MTL - Into the World of Medicine-Chapter 440 Temptation

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Opening his eyes, Murong gave a long sigh of relief and felt the changes in her body. Her heart was delighted.

"Yan, how do you feel now?" Huangfu stood next to Murong's face, and asked with concern. "Is there anything uncomfortable?"

Although knowing this time, it is definitely a good thing for Murong to face, but Huangfu’s heart still has concerns. Moreover, he has just sealed most of the mysterious power in Yan's body, and he does not know if there will be any discomfort.

"I'm fine." Murong shook his head and shook his head. It was very spiritual. "I feel good now."

Although most of the mysterious powers were temporarily sealed by Huangfu, but a small part of the mysterious power still made her feel more energetic than ever. Now she not only does not have any discomfort, but feels very comfortable.

Seeing Murong’s face is indeed without any discomfort, Huangfu finally let go of his heart.

On the side of the moon, Ming looked at Murong and glanced at it. The corner of his mouth smirked and smiled, then he fell to the ground with weakness.

Seeing the situation of the moon, Murong quickly went forward and lifted her up. Then she took out a medicinal medicine from the space and directly plugged it into the mouth of Mingyue.

Although she knew that she might not have any use at all, she still couldn’t help but watch the moon fall.

Mingyue followed the instinct and swallowed the medicinal medicine. Then she felt that another warm current flowed through her body. She felt that she had recovered some spirits, but she knew that this was only temporary. Her body has long been overdrafted, and now no matter what kind of remedy, she can't save her.

"You're okay!" Murong looked at the moon and looked at the moon with a hint of apology.

Although all that Mingyue has done is voluntary, she still feels apologetic. If it weren't for all the mysterious powers on her body, Mingyue could still support it for a while.

"I'm fine," Ming Yue smiled and shook his head, feeling that his physical strength was continually passing.

The efficacy of the drug that has just been taken will soon expire.

Murong also naturally noticed that she immediately took out a medicinal herb from the space and wanted to eat it for the moon. However, it was rejected.

"No need to waste these medicinal herbs." Mingyue shook his head and pushed away the hand of Murong's face. He chuckled and said, "My own physical condition, I know very well. Even if there are more remedies." For my current body, it doesn't help."

Looking at the appearance of Mingyue's heart becoming weaker and weaker, for a time, Murong did not know what to say.

Seeing the full apology on Murong’s face, Mingyue smiled and said, “In fact, you don’t have to feel sorry. It’s all my choice and has nothing to do with you. And even if it’s not you, I It will soon fall. I have been locked up here for so long, and my body has already decayed."

After thinking about it, Murong turned his face and said, "You can rest assured! I have promised you, I will do it."

"That's enough." Mingyue smiled and pushed Murong down, then walked back to where she was sitting, then turned her head and looked at Murong. "You are leaving now!"

"But, you--" Looking at the shape of the moon, Murong couldn't help but frown. "Don't you leave with us?"

Although Mingyue heart can't last for a long time, but she can't just watch the moon in the moon and wait here to die!

"I won't leave." Mingyue shook his head gently. "Since I was locked up here, I have no place outside. And if I leave here now, I will definitely get in." Doubt. You must go quickly! I don't want anyone to see what I saw when I died."

Murong squinted for a while and didn't know what to do. She couldn't look at the moon and wait for death in such a secret room.

"Let's go!" Seeing Murong's face on his face, Ming Yue's heart twitched with a smile. "This is the last request before my fall. Are you not willing to agree?"

When I heard this, Murong couldn’t say anything that she refused. In the end, she nodded. "No matter what, what you are doing today, I will remember it. I promised you, I will definitely do it. As for Ni Yunya, I will certainly avenge you."

"That's good." Mingyue smiled and then continued to speak. "Yes, I don't know your name yet! We are a good acquaintance, we can't even know the name!"

"Murong pours out, I am called Murong."

After leaving the secret room, Murong’s feelings of sulking were a bit heavy. Although the death of Mingyue is expected, but because of accepting the mystery of Mingyue, she always feels that she also has part of the responsibility.

"Well, Yan, I will take you back to take a break!" Huangfu looked at the low-looking Murong, and whispered.

"No, let's go to the wedding now!" Murong said that she directly vetoed Huangfu's suggestion. Her mouth smirked with a satirical smile. "I think, now Ni Yunya is waiting for us to attend the wedding!"

After looking at the face of Murong's face, Huangfu nodded. "Well, since you want to go, let's go!"

When Huangfu and Murong came to the temple, the ceremony of the big marriage had already reached the final part. Everyone's attention is focused on the protagonist of the big marriage, so not many people notice their arrival.

Only Ni Yunya, at the moment when Huangfu and Murong appeared, immediately found out. She glanced at the two without a trace, and did not see any strange expression on the faces of the two. For a time, she did not know whether the two had done anything.

Huangfu had already found out that Ni Yunya had seen it for the first time. His fierce eyes immediately fell on Ni Yunya's body, and also issued a cold breath.

After being looked at by the sharp eyes of Huangfu, Ni Yunya felt that the whole person almost had to freeze. She immediately took back her eyes and flashed a hint of fear in her heart. She has never been confronted with the demon of this demon world. Now it is just a short eye contact, which gives her a fear of being close to death.

In the past, she knew that the magical demon of this demon world was unpredictable. However, she never confronted him. Now she discovers that the rumors are not distorted. This demon is really not good.

At the same time, her heart is also vaguely concerned with a trace of worry. She did not forget that the person who admired the face of Murong was this demon. If she wants to get rid of Murong's face, it is very likely that she will be confronted with this demon. She doesn't know if she has a chance of winning.

However, even so, she can not let go of Murong. Between her and Murong, she has long since ceased to die. As long as Murong is still alive, she has no way to really feel at ease. Only when Murong’s face disappeared, she could live safely. Therefore, no matter what, she must remove the stumbling block of Murong.

Although there were thousands of turns in my heart, Ni Yunya’s face did not show up at all. It was still perfect to complete all the rituals, even better than just being absent-minded.

Perhaps it is because Huangfu and Murong have already appeared in her sight, so she feels more relieved. It is not terrible for an enemy to appear in front of oneself. The scary thing is that the enemy is planning something in the dark that you don't know.

I noticed the change of Ni Yunya, and the innocent eyes of God flashed a trace of thought.

He is the closest person to Ni Yunya, and naturally it is the clearest change of Ni Yunya. However, he did not know what happened, and the change before and after Ni Yunya was so great.

It seems that he should also take a good look at his own demon, and maybe there will be some unexpected gains at the time.

On the other side, Murong looked at Ni Yunya who stood there, and the corner of his mouth evoked a satirical smile. "Hey, it looks like, when we were not here, Ni Yunya seemed to be very uneasy!"

Naturally, she did not miss Ni Yunya’s relaxed eyes when she saw them appear.

However, she felt a little funny. Ni Yunya has done so many things, and there are times when there is a guilty conscience.

"Don't care about her, but it's just a jumping clown." Huangfu's eyes flashed a little cold. "She can't wait for a long time."

"She can have a lot of happy days." Murong smiled and shook his head. "Since it is an enemy, I will never be merciful. Although Mingyue did not do what I did, but I I think I should still get a fair answer for her."

Now that she has accepted the mystery of the moon, she will do something for the moon.

After hearing the words of Murong, the emperor reached out and grabbed her waist. Nothing was said. Because his heart is also clear, accepting the mysterious power of the moon, for Yan, although it is a big bargain. However, in Yan's heart, there is a glimpse of the moon.

The wedding ceremony is finally over, and the next is the time for the party.

Originally, Ni Yunya did not intend to attend the banquet. She planned to go back to the temple to see if there was any accident after the ceremony.

However, the appearance of Huangfu and Murong now changed her mind. Now both of them are here, and even if something really happened, she couldn't change it. Instead of this, it is better to stay here and test it to see if you can know something.

However, in her heart, there are still some concerns. Because her enchantment does not know who has been broken, Mingyue heart does not know what happened now.

However, now that the ceremony is over and the moon has not appeared, she does not have to worry too much. Moreover, she had already given such a remedy to Mingyue before her. Even if the moon is really saved, it will be a waste. It will not cause any damage to her for a while.

At the banquet, the pair of new people, the innocent and Ni Yunya, are the host, naturally sitting on the highest subject.

Those who come to congratulate from all walks of life, and those who are in the realm of the gods, naturally come forward to present their gifts and express their congratulations.

Looking at those who came forward to congratulate, God’s innocence and Ni Yunya’s face have always been smiling. However, if you look closely, you can see that Ni Yunya’s eyes are flashing a bit of impatience from time to time.

At this time, Ni Yunya's heart is indeed full of impatience, she simply does not want to entertain these people. At the moment, what she wants is to test the emperor and Murong, but the two have been slow to go, so that even if she wants to test, there is nothing to do.

However, she can't force the two to come forward to congratulate. After all, the identity of Huangfu is there, and he is able to come to the realm of the gods.

Sitting there, Murong smirked, and the corner of his mouth evoked a sarcasm smile. Then he plunged into the ear of Huangfu and whispered. "Oh, I think Ni Yunya should be very impatient now. You said, we want Don't go forward and express your congratulations?"

After hearing the words of Murong, Huangfu could not help but frown. "Do you want to go forward?"

He has no interest in this. However, if Yan Er wants it, then he will accompany Yan to go forward together!

"No." Murong smiled and shook his head. "The person who is in a hurry is not me, but Ni Yunya. I think she should now want to know if we have done anything. Maybe we already know what."

"Devil, after the devil, you can come to our wedding ceremony this time, we are very happy. Now I am here to honor you, thank you for coming."

Just as Huangfu and Murong were still talking, Ni Yunya’s voice had already sounded.

Ni Yunya’s sudden move made the people in the hall shocked. However, I immediately thought of the identity of Huangfu, and everyone felt that there were not too many accidents.

God’s innocence was also shocked. However, Ni Yunya’s behavior was not wrong, so he could not say anything. He can only pick up the glass, and in the direction of Huangfu and Murong, they also made a toasting posture together.

If it is normal, for such a toast, Huangfu must not ignore it. Moreover, he also believes that even if this is the case, no one dares to say anything.

However, I felt that Murong, who was next to me, slammed him gently, so he took the glass and drank it. However, he did not say anything, making the atmosphere look awkward.

After drinking the wine, Murong pours a smile on his face and opens his mouth. "Since today is the day of the wedding of the Lord and the Virgin, it will represent the devil world and congratulate the two for their sweet love."

When Murong pours his face, it makes the atmosphere of the hustle and gentle.

However, I have to say that her words are quite ironic. The marriage between God innocence and Ni Yunya is just because of the combination of interests, and there is not even any feeling between the two. It is definitely the biggest irony to say what love is sweet.

"That's the story after borrowing the devil." Although I don't like the words that Murong said, but Ni Yunya also knows that this is an opportunity. She seems to open her mouth inadvertently. "It just seems to be in the big wedding. The Devil and the Devil are not watching the ceremony!"

When this statement came out, the **** who sat next to Ni Yunya was the first to frown. He looked at Ni Yunya with a cold eyes. He didn't know why Ni Yunya suddenly mentioned this matter.

Although Huangfu and Murong have come to participate in their wedding ceremony, people are watching the ceremony from beginning to end, that is the freedom of others. Is it difficult to do it, do they have to force others to watch the ceremony? When Ni Yunya is doing something, how can he suddenly ask such a question?

When I heard Ni Yunya’s straightforward words, Murong felt a little surprised. She looked up and looked at Ni Yunya with a smile. "I don’t know, the original saint is so concerned about us! Even if we are The ceremony is clear."

This is obviously a bit of irony. Other people in the hall are naturally heard.

After God glanced at Ni Yunya with a warning, he smiled and said, "Devil and the devil are coming to my gods to participate in the wedding ceremony. Our gods are naturally entertained. Pay attention to every guest. The need is what we should do."

If he can, he really wants to let Ni Yunya go back now.

Beginning today, Ni Yunya began to go crazy. First, before the ceremony began, I actually wanted to leave. Later, at the time of the wedding ceremony, I was also absent-minded. Now on such a banquet, I still use such a questioning tone to talk to people in the Devil.

Now he is beginning to doubt that he decided to marry Ni Yunya, is it a correct choice?

Ni Yunya did not have any gratitude for the innocent round of God. She still stared closely at Murong. "I haven’t answered my question after the devil? Before, the devil did not come along. Watching the temple here, don't know if the scenery has kept you?"

"Oh, it seems that the saint is very eager to get the answer later!" Murong squinted and rubbed his eyes and smiled. "Actually, shortly after the Virgin left the temple, we also left." Originally intended to come to the temple to observe the ceremony, but there is something to be dealt with suddenly in the devil world, so it was delayed. I did not expect the saint to be so concerned!"

After hearing the words of Murong, Ni Yunya did not know whether it was true or not, but she was relieved for a while, and her tone became more moderate. "I just care about whether you have happened. After all, It is our pleasure to be able to come to the ceremony. If something unpleasant happens, it is not the sin of our gods."

"The saints care so much, but they are somewhat flattered." Murong looked at Ni Yunya with a hint of deep meaning. "However, just seeing the nervous appearance of the saint, I thought it was happening." What is it?"

Ni Yunya’s eyes flashed a trace of embarrassment and embarrassment, and then raised the glass again. “It seems that my attitude is not very good, so I have misunderstood the magic. I am here to apologize to you, I hope that the queen will not care about me. ""

After that, Ni Yunya directly drank all the wine in the glass.

Ni Yunya has already said this, and Murong will naturally not let go. Moreover, she also knows that under such circumstances, she still can't do anything, so there is no need to tear her face with Ni Yunya.

Therefore, she also drank the wine of Ni Yun Yajing.

Such an episode did not have much impact on this banquet, and everyone was still celebrating it.

After the banquet, everyone also left.

God is innocent and wants to count the accounts with Ni Yunya. However, after the banquet, Ni Yunya left directly. Later, he asked about it, only to know that Ni Yunya had to go back to the temple.

After getting the answer, God’s innocent face suddenly became dark.

He did not think that Ni Yunya would actually be such a person who does not know how to be good. Although the two are only for the sake of profit, but you have to do some superficial work! Unexpectedly, Ni Yunya would be so capricious, even the surface of the effort was omitted.

Since Ni Yunya fell his face like this, after that, he did not need to give Ni Yunya any face.

Thinking of this, God's innocent body exudes a chill of cold, so that people around can not help but chill.

Ni Yunya naturally does not know about these things that God is innocent, but she does not care at all. At the moment, all her thoughts are in the secret room. She did not know who was ruined by her own enchantment. Now her most nervous thing is whether Mingyue is still inside.

After rushing back to the temple, Ni Yunya returned to her bedroom and sent everyone out.

When I saw Ni Yunya appearing, the people in the temple thought that they were blind.

However, they quickly retired because they found the face of the saint to look ugly, as if something had happened.

After everyone left, Ni Yunya did not have any delays and hurried into the Chamber of Secrets.

When she saw the figure that fell to the ground, she finally took a long sigh of relief, and her face finally revealed the first true smile today.