MTL - Is the Wife Married?-Chapter 64

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Wen Ning opened the notary certificate.

The bedroom is lit with overhead lights, cool white light, and the cool shade shines on the white paper and black words, making it look full of death-a will is something that is linked to death.

Gu Chixi was instructed.

The document lists all the property under Gu Chixi's name, written in black and white, and the recipient is the spouse, Wen Ning.

The date is August 29th this year.

The paper shook slightly, and Wen Ning's hands were shaking. She read the document again, word for word, to confirm that it was Gu Chixi's will.

She squatted on the ground and didn't react for a while.

She made a will at the age of 30 and gave all her property to her. What about her mother? Although they were contractually married, they had never signed any agreement. Legally, it was a wife-wife relationship, and they could divide and inherit property, but she never thought from the beginning that she would take half a cent from Gu Chixi for divorce in the future.

Gu Chixi, what does this mean? Routine her again? Pretending to be affectionate?

It is not surprising that young people make wills and plan ahead, but under normal circumstances who would give all their property to their spouses, leaving nothing to their living parents?

Wen Ning suddenly remembered "Family War"...

She faintly felt that she had touched the tip of the iceberg, and the truth was the huge glacier hidden under the water. She was like a lost traveler who found her way, like a beast who smelled blood, excited, with hot blood boiling in her heart.

Will Gu Chixi tell her this time?

It's too late today, and when Gu Chixi comes back tomorrow, she will ask her clearly.

Wen Ning closed the document and didn't plan to put it back. She glanced at it and found that there was something inside. She took it out and it was an accidental death insurance policy...

Gu Chixi, the policyholder, and Wen Ning, the beneficiary.

Under the cool cold light, the breath of death became stronger. The word "accident" stimulated Wen Ning's nerves. She held the will in one hand and the insurance policy in the other, her fingernails turning white.

The accident happened in the year when the family suffered an accident. On a rainy night, the dirt and stones piled up on the highway, the car that was crushed and collided and was deformed and burst into flames, and the corpses of my parents were blurred. It was the face that she wanted to cry but couldn't cry, and the sobbing in the empty room afterward, the burden of these seven years of life.

For her, the accident was a shattering of the sky, the collapse of the mountain and the tsunami.

Everything I could think of was terrifying, and my thoughts flew away uncontrollably, flying in a terrifying direction.

The two accidents in Wen Ning's life brought her an unbearable blow, one was seven years ago and the other was four years ago. The accident represented loss, and the people close to her left one by one.

A tear fell on the insurance policy, and the water stain covered Gu Chixi's name.

She recalled the desolate yard, the empty house, and the people who disappeared overnight seven years ago. She recalled the feeling of panic and helplessness, and in the end, her heart was numb.

Will the "second time" that scared her come eventually...

The next day, after four o'clock, it started to rain lightly in Los Angeles.

Gu Chixi came out of the airport, got in the car, and sent a message to Wen Ning: [I'm here. ]

She leaned back tiredly, closed her eyes, and rubbed her forehead with her index finger. The phone vibrated on her lap, she lifted her eyelids, saw the incoming call note "Ningbao", and immediately became refreshed.

"Lime, I..."

"Go home," Wen Ning interrupted her, her voice rough and low, "I have something to tell you."

Gu Chixi's heart sank, "...Okay."

The sky was gray-blue, there was rain and fog outside the window, the wheels rubbed against the wet ground and made noises, and the cold wind leaked in through the gap, making Gu Chixi shiver. She went up to the window and listened to Wen Ning hanging up the phone.

I have a bad feeling.

When he arrived at Tianhe Bay, the community was quiet, perhaps because of psychological effects. Gu Chixi felt the tranquility before the storm, and his mood became heavier.

She carried the small box in her left hand and the dessert she brought for Wen Ning in her right hand, and entered the house nervously.

It was dark, but the lights were not turned on in the room. Wen Ning sat on the sofa, her face was haggard and her expression was sluggish, she heard the sound and raised her head, looked at her, her lips moved slightly.

"Ning Ning..." Gu Chixi curled her lips and walked over, "I brought you snacks from 'Xiangyuan'." She put the paper bag in her hand on the coffee table.

When he bent down and lowered his head, he saw the notarial certificate and insurance policy on the table.

Her eyes narrowed.

"Explain it." Wen Ning's low voice floated from the side.

Gu Chixi shrank his fingers hooked on the bag, picked up two documents, looked up, panicked and sullen in his eyes: "Why are you rummaging through my things?"

She had never spoken to Wen Ning in such a tone.

Wen Ning was frightened by her sudden temper, and she calmed down after a while, "It's not important, I want to hear an explanation."

"Just take precautions before it happens." Gu Chixi whispered, avoiding her gaze and turning to leave.

"Can you predict the future?"


Gu Chixi stopped.

"Since your will and insurance policy have my name written on them, this matter has to do with me, and I have the right to know." Wen Ning said word by word.

Her thin back stood at the junction of light and darkness, flickering and disappearing, as if it would disappear at any time.

The feeling of helplessness and despair that she had been searching for back then was deeply etched in Wen Ning's heart. As she saw before her, she was about to disappear and leave her - after successfully letting her fall.

Wen Ning's eyes were red, and she stepped forward and grabbed her hand, "What will happen? Are you hiding something from me?"

"...No." Gu Chixi turned his face away.

"Then tell me, why did you leave without saying a word?"

She was silent, her face like mortar cement.

The rain was ticking on the steps, and the air was wet, sticking to the pores, the strands of hair, to Wen Ning and her tightly clasped hands, and the moisture evaporated in the hot palms.

The drooping thick eyelashes are like two small fans, covering all the thoughts, the smooth eyebrows are wrinkled, and the lips are trembling - she is recalling.

Wen Ning saw the pained expression on her face.


Gu Chixi closed his eyes and took her into his arms, "I'm sorry, I lied, my parents have never been divorced, let alone married, and I'm not an only child, I—"

She tried to open the wound, but only a small corner was lifted, and the severe pain forced her to stop. She still can't do it.

She buried her face in Wen Ning's hair and kissed her soft lips over and over again.


"there is none left."

"Do you think I believe it?"


After waiting for a long time, Gu Chixi didn't say a word.

"You still won't say it?"

"Look at how anxious I am now, aren't you particularly happy?" Wen Ning pulled away from her embrace and sneered.

"Seven years ago, if you wanted to go, you left without a single fart. Well, I just thought you were dead, but now you run back and pretend to be affectionate in front of me. You know me so well, and you know which one I like the most. Right? You know I will definitely lose, I'm just a frog that you boiled in warm water, no matter how much you struggle, you still can't escape from your hand... Now you succeeded, I fell into your trap again, you are very successful feel?"

She gasped, tears welling in her eyes, a sarcastic smile on her lips.

She was frightened all night and didn't sleep well. She cared about Gu Chixi more than she thought, but she couldn't get the slightest honesty.

The grievances accumulated over the past seven years erupted, and the spewing magma burned to ashes together with himself.

Gu Chixi frowned and murmured, "Don't say that, I never..."

"Do you think you can disappear if you leave me a pen?" Wen Ning interrupted her through gritted teeth, tears falling, "There is no one more selfish than you, Gu Chixi..."

She hugged her and burst into tears.

Gu Chixi's eyes were red.

Suddenly, Wen Ning pushed her away, sniffed and said, "You want to go, right? Go, go now, go far, don't let me see again!" She raised her hand and pointed to the door.


"Get out!"

A voice broke.

Gu Chixi's face was as white as paper in an instant, and his body swayed. Just as he was about to speak, Wen Ning turned and flew upstairs, slamming the door with a bang.

The air was as quiet as it was drained.

She stood where she was, like a statue, with nothing in her rigid eyes...

Rain is still falling.

The door to the courtyard made a "squeak" sound.

Wen Ning got up from the carpet, pulled to the curtain, and looked out secretly. In the misty drizzle, Gu Chixi's lonely back was getting further and further away from her sight...

Leaving Tianhe Bay, Gu Chixi walked along the street.

The fine and dense raindrops fell on her face, icy cold, hanging on her hair, fluffy, and sticking to her eyelashes, and the crystal droplets were like tears. She was surrounded by cold mist.

It was getting darker and the street lights were on.

She walked very slowly.

Quarrel, being kicked out of the house, it's almost like 20 years ago. Back then she couldn't stand the endless domestic wars, offered concessions, was beaten, fought, was kicked out of the house by her mother, and had nowhere to go.

Later, I met Wen Ning, and if I was kicked out of the house, I could go to Wen Ning's house so that I wouldn't wander.

She also has a place to go today.

Company, hotel, Zhonglan Villa, any corner of the city, as long as she wants to go. However, the body has been placed, and the heart is still on the way of wandering.

There is a bus stop in front.

Gu Chixi walked over. Most of the people waiting for the bus were playing with their mobile phones, and a few looked at her sideways. She took out a tissue and wiped the bench and sat down.

The bus came and went, and the people waiting for the bus changed batch after batch.

She stared at the water on the road in a trance...

The earliest memory was about three years old, which was very vague. She remembered that her mother had a good temper at that time. Although it was not gentle and loving, she was willing to hug her and coax her. The mother and daughter lived in the Xiaoyang Building, they did not worry about eating and drinking, and they lived a good life.

Father came to visit occasionally and brought them many gifts each time.

Later, for some reason, my mother became anxious and irritable, always complaining about little things, and threw pots and bowls at every turn. My father seldom came. He only sat for a while and left.

At five, she and her mother moved into a bigger house.

That year was the first turning point in her life. She knew that her father was not only her own father, but also the father of others and the husband of others. She suddenly had two sisters, and she hated their mother and daughter's sister to the core.

The second sister often bullies her.

Pour bath water into her drinking cup; force-feed her mustard; put earthworms dug out of the soil on her bed; push her down the stairs. very many…

Not only small tricks, but also big pranks. Sometimes the trouble goes too far, and the eldest sister will stop it, but she will always stab her with cold words.

The two times that impressed me the most, the first was to go swimming. The second sister pretended to be careless and pushed her, who couldn't swim yet, into the pool. No matter what she struggled to call for help, she just ignored it. Save her life.

The second is to go to her own playground, forcibly let her sit on the jumping machine alone, lift and lower several times, she was so frightened that she cried and shouted, and the second sister laughed from below. Then the safety buckle came loose for some reason, and there was only one seatbelt left to hang her in the air.

It was only eight years old then.

In the five years of living in the Gu family, it was very difficult, her self-esteem was trampled on the soles of her feet, and she was as humble as an ant, so that she learned to watch words and expressions early.

The more she lacked something, the more she cared about it.

The wound is deeply rooted in the heart, repeatedly festering and festering, and if you want to heal, you can only tear it clean with the flesh - that will be very painful.

The feud between her and her second sister was concluded from the beginning.

After leaving Gu's house and moving into Tianhe Bay, she met Wen Ning, a girl like a little sun. Although she is often beaten by her mother and troubled by Wang Liya, she is happy to have Wen Ning by her side.

Thirteen years of relative ease passed quickly.

, She graduated from college and was arranged by her father to work in the Huanshi Group. At that time, the eldest sister had already taken over part of the family business and was shining brightly. The second sister also had her own business, but when she heard that she was in her own company, she was very upset. Change the way to find her unhappy.

At that time, Yang Yi used the money given by her father to raise three "little wolf dogs" outside.

During the Spring Festival, her father asked her to go home for the New Year. The New Year's Eve dinner was not very pleasant, and everyone was smirking.

On New Year's Eve, she had a physical conflict with her second sister.

The second sister was talking at first, but the second sister was sneering and sarcastic. She disdainfully replied, talking about the second sister's hair. She grabbed her neck and pressed her to the table. She touched the fruit knife next to her, and the hatred that had been smothered in her heart for many years was for a moment. Turning into strength, she stabbed the second sister's stomach with a knife.

Blood, lots of blood...

Never seen so much blood, thick, scarlet, all over her hands and soaking her clothes.

The second sister was taken to the hospital for treatment. She was slapped by her father and sister each.

Nosebleed dripped on his hands, and he couldn't tell who it was.

It was only a little bit that the second sister could not be rescued, and it was only a little bit that she became a murderer. Later, the family scandal was not obvious, and my father understood the reason in his heart. He didn't mention it again, and it ended with her leaving the company.

But it's not over.

At that time, the second sister insisted that she get out of Los Angeles, and even threatened to retaliate. The father's consideration was to let the mother and daughter move to another place to live and be separated.

Coincidentally, Wang Liya somehow found out that Yang Yi was raising a "little wolf dog" with her father's money, and with evidence in hand, privately coerced Yang Yi to leave and disappear.

The adult Gu Chixi doesn't need her father to pay child support anymore, but Yang Yi is used to spending money for nothing, and when she thinks of it being revealed, Gu Zhouhai's only guilt towards her will no longer exist, and she has no money to spare. Flowers, she was strangled by the throat and could only be slaughtered.

Under the double pressure, Gu Chixi collapsed.

She can only go.

She took the initiative to propose to her father to study abroad, in order to leave some dignity for herself, and Wang Liya privately gave them a deadline of one month, and she finally managed to wait until the end of March to celebrate Wen Ning's birthday before leaving.

Then she left.

Not a word was left.

The rain stopped.

The sky was completely dark, and the lights of the shops along the street continued to light up one after another. Gu Chixi glanced at his watch. At six o'clock, he sat for almost an hour without realizing it.

A bus stopped in front of her.

She stood up like a ghost, got into the car, scanned the code, found a seat by the window and sat down. She didn't look at the route, and she didn't know where she was going, just wandering around like this...

When she left that year, Gu Chixi thought about countless reasons and how to explain it to Wen Ning, but in the end she couldn't get around the scar on her heart. She really has no courage to reveal a scarred and dark self in front of the person she likes.

She thought she would never come back, but Wen Ning confessed to her again. In desperation, she simply left without a word and broke clean.

When she received the news of her father's death, she thought of Wen Ning for the first time. In seven years, maybe Wen Ning had already made a girlfriend or even got married, and she owed her an apology.

Originally, she planned to quietly choose to inherit.

On the day of the reunion, she saw Wen Ning, the single Wen Ning, and her dusty eagerness poured out...

The bus arrived at the terminal.

Gu Chixi regained her senses, got out of the car, and stared blankly at the unfamiliar surroundings. She finally remembered, took out her mobile phone, and called the driver.

Before the number was dialed, a call came in.

— Ningbao

Her heart skipped a beat, and before she could answer the call, the phone hung up.

Call back, no one answers, call back again, power off.


Wen Daozui Dou Xin Ning: I have called you, don't know how to get back?

Gu·Little Pity·Xi: Grievance.jpg

——Thanks to the little angel who voted or irrigated the nutrient solution for me during the period of 2020-08-2701:25:44~2020-08-2800:10:06~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: Bi Hai, Live happily, Qing Ban Xia, call Kiki Momo for 50% off, look at the door, Brother Yanwu has a Haszhe;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 30 bottles of three colors; 14 bottles of no; what ⊙?⊙? , 4282600810 bottles; Zhe 5 bottles; In the arms., Ana, Yanqi 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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