MTL - My Avatar Has Entries-Chapter 139 belated challenge

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  Chapter 139 The Belated Challenge

  The violent air wave swept away in all directions with the fierce sword energy, and the surrounding crowd immediately retreated with a clatter to avoid accidental injury.

  Seeing the surging waves in the center of the square and the sword qi radiating everywhere, Yang Zhongyi couldn't help being speechless.

   "Worthy of being a disciple of the upper court, the strength is really strong!"

  Su Nian nodded approvingly, his eyes fixed on the battle on the field.

  The other disciples also stared intently.

   It is not common for the disciples of the Upper Court to fight each other.

  Even if it is a disciple level challenge, not every time someone challenges the upper court disciples.

   What's more, the battle in front of us is different from ordinary contests, it is a real fight of life and death!

  If they can get a little insight from it, it will be a big gain for them.

  In the crowd, Lin Shen's eyes flickered.

  He can be said to be the calmest among the disciples of the House of Commons present.

   After all, he had expected this to happen.

   It's just that the Zongmen will postpone the attack for three months, which is somewhat beyond his expectation.

  However, Lin Shen already had a vague guess about this.

  After taking over Baihushan Cave Mansion, the Yan family issued a task of recruiting manpower through Jiuyang Daoyuan, which lasted for more than half a year.

   During this period, a large number of disciples poured into Baihu Mountain.

  If you want to wipe out the Yan family, how to avoid implicating these disciples is a problem.

   If Mao hastily recalled the disciples from Baihu Mountain, he might startle the snake.

  That's why the Zongmen executives specially chose the day of the disciple level challenge.

   After all, on this day, all the disciples will return to Jiuyang Daoyuan, which may make the Yan family suspicious.

  But Lin Shen faintly felt that there might be more than this reason.

  Three months is a bit long after all, and changes will happen if it is too late. The high-level sect will not fail to understand this truth.

   With the mind and behavior of those high-ranking sect seniors, would they be willing to risk the Yan family's awareness and postpone the attack for the safety of a group of Taoist disciples?

   The answer is obviously up for debate!

  Lin Shen prefers that the top sect leaders have other considerations.

  Thinking more insidiously, the reason why they postponed the attack was probably because they were planning to wait for the Yan family to open the underground spiritual cave before harvesting the fruit.

   In this way, not only can the traitor be wiped out, but also a fully opened spiritual acupoint can be obtained, killing two birds with one stone!

   "If this is the case, then the Yan family was completely played with by the applause, and even the bones were gnawed after they were wiped clean!"

  Lin Shen clicked his tongue.

   But this is just speculation after all.

   Besides, even if it is true, it has nothing to do with him.

  He would only be happy about what happened to the Yan family, without any sympathy.

   Just as Lin Shen's thoughts were spinning, the battle on the field gradually became fiercer.

  Both sides in the battle are both at the Ming Aperture Realm, and both are good at using swords. During the confrontation, the sound of swords and clangs can be heard endlessly.

  In just a short moment, the place where the two fought was turned into ruins within a radius of 500 meters. The stone slabs were broken and messy everywhere.

  The disciples watching the battle retreated again and again, almost retreating to the edge of the square before barely stopping.

  Many disciples were secretly speechless, horrified at the strength of Yan Jingren and Jiang Hao.

  The disciples of the Upper Court still stood where they were, unaffected by the aftermath of the battle.

  Compared to the disciples of the Lower Court, they saw the situation on the field more clearly, and they all looked dignified.

   "Looking at the situation, Yan Jingren has probably broken through to the fifth floor of Mingqiao, and Jiang Hao is not his opponent!" Xie Jingsheng frowned.

  Mu Chuanhua couldn't help showing surprise: "The spiritual acupoint is so powerful? Yan Jingren clearly only had the third level of Mingqiao half a year ago, and he broke through two realms one after another in such a short period of time!"

  Hearing this, the other disciples of the upper court changed their expressions in unison, and a fiery look flashed in their eyes.

  If they can also enter the spiritual acupoint to practice, wouldn't they be able to make rapid progress in cultivation like Yan Jingren?


   There was a sudden thunderous roar on the field!

  Both were annihilated under the impact of two blazing thunder lights, and Jiang Hao retreated seven or eight meters in a row amidst the waves of the sky.

  He never imagined that Yan Jingren's cultivation would improve so quickly after seeing him in just a few months, and he had reached the fifth level of Mingqiao just like him!

  Without the suppression of his cultivation base, he was no longer confident of defeating Yan Jingren with only martial skills.

   "Damn it!"

  Jiang Hao looked gloomy.

   He intends to retreat, but just now he boasted that Haikou wants Yan Jingren to learn how powerful he is. If he just retreats like this, what prestige will he have in the monastery in the future?

  Thinking of this, Jiang Hao felt ruthless.

   "Forget it, if I can get three Golden Sudden Pills, it will be enough to make up for my loss!"

  The battle situation was urgent, and after making up his mind, Jiang Hao no longer hesitated, took out a elixir decisively, and swallowed it with his head raised.

  Xie Jingsheng and the others had sharp eyesight, and immediately saw the elixir that Jiang Hao swallowed, and they all showed surprise.

   "Strong Blood Pill!"

  As we all know, zhenqi has no distinction between yin and yang attributes of the five elements.

  Only when performing martial arts or techniques, will they show different attributes.

  However, by relying on some special medicines, the true energy can be given a certain attribute for a short time.

  Liexue Pill is one of these special pills.

   Within half an hour after taking the Lie Xue Dan, the true qi of the person taking the pill will be transformed into yang attribute zhen qi for a short period of time, and the power of any yang attribute martial arts or techniques will be greatly enhanced!

  In a life-and-death fight, if used at the right time, the Blood Pill is enough to turn the tide of the battle!

   Because of this, Lixue Pill is very popular among practitioners.

  However, it is not easy to make Lixue Pill. In terms of preciousness and rarity, it is not inferior to Jinsui Pill, and even faintly better.

  Even if you are a disciple of the upper court, it is not easy to get one.

   No need to think about it, this blood pill must be one of Jiang Hao's life-saving cards.

  Using it at this time, it can be seen that Jiang Hao has begun to desperately, determined to kill Yan Jingren!

  After taking the Lie Xue Dan, Jiang Hao's skin became hot and red immediately visible to the naked eye, and wisps of white smoke were emitted from his body, and his whole body suddenly became a little more fierce!


  Feeling the vigorous yang attribute in his body, Jiang Hao's confidence increased greatly, and he slammed to kill Yan Jingren again.

  In an instant, five rounds of bright red light clusters suddenly appeared, wrapped in countless sharp sword intents, rushing towards Yan Jingren overwhelmingly!

   "The five yangs come out together!"

   There was a low cry from the crowd watching the battle.

  Many disciples showed amazement.

  Although they don't know Lixue Pill, they know Shenyang Nine Swords very well.

   Counting the entire Taoist temple, only Jiang Hao can use the Shenyang Nine Swords to the point where all five yangs come out!

  Xie Jingsheng and the others were also secretly surprised.

  After the defeat in the battle of Longyuan Mountains by the Tiger Demon, Jiang Hao practiced hard in seclusion, and the Nine Swords of Shenyang improved to a higher level.

  But it is only to the point where the four yangs come out.

   Now the sword stabs out, and the five yangs rise together, obviously it is the credit of the blood pill!

  As soon as the five rounds of scorching sun came out, the whole square rose in heat in an instant, as if you were in a volcano, and the scorching air was overwhelming!

  Even other people are like this, let alone Yan Jingren who faced the blow directly.

  However, there was no panic on his face. Instead, he sneered, took out a small blue tablet from his sleeve in a calm manner, and said, "Go!"

  The small cyan tablet paused in the air, and in the blink of an eye, it swelled into a giant of three feet in size, carrying a mighty thunderous sonic boom, and slammed into Lieyang head-on!

  The sword energy enough to crush gold and iron hit the giant monument, making a continuous crisp sound like gold and iron clashing, but it couldn't cause even the slightest damage to the giant monument!

  Before Jiang Hao could react, the giant monument had already defeated the five rounds of the Shining Sun Group, rumbling towards him!

  Looking at this scene, Jiang Hao's expression changed instantly, and he turned around to escape from the attack range of the huge monument.

   But with this movement, he immediately discovered to his astonishment that there seemed to be a strange force covering his whole body, no matter how hard he tried, he still struggled to move, staggering, as if he was stuck in a deep swamp.

  Suddenly the top of his head went dark, and the giant monument fell down steeply. Jiang Hao yelled, and raised his sword with both hands.

  After a loud noise, he unexpectedly held up the huge monument, but it seemed that he couldn't bear the huge force, and his body was being slowly pressed down.

  Seeing that Jiang Hao was about to be completely overwhelmed, there was a sudden soft cry, and everyone around felt a flash of light and shadow in front of their eyes, and the huge monument shrank quickly and flew back to Yan Jingren's hands as if it had been hit hard.

  Yan Jingren glanced at Shen Zening, and said coldly: "Brother Shen, is he going to fight me in person?"

  Shen Zening shook his head slightly, and glanced at Jiang Hao.

  Jiang Hao, who had escaped from the catastrophe, blushed, lowered his head in shame, and returned to the crowd.

   Seeing this, everyone still doesn't understand.

  Jiang Hao lost this battle!

   There was a moment of silence on the field.

  No one thought that Jiang Hao, who was ranked higher than Yan Jingren among the disciples of the upper court, would be defeated by Yan Jingren.

   Moreover, some disciples with sharp eyesight have already seen that the small blue stele that Yan Jingren sacrificed just now is obviously some kind of mysterious weapon!

  Unless they also possess profound weapons, who among the disciples of the Upper Court is Yan Jingren's opponent?

   Is Shen Zening going to take action?

  With Shen Zening's strength and cultivation base, he can indeed take down Yan Jingren easily.

   But in this way, the face of the Daoist Academy will be a bit difficult.

  Disciples from the upper and lower courtyards gathered together, but none of them could take down the traitor, and the chief disciple had to take action. Wouldn’t it be embarrassing to spread the word?

  Xie Jingsheng and other disciples of the upper court also hesitated for a while.

  Yan Jingren's strength just now is obvious to all.

  The cultivation of the fifth level of Mingqiao alone is already very dreadful.

  In the entire Upper Court, apart from Shen Zening, only Xie Jingsheng from the sixth floor of Mingqiao could overwhelm Jingren.

   But Xie Jingsheng was not from an aristocratic family. Although he has a head teacher, the resources he possesses are not as good as those of top aristocratic families.

  Not to mention profound weapons, there are only one or two high-grade magic weapons.

   Without taking advantage of the magic weapon, the chances of defeating Yan Jingren are really slim.

  Yan Jingren didn't speak, but looked at everyone in front of him mockingly.

   When the atmosphere was so silent that it was uncomfortable, a calm voice suddenly sounded.

   "Since no one wants to go, why not let me do it!"

  The sudden voice surprised everyone, and they all followed the prestige.

   After seeing this, I was shocked.

  Lin Shen!

How could it be him?

  All the disciples present knew that Lin Shen was going to challenge Yan Jingren today, but following the decree to clean up the sect, everyone had already forgotten about it.

  After Yan Jingren defeated Jiang Hao, no one thought about it.

   After all, even Jiang Hao, who has been in the upper court for nearly two years, is not Yan Jingren's opponent, so how could Lin Shen be able to deal with Yan Jingren?

  Under such circumstances, how could they not be shocked when they saw Lin Shenyue coming out of the crowd to challenge Yan Jingren.

  Xie Jingsheng was also taken aback, and hurriedly said: "Junior Brother Lin, don't be impulsive!"

Among all the people present, he was the only one who knew that the information about the Yan family's intention to monopolize the spiritual acupoint came from Lin Shen. Injuried.

  However, when Lin Shen heard the words, he just nodded slightly at him with a calm face, and then continued to walk towards Yan Jingren.

  Xie Jingsheng was in a hurry when he saw this, and wanted to stop it, but he couldn't find a suitable reason for a while.

   At the same time, the other upper court disciples who came to their senses also shook their heads.

  Even they are not sure that they can beat Yan Jingren, so what can Lin Shen do?

  Shen Zening raised his eyebrows, and a strange light flashed in his eyes.

  He had heard about Lin Shen's deeds, and he had already heard about the astonishing aptitude of this junior.

  Qualifications belong to qualifications, but strength is another matter.

  Lin Shen is said to have only been promoted to the Mingqiao Realm for half a year. No matter how you think about it, it is impossible for him to be Yan Jingren's opponent?

   It's just that under the watchful eyes of everyone, Shen Zening can't force Lin Shen to retreat, that would be too demoralizing.

  In the time he hesitated, Lin Shen had already stepped into the arena.

  Yan Jingren was also a little surprised, but soon came back to his senses, staring at Lin Shen with cold eyes.

   "I didn't expect you to dare to play at this time!"

   "I said three months ago that I would fight you, and now it's just fulfilling my words."

  Lin Shen smiled casually.

   "And isn't this just what you want?"

  Yan Jingren was silent, his eyes narrowed slightly.

  As Lin Shen said, given Lin Shen's previous feud with the Yan family, if he could find an opportunity to kill Lin Shen, of course he would not refuse, rather he would be more than happy.

   What puzzled him was that Lin Shen had watched the whole fight between him and Jiang Hao, knew his strength, but still took the initiative to fight. Could it be that Lin Shen thought he could beat him?

  Thinking of this, Yan Jingren couldn't help but a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

   But immediately, he collected his thoughts, threw away distracting thoughts, and his eyes became focused.

  It's useless to think too much, just take action!

  Lin Shen's talent is obvious to all, and it's not an exaggeration to describe it as a peerless genius. If Lin Shen can be killed, at least he can cause some losses to the Nine Suns Sect to avenge the annihilation of the clan.

  The only problem is **** Lin Shen before Shen Zening can stop him!

  Lin Shen didn't know what Yan Jingren was thinking, but it wasn't hard to guess. However, he didn't care, and with a flip of his wrist, there was already a Nine Sun Talisman Sword in his palm.

  The existence of the Pure Yang Talisman Sword was too eye-catching, and he couldn't use it in full view.

   But only the Nine Yang Talisman Sword is enough!

  As Lin Shen took out his weapon, the square quickly fell silent.

   A solemn and stagnant atmosphere gradually spread in the air.

  Everyone held their breath and stared intently at the field, waiting for this unexpected but reasonable 'challenge'!


  The sharp and short sword cry suddenly tore through the silence!

  The moment the voice sounded, the two vague figures collided heavily like streamers.

  In the next moment, there was only a sound of Dang, and when the sparks flickered, the two long swords were already intertwined like lightning, moving and dancing, showing extreme changes.

  The biting sword energy permeated in an instant.

  Yan Jingren's expression was stern, and the sword thrust out continuously, and the invincible energy was spit out from the blade, and it attacked Lin Shen like a storm, and the air suddenly boiled violently like boiling water.

  Facing such a fierce offensive, Lin Shen remained calm and composed, and the talisman sword in his hand swirled into a ball of rapidly jumping light, dancing imperviously, crushing and annihilating the incoming sword energy one by one.

  The two of them coincidentally did not use martial arts or techniques, but only relied on pure qi cultivation and swordsmanship comprehension to fight.

   Even so, all the disciples were still terrified by the sword force that covered the sky.

   "What a strong sword intent!"

   "Master Yan, Yan Jingren is fine, I didn't expect Lin Shen's swordsmanship to be so powerful!"

   "Looks like Lin Shen and Yan Jingren are evenly matched!"

   "It's unbelievable, what level has Lin Shen's cultivation reached?"

   There were exclamations one after another.

  Many disciples were surprised.

   Originally thought that Lin Shen would be at a disadvantage in the face of Yan Jingren, even if he was not defeated in a crushing manner.

   But right now, the two seem to be on par?

  Compared to the shock and uncertainty of the lower court disciples, Xie Jingsheng and other upper court disciples were stunned and astonished.

  After regaining consciousness, Xie Jingsheng and the others took a light breath.

   Mingqiao six-level cultivation base!

  Lin Shen has already reached the sixth level of Mingqiao, even one level higher than Yan Jingren!

   Even when they saw that Jiang Hao was defeated by Yan Jingren, they were not so surprised.

   "How is it possible that this guy cultivated? This is too monstrous!" A disciple of the Upper Court murmured in shock.

   This sentence undoubtedly spoke out the aspirations of all the upper court disciples present, and many of them nodded subconsciously.

  Xie Jingsheng was a little dazed, and froze in place.

   He never expected that Lin Shen's cultivation level was no less than his!

   You must know that more than half a year ago, Lin Shen was only in the Long Breath Realm!

  Xie Jingsheng felt like falling into a dream for a while, and his mind was in a trance.

  Jiang Hao on the side was even more dumbfounded and could not make a sound.

  Yan Jingren is fine, at least with the help of spiritual acupoints, it is reasonable to improve his cultivation by leaps and bounds.

  What happened to Lin Shen?

  The speed at which this cultivation level increases is simply unimaginable!

   This still makes people alive!

   "This Junior Brother Lin is hiding something!" A look of surprise appeared on Shen Zening's face.

   Under the shocking or surprised gazes of the crowd, the two fighting on the field separated abruptly and retreated sharply at the same time.

  Yan Jingren frowned, and the horror in his eyes could not be concealed.

  He was also surprised by Lin Shen's cultivation and strength displayed at this moment.

  He was promoted to the Mingqiao Realm earlier than Lin Shen, and with the help of the spiritual acupoint, he reached the fifth level of Mingqiao.

  But Lin Shen’s cultivation time is shorter than his, and he doesn’t have spiritual acupoints to speed up his cultivation efficiency, yet his cultivation base is one level higher than him!

  This qualification is simply against the sky!

  Woke up from the shock, Yan Jingren's heart suddenly became murderous.

  The better Lin Shen behaves, the greater the loss of Nine Suns Sect after killing him!

  (end of this chapter)

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