MTL - Los Angeles Detective-Chapter 469 Hidden secrets

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  Chapter 469 Hidden Secrets

  Luke laughed, "Ms. Winter, don't you think it's a little late to call the police?"

  Pansy Winter said helplessly, "I also want to thank you, I don't live here now. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid I wouldn't even know that my car was stolen.

  Guys, can you catch the thief for me? I would be very grateful. "

   Luke stared at her for a moment and asked, "When was the last time you saw that car?"

   "Uh... To be honest, I can't remember. It should be at least a month."

   "Is there anyone else driving that car besides you?"

   Pansy Winter shook her head, "No, I'm the only one driving this car."

  Luke walked to the rolling shutter door to check. The door lock did show signs of being pried, and the entire lock cylinder had been damaged.

  He also believed in what Pansy Winter said.

  Of course, he didn't fully believe it either. Who knows whether Pansy Winter deliberately broke the door lock because he was traced.

  Luke carefully inspected the garage. There were a lot of sundries and concrete floors inside, but no obvious traces left by the suspect were found.

  Luke stood up and asked, "Is there any obvious marking on your white Honda?"

  Pancy Winter thought for a while, "No, I drive more carefully, basically no scratches, and the seat cover inside the car is gray, which is more resistant to dirt.

  I used to put a decoration on the front of the car, but it was removed. "

  Luke continued, "Is there a positioning device in the car?"


  Luke walked out of the garage and looked at the house beside him, "Ms. Winter, if your car is stolen by thieves, then the thieves should have stepped on it in advance, knowing that there may be no one in your home.

  There is a high probability that he will also enter the house and steal.

  I want to go into the house and investigate. "

   Pansy Winter frowned slightly, "I don't think it's necessary. I checked the door lock of the house just now, and there was no sign of damage."

  Jackson also persuaded, "If you can only enter the house by breaking the door lock, then this kind of thief is too unprofessional."

  Pansy Winter spread her hands, "Captain Li, I don't really like outsiders entering my house.

  Why don't I go into the house first, if something is missing, I will call the police, please go into the house to check. "

   "OK, this is your right." Luke didn't get entangled in this issue, and called a few of his men over to arrange the task.

  Because Pansy Winter hadn't been here for a month, it was impossible to determine the specific time when the car was stolen, so many investigation methods could not be used, and some clues and evidence disappeared.

  The police can only take the means of visiting and investigating and collecting and monitoring.

  After assigning tasks to his subordinates, Luke walked to the front and rear doors of the house to observe alone. There was indeed no sign of the door lock being pried, and there were no signs of damage or recent repairs to the windows.

  Pansy Winter came out of the house and said, "Captain Li, I checked just now, and nothing was missing in the house, and since I don't live here, I didn't put any valuables either.

   That car should be the most valuable. "

   Luke asked, "Is there any sign of a break-in in the house?"


   "I see." Luke responded. In his opinion, there are two possibilities for this situation.

  The first possibility is that the car was not stolen by an outsider. It is very likely that Pansy Winter drove the car to commit the crime, so she did not enter the house to steal.

   As for the garage door lock, she also broke it herself.

  Of course, Luke is all guesswork on this point, and there is no evidence.

  The second possibility is that the purpose of the thief is to steal the car.

   More precisely, he was looking for the means of transportation for committing the crime, stealing an irrelevant vehicle to commit the crime. Even if the police track down the owner of the car, the real perpetrator cannot be traced.

   As for which situation it is, it depends on the specific clues and evidence that will be investigated next.

   Soon, the people Luke sent to visit and investigate returned one after another.

  According to the neighbors’ reactions, Pansy Winter does not live in this community, and the house has been vacant for a long time. They haven’t seen Pansy Winter driving the white Honda for a long time.

  Pansy Winter’s account is basically the same as that of the neighbors around her. In addition, her boyfriend provided her with an alibi, so her suspicion of committing the crime can be ruled out for the time being.

  Subsequently, personnel from the technical team also rushed to the scene and carefully inspected the interior of the garage. However, the stolen vehicle had already driven away, and the suspect did not leave too many clues.

  Luke took out a photo of William Moses Jr. and asked, "Ms. Winter, do you know this man?"

   Pansy Winter took the photo to check, "Do you suspect that he stole my car?"

   "No, he was the victim who was shot, shot in the shoulder and in the face."

   "Unfortunately, he was originally a handsome guy." Pansy Winter returned the photo to Luke, "I don't know him."

  Luke handed him another business card, "If you think of a new clue, you can bring it to me directly."

   "OK, I will."

   After the technical team inspected the scene, Luke led the team away from Pansy Winter's house.

  Although the owner was found, the car was not found.

  This clue will continue to be investigated.


"Jingle Bell…"

  The next morning, Luke was awakened by a ringing cell phone.

  He fumbled by the bedside for a while, found the phone, pressed the answer button, "Hello."

   "Luke, I gave birth, my wife gave birth." Xiao Hei's surprised voice came from the phone.

  Luke also woke up, "Congratulations, is it a boy or a girl?"

   "It's a little princess, she's super cute.

   Oh my God, this feeling is amazing.

  I can't believe it now, I actually have a baby.

  When I hugged that little person, I realized the feeling of being a father, she is my whole world..."

   Luke clenched his fist, "Yeah, I won."

   "What? What did you just say?" Xiao Hei didn't hear clearly.

   Luke perfunctory, "I said it's great, I can't wait to see her."

   "Oh, look at my memory, I forgot to share the photo with you, I'll send it to you now." Xiao Hei hung up the phone and sent Luke a photo.

   Luke took a look, "It's ugly."

  However, the phone call made Luke sleepless. He got up, made breakfast, and went to work at the police station.

  Luke came out of the parking lot, just in time to see David, and waved hello, "Good morning."

  David yawned and asked, "Is there any progress in the case of Harry's killing?"

  Luke shook his head, "Not yet."

  David patted him on the shoulder, "Don't worry, just wait for my news."

   "What news, do you have a clue?"

  David said, "We have tracked down a group of people who are selling new drugs. There is a problem with their source of supply. It is likely that they robbed Harry's goods."

  Luke reminded, "Then you have to hurry up and don't let this group of people escape. If you need support, please contact me at any time."

"I will."

  Luke suddenly remembered something, and smiled, "By the way, Marcus's wife gave birth, did you know?"

   "No, I haven't heard from you yet, is it a boy or a girl?"


   "Wow." David said with emotion, "Marcus actually has a daughter, it's unbelievable."

   "The real world is like this, illogical." The two chatted for a while, and Luke returned to the Robbery and Murder Division.

  He called everyone together to prepare for a meeting. Before he could speak, the deputy team took the initiative to ask, "Do you know the news?"

"what news?"

   "Marcus' wife gave birth." The deputy team glanced at everyone, "Do you know?"

   Some of the people showed curiosity, while others remained silent.

   "That's right, Marcus' wife gave birth to a daughter." Luke smiled and stretched out his hand, "Actually, what I want to say is, give me money.

  comeon, willing to bet admit defeat. "

  Everyone booed for a while, but those who lost still gave money consciously.

   Jenny won the money and was in a good mood, "Is Marcus's daughter beautiful?"

   "Yes, she is a very cute girl." Luke said against his will, and showed the photo to everyone.

  Jenny held the photo and said in surprise, "Wow, what a cute little angel."

  The deputy captain pouted, apparently disagreeing with her.

  However, even if the old man has a low EQ, it is not easy to tell the truth at this time.

   Everyone chatted with Marcus' daughter for a while, and the office was full of joy.

  Luke slapped his hands, "Everyone, let's talk about Marcus's treat later, let's talk about the case first.

  Who found new clues to the case? "

   "Captain, I have found new clues here." Jackson walked to the projector and played a surveillance video.

   This was taken by a road camera. A white car flashed by. Jackson played it backwards, and Luke saw that it was a white Honda.

  Jackson lowered the playback speed, and the driver in the cab looked like a woman, wearing a white baseball cap and a blue mask, making it impossible to see her face clearly.

  Jackson pointed to the projector and introduced, "We took this picture near Pansy Winter's house. The time was around ten o'clock in the evening on February 15th. The white Honda car drove out of the community road.

  Because it was dark and the driver also intentionally blocked it, it was impossible to see the driver's physical features clearly.

  The deputy team touched his chin and said, "From the body shape, it looks like a woman.

   According to the confession of the shooting victim, William Moses Jr., the shooter was also a woman.

   So could this driver be the shooter? "

  Luke felt that there was such a possibility, and asked, "Has the whereabouts of this car been tracked?"

"not yet.

  The car drove into a remote alley in the suburbs, and there was no monitoring nearby, so the car lost its trace. "

   Luke said, "Continue to follow up."


  Luke took the surveillance video from Jackson and checked it carefully, but because of the dark sky and the female driver's deliberate disguise, Luke couldn't identify the other party.

  But just because he can't recognize it doesn't mean that other people can't recognize it.

   Then, Luke called Pansy Winter and asked her to come to the police station to help identify.

   An hour later, Pansy Winter arrived at the police station. This time she came by herself without her boyfriend.

   Luke invited her into the conference room, and Jackson poured her a cup of coffee.

  She nodded politely, "Thank you."

  Luke took out his tablet and clicked on the road surveillance video of the suspect vehicle, "Ms. Winter, do you see if this is your car?"

  Pancy Winter put down her coffee cup, carefully watched the video on the tablet, and said, "That's right, it's my car. The license plate number, model, and color are all the same."

  Luke pressed the pause button, pointed to the driver and asked, "Do you know this guy who is driving?"

  Pansy Winter stared at the tablet for a long time, frowned, and shook his head, "I...don't know."

   Luke stared at each other, "Take a closer look."

  Pansy Winter shook his head again, "I really don't know."

  Luke obviously sensed the abnormality of the other party, and seemed to be hiding something, but he didn't poke at the other party immediately, and asked, "Why didn't your boyfriend come?"

   "He has his own job and went to work."

  Luke tentatively asked, "Have you encountered any trouble recently?"


   "Do you have anyone you suspect of car thieves?"

   "Totally unexpected. However, the law and order in that community is not very good, which is why I moved out."

   "Has there been any burglary in your house before?"


   "OK, thank you for your assistance."

   Pansy Winter stood up, hesitated for a moment, and asked, "Did you find my car?"

   "Not yet, I will notify you as soon as I find the car."

   "Thank you." Pansy Winter glanced at Luke, then turned and left.

  Luke sent her to the door of the office, lit a cigarette, and started smoking.

  Jackson asked, "Captain, is there a question?"

  Luke took a puff of smoke, "I feel like this woman is hiding something.

  After seeing the surveillance video, she was obviously a little abnormal, and she probably knew the driver. "

  While speaking, Luke also cleared his mind, and said to Matthew, "Look up Pansy Winter's relatives and friends, especially female relatives, I want their detailed information.

  Remember, it is detailed information. "

   "Okay." Matthew responded and began to operate on the computer.

   After a while, Matthew said, "Pansy Winter has a sister and a daughter.

  Her sister lives in New York and her daughter lives in Los Angeles.

  I called up their information.

  Sister Pansy Winter is a college teacher with no criminal record.

   Pansy Winter's 18-year-old daughter, named Danielle Winter, was imprisoned for dangerous driving last year. "

  Luke frowned slightly, "I read her daughter's information before, why didn't there be a criminal record on it?"

"Because his daughter was underage at the time, the criminal record was sealed, and it took some means to find it." Matthew said, calling up a more detailed case file, "The time of the incident is July 2022, Danielle Winter hit and killed a woman while driving at high speed on a highway.

   Sentenced to ten months in prison for dangerous driving.

   At that time, there was another passenger in his car—William Moses Jr. "

  Luke thought deeply, "Pansy Winter's daughter and William Moses Jr. have known each other for a long time.

  Danielle Winter stole mother's car after early release from prison.

  If it was Danielle Winter who shot William Moses Jr., it means that there may be something else going on in last year's car accident.

   Otherwise, Danielle Winter would not be eager to get revenge as soon as she got out of prison.

  Looks like we're going to have to talk to William Moses Jr. again. "

  Luke led people to the anti-crime and anti-drug department.

  Captain Jones held a cup of coffee in his hand and was talking to Agent Henry. He smiled when he saw Luke, "Hey, Luke, I heard that Marcus gave birth."

   "Marcus won't give birth, but his wife gave birth to a cute little princess." After Luke finished speaking, everyone laughed.

  Jones said, "Luke, you didn't come here to tell me the news, did you?"

   "I don't have that much time. I want to re-interrogate William Moses Jr. and ask him something."

  Jones shrugged, "You are late, he was released on bail yesterday."

   "Why did you approve it without notifying me? When did you become so efficient?"

   "I don't want to either. But he has a gunshot wound on his body. No matter whether we approve it or not, there is no way to stop it." Jones showed an expression that you understand.

  Luke was also a little helpless, "When was he released on bail?"

   "It was past ten o'clock yesterday morning."

   "Okay." Luke said and left the office.

  David followed suit, "Luke, is there anything wrong with William Moses Jr.?"

   "I found the gunman who attacked him, and I need his help in identifying him."

   "Go directly to the hospital. That guy is recuperating in the hospital. I'll send you the address."

  Luke nodded, "That's the only way to go, see you later."

  (end of this chapter)

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