red lips, a slim figure, and delicate skirts. Lotus, every silver dark pattern is full of tenderness and charm.


The word "light" is contained in the lips and teeth, and submerged in the lips and teeth.

Pei Xuan grabbed her hand and put it on his alluring waist, and sealed it with a kiss.

At the right time, the sky is bright and the world is full of love.


The author has something to say:

It's over here, and there is another chapter about Titi's perspective.

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