MTL - My Avatar Has Entries-Chapter 138 Clean up the portal

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  Chapter 138 Cleaning up the portal

time flies.

   Three months later.

  Practice room.

  Lin Shen sat cross-legged on the ground, his eyes closed, and his chest moved slowly.

   After an unknown amount of time, he suddenly opened his eyes, and in an instant, like a flash of lightning, the entire practice room suddenly lit up.

   "Breakthrough at last"

  Lin Shen let out a long sigh of relief, his face could not hide his joy.

  Cultivation progressed more smoothly than he expected.

   Originally expected to be promoted to the fifth level of Mingqiao, but after three months, he directly broke through to the sixth level of Mingqiao!

   It takes almost a month to break through a level, this speed of improvement is simply not too monstrous!

  But what makes Lin Shen even more happy is that the martial arts at the Taoist level have finally broken through to a higher level!

   And not only Melting Hand, Forbidden Golden Armor also broke through at the same time!

  【Name: Lin Shen】

  【Talent: By analogy】

  【Boundary: Mingqiao sixth floor 12%】

  【Cultivation method: Nine Yang Heart Sutra (85% of Dao), Melting Soldiers Hand (True Martial Arts), Forbidden Golden Armor (True Martial Arts), Yunlong Law (30% of Dao), Shenyang Nine Swords (25% of Dao).】

[Spells: Qijue Sword Qi (23% of the fourth floor), Lightning in the Palm (18% of the fourth floor), Paper Doll Carrying Technique (45% of the third floor), Fixed Body Curse (12% of the third floor), Yu Wind Art (3rd layer 45%), Water Mirror Art (1st layer 45%)]

  【The number of clones is 7 (18%)】

  True Martial Realm!

   This is the realm of martial arts after entering the Dao realm!

   "It's a pity that when I met Senior Brother Xie before, I was only concerned about the matter of the underground spiritual acupoint, and forgot to ask him for advice on true martial arts."

  Lin Shen felt slightly regretful.

   No matter what, he quickly put this behind him.

  Although he didn't know the true martial arts before, after breaking through to this level, he also has a certain understanding of the power of the true martial arts.

   "The power is at least four or five times that of entering the Taoist realm! Maybe more than that!"

  Lin Shen's eyes shone with joy.

  He suddenly had a kind of confidence that if he faced the incarnation of Uro again, with the True Martial Realm Melting Hand and Forbidden Golden Armor, he could definitely have the strength to fight the opponent, and he didn't need to run away in a hurry!

   "If the Taoist realm corresponds to the Mingqiao realm, the True Martial realm corresponds to the monk realm?"

  Lin Shen is a little uncertain, after all, he has not verified the power of real martial arts in actual combat.

  He didn't dare to use it in the practice room.

  The last time I tested the power of the Melting Hand in the Dao Realm, I almost destroyed the practice room.

   If this is changed to a real martial arts realm, the practice room will definitely not be able to support it.

   "Tomorrow, go to Longyuan Mountains to find a monster!"

  Lin Shen thought about it, and looked at the panel again.

  After being promoted to the Real Martial Realm, there will be no progress bar behind the Martial Skills, obviously the True Martial Realm is the highest level.

   This made him slightly regretful.

   It would be great if I could keep improving.

  In addition to the real martial arts, the techniques have also been improved to varying degrees.

  The Qijue sword qi has been upgraded to the fourth level, and it can already release four sword qi at the same time.

   Palm Lightning and Paper Doll Carrying also broke through to the fourth floor.

  According to the description in the cheat book, the highest level of these two spells is only the fifth level.

   In other words, the two techniques are only one step away from perfection.

  For the other three techniques, Lin Shen didn't put much energy into them, so the improvement was not big.

  Originally, Lin Shen wanted to focus on practicing Wind Control Technique.

   After all, being hunted down by the incarnation of Uro made him realize the importance of escape.

  But on second thought, after Yunlonglu breaks through to the Real Martial Realm, his speed will definitely be much faster than Yufengshu.

   I'm afraid it's far inferior to the fifth level of Yufengshu!

   There is no need to spend too much time on the Wind Control Technique.

  This technique is more of a floating effect, making it easier for Lin Shen to cross some terrain during field training.

  Furthermore, thinking about it better, maybe after breaking through to the Real Martial Realm, Yunlonglu can also have the same ability to fly in the sky like Yufengshu?

   "No matter what, Yunlonglu must practice to the real martial arts level. As for the wind control technique, wait for Yunlonglu to break through and then decide according to the situation!"

   With a calculation in mind, Lin Shen turned his attention back to the panel.

  After three months, the cohesion progress of the eighth avatar has reached 18%.

  Increase progress by 1% every five days on average.

  According to this progress, it will take five hundred days for the eighth avatar to fully condense!

   "Is it more than a year?"

  Lin Shen pondered slightly.

  As the number of clones increases, it takes longer and longer to condense the clones.

  According to this trend, it is estimated that it will take three or four years to condense the ninth clone.

  But Lin Shen thought about it for a second, as his strength improved, especially after becoming a monk, he was convinced that he would eat and rest, and the time for retreat and practice would probably be measured in years.

  Looking at it this way, three or four years doesn't seem like much time.

   "Forget it, there are quite a few clones now!"

  Feeling the avatar in his mind who was immersed in cultivation, Lin Shen smiled slightly.

  Seven clones, plus various talents, his cultivation speed is more than ten or twenty times that of ordinary practitioners!

   One month of practice is equivalent to one or two years of hard work by others!

   Far beyond the so-called genius elite!

   "The sixth level of Mingqiao cultivation, coupled with the real martial arts, techniques and talents, the ordinary ninth level of Mingqiao is no longer my opponent!"

  Lin Shen's heart was surging.

   Compared with three months ago, his strength has improved by leaps and bounds.

  It is not much better than the ninth floor of Mingqiao.

  If you add the avatar, eight Mingqiao and nine-level combat forces together, and cooperate with the formation, even if there is an existence at the level of Wuluo's incarnation, Lin Shen has the confidence to win the battle!

   After a long while, Lin Shen recovered from his joy.

  Get up and leave the practice room, Lin Shen came to the outside of the wooden building, looked towards the direction of the square, doubts flashed in his eyes.

  Three months have passed, the sect has not taken any action, whether it is the Jiuyang Zong Shanmen or the Jiuyang Taoist Temple, they are all as calm as ever.

   "What are the top leaders of the sect planning?"

  Lin Shen didn't believe that Xie Jingsheng didn't report the news to Si Yuanpei, and it was unlikely that the latter would not report the news to the sect.

   Now that the situation is calm, it is more likely that the high-level sect is standing still and waiting for something.

   Pressing doubt, Lin Shen walked towards the square.

  Today happens to be the disciple level challenge day once every March.

  When Lin Shen arrived at the square, he saw that there were already crowds of people, and the atmosphere was unusually warm.

   After a little effort, Lin Shen quickly found Yang Zhongyi and Su Nian among the crowd.

   Both of them looked travel-stained, obviously they had just returned from the Longyuan Mountains.

  Looking at this scene, Lin Shen's heart moved slightly, and a thoughtful look flashed in his eyes.

  At this time, Yang Zhongyi also noticed Lin Shen, and walked over with a smile.

   "I thought you forgot the time in closed-door practice and wanted to find you."

   "Have all the disciples from Baihu Mountain come back?" Lin Shen asked suddenly.

   "Of course, today is a disciple level challenge."

  Yang Zhongyi gave Lin Shen a strange look, wondering why he would ask such an obvious question.

  Lin Shen didn't pay attention, his eyes wandered, and he found Yan Xing in the crowd after a while.

  Unexpectedly, Yan Jingren was also there.

   It is reasonable to say that the disciples of the upper court usually do not come to watch the challenge of the disciples of the lower court, and often wait until the challenge of the disciples of the upper court two days later.

   Because of this, Yan Jingren who is here at the moment has attracted a lot of people's strange attention.

  However, the fact that Lin Shen wanted to challenge Yan Jingren has long been known, and most people thought that Yan Jingren returned to the monastery early because of this.

  After figuring this out, many people looked back and forth between Lin Shen and Yan Jingren, pointing excitedly.

   "How about it, Lao Lin, are you sure about the challenge in two days' time?" Yang Zhongyi approached and asked in a low voice.

  Su Nian also cast an inquiring look.

  Although both of them believed in Lin Shen's strength and talent, the opponent was a disciple of the upper court after all, and Yan Jingren, who was also known for his talent in the Taoist school, was a little worried no matter what.

"Do not worry."

  Lin Shen smiled lightly and didn't say much.

   Seeing Yan Jingren appearing here, he had a vague feeling that today's disciple level challenge might not be able to be held.

  Yang Zhongyi and Su Nian looked at each other, both a little puzzled, feeling that Lin Shen looked a little strange.

  However, they only thought that Lin Shen did this because of the challenge two days later, so they didn't ask any more questions.

   At this moment, the crowd suddenly commotioned.

  Yang Zhongyi and Su Nian turned their heads to look, both startled.

  I saw a group of people striding into the square. Wherever they passed, the crowd separated like sea water, leaving a path open.

  Looking intently, the leader is tall and tall, with an ordinary face, but with an imposing manner, he is Shen Zening, the head of the top ten disciples in the upper house!

   And behind him, there are eight young men and women with extraordinary bearing.

  Xie Jingsheng, Mu Chuanhua, and Jiang Hao are all disciples of the upper court without exception.

  In addition to Yan Jingren who was already in the square, the top ten disciples of the upper house were all there!

   "It's Brother Shen!"

   "Senior Brother Xie and Brother Mu are here too!"

   "What day is it today? Why are all the disciples from the upper court here?"

"What happened?"

  The crowd talked a lot, and many disciples showed astonishment.

  Even if it was the day of the challenge of the upper court, not all the top ten disciples would show up, let alone today was only the day when the challenge of the lower court was held.

What's the matter?

  Many people looked at each other in blank dismay, all feeling a little unusual.

  In the corner of the square, Yan Xing was very surprised to see Shen Zening and others appearing.

   "Brother, why are Shen Zening and the others here?"

"I have no idea."

  Yan Xing was taken aback for a moment, then turned to look at Yan Jingren, only to find that his eldest brother's expression became extremely serious at some point.

   And he quickly realized it.

  The disciples of the Upper Court gathered here today, there must be something unusual to do.

  Yan Jingren was one of the top ten disciples of the upper court, but he was completely ignorant and was obviously excluded. This is undoubtedly a very bad signal.

  Thinking about this, Yan Xing suddenly panicked.

  Led by Shen Zening, nine upper court disciples came to the front of the crowd and stood still, looking around.

  The square suddenly fell silent.

  Everyone fixedly looked at the disciples of the Upper Court, waiting for them to explain the reason for their appearance today.

   Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Shen Zening stepped forward and said loudly:

   "I am here today, following the order of the head of the court, to read the sect's laws!"

  As soon as these words came out, the disciples present all showed astonishment, but they didn't dare to interrupt Shen Zening, they just listened intently.

  The next moment, Shen Zening took out a talisman and threw it into the air.

  In an instant, a blue light appeared, and the talisman hovered in mid-air, and the figure of an old man in Taoist robe gradually emerged from it.

  The sharp-eyed disciple immediately recognized the figure as the elder Xing Lv of Nine Yang Sect.

  The old man spoke slowly, and his deep and deep voice spread throughout the square.

   "The Yan family disregarded the kindness of the master and intended to annex the underground spiritual cave of Baihu Mountain. It is tantamount to a rebellious family, and the crime cannot be punished. Today, according to the decree of the real master, we will clean up the family and wipe out the Yan family!"

   Betrayal! Clear the portal!

  As soon as these words came out, the whole square fell silent in an instant, and a needle could be heard falling.

  Countless horrified gazes turned to everyone in the Yan family.

  Yan Jingren's face changed drastically.

  Yan Xing's face was even paler, his thighs trembling.

   After being dazed for a few seconds, he yelled sharply: "Slander! This is all slander! Our Yan family has no betrayal!"

  As soon as the words came out, Shen Zening's eyes shot out like sharp swords, and he spoke in a deep voice.

   "Since the decree has been promulgated, the evidence is convincing. Now that things have happened, you have no room for sophistry!"

  As if to confirm Shen Zening's words, more than a dozen streamer clouds suddenly rose in the distance. After a slight pause in the air, they fled towards the entrance of the monastery like meteors.

   "The head of the courtyard and the heads of the courtyard have set off for Baihu Mountain, and together with the monks of the mountain gate, they will destroy the Yan family."

  Shen Zening withdrew his gaze from a distance, and looked at the Yan family members who were pale and desperate.

   "Let's get caught!"

   There were more than 20 disciples of the Yan family present, and they all gathered together at this moment.

  Including Yan Xing, these disciples all looked miserable.

  Not everyone among them knew about the spiritual acupoint, and when they heard what Shen Zening said, many people were filled with bewilderment besides being horrified.

  Yan Jingren glanced over the group of expressionless and sharp-eyed upper court disciples, and then at the ashen-faced Yan family disciples, heaved a deep sigh in his heart, knowing that the situation was over, he couldn't help feeling depressed.

  Paying such a high price, but in the end failed, and ended up in this situation.

  The high-level sect members have obviously reached a consensus to destroy their Yan family.

  With the strength of the Yan family alone, it is impossible to compete with the behemoth of the sect.

   The demise of the Yan family is a foregone conclusion!

   It's just that Yan Jingren still can't figure out what went wrong?

   However, it would be useless to get to the bottom of it at this time. Yan Jingren knew that even if he asked Shen Zening, the latter would not tell him, so he simply didn't waste this effort.

  But it is impossible for him to catch him without a fight.

   Taking a deep breath, Yan Jingren suddenly had a long sword in his palm, looked at Shen Zening expressionlessly, and showed his attitude with actions.

  Shen Zening had expected it a long time ago, and was not surprised when he saw it, and said in a clear voice:

   "There is a decree in the head of the academy, whoever kills Yan Jingren can get three golden marrow pills!"

  After the voice fell, the atmosphere of the square suddenly changed.

   All the disciples looked at Yan Jingren with extremely hot eyes.

  That’s the Golden Sudden Pill!

  Precious pills that allow people to realize the realm of monks in advance, and can greatly improve the efficiency of cultivation!

   If Jin Sui Dan is to use meritorious service to calculate its value, at least hundreds of meritorious deeds must be obtained!

  Of course, no one is really willing to sell Jin Sui Pill!

   But when they came back to their senses, most of the disciples showed regretful expressions.

  Yan Jingren is at the Bright Aperture Realm, and the only ones who can deal with him are disciples who are also in the Bright Aperture Realm. Don't count on them disciples of the Long Breath Realm.

  After listening to Shen Zening's words, Yan Jingren's expression became a little darker.

   Needless to think about it, Jiuyang Taoist Temple must have been closed at this moment. The Yan family in the Taoist Temple is like a bird in a cage, and there is no hope of escaping.

   Taking a step back, even if the Taoist monastery is not banned, their chances of escape are very slim.

  Nine upper court disciples, plus hundreds of lower court disciples, unless Yan Jingren becomes a monk on the spot, it is impossible to break out.

  Under such circumstances, the head of the school still issued such a decree, clearly planning to use him to hone the disciples!

  Yan Jingren took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, and regained his composure.

  Since there is no escape, the only option is to fight!

  Maybe I can pull a backrest before I die!

   Seeing the change in Yan Jingren's expression, Shen Zening's eyes flickered slightly, and said in a deep voice:

   "Which Junior Brother wants to fight?"

  As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the upper court disciples flickered.

  Even for disciples like them, the allure of Jin Sui Pill is enormous.

   Not to mention there are still three!

  No one does not want to get this reward.

   But when the opponent was Yan Jingren, they had to think carefully.

  Yan Jingren was already at the third level of Mingqiao half a year ago, now that half a year has passed, and with the help of the spiritual acupoint, his strength may have been greatly improved.

   And in this battle, he is still struggling, so he will definitely try his best. If he is a little careless, not only will they not be able to kill Yan Jingren, but they will suffer a big loss, so he has to think about it.

  As for teaming up against an opponent who is already a fish in the urn, they still can't afford to lose that face!

   Besides, who is willing to share the Golden Sudden Pill with others?

  Seeing that the disciples of the upper court were silent and their eyes were flickering, Yan Jingren couldn't help showing a faint mockery on his face.

   "Why, no one dares to fight me?"

  All the disciples of the upper court were arrogant and arrogant, they couldn't bear the ridicule of Yan Jingren, a dying man, and they all showed expressions of anger.

   Immediately, someone came out more and more, and said with a cold snort:

   "What are you crazy about, Yan Jingren, I will fight with you!"

  Everyone took a closer look, but it was Jiang Hao.

  Jiang Hao once competed with Xie Jingsheng for the Golden Sudden Pill, but unfortunately lost in the end, thus missing the Golden Sudden Pill.

Because of this, he has a deep obsession with Jinsui Pill, and he has long been very envious of the rewards of the three Jinsui Pills. He just felt that Yan Jingren's strength was not weak, and he didn't know much about it, so he thought about waiting for a while and waiting for others. It's not too late to try out Yan Jingren's details.

  Who would have thought that Yan Jingren would be so arrogant and conceited to mock them face to face!

  Jiang Hao couldn't stand it anymore, so he didn't hesitate anymore and stood up directly.

"Hmph, not long after the Yan family got the underground spiritual acupoint, even if Yan Jingren can enter the spiritual acupoint to practice, it must not be long, and no matter how high he can improve, there is a limit. I entered the upper court a full year earlier than him, I don't believe I can't beat this guy! "

   While thinking about it, Jiang Hao settled down a little, flipped his wrist, and a Nine Sun Talisman Sword appeared out of thin air in his palm, and the cold light of the sword pointed directly at Yan Jingren.

   "Today I will tell you to learn my Shenyang Nine Swords!"

  Yan Jingren narrowed his eyes slightly, with a stern smile on his face.

   "I'll wait and see!"

  The moment the last word fell, Yan Jingren stabbed out with his sword, and shot straight at Jiang Hao like lightning.

  The latter sneered, and went head-on without fear.

   The two sides fought together in a blink of an eye!

  (end of this chapter)

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