MTL - Is the Wife Married?-Chapter 65

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In the late autumn, the dew was heavy, and the cold wind carried the moisture on Gu Chixi's body, and she couldn't help shivering.

The phone screen returned to the main menu page, the weak light made her face pale, she clenched it tightly, and looked at the missed call "Ningbao" in the call log, and her heart ached sharply.

Is it wrong to press the lemonade? still…

The "Get out" sounded in her ears again, she didn't dare to think about it, and immediately dismissed the idea.

There is an industrial park nearby, which is sparsely populated. There is a high school and a vocational school next to it. Gu Chixi looked at the stop sign and called the driver.

About half an hour later, she got into the car and went to the hotel.

It's been a long time since I went back to the hotel, everything in the room was unfamiliar, Gu Chixi stood in front of the window for a while, ordered a meal, finished it slowly, and went into the bathroom to take a bath.

There are warm lemon towels hanging on the shelf, and warm lemon facial cleanser, toothbrush, makeup remover, and bottles and jars on the sink, which seem to still retain the smell of warm lemon. She was naked, standing in front of the mirror, reaching out to embrace the air.

After a while, she sat in the bathtub.

The surface of the water swayed and rippled, and the hot air rushed up, surrounding her in an instant. She took a deep breath, her chest and mouth undulated slightly, and the hot water kissed her gently, but she couldn't relax.

There is a string in her heart, sometimes loose and sometimes tight, and the dull weight weighs her breathlessly.

If I didn't look for Wen Ning when I came back, I would just follow my own ideas, quietly inherit, guard silently, and maintain the relationship between the boss and the employee, and everything in the future would be impossible.

She is self-aware, knowing that she has no face to appear in front of Wen Ning, and she is not qualified to expect to return to the past, and even prepare for Wen Ning's love and family. However, she fell into Wen Ning's revenge-like "enthusiasm", and her ashes-like heart ignited sparks again.

These days, they are testing each other, sometimes ambiguous and sometimes alienated, and no one is willing to speak first.

Do not.

Lemony has already opened her mouth.

She cares about her.

Gu Chixi closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and finally felt relaxed...

After taking a shower, she took out the red wine, poured herself a small half glass, and drank slowly while standing by the window. The purple-red liquid made her fingers thinner and whiter.

The rain started falling again.

In the middle of the night, the phone still did not move.

Gu Chixi opened WeChat, clicked into the dialog box with "Ningbao", and typed slowly: [I live in a hotel. ]

Sent it, no reply for a long time.

[I didn't have a good relationship with my family, and I left because of the situation at home. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have just disappeared without saying hello, I don't know how to talk to you, give me a little more time and I'll explain. ]

[Ling Ning, feelings cannot be pretended...]

Typing these words is less difficult without a face-to-face.

She sent it out.

For several days, the two had no contact.

Gu Chixi is busy with work and intentionally fills his time, like a tireless machine.

November and February are the off-season for passenger transport.

The financial report for the third quarter showed that the company's operating income was 3.7 billion, a year-on-year increase of 5%. Excluding costs and previous liabilities, the net profit was only over 100 million. Compared with the previous year, this financial report is really ugly, but it is much better than the debt-laden situation in the first half of the year.

Profitable at least.

This was expected by Gu Chixi, she understood that the crisis was over, and she could only seek stability in the future, and she could not stand another overly urgent expansion.

The unveiling ceremony of the Jiangcheng base is in secret preparations. The manpower to be transferred, the fleet to be formed, the plan for the first flight after the flight, and the marketing plan are all quietly going on.

Taking advantage of the last aviation material transfer case and internal rectification, Gu Chixi pulled out half of the "nails" on the list in one breath. Finally, Luo Qian couldn't sit still and talked about it with her.

"If it goes on like this, there won't be a few people left in the company," he said half-jokingly.

Gu Chixi flipped through the documents and said calmly, "It's a good thing to add new blood."

"The newcomer is inexperienced."

"Sometimes old people are more troublesome than new people," she smiled lightly, closed the folder and pushed it over, "What do you think?"

Luo Qian glanced at it: "This is?"

"The operation plan of the Jiangcheng base."

"Isn't it postponed?"

"Look at it."

At her gesture, Luo Qian opened the folder and saw the date, "Will preparations begin in May next year? The approval documents should expire."



The plan is very detailed, from market planning to operating the fleet and applying for routes, everything is clear and is an absolute business secret.

Luo Qian's eyes darkened.

"You are an old man of the company, and you have a background in aviation. You know more about civil aviation than I do. I am more at ease with you." Gu Chixi looked at him with piercing eyes, and his tone of admiration.

These words pierced the pain in Luo Qian's heart.

He didn't smile, and there was a hint of coldness in his lowered eyes.

When the person left, Gu Chixi took out another operating plan from the drawer, opened it, and the date was written on December 19 this year...

She put the documents in the safe.

During lunch, Gu Chixi sent Wen Ning pictures of lunch as usual. Wen Ning didn't reply to any of the news sent out in the past few days, like a pebble thrown into a deep pool that couldn't stir up the water, silent.

Silence is more terrifying than outbursts.

She looked at the silent page, exited the chat box, clicked on the circle of friends, Wen Ning's avatar was displayed next to the little red dot, and she quickly clicked in.

Wen Ning: [If the journey is destined to be difficult, I would like to accompany you on an adventure. ]

The picture is a screenshot of the movie.

Gu Chixi looked at these words, her breath choked, she vaguely felt that there was a deeper meaning, she smacking it repeatedly, and it felt like she was expressing her thoughts after watching the movie.

She searched the title of the movie.

The new film is an adventure theme. In order to develop a special medicine, the heroine has to go deep into the uninhabited island to find raw materials. Because it is too dangerous, she hides it from the hero at first. Later, the two quarreled. The heroine said under the question of the hero When the truth came out, the two decided to go together. After going through all kinds of difficulties and dangers on the island, they finally found the raw materials and returned safely.

It just looks like a "popcorn chip".

The update was posted a minute ago, which means that Wen Ning is online and should have seen the messages she sent these days.

Gu Chixi liked it casually.

A call comes in...

At the moment when the page changed, she thought it was Wen Ning's call, but the thought of surprise lasted only a second, and when she saw the name of the caller, she immediately turned to disgust.

Yang Yi.

She didn't answer.

The phone vibrated for a while, then quieted down, and before she could breathe a sigh of relief, it vibrated again. It was still Yang Yi, who had the aura of never giving up if he didn't answer.

Gu Chixi frowned, pressed the speakerphone, and said impatiently, "How much will it cost?"

The mother and daughter have not been in contact for almost three months, and they can't remember each other's existence at all.

She will only be contacted when she asks for money.

"Xixi, it's incredible, something happened..." The woman's panicked voice came from the receiver, and then stopped.

Gu Chixi was silent, waiting for her next words.


"Say it directly."

Yang Yi whimpered on the phone: "The health project I voted for was reported... Hey, I can't explain a sentence or two, come back soon..."

Gu Chixi breathed for a while and closed his eyes, "Take care of it yourself!"

Hang up when finished.

Instead of asking for money, she asked her to wipe her **** instead.

The temples throbbed, and the mood became more and more annoyed, like a omen that something was about to happen. Gu Chixi leaned back on the leather chair, the phone vibrated again, and the buzzing sound was like a fly flying in her mind.

She had no choice but to pick it up, and before she could speak, she heard Yang Yi's cries: "Xixi, you can't ignore your mother... The founder ran away with money, and if he caused me trouble, I would have to sit. jail..."

"Isn't it better to go to jail?" Gu Chixi sneered.

It's better to get a life sentence and sit in jail.

She probably didn't expect her to say such a thing. Yang Yi choked and gasped: "You actually said such a thing? I'm your own mother! It's okay if you don't save yourself, you have no conscience! You're still in trouble!"

"beg me."


"Please, I'll solve it for you." The corners of Gu Chixi's lips rose.

There was a pause in the gasping sound, a brief silence, and the deep breath came out. She heard Yang Yi sniffing her nose, and perhaps wiped away her tears, she immediately felt very happy and smiled even deeper.

Yang Yi spoke again, with a much lower voice: "Xixi, mom is wrong, you shouldn't be murdering you, you really can't ignore me... I beg you..."

"Okay," Gu Chixi said casually, "I'll go back later."

She hangs up.

The phone was heavily placed on the table.

Yang Yi’s investment in health care tools was reported as false propaganda, and the advertisements were hype, but it had no effect. Some people who paid IQ tax bought them home for the elderly, and went to the hospital overnight. .

After the incident, many buyers who had been pitted before came forward to speak out. It turned out that more than one person encountered the same problem, but was coaxed by the agent's words and could not respond in time.

Relevant departments began a thorough investigation. At this juncture, the founder ran away with his belongings, leaving a few who were pulled in and stared blankly.

Zhonglan Villa is brightly lit.

Yang Yi was sitting on the sofa, her hair was messy, her face was covered in tears, and she was so haggard, "I didn't do anything wrong... I just invested... I knew I should have listened to you in the first place, alas, my mother really has no life to make money. , 2 million is just a waste of water... and it is possible to go to jail..."

"Stop howling." Gu Chixi said impatiently.


"The matter has already happened, and it has to be resolved. What's the use of you crying here?"

"Mom, isn't it... there's no way to solve it..." Yang Yi hurriedly hugged her arm and raised a smile, "I know that we, Xixi, are the most capable, and we can definitely settle it."

With tears in her eyes, she was squeezed out by the upward movement of the end of her eyes, slipping down, looking funny and hypocritical.

Gu Chixi's heart was calm, she just pretended she didn't see it, and brushed off her hand, "I will solve it, but I have conditions."

"you say."

"From now on, give me peace of mind and don't touch this kind of things again."

"Okay, I promise!" Yang Yi agreed succinctly, wiped away tears, and breathed a sigh of relief.

Gu Chixi didn't bother to look at her again, she got up and wanted to leave, but her wrist was suddenly grabbed. She turned her head and looked into Yang Yi's smiling, pleasing eyes, and had a hunch what she was going to say.

"I have no money."

" could it be?" Yang Yi had a smile on her face, a little embarrassed, "Mom has been very frugal recently, and she definitely didn't spend a lot of money. I sold all those out-of-season clothes and bags, and I haven't been shopping for a long time..."

"No money." Gu Chixi was unmoved.

"Where did the money go?"

"Give it to my wife."

Yang Yi was taken aback: "You—"

"What, have an opinion?" Gu Chixi raised his eyebrows at her.

"How much did you give?"

"thirty million."

Yang Yi's eyes widened and she shouted, "You're a pig's brain! It's just a matter of marrying someone who can't be on the table, and paying so much money! She's here for your money! Soso, generous to outsiders! I don't even know if you will be evacuated by then!"

Her voice is shrill, she usually sounds soft and charming when she speaks in a low voice, but when she speaks loudly, she will cry like a ghost.

Gu Chixi looked at her calmly: "Wen Ning is not an outsider, but my legal wife, mine is hers, understand?"

"Good you..."

Yang Yi's chest heaved violently, she pointed at her for a long time, unable to speak, turned her head to look, grabbed the charging cable at hand and pulled it towards her, "Turn your elbows out! I'll beat you to death, you unscrupulous prodigal..." Cursing in his mouth, his veins throbbing violently.

Gu Chixi stretched out her hand and pushed it, and easily threw Yang Yi onto the sofa. She grabbed the charging cable and pulled it out, threw it aside, and looked directly at her with cold eyes: "Do you still think it was when you were a child?"


Yang Yi gasped and shivered.

Not far away, the young "Little Wolfdog" hid behind the side door and quietly filmed the scene with his mobile phone. When the green circle was full, he released his hand and the video was sent out.

[Yang Yi begs the third lady to clean up the mess for her, asks the third lady for money, insults the third lady's wife, and beats the third lady. ]

A brief report.

The WeChat note is "boss".

Soon, the "boss" replied: [It doesn't matter, Miss San can solve it by herself. Recently, let Yang Yi slow down, you continue to coax her, let her trust you 100%, and wait for my notice before taking action. ]

[OK. But what if Miss San is involved? ]

[I have my own measure. ]

On a dark night, the city lights are brightly lit.

A silver sports car was driving leisurely on the road, passing through a crowded area, Gu Chixi reached out and turned on the music and played "Vortex".

The scenery outside the window receded at a constant speed, and the colorful lights passed her face like swimming fish. The intersection ahead, straight ahead was the airport area, and turning right was Tianhe Bay. She walked straight, but her eyes drifted to the right.

The inner struggle became more intense.

Lemon is at home...

She wanted to see her very much.

Approaching the intersection, Gu Chixi glanced at the rearview mirror, and was about to turn on the turn signal, when he found that the black car number plate diagonally behind was very familiar - the car that followed her last time.

As soon as her mind was buzzing, she immediately dismissed the idea of ​​changing lanes to Tianhe Bay and continued to go straight.

Green light, pass the intersection smoothly.

The farther away from the city, the fewer cars, the wide and straight road, the orange street lights on both sides, the surrounding is obviously much quieter than before.

In the rearview mirror, the black sedan is still following.

Gu Chixi clenched the steering wheel with both hands, her thin lips pursed into a straight line, and her heartbeat gradually accelerated.

As if the cold wind got into the collar, an unspeakable fear surged into my heart, and I couldn't help but feel a chill behind my back. Her palms were sweaty and slippery.

Every time I came to a junction, I turned a corner and walked randomly on a road I was not familiar with, trying to get rid of the car behind. Going around in circles, the car behind followed closely like a fly, keeping up with the Luojiang Bridge.

She almost gave up struggling.

Shortly after getting off the bridge, the black car disappeared from the rearview mirror.

Gu Chixi slowly let out a breath, leaning forward due to nervousness and leaning back against the back of the chair, her hands still clenched the steering wheel, she did not dare to relax, and carefully observed her surroundings.

Until entering the hotel underground parking lot…

Parking the car, turning off the engine, she slumped on the seat, closed her eyes, and her chest heaved deeply. Inside the airtight car, she could clearly hear her own breathing, as if she was about to suffocate.

The cold white light fell on her face, piercing her eyelids. She raised her hands and covered her face, her lips trembling slightly.

The last time she was tracked, she checked the license plate number, but for a long time, she only found that the vehicle belonged to a car rental company. The identity of the owner behind the store was unknown. Another reason, of course, is that she understands what this undetectable situation means.

The power of the person behind her is greater than her, and the rank is higher than her.

Like an adventure, she is the only one in the difficult journey, and there is nowhere to escape. Already so embarrassed, what's the use of retaining dignity?

After sitting quietly for a long time, Gu Chixi put down his hands, picked up his bag and got out of the car, locked the door, and walked towards the elevator.

An entire floor was empty.

The oil paintings on the walls of the hall were covered in gray and looked dull. She walked through the hall, pushed open the sliding door, felt the switch on the wall and pressed the switch, and the room instantly lit up.

The figure on the sofa startled her.

"... Lemonade?"

Wen Ning raised her eyes, looked at her for a moment, got up and walked in front of her, "Let's talk."


Gu Bao: What are you talking about?

Ningbao: (lifts the quilt.jpg) Come up and talk

——Thanks to the little angel who voted or irrigated the nutrient solution for me during the period of 2020-08-2800:10:06~2020-08-2900:18:48~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 50% off calling Kiki Momo to look at the door 2; Figure I An Yi Yonglu, Elizacat, 34628567, Happy Living, Xiao Jinzi, Qing Pinellia 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 300 bottles of yuppie; 52 bottles of Moyunji Sven overturned; if 26, bet one to pay three, 20 bottles of Niuniu; 19 bottles of Sixteen Mengyang; 18 bottles of Yishao; 14 bottles of brickwork; 10 bottles of Garbo, Feihua Charming Eye, Nineaholic, Yuehua Swordsman; 7 bottles of Yanqi; 5 bottles of Lord Luo, Baimu RY; 423772912 bottles of lead leaves;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!