MTL - Into the World of Medicine-Chapter 441 Hit up

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The moon is quietly lying on the ground there, and there is no trace of breath on the body. It looks like it's just falling asleep, but she can never wake up.

Looking at the bright moon, Ni Yunya was still holding the heart, and finally slowly put it down.

As long as the moon is dead, she will have no worries anymore. Before, for the location of the inheritance, she has been detaining the moon. At that time, in fact, her heart was also afraid. As long as the moon is still a day or a day, she can't really feel at ease.

Now that the moon is finally dead, she can be assured. In the future, no one will ever know the things she has done. Although she still doesn't know where the location of the inheritance is, she doesn't know, and others won't know.

Even if Murong’s face is really the same as the original saint, what about it? She has already experienced it carefully, and the power of life on Murong’s face is simply not available at all times. The power of life in the original sage of the sacred woman is very strong, and it is totally different from Murong.

Looking at the body of the moon, Ni Yunya could not help but frown, because the enchantment that had trapped the moon was gone.

She stepped forward and checked the body of Mingyue, but found that the time of the moon fell not long.

After confirming all this, Ni Yunya’s eyes flashed a glimmer of light.

It seems that after she gave the moon medicine to the moon, the moon has been stunned for several days! However, who is the person who broke her enchantment? If someone else broke her enchantment, why should we leave the moon in here?

Is it that before the death of Mingyue, all efforts have been made to break the enchantment?

For a time, Ni Yunya also felt a little confused. However, she does not intend to stay in this secret room. Although Mingyue is already dead, she does not like to be alone with such a body.

Suddenly looked at the side of Mingyue, Ni Yunya directly waved a mysterious force, and then a cluster of flames directly fell on the body of Mingyue, and began to burn. However, for a moment, the body of Mingyue’s heart disappeared, leaving only a cluster of white ash in place.

Ni Yunya’s face with a smug smile slowly paced and left the secret room. Her footsteps were as light as ever, and she could see that her mood was very pleasant.

After dealing with the things of the moon, Ni Yunya left the temple. Although she does not want to go to the temple to be with God, but in any case, today is their wedding day. If she does not stay in the temple, I am afraid that there will be a lot of gossips coming out tomorrow.

The people in the temple were surprised to see the face of Ni Yunya when he left. Because they are very clear, when the saint returned to the temple, the face was exceptionally ugly, and even with a trace of anxiety. However, after a while, the anxiety on the face of the saints disappeared, and even a little bit of pleasure.

However, Ni Yunya has left, and everyone has cured all the guesses in their stomachs.

After returning to the temple, Ni Yunya went straight in the direction of the new house.

The new house of God innocence and Ni Yunya is the largest palace in the temple, which is the temple where God is innocent. This time, for the big marriage of the two, the hall was specially decorated for the new house.

At this time, outside the dormitory, red lanterns have been hung. Inside the sleeping hall, it is also covered with red silk. It can be said that there is a festive atmosphere in the entire dormitory.

As soon as Ni Yunya stepped into the dormitory, she saw that God sitting there was innocent. Her eyes could not help but flash a touch of dissatisfaction. However, she continued to go in.

Seeing Ni Yunya coming in, there was a sarcasm on the face of God's innocence. "I thought you didn't plan to spend the night here today! When the party is over, you will return to your temple without stopping."

"God is innocent, what do I do, is it related to you?" Ni Yunya’s face became dumbfounded when he heard the irony of God’s innocence. "You don't forget, we are big this time. Marriage, what is it because of it."

"I naturally won't forget it." God innocently coldened his face and said, "I see, the person who forgot the purpose of this big marriage should be you!"

After all, this big marriage is just a combination of interests. There is no feeling at all between him and Ni Yunya. However, in this transaction, Ni Yunya obviously did not do what he should.

"I know exactly what I am doing." Ni Yunya glanced at the innocent face and said with a blank expression. "Although we are already married, you and I are clear, even if we are nominally husband and wife, in essence, We are just enemies."

She and her innocence have been counted as grievances for a long time. If this time is not because the two people have common interests, in order to fight against other forces in the realm of the gods, there will be no such big marriage. However, even if they are married, they are still enemies.

God's innocent forces who once took away from her hands, she will definitely find a way to get it back. As for the innocent person of God, she will let this person disappear when she has the right opportunity.

"We are indeed enemies." For Ni Yunya, there is no objection to God's innocence, but, "However, since we are already married, what is on the face, you better give me enough. Otherwise, you let I don't look good on my face, and I won't let your reputation and where to go."

When I heard the threat of God’s innocence, Ni Yunya’s eyes flashed a glimmer of light. “You just have to manage yourself.”

Seeing Ni Yunya’s disgusting disgust, God’s innocence did not have any extra feelings. He suddenly spoke. “Ni Yunya, how do I feel that there is something we don’t know between you and the devil’s demon? Something!"

From what happened on the banquet, Ni Yunya and the people of the Devil have a relationship that he does not know. However, it can be seen that this relationship is not a good thing.

However, this is a good thing for him.

"What are you talking about?" Hearing the innocent mention of Murong's face, Ni Yunya's eyes quickly flashed a trace of unknown light. "I have nothing to do with her. Besides, even if we really have anything to do with each other." It has nothing to do with you."

Although Ni Yunya concealed very well, but God innocent still sees the clue. Originally, he only intended to test it. Between Ni Yunya and the demon, is there really something that happened? It seems that his previous doubts are correct!

However, he is still quiet. "It really has nothing to do with me. I don't want to control things between you. You can live here tonight. But from tomorrow, I will let you pick up one for you. The palace, then you will move there to live!"

He does not intend to live in a dormitory with Ni Yunya. Moreover, he thought that Ni Yunya should not want to live with him. Although it is nominally a husband and wife, it does not change the fact that the two are enemies.

"That's the best." Ni Yunya also agrees with this approach.

Since she married God innocent, it is impossible to continue to live in the temple. Not to mention anything else, it is the rumors outside, she must take care of it. However, it is impossible to let her live in a dormitory with God.

God did not care about Ni Yunya, first entered the inner chamber.

He has been secretly planning in his heart, and when he is tomorrow, he will send someone to investigate what happened between Ni Yunya and the demon. If there is really a gap between the two, it is definitely a big good news for him.

This evening, a couple who had just completed a big marriage, although lying on the same bed, but with different minds, can be described as a bed dream.

However, unlike the couple, Murong fell asleep and felt very comfortable. Even at an early age, I didn't really want to get up.

Looking at the person who was in bed in his arms, Huangfu’s eyes flashed a glimpse of favor, but in the end he woke up.

After using up the breakfast, because of the need to deal with some things in the devil world, Huangfu had no time to accompany Murong.

Murong was going to just wander around the temple, so he didn't let the rotor follow. Of course, she did not let Huangfu know this.

She waited until the emperor left, and then left the guesthouse alone.

The rotor naturally wants to keep up, but the attitude of seeing Murong's face is very tough, and he has not insisted. After all, Murong said, but he just planned to go shopping inside the temple. He didn't plan to go somewhere else, so there is no need to worry too much.

Most of the people in the temple know the identity of Murong, so don't worry that someone will disrespect Murong.

After leaving the guest house, Murong pours in the temple and wanders around. Unconsciously, she still came to the garden. Looking at the flowers in the garden, she felt better in her mood.

Yes, she wants to be alone for a reason today because she is a little depressed, so she doesn't want anyone to bother.

Feeling the mysterious power in my body, Murong could not help but sigh. Although she knew that it was not her fault, she still couldn’t help but think of the moon. She is very clear that the current Mingyue heart is only already degraded.

She had received the news last night. After the banquet was over, Ni Yunya rushed back to the temple. She knows that Ni Yunya is going to confirm the existence of Mingyue.

Even if the moon is not dead at that time, it should be dealt with by Ni Yunya! Although in the end it was Ming Yuexin's own choice, but she still felt a little depressed. Therefore, I want to be alone and breathe out. It’s just that Huangfu can’t accompany her today.

Looking at the vibrant spirits and grasses in the garden, Murong felt that her mood seemed to be much better, and even her face could not help but hang a smile.

However, at this time, there was a very annoying voice that directly broke her good mood.

"Hey, who do you think? It turned out to be the devil of the devil world! It is really a good mood!"

People are not others, it is the snow heart.

Now that the wedding ceremony is over, in a few days, they will depart for the demon world. Taking advantage of the good weather like today, she plans to visit the temple. Of course, the first place she came to was her favorite garden before.

It can be said that in the entire temple, her favorite place is this garden. Especially when she saw these precious flowers, she even liked it more. Although there is a large garden in the palace of the demon world, but those flowers and plants, but far from the preciousness of the gods.

However, she later never came because she had a conflict with Murong. Unexpectedly, after coming over today, I still met this nasty person. Originally, she was going to leave, so as to avoid any conflict with Murong.

However, just when she was about to leave, she couldn’t help but think of the words that Ni Yunya had said before. This so-called aftermath, and the demon of the devil, did not hold any big marriage ceremony. In other words, this post-magic name is nothing more than a mouthful, and there is no substance at all.

I thought of the insult that Murong had once had before her, and the breath in her stomach could not swallow. She is a princess in a demon world, but she is so humiliated by an unknown person.

Therefore, she does not intend to leave. She feels that today she must find a fairness for herself.

After seeing people coming, Murong couldn't help but frown. "If you want to enjoy flowers here, please please. But please don't bother me. I think, as a demon princess, such a small Etiquette, you should be very clear."

"You--" Hearing Murong’s face with such ironic words, Bai Xue’s eyes were red, and she directly extended her finger and pointed at Murong’s face and began to scream. “Who do you think you are? Do you think that you are really the devil of the devil world? To put it bluntly, you are just a little scorpion around the demon, what qualifications are there to swear?

Seeing the attitude of Murong's face, she couldn't help but think of the things that happened before. It was also here before, Murong pours her humiliation and even beat her.

For a time, the new hatred of old hatred poured into the heart, so that the string of Bai Xue’s name is broken.

Hearing the words like Ji Yun in Bai Xue’s heart, Murong couldn’t help but frown. “I am not in the mood to argue with you here today. What do you want to do, I will not interfere. Just, please don’t bother me.”

Although the words such as Ji Yun make her heart very uncomfortable, but she does not intend to compare with Bai Xuexin. In her view, Bai Xuexin is just a spoiled little girl.

However, Bai Xuexin was obviously irritated by the attitude of Murong's fascination. "Hey, don't argue with me. You feel that you have any qualifications to dispute with me! Do you think that you are really a queen?"

The attitude and tone of the woman in front of her made her feel particularly uncomfortable and angry. At the same time, when she looked at it, this was also the way the other party did not dare to argue with her.

It seems that before the time, the saint was very right. The woman in front of me was not a demon, but it was a more favored 妾. If the demon respect really likes and values ​​this woman, then it is necessary to hold a grand ceremony to show the world!

"What kind of identity I am, has nothing to do with you." Murong waved his hand. "However, here is the temple, I think, as a princess of the demon world, this basic etiquette, you should still understand!"

She always felt that this snowy attitude seemed strange. Before, after knowing her identity, even if she was angry, she couldn’t dare to say it in person. Even after the last conflict, Bai Xuexin did not have any unusual behavior.

However, the current white snow heart does not seem to have any taboos. This should be what happened, so that Bai Xuexin’s attitude has undergone such a big change.

"What qualifications do you have to uphold the princess's etiquette!" Bai Xuexin was even more angry. "This princess will let you know today, what kind of identity are you."

At the side of Murong's face, she couldn't see the last guard's figure, which is one of the reasons why she is more unscrupulous. If the guard is still there, maybe she will have some scruples. But now that guard is gone, she has nothing to fear.

After that, Bai Xuexin attacked the past directly toward Murong. She did not have any reservations and used all her efforts directly. Anyway, today she has to give a good lesson to the woman in front of her. Before the palm of the hand, she is going to go back once and for all.

Moreover, at that time, even if the demon of the demon world is to be counted, she is not afraid. However, it is a little Ji Wei, she does not believe that the devil will really be for such a person, and the demon world.

Seeing Bai Xuexin attacked it without hesitation, Murong swallowed his eyes and immediately got up and subconsciously got up and walked over to hide.

Then, the place she just stood was already a mess. It can be seen that when Bai Xuexin was working, there was no hand to stay.

Although I don't know why it is because of this reason, Bai Xuexin has become so unscrupulous, but now in such a situation, she has not allowed her to think too much. She started to run the mysterious force in the body directly, and hit it with Bai Xuexin.

Those guards who came out with Bai Xuexin, after seeing such a situation, did not know what to do for a while. They did not expect that the princess would suddenly fight with the queen.

In such a situation, no matter whether the time is the princess or the devil, they are afraid that they will not be able to eat and walk away.

Especially when I remembered the end of the previous maids, their hearts were even more afraid.

Before the devil and the princess had a conflict. Later, all the maids who served on that day, except the princess's close-knit girl's heart, were all executed. Now that something happened again, they are really afraid that the next one is themselves.

At this time, one of the maids saw that the situation was not right, and slipped away when everyone did not notice.

Of course, she is not trying to escape. She is leaving now, she is going to find the big prince. This happened, I am afraid that only the big emperor can come over.

In the darkness that everyone did not notice, a figure looked at the white snow heart and Murong who was fighting, and the eyes could not help but flash a little excitement.

This figure is not someone else, it is Ni Yunya. She was only going to walk around, and think about the things that happened recently.

Unexpectedly, when she went to the garden, she heard the dispute between Murong and Bai Xuexin.

At that time, she did not come out and never intended to come out. Because her heart is very clear, if this time comes out, then as a host, she must quell the displeasure between the two.

However, she does not want to do this at all. Maybe it should be said. She is in the bottom of her heart and hopes that the two can fight. Before, she did so many heart building for Bai Xuexin, is it not for this purpose?

She has long known that for Murong to face, Bai Xuexin is deeply grievous. Now Bai Xuexin is unscrupulously facing the face of Murong. Even if Bai Xuexin really killed Murong, he wouldn’t care about anything in the realm of God.

At that time, even if you want to pursue the demon world, it is also a hatred between the demon world.

As long as she can remove Murong from the hands of Bai Xuexin, she will have one less ill.

In this way, Ni Yunya has been hiding in the dark. She also thought about whether she could find a chance to secretly hand in the dark. At that time, it is only necessary to push all the responsibilities to Bai Xuexin.

At this time, Murong looked down and did not find the existence of Ni Yunya. She is concentrating on the white snow heart.

Her current cultivation was suppressed by the Emperor in the middle of the Golden Age, and it was not the opponent of Bai Xuexin. She couldn't see through the repair of Bai Xuexin. It can be seen that the repair of Bai Xuexin is not as high as she is.

She felt particularly strenuous when she was fighting in the snow. But at the same time, she also regards the current fight as a good opportunity, an opportunity to exercise.

Bai Xuexin constantly attacked the past with Murong. Her face is also getting more and more embarrassing. Because she found that she spent so much time, but has not yet defeated Murong. This made her heart feel a little annoyed.

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