MTL - Is the Wife Married?-Chapter 63

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Wen Ning opened her eyes wide and her mouth shrunk into a circle.

"When were you born? Are you so old? Who were you born with? Why don't I know? Did you just tell me now??" After a series of questions, her mood at the moment can no longer be described as shock.

Gu Chixi was choked for two seconds and quickly explained, "It's my cousin's daughter."


Wen Ning's clenched fists unwittingly loosened.

"Don't tell me sooner," she let out a sigh of relief, walked over, squatted down with a smile, "Hello, little friend, what's your name?"

Little Loli stared at her curiously, and said obediently, "Miko."


Casting a suspicious gaze, Gu Chixi said, "English nickname, Miko."

"Oh, how old is Miko?"

"Five and a half."

Little Lolita has small pigtails, carved in pink and jade, with baby fat on her cheeks, and two big watery eyes like black pearls. Wen Ning touched her head with a smile, "It's really like when you were young..."

"Does it look alike?" Gu Chixi frowned, "Maybe it's because of kinship."

When we first met, she was already ten years old. There was a certain difference between ten years old and six or seven years old. It was impossible for Wen Ning to see her at six or seven years old—she was embarrassed.

Wen Ning looked at Little Loli, as if she was looking at Gu Chixi at this age through her. That was the time before she met her.

Five-and-a-half-year-old little Gu Chixi, with two pigtails, a floral skirt, a small schoolbag, hugged her softly and warmly in her arms, and called her auntie with a glutinous little milky voice. Just imagining that scene, Wen Ning's heart was melted to the point of numbness.

"Miko, can Auntie hug you?"

Little Loli nodded and opened her arms actively.

Wen Ning picked up the child, walked to the sofa and sat down. There were various snacks and fruits on the coffee table. She asked Miko what she wanted to eat, and the little loli generously reached out and grabbed it, not afraid of life.

Gu Chixi was probably like this when he was a child, right?

Little Lolita sat on her lap, with a sweet smell of milk unique to a child, white and clean, and her thin and soft hair swept across her neck, like a scratch, she suddenly looked at herself daughter's feelings.

If she and Gu Chixi have a baby, it must be like this, right? She looks a little more like Gu Chixi, and her personality is a little more like her. It doesn't matter if you are naughty, you are afraid of being obedient like a stuffy gourd.

such a pity…

They cannot have babies in their natural state.

Realizing her thoughts, Wen Ning was stunned for a while, and quickly pushed the thoughts out of her mind, her ears warmed up.

- Bah, Bah, Bah!

"Miko, Auntie likes you so much, can you kiss Auntie?" Wen Ning put her face close.

Little Lolita pursed her pink lips and kissed her face with a "baah".

Gu Chixi stood beside him, looking at Wen Ning's loving motherly smile, the soft part of her heart was poked, and the corners of her eyes and brows showed softness. She stepped forward and sat next to Wen Ning, "Ling Ning, do you like children?"

"I like it," Wen Ning said casually, and then thought of something, looked up at her, "to be as beautiful and cute as Miko."

It's better to look like you and be like me.

she said in her heart.

Gu Chixi stared at her with soft waves in her eyes, "I think Miko looks a lot like your childhood."

"It's just like you, look at those big eyes and small nose, eh? You were so cute when you were five years old, right?" Wen Ning pinched Little Lolita's face lightly.

It feels so good.

She continued to mutter: "I just don't know how I turned into an ice cube face later. Alas, fortunately, I am cute and can make your ice cube face smile. Why am I so arrogant..." She said narcissistic words and smiled. stand up.

Gu Chixi's expression froze, and she said, "Because..." Thinking of something, his tone changed, "Because you have thick skin."


Wen Ning realized that this was not what she wanted to say, but she held back with a kick at the door. She couldn't help rolling her eyes, "Who told you to 'seduce' me."


"You look so good at a young age."

Gu Chixi smiled in agreement, reached out and pinched her face, "Yeah, how can you 'seduce' you if you don't look good?"


"Each each other."


The two chatted while teasing their children, like an old woman with a daughter. Later, Gu Chixi called to ask the elder sister Miko's taste, and then cooked, Wen Ning played with the children on the sofa.

Little Loli is very good, not noisy or noisy, she speaks and eats very calmly, believes that her needs will be met, and is very polite.

Wen Ning felt more and more that this was a copy of herself, and that children should be like herself and Miko.

Although she was a little skinny when she was a child.

At night, the three of them slept in Wen Ning's room, with a 1.8 meter big bed, Wen Ning and Gu Chixi were on the left and right, and Miko slept in the middle. She seems to be more familiar with Wen Ning, and has been holding on to it without letting go.

Gu Chixi was dreaming.

Dreaming of their family of three holding hands, walking on the beach facing the rising sun...

The next day, Wen Ning was going to fly to the early morning shift, and went out at 5:30. Gu Chixi slept with her little niece until more than 8:00. Throughout the morning, she experienced the feeling of being a mother.

She doesn't really like children very much, and doesn't know how to take care of them. The shadow of childhood is entrenched in her heart, which makes her always feel powerless when facing children, and she easily thinks of the past. But Miko was an exception. They met three times in total, and each time it made her feel like Wen Ning was a child, she couldn't help but like it.

That time growing up together is a treasure in her memories.

In the afternoon, Gu Jinxian came by car in person.

The car stopped at the gate of the community. Before coming, Gu Chixi received a call from her asking for the address. Although she told the truth, she did not believe that the eldest sister did not know.

"Mom—" Miko shouted gluttonously, eating strawberries in her mouth, and was not in a hurry to return to her mother.

Gu Jinxian was leaning against the car door, her eyebrows curved. She wore a light-colored long coat with no makeup, and her long hair was casually scattered. In the late autumn sun, she showed a bit of laziness and the charm of a mature woman.

Seeing her sister walking over with her daughter in her arms, she reached out to pick it up, "Miko didn't cause you any trouble, did she?"

"No, she's very good." Gu Chixi smiled lightly.

Gu Jinxian bowed her head and kissed her daughter's face, opened the back seat door, her brother Joe was inside, the little loli sat in and immediately fed him a strawberry, and the two brothers and sisters were happy.

Gu Chixi just watched.

"Live with your girlfriend?" Gu Jinxian glanced at the gate of the community.


"What about her?"

Gu Chixi pointed to the sky, looking at the brother and sister through the half-opened car window, the corners of his lips turned up naturally.

"Are you considering raising a child with your girlfriend?"

"I don't want to."

"Then I'll let Miko come to play often."


Her expression softened. Gu Jinxian smiled and nodded: "Okay, I'll go back first." After speaking, she turned around and tapped on the car window, "Miko, we say goodbye to auntie."

"Goodbye, auntie—" the siblings said together.

Little Loli added: "Goodbye Aunt Wen."

Gu Chixi couldn't help laughing and nodded.

Watching the car go away, the smile in her eyes gradually disappeared, and she sighed.

She understood what the eldest sister meant, but she didn't know the real purpose behind it, whether to use this method to get closer to her, to help her put down her grievances, or to have other plans. She couldn't resist at all...

Gu's main house.

It had rained in the evening, and there was water in the garden, and the servants were cleaning up.

A middle-aged woman stood by the window, her eyes gloomy, her expression distorted, and her well-maintained skin was wrinkled.

She held her phone in one hand and made a fist in the other.

"Why did I get in your way? Count the stupid things you did yourself! You dare to touch dudes! If I hadn't wiped your **** for so many years, you would have gone to jail long ago! Now you're going to turn your face and don't recognize anyone, right? Is it? I'm your sister!"

"Okay, okay, you can do it, you are amazing, I will treat you as my brother without you, and see how I will dance without you!"

She was so angry that she pinched the phone, her chest heaving violently.

The servant came over with the brewed tea and carefully placed it on the table, "Ma'am, the tea is here." After speaking, she slipped away.

The house was silent.

The woman was about to turn around when the phone vibrated again. The caller displayed another name. She answered impatiently: "What's the matter?"

"When will you solve her for me?" the man's voice.


"Don't tell me, you regret it."

"What's the hurry," she said coldly, "I'm in a mess right now..."

"Didn't you say, did they stand in line? It's easy to stab you at this time." The man chuckled.

"What's the meaning?"

"Deal with her before you can deal with your mess. Need me to be more explicit?"

"Are you calling me?"

"Don't dare," he said calmly, "I just want to remind you that we are grasshoppers on a rope."

"I don't need your reminder."

"You don't want to get out alone, do you?"

"Think too much."

"So... when?" The man's voice was suddenly lowered, revealing a ghostly chill.

She stared at the figures of the servants cleaning the garden outside the window, and spit out three words: "I will as soon as possible."

After finishing the conversation, she took a deep breath, turned around, and looked at the picture of her deceased husband on the wall with a malicious look.

It should have been cut straight to the root in the first place.

However, it is not too late.

After calming down, she sat down, picked up the cup and sipped her tea. There were footsteps outside, and a tall and thin figure stepped in, "Mom? Are you there?"

The young boy, looking in his twenties, dressed in a sporty casual dress.

"Where did you go?" She looked up.

"Buy gifts," the boy went upstairs and came down after a while, "Mom, I'm not home for dinner, I'll be back later."



"Why go?"

The boy said casually, "There is a girl in our club for her birthday."

"I know how to pick up girls all day long!" She put down her cup heavily and frowned, "I've worked so hard to plan for you here, you're better off, fly back regardless of your studies, and smash into the women's pile, I think you'll be killed one day sooner or later. Woman pit!"

"Cut, who cares about your plan."


The boy has disappeared.

At the end of the month, the temperature dropped below 20 degrees.

The airport was busy, and there were gusts of cold wind blowing on the empty tarmac. Wen Ning stood under the wing wearing a fluorescent vest and checked it carefully. The broken hair on her forehead was messed up by the wind.

A black car stopped not far behind her.

"Captain Wen."

She turned around.

Gu Chixi walked here and stood in front of her, "I'm on your plane again."

"I know," Wen Ning looked around and sneered when no one noticed, "President Gu just likes to 'crowd the bus'."

This person is going to Southwest K City on business today, and she just flew DC5172 from Los Angeles to K City today. She refuses to take a business jet for anything, and insists on crowding the "bus" and asking her to "send" her off.

"Wrong, it's my wife's 'special plane'." Gu Chixi lowered her voice and smiled.

Wen Ning: "…"

Whose special plane took more than 100 strangers.

A gust of cold wind came over, Wen Ning wanted to say something, but saw that she was wearing thin clothes, and frowned: "Come up quickly, don't interfere with my work."

"...Okay." Gu Chixi looked lost.

"I mean-"


Wen Ning looked away, "I mean it's cold outside."

After speaking, he lowered his head and stared at his glossy black leather shoes.

Gu Chixi chuckled softly.

"Go up here."


Wen Ning raised her eyes, watched her board the passenger elevator, and went in, before continuing to check with peace of mind.

After checking and signing the release form, Wen Ning returned to the cabin and glanced to the right involuntarily when entering the door. Gu Chixi was sitting in the 1L position, looking down at the iPad, next to Assistant Tan.

She looked away and turned left into the cockpit.

The flight took off at 3:10 and planned to arrive at K City at 5:50. Wen Ning remembered Gu Chixi's precious time, and tried to apply to fly higher and faster. In fact, it arrived at K City Airport at 5:20.

"K City Tower, DC5172, there was a relatively obvious updraft about seven nautical miles from the five sides just now."


The landing was controlled by the co-pilot. Wen Ning talked to the tower. She had just finished reporting when the plane landed on the runway. A fat A380 came from behind, and the tower asked the other crew if they felt any turbulence when they flew over the fifth side.

"I don't feel it," said the A380 crew. "Maybe the small plane is obvious."

A playful laugh.

Wen Ning: "…"

After stopping by the bridge and getting off the passengers, Wen Ning saw Gu Chixi and Assistant Tan getting off the plane one after another through the porthole. Suddenly, the man turned his head and glanced here, and suddenly met her gaze.

One layer of bridge glass and one layer of porthole glass, it is difficult to see the inside clearly from the outside.

She saw Gu Chixi smiled.

She also laughed.

After a few minutes, the phone next to her vibrated. She picked it up and looked at it. Gu Chixi sent a message.

[Thank Wife. ]

Wen Ning frowned, her heart was sour, she didn't know what to say for a while.

She sent an ellipsis in the past.

Returning at night, the landing was at 9:20. Wen Ning sent a message to Gu Chixi. When she stepped into the house, it was almost ten o'clock, and she sent another message. I don't know since when, this has also become a habit.

Gu Chixi: [Go to bed early, good night. ]

[Good night. ]

Wen Ning put down her phone, charged it, took off her uniform, and took a comfortable bath in her pajamas.

The lights are on in the house.

She dried her hair and went back to her room, remembering that she forgot to trim her nails for a few days, and found a circle of nail clippers, but she disappeared.

Desks, cabinets...

Wen Ning opened the drawer of the bedside table.

More than a dozen boxes of colorful finger sleeves were caught off guard, brand new and unopened.

She flushed blushing.

You don't have to guess to know who did the "good thing".

Put a dozen boxes? run out? Did she agree? It is beautiful to imagine! It's almost as good to keep that person for his own use! Shameless—

Wen Ning slandered, took a plastic bag and put all the finger sleeves in it, carried it downstairs, and entered Gu Chixi's room.

She's going to fight back.

This room has only one bedside table with two drawers.

Wen Ning opened the first layer, took out a few boxes of finger sleeves and put them in, then opened the second layer, there was something similar to a document inside, the light fell in, and the black and white text was clearly visible.

She reached out.

It's a notarial deed...


Thanks to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during 2020-08-2601:17:01~2020-08-2701:25:44~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 1 above Pujiang;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: live happily, Anan cried to let her sister-in-law 1, piupiupiu 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 15 bottles of Shudoudou; 10 bottles of sobofan, Nineaholic, and Aaron; 1 bottle of Xiaocap, jiang0125; 2 bottles of lead leaves; ;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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