MTL - Los Angeles Detective-Chapter 467 Doubtful

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  Chapter 467 Doubtful

  Luke didn't fully believe what he said. What he needs to figure out now is whether the other party's injury is real or fake.

   And is the injury really as serious as he said?

   "Which hospital did you see the gunshot wound? Why did you leave the hospital so soon?"

  William Moses Jr. spread out his hands, hesitating, "A small clinic with no name."

  Luke raised his eyebrows, "Black Clinic?"

   Little William Moses didn't speak, which meant he had acquiesced.

   "Being shot is not a trivial matter, why go to the black clinic for treatment?"

   "Because I don't want to get in trouble."

   "What's the trouble?"

   "Comeon, everyone understands."

   "I don't understand, so you better clarify."

   Little William Moses pinched his forehead with his hand, and said after a while, "That clinic is relatively close to the place where I was injured, and I was sent there nearby."

   This reason obviously cannot convince Luke. Large hospitals can reimburse medical expenses, but black clinics do not have such discounts.

  Refraining from going to a large hospital for treatment after a gunshot wound can only show that the other party has a criminal record. Once a gunshot wound is hospitalized, even if the injured person does not call the police, the hospital will help to call the police.

   As if afraid that Luke would not believe it, William Moses Jr. added, "I didn't do anything illegal...

   Well, I have done wrong things before, but I have corrected them.

   I'm just not used to dealing with the police, that's all. "

  Luke would not believe his nonsense. From Luke's point of view, he dared not call the police after being shot. The most likely reason was that he was worried that his drug trafficking would be found out by the police.

   Even if the murderer is caught by then, he may go to prison together.

  Since Luke had guessed the reason, he didn't just pursue the question blindly. For the convenience of the interrogation, Luke planned to put the drug trafficking matter behind.

   "Do you want to find the person who attacked you?"

   William Moses Jr. gritted his teeth and said, "It's even a dream."

   "OK, then we have a common goal, describe how you were shot, as well as the specific time and place."

  William Moses Jr. showed a look of reminiscence, "I have encountered some troubles recently, and I am very depressed.

   On the night of March 1st, I went to Winola's bar for a drink. I got drunk and might forget some unpleasant things.

  It was past eleven in the evening when I came out of the bar and was about to cross the road to the parking lot on the other side. Little William Moses was talking, and he couldn't help touching the bandage on his shoulder, "Suddenly, a car stopped on the side of the road, and I didn't pay much attention to it at the time.

  The car windows come down and I see a man, no, I see a revolver in one hand.

  I was taken aback and sober from the wine.

  I wanted to hide, but it was too late.

  The opponent shot directly, a bullet hit my shoulder, I turned around and ran away, another bullet hit my cheek...

   She fired two more shots in a row, but missed me, her marksmanship sucks.

  I just ran away, ran to an angle where it was not easy for her to shoot, and then took out my pistol to fight back.

  She drove away. "

   "How many shots did the opponent shoot in total?"

   "Six shots."

   "How many shots did you fire?"

   "I can't remember clearly. I was drinking and got shot. I was a little unclear. It was just an instinctive counterattack."

   "Did you call the police afterwards?"


   "Are there any witnesses?"

   "It was already past eleven o'clock in the evening, and there were basically no people on the street. After the gunfire, no one dared to come over. It was a long time after the gunshots passed before anyone came out of the bar."

  Luke asked, "Did you see what the shooter looked like?"

   Little William Moses shook his head, "It was very dark at the time, I just saw her arm, wearing a red blouse, probably a woman."

   "Are you sure it's a woman?"

  Little William Moses thought for a while, "No, the time was very short. For just a moment, my eyes were drawn to the gun in her hand. It was a black revolver. I remember it very clearly."

   "What car was the shooter driving?"

   "A white Honda sedan."

   "What's the license plate number?"

   Little William Moses shook his head, "It's blocked, I can't see it."

   "How did you go to that black clinic?"

   "I was injured and lay on the ground calling for help. The people at the bar heard the movement and took me to that clinic."

   "Did you go to the bar alone?"


   "What was the name of the person who took you to the clinic?"

   "I don't know, I was dying of pain at the time, and I didn't bother to ask. Now I think about it, I feel guilty. I should ask. He is a good person.

  If it wasn't for him, I might die. "

   "Describe that person's appearance?"

   "It was a white man, that's all I remember, it was dark, my wound hurt, I didn't care what he looked like, but I remember his voice.

   I can identify him if you find him. "

   "What car did you take to the clinic?"

   "My own car."

   “Tell me the exact location of the clinic and the names of the doctors and nurses who operated on you.”

   Little William Moses shook his head, "This matter has nothing to do with them, and I don't want to involve anyone."

   "You're already involved."

   "OK, do I need to call a lawyer?

  I am a victim, but you are interrogating me like a suspect. Maybe it is more convenient to call a lawyer. "

   "What did you say? Tell me how you bought drugs from Harry Saab? Say that's why you didn't dare to call the police after being shot, and you had to go to a black clinic for treatment of gunshot wounds."

   Little William Moses' face changed greatly, "I didn't, you are slandering."

   "Slander?" Luke smiled, "Then why do you think we found your home?

   Don't think that if Harry Sabo is dead, no one will know what you did.

   Enko Dumait is still alive, he accuses you of buying drugs from Harry Saab with $200,000. "

   "He's lying! I've never bought drugs!" William Moses Jr. stood up and retorted loudly.

  Ms. Moses stood in front of her son and defended, "I know my son, he will never touch drugs, you must have made a mistake.

   And I will never allow you to take him from my house. "

   "I won't take him away." Luke walked aside, took out his mobile phone and dialed David's number. Since William Moses Jr. is suspected of drug trafficking, it is more appropriate to hand him over to the Anti-Mafia and Anti-Drug Division.

   After finishing the phone call, Luke sat on the sofa opposite and stared at William Moses Jr.

   Little William Moses showed an angry look, "What exactly do you want?"

   "Let me introduce formally. I am the captain of the First Squadron of the Robbery and Murder Division, Luke Lee.

  I don't care about your drug trafficking, and I don't have to ask.

  The purpose of my coming is to investigate the murder of Harry Sabo, and you were originally my suspect. "

   Little William Moses snorted, "Do you think I can kill him like this?"

   "Don't have resistance, think about it differently, you were attacked on the night of March 1, and Harry Sabo was killed on the night of March 2, isn't it a coincidence?"

   Little William Moses thought for a while, "You suspect that the same group of people attacked us."

  Luke nodded, "It's possible.

   So, you don't want to catch the shooter who attacked you? "

   Little William Moses stared at Luke for a long time before slowly saying, "What do you want me to do?"

   "I just want to know more about how you were shot."

   "OK, you can ask."

   "I want to know the name and full address of your treatment clinic."

  William Moses Jr. sighed, "Torak Community Clinic, 107 Kamala Street..."

   Half an hour later, David led people to the scene.

  David asked his men to enter the house to arrest people. He and Luke stood outside the yard chatting, "Is there any progress in the case of Harry Sabo's murder?"

  Luke pointed in the direction of the house, "Not yet, but I caught a drug dealer for you by the way. This guy is the unlucky guy who was going to buy drugs from Harry Sabo, but was robbed together."

  David curled his lips, "It's just a small role.

   We're getting ready to catch Irwin's upline, the drug gang.

  In order to avoid leaking information, we are not going to move them for the time being, and we will catch them when the system gang is caught. "

  Luke handed him a cigarette, "So you guys are going to make a big move?"

   "Yes, Jones has long been eyeing this big fish, so I will send Harry to contact drug dealers, he will not miss such a good opportunity."

   "That's right, do me a favor by the way."

  David took a puff of cigarette, "What?"

   "According to my guess, the person who killed Harry Saab and the person who robbed the drugs and stolen money are likely to be the same group, and this group of people who robbed the drugs will definitely sell them.

  Will you keep an eye out for me to see if anyone sells similar drugs? "

   "OK, I'll keep an eye out for you."

  At this time, Madam Moses' voice sounded in the yard, "My son is injured, he is the victim, why did you arrest him?

  I will report you...

  You bastards, don't trample my lawn..."

   While Mrs. Moses was yelling, William Moses Jr. was still escorted into the police car, "Mom, don't worry, I haven't done anything illegal, and the lawyer will prove my innocence."

   "Baby, I believe in you, I will hire you the best lawyer..."

  The scene of mother and child parting made Luke feel like a bad guy, so he greeted David, got in the car and left.

  Luke extracted three important clues from the conversation just now, the bar, the clinic, and the suspected vehicle.

  According to William Moses Jr., he was shot outside the bar, which should be the first scene of the crime.

  Afterwards, Luke led the team to Winora's bar.

  Luke sent someone to the bar to find out the situation, while he stood on the side of the road to check.

   Little William Moses was also escorted by Luke to identify the scene.

   After identification by William Moses Jr., the exact location of the shooting was found. Luke also found suspected blood stains on the ground.

   It's just that three days have passed since William Moses Jr. was attacked, and many clues have disappeared.

  After that, Luke rushed to the clinic where William Moses Jr. was treated for gunshot wounds.

   107 Kamala Avenue, Torak Community Clinic.

  The head of the clinic is also a doctor, a white man in his sixties, Dorji Creevey.

After questioning, the doctor at the clinic also admitted that he had treated William Moses Jr. for a gunshot wound on March 1. William Moses Jr.’s shoulder injury was serious, his right hand would be affected, and his cheek was scratched by the bullet, which may leave a scar .

  However, the doctor did not admit that he was a black clinic. He just said that William Moses Jr. was seriously injured and was not suitable for moving, so he helped him treat him nearby.

   Moreover, William Moses Jr. also claimed that his family had called the police, so the clinic did not call the police.

   This doesn't sound like a big problem, but Luke knows he must be lying.

   As for how to deal with this black clinic, Luke has two plans. The first plan is to do business. According to regulations, this clinic must be closed, and the boss will also bear certain legal responsibilities.

   In the second plan, Luke can turn a blind eye and close one eye. In exchange, if Dorji Creevey is useful, the other party will provide Luke with information.

  The old white man thought twice and chose the second option. Even if there is trouble in the future, it is better than closing the shop and going to jail now.

  After Luke left the clinic, he returned directly to the Robbery and Murder Division.

   Luke was not very satisfied with this quick survey,

  The main reason is that three days have passed since William Moses Jr. was attacked, and there are not many valuable clues that can be obtained, and sometimes it depends on luck.

  However, Luke also has a comprehensive understanding of the shooting case of William Moses Jr.

First of all, both William Moses Jr. and Harry Saab were shot. William Moses Jr. was shot on the night of March 1, and Harry Saab was shot dead on the night of March 2. From this point of view, the two cases may have certain connection.

   In addition, Luke also compared more details of the two shootings.

  First of all, the gunmen used different pistols. The one that attacked William Moses Jr. was a revolver, while the one that shot Harry Saab was an automatic pistol.

  Secondly, the description of the murderer is different. The one who attacked William Moses Jr. was probably a woman, while the one who shot Harry Saab was two men.

  The third is the difference in professionalism. William Moses Jr. was very close to the attacker, but the attacker did not succeed in killing William Moses Jr.; while the two killers who killed Harry Saab were much more professional.

  Through all the above signs, as well as the investigation of the two crime scenes, Luke felt that the one who shot William Moses Jr. and the one who shot Harry Szabo should not be the same group.

   These are likely to be two cases that happened around the same time.

  However, Luke always feels that there are other connections between the two cases, but he can't figure it out for a while...

  Luke carefully checked the information on William Moses Jr. and Harry Sabo.

  The direct link between the two is the drug deal, and the person who robbed the drugs was the gunman who killed Harry Sabo.

   There are only three people who know the time and place of the drug transaction, the buyer William Moses Jr. and the sellers Harry Szabo and Enko Dumat.

  One of these three people is likely to be the ghost.

   It's just that the existing evidence still can't determine who is the ghost?

  Luke analyzed it carefully again, and felt that the most likely to be the insider was Harry Sabo who was shot to death...

  (end of this chapter)

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