MTL - My Avatar Has Entries-Chapter 137 blockbuster

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  Chapter 137 A Blockbuster

  Although Wu Luo clearly stated that the matter of killing Wu Jing was written off, and he would not trouble Lin Shen over this matter, Lin Shen still had no plans to enter Xiyan Daze again, and immediately returned to Linlong City after separating from Chihu.

  Before parting, Chihu gave Lin Shen a talisman for contact.

  As long as she enters the Longyuan Mountains and injects her true energy with the talisman, she will be able to sense the location of the talisman and come to meet Lin Shen.

  Lin Shen later also learned the name of the red fox—Qiu Li!

  The fox family in Haoshan all take Qiu as their surname.

  Back to Jiuyang Taoist Temple, Lin Shen didn't care to take a breather, and went straight to Yang Zhongyi, straight to the point.

   "Is there a way for me to meet Senior Brother Xie Jingsheng?"

  Yang Zhongyi was slightly taken aback, and after realizing it, he said in surprise: "Why are you looking for Brother Xie? You want to ask about challenging the disciples of the upper court?"

   "It has nothing to do with this, I have other business with him." Lin Shen said vaguely.

   After all, this matter is of great importance, and the less people know about it, the better.

  Seeing that Lin Shen didn't want to say more, Yang Zhongyi didn't ask any more questions, and patted his chest in response.

   "It's a trivial matter, wait for my news!"

  Yang Zhongyi's action efficiency is still very fast.

  In the evening, Lin Shen met Xie Jingsheng as he wished.

  Although the upper and lower courts are in the Jiuyang Daoyuan, they are separated in different areas.

   Except for the disciples of the upper court holding the corresponding talisman, the disciples of the lower court cannot enter at all.

  The concentration of aura in the residence of the disciples of the upper court is far higher than that of the residence of the disciples of the lower court.

  Even the first-class abode where the heavenly disciples live is far inferior.

  As soon as he stepped into the wooden building, Lin Shen immediately felt the spiritual energy in the air.

   After being washed away by the aura, he suddenly felt a sense of comfort inside and outside.

   "What a rich aura!" Lin Shen exclaimed.

  He reckoned that this residence was very likely to have reached the Xuanlu level.

   Cultivating in such a place with rich spiritual energy, the progress of cultivation base cannot be slowed down at all!

  Xie Jingsheng, who was walking side by side, laughed and said, "With what Junior Brother Lin can do, it won't take long for him to have a place here."

   Xie Jingsheng said these words sincerely, with a bit of admiration.

  Lin Shen's cultivation has progressed so fast, it can be said that he has never seen it in his life.

   Less than a year after entering the Taoist monastery, he is already at the Mingqiao Realm!

   And I heard that he has reported to challenge Yan Jingren.

  If it really succeeds, then Lin Shen will undoubtedly be the fastest-promoted disciple of the upper court since the establishment of Jiuyang Taoist Academy!

  The outstanding qualifications are simply breathtaking!


  Xie Jingsheng suddenly thought of something and reminded:

   "Junior Brother Lin, I met Junior Brother Yan a few days ago. He seems to have improved a lot during this period of time. You must be careful when it comes to the disciple level challenge in three months' time!"

   I'm afraid I won't be able to wait for that time!

  Lin Shen thought to himself, his expression turned serious, and he said in a deep voice, "I happen to have something related to the Yan family, and I want to talk to Senior Brother Xie!"

  The two happened to walk into the living room, and seeing Lin Shen's extremely serious expression, Xie Jingsheng was slightly startled, but he quickly realized it and pointed to the coffee table in front of him.

   "Junior Brother Lin, sit down and talk."

  Lin Shen followed good advice, and immediately talked about the underground spiritual acupoint after sitting down.

  He did not conceal the source of the news, and truthfully told him that it was from Qiu Li.

   Of course, there is no need to talk about Uro.

  After listening, Xie Jingsheng was shocked, unable to speak for a long time.

  The Yan family concealed the sect's intention to monopolize the underground spiritual cave, which is undoubtedly a major event.

  Once it spreads, it will inevitably cause a huge disturbance in the sect!

  Xie Jingsheng is so perceptive, he immediately understood the purpose of Lin Shen telling him this matter, and immediately nodded solemnly.

   "I understand what Junior Brother Lin means. I'm going to see the teacher right now. Before that, please don't say anything!"

"I see!"

  Lin Shen also nodded solemnly, took out the Forbidden Soul Orb and handed it to Xie Jingsheng.

   The matter was so important, Xie Jingsheng didn't dare to delay, and got up immediately after receiving the Forbidden Soul Orb.

   "Junior Brother Lin, do as you please!"

  After the words fell, Xie Jingsheng rushed out vigorously.

  Watching Xie Jingsheng disappear outside the door, Lin Shen secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

  If you want to expose the conspiracy of the Yan family, it is bound to be a person with enough weight to come forward.

   As a disciple of the lower court, he definitely doesn't have this weight.

  Although Xie Jingsheng is a disciple of the upper court, his weight is not enough.

   Counting the people Lin Shen knows well, only Si Yuanpei has this weight.

  Si Yuanpei, as a monk, is also one of the masters of the lower court of Jiuyang Daoyuan. Even in Jiuyang Sect, he has a high status.

   What's more important is that the head of the hospital is not from a family, and even stands on the opposite side of the family.

  If he learns what the Yan family is doing in private, he will never shield the Yan family, let alone let go of this great opportunity to weaken the power of the family!

   As a result, the Yan family will most likely be doomed!

   More importantly, he can completely hide this matter behind the stage, without having to stand in front of the stage to endure the strong wind and waves!

   "The next step is to see what the high-level sect does."

  After handing over the Forbidden Soul Orb, Lin Shen was completely out of control in the subsequent matters.

  He didn't want to waste his time worrying, so he simply put this matter behind him.

  After coming out of the upper court, Lin Shen went straight to the meritorious court.

   After handing in all the black iron bones obtained during this trip in the mission hall, a total of 18 middle skills were obtained.

  After that, Lin Shen went to the exchange hall and exchanged all Zhong Gong for Yangshen Pills.

   "These nourishing pills should be enough for me to break through to the fifth level of Mingqiao!"

  Looking at the fifteen extra bottles of nourishing pills in the storage ring, Lin Shen felt a little hot in his heart.

  After experiencing the sense of powerlessness in the face of Uro's incarnation, he became more eager and eager for power.

   Only by being promoted to a monk as soon as possible can he have the power to protect himself in this world.

  No longer just a **** on the chessboard, but a chess player who has the qualifications to outshine others!

  Back to the wooden building, Lin Shen went straight to the practice room.

   Instead of starting to practice immediately, Lin Shen called out the panel and looked at the last column.

  'The number of clones is 6 (100%)'

   Two hundred days have passed since the sixth clone was condensed.

   Today, the seventh avatar is finally condensed!

   Taking a deep breath, Lin Shen calmed down, and immediately summoned the seventh clone.

  Separation of ghost and shadow, turning virtual into reality.

   In the blink of an eye, the seventh clone appeared in front of Lin Shen.

  【Clone No. 7】

  【Talent: Blockbuster】

  【Boundary: 85% of Mingqiao third floor】

  【Current practice: none】

   "A blockbuster? What kind of talent is this?"

  Lin Shen suddenly became curious, and quickly looked around.

   After looking at it, his expression was extremely strange.

  【Blockbuster: Cultivate Qi with the body, store Qi with meaning, store and accumulate energy for the next attack, the longer the storage time, the greater the power of the attack】

  Lin Shen was astonished.

   This talent is a bit like a martial art he has heard of called Yangdaoshu.

  This martial art pays attention to raising the sword with intention and raising the sword with qi, making the sword extremely sharp.

  On weekdays, he seldom takes shots, and keeps accumulating the saber intent and saber momentum.

   Until the moment of the shot, the earth-shattering power will explode!

   It is a very strange martial skill.

  The talent of becoming a blockbuster seems to have the same effect as raising a knife.

  The longer the accumulation time, the stronger the attack power will be when the shot is made, and it will become a blockbuster!

  Lin Shen hesitated for a moment.

  How should I put it, this talent is a bit subtle.

  Leaving aside the fact that a blockbuster won't help one's cultivation, whether it's practicing martial arts or the Nine Yang Heart Sutra, it won't have any positive effect.

  Just because he has to go out to practice and hunt monsters from time to time, he is not suitable for wearing this talent.

   On the other hand, this talent is very suitable as a hole card.

  He can completely let the seventh clone focus on cultivation, don't take part in the battle, and continue to cultivate energy and spirit.

   Wait until the critical moment and then summon it, which will have the effect of turning the situation around!

  The seventh avatar with blockbuster talent can completely serve as his ultimate move!

   Thinking of the scene of being hunted down by the incarnation of Uro not long ago, Lin Shen's eyes flickered slightly, and he finally made up his mind.

   I should have a real hole card!

  After making a decision, Lin Shen no longer hesitated, and took the seventh clone back.

  In the future, unless you encounter a very difficult and powerful enemy, the seventh avatar can just stay in your mind and practice with peace of mind.

   After calming down, Lin Shen then summoned a clone with superior martial arts, took out the treasures of heaven and earth traded from Tao Zongbao from the storage ring, and handed them all to him for consumption.

  After Heaven's Jealousy talent disappears, this important task can only fall on the clone with superior martial arts.

   As for Huiji will hurt the doppelgänger, it is better not to toss about his few remaining lifespans.

  Taking out the Nourishing Pill, Lin Shen restrained his distracting thoughts and began to practice.

  In the next time, in addition to breaking through to the fifth level of Mingqiao, he also plans to break through the melting hand.

  Lin Shen had been looking forward to the realm of martial arts after entering the Taoist realm for a long time.

   As long as you master the seven perfection-level palm techniques and claw skills, Melting Soldiers will be able to break through to a higher level!

   Deep in the Longyeon Mountains.

  In an inconspicuous mountain.

  Accompanied by a chirping sound, a flying crane descended from the sky and landed in front of a huge cave in the middle of the mountain.

  Yan Jingren jumped down from the crane's back, swung his sleeves to retract the crane, and strode into the cave entrance.

   Behind the hole is a spacious passageway, enough to accommodate more than ten people in parallel at the same time.

  A bright pearl is inlaid every four or five meters on both sides of the passage, exuding soft light, illuminating the entire passage like daytime.

   Two people are guarding the position near the entrance of the cave.

  Seeing Yan Jingren coming in, the two immediately bowed to greet him.


  Yan Jingren nodded lightly, and asked casually, "Is Second Uncle here?"

   "Elder Yan has been here for a while."

  Hearing this, Yan Jingren immediately stepped up and walked inside.

  Through the long passage, it didn't take long before Yan Jingren's eyes suddenly opened up, and he had come to a brightly lit cave.

  The crypt is extremely wide, in the shape of an inverted bowl as a whole, with traces of man-made excavation everywhere, and many places on the edge are slightly rough, and it is obvious that it has been excavated and expanded not long ago.

  After stepping into the crypt, Yan Jingren's gaze immediately fell on the middle crypt.

  The cave is about 20 to 30 meters long, and the inside is unusually deep, and there are faint howling sounds like gusts of wind, which are extremely frightening.

  Looking from a distance, it looks like a beast's mouth, waiting for uninvited guests to break in.

   And around the cave, a layer of fence was built with white jade, which looks like a well fence.

  Yan Jingren swept his gaze, and soon found Yan Jinting standing near the fence.

   "Second Uncle!"

  Yan Jinting had already noticed Yan Jingren's arrival. Looking back, his spiritual sense swept over him, and a smile appeared on his face.

   "Jing Ren, have you made another breakthrough?"

  Although it was a question, the tone was very firm.

  Yan Jingren also showed a smile on his face, nodded and said: "I just broke through to the fourth floor of Mingqiao three days ago."

  He turned his head to look at the cave, with a scorching light in his eyes.

"The effect of this spiritual acupoint is as amazing as the rumors said. I only practiced in it for a month, and it was already worth the painstaking practice of the past three or four months. If I could practice in it for two or three years, I would have seven Be sure to become a monk!"

  How difficult it is to become a monk.

  Many practitioners can't break through this pass in their entire lives!

   There is a 70% chance of becoming a monk, which is already an extremely high probability!

   Not to mention that it only takes two or three years.

  Hearing this, Yan Jinting had a deep smile on his face.

  Through counting the entire family, the younger generation he admires the most is Yan Jingren.

  This nephew is talented, but also has a calm temperament. He is a person who has achieved great things, and his future is boundless!

  If nothing else happens, Yan Jingren will most likely be the head of the next generation of the Yan family.

  In comparison, Yan Xing, another nephew, is much worse.

   It's really disappointing that a direct descendant of a famous family has poured so much resources into him, but is defeated repeatedly by a commoner son!

   Shaking his head secretly, Yan Jinting restrained his thoughts and turned his eyes back to the cave.

   "The spiritual acupoint has not been fully opened yet, and the Qi mechanism has not yet fully recovered. It is the limit to accommodate four or five people in, and it will come out after a month at most. Otherwise, the Qi mechanism will be disturbed, and the consequences will be disastrous!"

   A word of reminder, Yan Jinting changed the subject, and comforted:

   "However, this situation won't last for too long. The captives of the Haoshan fox clan have been transferred to the mountainside, and blood sacrifices can be carried out one after another starting tomorrow. At most three months, the spiritual acupoint will be fully opened!"

  Speaking of the last, even with the xinxing cultivation of monk Yan Jinting, there was a touch of excitement in his words.

   This time, the Yan family can be said to have put all their eggs in one basket, almost betting on the fate of the entire family, just for this spiritual acupoint in front of them.

  As long as you can completely grasp the spiritual acupoint, the revitalization of the family is just around the corner!

   In a maximum of ten years, the Yan family will be able to restore the prosperity of a hundred years ago!

   It is not impossible to even keep pace with the three major surnames!

   In time, the Yan family will surely become the most powerful family in Linlong City!

  Thinking of this, Yan Jinting couldn't help feeling emotional.

  Yan Jingren's eyes became more and more fiery.

   At this moment, a burst of hurried footsteps suddenly sounded, interrupting the conversation between the two.

  Yan Jingren looked back following the sound, and saw Yan Xing walking out of the passage in a hurry.

   "Big brother."

   As soon as Yan Xing yelled, he saw Yan Jinting standing beside Yan Jingren, his voice suddenly weakened, and he shrank his head subconsciously.

   "Second uncle, you are here too."

  Yan Jinting glanced at him indifferently, and frowned imperceptibly.

  Yan Jingren knew that his second uncle was dissatisfied with Yan Xingxin, and was worried that he would scold him, so he hurriedly said: "What happened, why are you in such a hurry?"

  Yan Xing finally remembered the business, and said quickly:

   "Brother, I just came back from Jiuyang Taoist Academy. I heard that Lin Shen has reported to the academy that he plans to challenge you in the disciple level challenge in three months' time. It's really deceitful!"

  Seeing Yan Xing's indignant appearance, Yan Jingren couldn't help frowning.

   "Lin Shen is a heaven-level disciple of the Lower Court, and has already broken through the Mingqiao Realm. Isn't it normal to challenge the disciples of the Upper Court?"


  Yan Xing's expression froze, and he said after a while:

   "But elder brother, Lin Shen challenged you even though the other disciples of the upper court did not challenge him. It is clearly aimed at our Yan family, won't you be angry?"

  Yan Jingren stared fixedly at Yan Xing, and couldn't help but sigh slightly in his heart.

   He has been promoted to the upper court disciple for only three months. On the bright side, he is the weakest of the upper court disciples. Anyone who wants to challenge the upper court disciples will most likely be his first choice, which is normal.

   Taking a step back, even if Lin Shen really came after him, what does it matter?

   Just beat him upright!

  What is there to be anxious and angry about?

  Right now, the whole family is busy to open the spiritual acupoint, sacrificing their lives for the future of the family.

  Yan Xing, as a direct descendant of the family, puts his mind on Lin Shen, an irrelevant person, and clings to the little grievances from the past.

   To put it in a better way, it doesn't matter the severity, and I don't know the general.

   To put it bluntly, it is short-sighted, without the slightest view of the big picture!


  Yan Jinting, who was on the side, couldn't stand it anymore, snorted coldly, shook his sleeves and left.

   "Big Brother, Second Uncle."

  Yan Xing hadn't realized his mistake yet, seeing Yan Jinting leaving in a rage, he was at a loss for what to do.

  Yan Jingren sighed secretly again, but he didn't show it on the surface, but said lightly:

   "You don't have to worry about Lin Shen's affairs anymore, I have my own discretion."

"In addition, you should focus more on your cultivation. I won one for you for the next batch of places to enter the spiritual acupoint. One month is enough to raise your cultivation level by one or two levels. Make sure to cherish this opportunity.”

  After hearing this, Yan Xing immediately beamed with joy and nodded repeatedly.

   "Yes, brother, I must work hard in the spiritual acupoint!"

  He is now at the fifth level of long-breathing. If he can enter the spiritual cave to practice for a month, he will be promoted to the sixth-level of long-breathing.

  If all goes well, it is not impossible to break through to the seventh layer of long breath.

   In this way, in the disciple level challenge three months later, he will be promoted to a prefecture-level disciple with every chance!

  After hearing Yan Xing's assurance, Yan Jingren's expression softened a little.

   "Okay, let's practice hard, and don't put your mind on unimportant things."

   "After three months, you and I will go back to Jiuyang Taoist Temple together."

  The more it is like this, the more you have to act as usual, and you can't show any clues.

  So on the disciple level challenge day, they still have to return to Jiuyang Daoyuan.

  As for Lin Shen's challenge, Yan Jingren didn't take it seriously at all.

  There is a spiritual acupoint, and after three months, he has already broken through to the fifth level of Mingqiao.

  At that time, even Jiang Hao, Mu Chuanhua and others will not be his opponents, let alone Lin Shen who has just been promoted to Mingqiao Realm.

  The most important thing right now is to fully open the spiritual acupoint as soon as possible!

  (end of this chapter)

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