MTL - Into the World of Medicine-Chapter 439 It’s cheap

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After such a process, Ni Yunya also restored a little consciousness. She bit her teeth and finally sat back in her original position. Indeed, no matter what happens outside, she can't leave at this time.

As God said innocently, if she leaves this time, then there is only one consequence of waiting for her, that is, the name of the defeat.

She will never allow such things to happen. How much effort she spent has the achievement of today. It is absolutely impossible for her to give up the good reputations she has now.

Seeing that Ni Yunya did not intend to go out, Miner was relieved.

On the other hand, after seeing the mysterious power of the power of life that Murong showed up, the moon suddenly stood up. It can be said that if it is not trapped by the enchantment, maybe she has now stepped forward to grasp the hand of Murong.

"You..." Mingyue was so excited that she didn't know what to say. She took a deep breath and tried to calm down her feelings before she started again. "I didn't expect it to be in your mystery." Among them, there will be such a strong force of life. No wonder Ni Yunya has been chasing you!"

Huangfu looked at the excited eyes of Mingyue and could not help but frown. He always stares at the bright moon, that is, he is afraid that Mingyue will make any move that is not conducive to Murong's face.

However, Murong did not care very much about it. However, she was a little confused about the excitement of Mingyue. "Do you know the power of life?"

At first, even she did not know that her own mystery contained the power of life, or Xiaobai told her. Unexpectedly, this moon will actually know.

"Of course I know." During the speech, Mingyue’s heart raised his head again and looked at Murong’s face. There was a bit more complicated in his eyes. “Maybe, Ni Yunya also knows it! Because of this, she will send People chase you. She is worried that you will shake her position, so I will do it."

"Is there anything special about this power of life?" Murong looked up and raised his eyebrows. "And, how can this be shaken to Ni Yunya's position?"

Although she knows that this is the mystery of the power of life, perhaps it is only she has it, and the power is very strong. However, she does not think that with this alone, she can shake the position of Ni Yunya. Even, she is just a short flight, and what is the ability to shake Ni Yunya's position?

"You don't know." Mingyue shook his head and continued to speak. "In each interface, the only person who once had the mystery of life, only the first generation of the goddess of my gods."

"The first generation of the saint?" Murong frowned. "How do you know that?"

If things are really like what Ming Yuexin said, then she can't sense the power of life in her mystery. Because it is impossible for Mingyue to see the first generation of the saints, it is even more impossible to know the power of life.

"I naturally haven't seen the first generation of the saints, but I have sensed the mysterious power with the power of life." Mingyue's mouth twitched a smile and continued to speak. "In fact, the first generation of the saint before the fall I have left a trace of mysterious power. Later, our saints from generation to generation have sensed the power of life from the mysterious power of this silk, and then began to cultivate. Therefore, the mysterious power of our body is brought With a trace of holiness."

"Actually, this holy qi is just a trace of power in the power of life. The silky atmosphere left by the first generation of the saints has become the inheritance of the saints of generations."

"It turned out to be like this." Murong looked at it and suddenly said again. "But, just when you said, did you say that the inheritance has been lost? And, the place of inheritance -"

The more she listens, the more complicated she feels. Moreover, she feels that the more she knows, the deeper she may be. Although she has no interest in these things in the realm of the gods. However, this matter is related to her now, so she still wants to know exactly.

"Yes, the place where the first generation of the saints stayed is the place where the inheritance is. It is a pity that after one of the former saints fell in the middle, no one knows where the inheritance is. "Mingyue heart continues to open the door. "The saint is suddenly fallen. It has not yet told the next saint, where the inheritance is."

"The sudden fall of the Virgin is a fatal blow to the realm. Later, under the joint efforts of the elders of the gods and the descendants of the saints, the last saint was put on the former saint. The holy spirit has come over. It is because of this that the saints continue to be passed down."

Murong nodded and nodded. "It is because of this, so the holiness of your body should be weaker and weaker!"

"Yes, then the inheritance between the saints has always been done in this way." Ming Yuexin sighed and continued to speak. "The holiness of my body is also obtained from the former saint. However, the holy spirit is already weak."

"But, Ni Yunya should not be passed down from your body!" Murong frowned. "But how can the mysterious power of her body be holy?"

Although the sacred atmosphere is not as strong as the moon, but it still exists.

"That was my transition to her." Mingyue has no concealment. "After she was elected as the next saint, I gave it to her. This is to enable her to cultivate the merits of the saint better. law."

Only then, she was imprisoned by Ni Yunya. Therefore, there are still many things, Ni Yunya does not know. Including the secrets of the sages of the past, she has not told Ni Yunya.

"That Ni Yunya is really a white-eyed wolf!" Murong smirked at the corner of his mouth and smirked with a sardonic smile. "Between you and her, you should be considered a teacher and apprentice! She treats you like this."

"Ni Yunya is not suitable for the position of the saint." Mingyue shook his head and sighed. "Her utilitarianism is too heavy."

Murong nodded and nodded. Then he continued to ask, "So, Ni Yunya felt that I was the threat of life because I felt the power of my life. I want to get rid of me, right?"

"Yes." Ming Yuexin said. "Actually, in the inheritance of the Virgin's time, there was once a fable. That is the reappearance of the first generation of the saints, and the gods are once again brilliant. Such fables, Ni Yunya also know."

"So, Ni Yunya used me as a stumbling block to block her footsteps, right?" Murong looked at the jade bracelet on his wrist. "It’s because of the power of life in my bracelet, so you Will you notice me, is it?"

"Yes, but if it is not because I accidentally saw it, I will not notice it." Ming Yue smiled and shook his head. "The power of life has become a part of your body. You can control it." Very good. Ni Yunya's body of holiness is very weak. In normal times, even if I see your bracelet, she will not pay attention. However, as long as you use the power of life, she will still find out. ”

"It turns out that." Murong's mouth twitched with a meaningful smile. "I really didn't think that the reason why Ni Yunya always wanted to kill me would be because of this reason. However, I will Let her regret to provoke me."

The moon suddenly burst into the direction of Murong, and suddenly collapsed.

This sudden move is really a shock to Murong. "Mingyue, what's wrong with you?"

"You have the power of life in your body, and that means you may be the person in the language." Mingyue lowered his head and continued to speak. "I know that if we continue this way, the gods will have an accident sooner or later. Now The only person who can stop Ni Yunya is you."

"Even if you don't say it, I won't let Ni Yunya easily." Murong's eyes flashed a glimmer of light. "From the moment Ni Yunya sent people to kill me, I was not dead between her and her." The state of the endless."

"I know, no matter what, as long as you stop Ni Yunya, then you are the savior of the gods and my benefactor." The eyes of Mingyue flashed a firm radiance. "I may not be able to do anything, but I Still hope to help you."

"You want to help me?" Murong frowned. "What do you mean?"

"You should see it, I have not lived for many days." Mingyue got up and looked at Murong, his eyes were all determined. "I want to give you all the mystery."

"What?" After hearing the words of Mingyue, Murong was really shocked. "Do you know what you are talking about? If you do, then you will be dead." ”

Mingyue heart is now almost in a state of exhaustion. If she still loses her mystery at this time, she is afraid that she will not be able to continue today.

"I know what I am talking about." Ming Yuexin nodded. "You will definitely become the saint of the gods, so I will not regret the decision I made today. I am not doing it for you, but for For the gods."

The woman in front of her eyes, though possessing the power of life, is still too weak. Now she, if compared with Ni Yunya, it is simply the contrast between ants and elephants. Moreover, she feels that the woman in front of her eyes should be able to prosper with the gods like the first generation of the saints.

The emperor, who stood by Murong’s face again and again, did not say anything. He can see that this matter can be regarded as a big bargain for Yaner. If you really get the mystery of the moon, then Yan’s cultivation will definitely increase.

Of course, is it willing to accept such a cheap, that is, Yan's own choice, he will not interfere.

Faced with such a big bargain, Murong turned his head and shook his head. "I really have a grudge with Ni Yunya, but I don't have too much ambition for the gods. Of course, I will not be for the gods. Prosperity, and what kind of effort. So, you don't have to do this."

She can see that everything that Mingyue Heart has done is for the realm of God. Also, she just did not want to expose Ni Yunya at this time, but also for the reputation of the realm of the gods. But she is different, she does not have any sense of belonging to the realm. Even if she knew that the power of life on her body was the same as that of the first generation of the saint, she did not feel too much.

She does not intend to do anything for the gods, so naturally she should not accept the mystery of the moon.

"I am willing to give you the mystery of my body." After hearing Murong's words, Mingyue was not discouraged. She chuckled and said, "Even if you don't give this body my spirit, I will It won't last long. After I fell, the mystery of this body was also wasted. Instead of this, it is better to give you the mystery of this body."

"And, you don't have to worry, the mysterious power in my body is with holiness. The holy gas comes from the power of life. So, you should not reject these mysterious forces in me."

After hearing the words of the moon, Murong fell into a silence. For a time, she didn't know what to say.

After a long time, she only spoke again. "I can tell you clearly that even if I am removed in the future, I will not be the holy woman of this god. But when I wait for the next saint, I can Give her a ribbon with the power of life, so that the saint can continue to inherit."

In the future, she will marry Huangfu and become the devil of the devil world. Therefore, she is absolutely impossible to become the saint of the gods. However, if she really accepts the mystery of the moon, it does not seem to be appropriate. It is the only thing she can do to leave a ribbon with the power of life for the next saint.

Mingyue’s eyes faded, but it quickly recovered. She nodded. “This is enough. I believe that anyone who is chosen as a saint by heaven will definitely be a sorrowful person. She You must be able to choose the right God Lord to recreate the whole world."

In order to let Mingyue heart better transfer the mysterious power of his body to Murong, the emperor waved and opened the enchantment.

Then, Mingyuexin began to transfer the mysterious power of his body to the body of Murong.

Time passed by, and Murong closed her eyes and felt that there was a warm current flowing through her body. She felt very comfortable and almost fell asleep.

However, as time went by, the feeling of warmth began to slowly disappear, and the temperature became higher and higher, as if it would burn people at any time.

Murong only feels like he is wrapped in a hot burning flame. At the same time, she gradually felt that her meridians seemed to be being stretched out by something, only to feel a sharp pain.

She used all her strength to suppress the embarrassment that would soon overflow. But even then, her face is full of pain.

The imperial concubine on the side felt very distressed after seeing the painful expression of Murong. But he can only stand aside and can't do anything. Because this time, for Murong to face, it is indeed a big opportunity.

However, this opportunity is certainly accompanied by pain. After all, that Xuan Li was originally not a part of Murong. Moreover, that Xuan Li is too powerful for the present Murong. It is hard to instill this mystery into the body. It is indeed very painful.

On the other side, inside the temple -

The time of the big marriage has arrived, and God innocent and Ni Yunya are also holding a wedding ceremony.

However, at the time of the ceremony, Ni Yunya seemed to be absent-minded. She didn't know what she was thinking, and her eyes always looked around inadvertently, seemingly looking for something.

However, although she is absent-minded, Ni Yunya’s face has always had a light smile. Therefore, those who attended the ceremony did not find anything the same.

Others did not find it, did not mean that God did not find it, he stood beside Ni Yunya, naturally the person who can clearly feel Ni Yunya's mind. He can feel that Ni Yunya's mind is not at this wedding.

In this regard, his heart is very dissatisfied. He didn't know what Ni Yunya was doing today. Before the wedding, there was no Case, then Ni Yunya was already like this. This is a big provocation for his dignity. If it is not because of the interests, how can he not marry such a woman.

Although God's innocent face always smiles, but in his expression, there are a few more haze.

Just halfway through the wedding ceremony, Ni Yunya suddenly felt a pain in her chest. She squinted her eyes wide and her eyes were full of panic.

She naturally knows what is going on at the moment. She is now injured, and the reason is that the enchantment she laid down was broken.

That enchantment is trapped in the heart of the moon. Now that the enchantment is broken, does that mean that the moon has escaped? But how is this possible? That moon, this time, obviously should be dead before it is right.

If the moon is in the face of everyone, then the prestige she has accumulated will be defeated. Who is it, who broke her enchantment?

At this time, Ni Yunya couldn't help but think of Huangfu and Murong who had never appeared. She didn't know if it was what the two men had done in secret.

At this time, Ni Yunya, really can be said to be in a hurry. If she can, she really wants to go to the secret room right away to see what happened.

However, she also knows that she must not leave at this moment. Otherwise, she won’t have to wait for the moon to appear, she will soon be famous.

Perceiving the strangeness of Ni Yunya around, God did not grasp Ni Yunya’s hand tightly, and whispered in her ear. “Ni Yunya, I don’t know what happened to you, and I’m not interested in knowing. But, No matter what, you give me this ritual well. If there is something wrong with today's wedding ceremony, I will definitely not let you go."

God’s innocent words made Ni Yunya, who was still immersed in her own thoughts, wake up. She tried to ignore the injuries in her body and opened her mouth. “God is innocent, loose your hand. Also, I want to face too. Since I am already standing here, I will never back down. I will not make any mistakes in the ceremony."

After hearing the words of Ni Yunya, God finally released his hand. However, his attention is still on Ni Yunya's body.

After all, today's wedding is still very important for him. He will never allow any flaws in the wedding.

The ceremony is still going on. However, the two people who are holding the ceremony, the mind at the moment, are not on the other side.

Such a pair of men and women who are close to each other, thus become a husband and wife under the witness of everyone.

On the other side, in the secret room of the temple, Murong’s forehead was all sweaty at this time, and the clothes on her body were soaked. From the blue veins revealed on her face, we can see how much pain she is suffering now.

But even then, she was silent, not even screaming.

On the side of the emperor, at this time a tight face, hanging on both sides of the hand, this time has been clenched into a fist. He is now almost exhausting all his strength to restrain himself, before he can hold back, and pour Murong into his arms and pamper.

As time went by, the face of Mingyue's heart became paler and even with a hint of transparency. Her whole person's breath has also become looming, as if it will disappear at any time.

Finally, all the mysterious powers of Mingyue's heart have turned to the face of Murong.

The strength of Murong's face is constantly increasing, and the speed of the advanced is simply faster than sitting on the rocket.

Seeing such a situation, Huangfu immediately stepped forward, and then made a few handprints, and sealed the mysterious power of Murong's face.

Although Murong’s face is now, he has the powerful mystery of Mingyue. But now Murong’s face can’t bear it. This kind of advancement is absolutely harmful to Murong.

If one is not good, it is very likely that it will cause great hindrance to Murong's future cultivation, and may even make cultivation still stagnant.

So, what he can do now is to seal most of the mysterious power, and then let Murong pour into the little cultivation in the future. Only in this way can the strength of Murong's face be stabilized.

After the seal of Huangfu, the strength of Murong’s face was stopped in the middle of the Golden Age. Although this kind of cultivation is not high in the upper bound, it is already very powerful for the present Murong. No one can be promoted from the immortal to the middle of the golden fairy in just a few years.