MTL - Los Angeles Detective-Chapter 468 I want to call the police

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  Chapter 468 I want to call the police

  Marcus House.

  At eight o’clock in the morning, Xiao Hei was sitting at the dining table eating breakfast, his mother came out of the kitchen carrying the dinner plate and asked, “How did Julian sleep last night?”

   Xiao Hei ate his breakfast, and said vaguely, "It's pretty good."

   "You slept well, I heard your snoring in the corridor. If I were Julian, I would definitely kick you out of bed."

   "Mom, don't be so mean, I have also contributed to this family. You also know that I am now a detective. In addition to investigating cases, I also have to bring new people. The tasks and responsibilities are much heavier than before..."

   Marcus's mother interrupted him, pressed her hands on the table, and looked down, "Julian is almost due, and she may give birth at any time, and I will watch her during the day.

   But at night, you are closest to her, and you have to fulfill your responsibilities as a husband and father. "

"I will."

  Mother Marcus said, "If you are tired from working during the day, take a break and wait for Julian to give birth before going back to work."

   "Our team just received a tricky case, without me participating in the investigation, they may not be able to solve this case, they need me.

   But... you're right, Julian and the kids are more important than the case, I'll talk to the captain. "

   "Well done, I'm proud of you, son." Marcus' mother smiled, and it was obvious that she meant what she said.

   "Shall I go get Julian to dinner?"

   "NoNoNo, more sleep is good for pregnant women. I will give her hot food later. Go to work as soon as you finish eating."

   "OK, I'll try to come back early at night." Xiao Hei looked down for breakfast, looking a little absent-minded, as if he was considering whether to ask Luke for leave.

   "Ah oh..." There was a cry from upstairs.

  Xiao Hei froze for a moment, dropped the knife and fork, and rushed upstairs three steps at a time, "Julian, what's wrong with you?"

  Julian stood at the door of the bedroom on the second floor, leaning on the door frame, "I don't feel well, my stomach hurts, it seems... the amniotic fluid broke."

   "What! Do you have a stomachache? Do you want me to help you sit down?" Xiao Hei walked to Julian's side and supported her body, a little at a loss.

  Xiao Hei's mother went upstairs and asked concerned, "Julian, your water broke?"

   "Yes." Julian was also a little nervous, but he still patted Xiao Hei's hand and comforted him, "Honey, I'm fine."

  Xiao Hei's mother asked, "Can I walk now?"

  Julian nodded, "It should be fine."

   "Very good." Marcus' mother said very calmly, "Marcus, take Julian downstairs, and I'll pack her things and take her to the maternity hospital."

   "Hey, baby, I'll support you." Xiao Hei took a deep breath, and helped Julian walk downstairs cautiously.

  Marcus’s mother had been waiting for this day for a long time. She had packed her luggage in advance and went downstairs with two big bags. Marcus also helped Julian into the car.

  Marcus kicked the accelerator, and the car sped away.

  Marcus’s mother said, “Don’t worry, it’s normal for the amniotic fluid to break, which means you’re going to be a father soon.”

   "OK, I'm not nervous." Xiao Hei took a deep breath, glanced at Julian in the rearview mirror, and was relieved to see that his face was normal.

   Half an hour later, the car arrived at the Mensato Maternity Hospital. Xiao Hei parked the car and helped Julian out of the car, "Hey, baby, don't be nervous, we are here."

   Arriving at the hospital, Julian also calmed down and said, "It's fine to have my mother accompany me in. You can go to work."

"No, I'm not going anywhere today, I'll just stay by your side, let the case and the suspect go to hell, no one can take me away from you." Xiao Hei helped Julian upstairs, wiped his hands silently He broke into a sweat, he can't go wrong with this kind of proposition.

   If you make a mistake, a woman may remember it for a lifetime.

  'When I gave birth, you were actually investigating the case, so why don't you just live with the suspect for the rest of your life. '

  ‘Baby, you know what? When you were born, your father went to investigate the case, and I gave birth to you with tears in my eyes. '

  Xiao Hei shook his head, thinking it was scary, he would not leave even if the child was not born.


   Robbery and Murder Division conference room.

   Luke walked out of the office and slapped his hands, "Guys, let's have an early meeting to talk about the progress of your investigation."

The deputy team said, "I took someone to check the road surveillance near the scene where Harry Saab was killed, and found Harry Saab's pickup truck in the road surveillance, followed by a black Buick passing by. I checked the black Buick's license plate is a set car.

  I suspect that this car is probably the one the suspect was driving.

   I have been tracking the car, but have not found the whereabouts of the car yet. "

"Black Buick." Luke repeated. The gunman who attacked William Moses Jr. was driving a white Honda. Probably not the same group.

  One is using a decked car, and the other is deliberately covering the number plate. The former is obviously more clever.

  If you don’t check the number plate, you won’t know it’s fake, but everyone knows that there is a problem with the number plate being blocked.

  Luke asked Jackson, "Any clues to the Honda that attacked William Moses Jr.?"

  Jackson turned the pen with his right hand, "We are tracking, and I believe there will be clues soon."

The deputy team said, "Boy, I've heard too much of this kind of talk, you have to show your actual results." The deputy team glanced around, "Where's Marcus? I said why is the room so quiet? This Where did the guy go?"

  Luke said, "I just got a call that Marcus's wife is going to give birth, and he went to the hospital to accompany the delivery."

  The deputy team was a little emotional, "Wow, this guy is going to have a child, I hope he will be a qualified father."

  Luke said firmly, "He will be."

  The deputy team asked, "Do you think he will have a son or a daughter?"

  Jackson said, "Son."

  Jenny said, "Daughter."

  The deputy team laughed, "Why don't we take a gamble, I'll be the banker.

  Captain, what do you think? "

   Luke shrugged, "Why not? I bet a hundred dollars, girl."

  Jackson said, "I don't have that much pocket money, I bet fifty dollars, boy."

  The deputy team greeted the others, "Guys, why are you still standing there? Hurry up and bet..."


  Two o'clock in the afternoon.

  Luke was taking a lunch break in the captain's office when the office door suddenly rang.

   Luke slowly raised his head, rubbed his face with his hands, "Come in."

   "Crackling..." Jackson pushed open the door and walked into the office, "Captain, I have found clues about that car."

   "Find the whereabouts of that car?"

   "No, but I found the license plate number of that car."

  Luke stood up and followed Jackson out of the office.

  Jackson pointed to the computer and said, "At the beginning, I was tracking forward along time, but the car drove into an unmonitored alley, and then lost its track.

   After that, I tracked back and found a photo of a white Honda.

  The car was three blocks from the bar at that time, and it hadn’t hit William Moses Jr., so the license plate wasn’t covered.

  I zoomed in on the screenshot and saw the exact license plate number, 2lcx335.”

   "Nice job." Luke praised.

   Soon, the owner's information was retrieved.

   Owner, Pansy Winter

   License plate number, 2lcx335

Gender: Female

  Height, 169cm

   Weight, 130 lbs

   Eye Color, Blue

   Hair Color, Blonde

   Date of Birth, March 2, 1979

  Mobile phone number, 6269762453

  Address, No. 205, Lewitt Community

  Luke wrote down the address and said, "Guys, meet in the parking lot in five minutes."

   "Yes, sir."

  The deputy team asked, "Should I go too?"

   "No, you continue to investigate the suspect vehicle in the case where Harry Saab was shot."

  The deputy team spread their hands, "I knew it."


   205 Lewitt Community.

  Luke led people to the suspect's car owner's house. He arranged for his police officers to monitor the surrounding area and led Jackson to the door.

   "Boom..." Jackson knocked on the door.

  The door of the room opened, and there stood a Caucasian man in his forties, wearing a white casual suit and spraying perfume on his body. He looked a bit handsome.

  Jackson asked, "Is this Pansy Winter's house?"

   "Do you have anything to do with her?"

  Jackson flashed his police badge, "lapd, we are investigating a case and want to ask her for some information.

  What is your relationship with her? "

   "She's my girlfriend."

"what is your name?"

   "Sheri Isla."

  Jackson looked into the house, "Is Pansy Winter home?"

   "Yes." Sheri Isla turned her head and shouted into the house, "Honey, the police are at your door."

   After a while, a white woman in her forties came out, wearing home clothes. She may have just washed her hair and wrapped it in a towel, "The police are looking for me, are you sure?"

   "Yes, they call themselves lapd." Cheri Isla pointed to Luke and Jackson.

  Jackson flashed his police badge and said, "I am Detective Jackson from the Robbery and Murder Division, and this is our Captain Li.

  We are investigating a criminal case and would like to know something from you. "

  White women pointing at themselves, "Looking for me? You're not mistaken, are you?"

   "Are you Pansy Winter?"


   "Do you have a white Honda with the license plate number 2lcx335?"


   "That's right."

   Pansy Winter shrugged, "OK, tell me, what can you do with me? I can't think of how I could be connected to a criminal case."

   Jackson asked, "Ma'am, can we have a look at your white Honda?"

   Pansy Winter hesitated, "That car isn't here, it's in the garage of another house."

  Jackson continued to ask, "Did you drive this car on the night of March 1?"

"No, for my birthday last year, my boyfriend Cheri Isla gave me a BMW, parked in front of the garage, and I rarely drive that white Honda after that." Pan said. Sy Winter pointed in the direction of the garage.

   In front of the garage, there is a red BMW car parked. It looks very new, as if it has just been bought.

   "The car is beautiful." Jackson praised.

   "Thank you, can you tell me why you are looking for me now?"

  “On the night of March 1, a shooting occurred outside Winora’s bar, resulting in a bar guest being injured.

  The car driven by the gunman was a white Honda with the license plate number 2lcx335.

   And through investigation, you are the owner of this car. "

   Pansy Winter shook her head, "NoNoNo, this matter has nothing to do with me, there must be some misunderstanding. I haven't driven that car for a long time."

  Luke continued, "We also believe that this may be a misunderstanding, which is why we came to investigate, to find out the matter, so that you don't have to worry about it.

   By the way, where were you between 11pm and 12pm on March 1st? "

   Pansy Winter frowned, dissatisfied, "Are you doubting me?"

   "No, it's not suspicion, but a routine questioning, just follow the police's working procedures." Luke showed an expression that you understand.

  Pansy Winter sighed, "You must have found the wrong person, this matter has nothing to do with me." She thought for a while and continued, "That night, I should be with my boyfriend Cheri Isla."

   Jackson pressed, "What were you doing?"

   Pansy Winter raised her eyebrows and stared at him, "What do you think?"

Jackson ignored Pansy Winter, and asked Cheri Isla next to him, "Sir, between eleven o'clock and twelve o'clock in the evening on March 1, are you with Ms. Pancy Winter?" ?"

  Sheri Isla nodded, "Yes, we are used to going to bed early, and we have already rested by that time."

  Jackson pressed, "Did she ever leave?"

   "Impossible, I am a light sleeper, as long as she wakes up, I will definitely wake up.

  She can't leave my sight for too long, I'm very clingy to her. "Sherry Isla said, put her arms around Pansy Winter's shoulders, and kissed her hair, as if to encourage her,

   "You must have made a mistake. Pansy doesn't have a pistol at all. She doesn't even dare to kill fish, let alone kill people."

   "It can be seen that your relationship is very good." Luke said politely, and then changed the topic, "Ms. Pansy Winter, according to the regulations, we need to check your white Honda car."

  Pansy Winter felt a little helpless, "Wait a minute, I'm going to dry my hair."

  Ten minutes later, Pansy Winter dried her hair, changed her clothes, and rushed to another house with the police.

  The distance between the two houses is not very far, only five blocks between them.

  Pansy Winter parked her red BMW in front of a white bungalow, and she went straight to the garage, "The car is inside."

   As she spoke, Pansy Winter knelt down to unlock the garage door, but then she froze, "The broken."

  Pancy Winter directly opened the shutter door, the garage was empty, and there was no white Honda car in sight.

  Luke walked into the garage and spread his hands, "Ms. Pansy Winter, where's your white Honda?"

  Pansy Winter opened her mouth wide and showed a look of surprise, hemuttering, "The garage door lock is broken...the car may have been stolen.

  I want to call the police! "

  (end of this chapter)