MTL - Inheriting a Desolate Star-Chapter 60 060

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Although the rebels hijacked Xiaofengjiu, they had no intention of killing it. In the initial plan, Feng Wang's young daughter would be their banner to fight against the alliance. After all, Xiao Fengjiu was easy to be manipulated by words at a young age, and she had been kidnapped by the human race before, so she might hate Daxia. However, they never expected that under the devastating offensive of the Alliance Legion, their rebel army was quickly defeated. At the same time, he also recognized the bad habits of this little phoenix, of course, all this is not important anymore.

Feng Wangba wanted to throw Xiao Fengjiu off his back, but his efforts failed. He silently followed the weasel and the four-legged snake, walking in this boundless desert.

At this moment, Ning Buyi and Hua Zhuoyu had already set off in the mecha. They passed through the base and into the desert. Under the scorching sun, the sandstorm was permeating in the fierce wind. The dark yellow dust obscured the naked eye, but several red dots representing the target were displayed on the screen, and the most suitable route was planned. The light mecha seems to be gliding, passing through the suspended flying stone obstacles lightly.

"We are gradually approaching the target." Ning Buyi was a little nervous. Xiao Fengjiu is in the hands of those people, and if she is not careful, she will be "torn away". Although the mecha has entered a hidden state, she is not sure whether the other party has a reconnaissance device in his hand.

"They have been walking, at that speed, they should have recovered their animal form." Hua Zhuoyu replied. She said "go", and the speed of the goalkeeper's mecha suddenly increased. Half an hour later, the group of "robbers" clearly fell into the sight of the two of them. Ning Buyi quickly made a judgment. The "uninvited guests" who entered Shanhaixing really couldn't get shelter, and their luck was not as bad as usual. But it was just as good for her. Ning Buyi made a move unceremoniously, the right wrist of the mecha suddenly protruded a long sword, the red light flashed past, a line of blood appeared on the Feng Jiu with the incomplete tail feathers, her left hand He caught Xiaofengjiu in his hand.

The mutation happened suddenly, and her movements were clean and neat, without any sloppiness. The weasel and the four-legged snake were taken aback when they saw Fengjiu fall to the ground, then let out a scream, and entered the fighting state in the blink of an eye, their figures suddenly swelled up.

"I suggest one to surrender directly." Ning Buyi looked at the two rebels from the Beast Planet in front of him—or idiots, and smiled coldly. As a planet master, the entire mountain and sea star is her domain. With such a skill as master, she can be invincible, not to mention Hua Zhuoyu.

Xiezhi in the cockpit let out a hasty cry, it lowered its head slightly, and gently hit Ning Buyi with its horn.

Ning Buyi was slightly dazed, thinking of Xie Zhi's functions and abilities, after thinking for a while, he opened the cockpit and let it out. In a normal state, Xiezhi's body was maintained at the size of a cat, but now after a roar, it suddenly swelled up, like a mighty tiger or leopard. Whether it was the weasel or the four-legged snake, they both sensed a suppression from the blood! After they looked at each other, they were about to attack this strange beast, but the next moment, the power that was pressing on them suddenly increased, as if a mountain was pressing on their shoulders. In the boiling blood, the ability of the blood that belonged to him seemed to be deprived in an instant, and he couldn't even maintain his huge body size during the war, so he could only crawl on the ground trembling.

"Yes, it's the ancestor of the beast, it's the ancestor god." Fengjiu, who was dying not far away, trembled, perhaps because he had no fighting spirit on him and was not being targeted by Xiezhi at the moment. He stammered, his eyes full of panic. The ancestor **** is a myth passed down by word of mouth among the beast stars. He was fortunate to have seen "Bai Ze Tu", and the strange beast in front of him was exactly the same as Xing Zu!

The weasel and the four-legged snake have never seen "Bai Ze Tu", but they also know what the word "beast god" represents. Their blood and power come from the ancestor gods, and the ancestor gods can also deprive them of their power.

Ning Buyi was not surprised by the influence of Xiezhi, after all, after meeting Bai Ze and Nine-Tailed Fox, even she who often dismissed the Mountain and Sea Illustrated Book had to admit that the products produced by the system were all high-quality products. Judging from Fengyi and Shi Huaixiang's fanaticism towards alien beasts, one alien beast might be worth thousands of troops.

Xiaofengjiu finally recovered from the chaos, she knew the "Pojun" mecha. At this moment, with a pair of beady eyes open, he crazily "tweeted and tweeted" towards the two almost identical mechs. After struggling out of Yaoguang's grasp, she jumped onto Xiezhi's back, and shouted again: "You must have forgotten me, you have changed your mind, you have another beast."

I have to say that Xiao Fengjiu, who has been baptized back to Beast Star, speaks more fluently than in the past, at least not every word. Ning Buyi pretended not to hear Xiaofengjiu's call, opened the cockpit of the mecha, greeted Xiezhi and Xiaofengjiu, and prepared to return. Xie Zhi's movement was extremely fast, like a flash of lightning flashed into it. Xiao Fengjiu snorted, and flew towards "Po Jun" angrily.

Ning Buyi: "..."

Hua Zhuoyu looked at Xiaofengjiu, a little funny. Although he returned to the tribal group, this habit seems to be out of control for a while. After placing Xiaofengjiu in the passenger seat, Hua Zhuoyu turned his head to look at the beast that was still prostrate on the ground, his eyes full of disgust. But no matter what, this traitor from the Beast Star couldn't be slaughtered directly, so he could only be taken back and imprisoned first.

"I have found Xiaofengjiu." Ning Buyi sent a message to Fengyi immediately, asking about the follow-up.

"Leave the traitor to Shi Huaixiang." Feng Yi replied quickly, she didn't mention the matter of picking up Xiao Fengjiu, she obviously planned to let her stay in Shanhaixing as a guest. Although the rebellion on the planet affiliated with the orcs has been suppressed, some of the leaders of the rebellion have fled. This matter is not completely understood. "I got the news that the rebels of the Beast Star are connected with the Zerg. Daxia must be careful."

In the entire galaxy, the developed planets belonging to Daxia are the most. The rebels hated the human race very strongly, and if they wanted a suitable place to stay, they would very likely attack Daxia. She had already notified the Daxia government. As for Shan Haixing, out of personal friendship, she thought it was necessary to mention it.

"The rebels of the orc race and the disorderly ones of the Zerg race have colluded." When Ning Buyi heard Feng Yi's words, he was neither surprised nor surprised. It seems that the key "plot" is still there, and there will be a melee between the great civilizations after all. But apart from raising her realm, she currently has nothing to do. It is a joke to ask her to "turn things around" by herself.

Ning Buyi and Hua Zhuoyu returned to the base with the "traitor" and handed over the "traitor" to Shi Huaixiang as Feng Yi said. In the past, this militant who harbored ill will towards Daxia was a lot kinder in Shan Hai Xing, and usually regarded himself as the shit-shoveling officer of Bai Ze, and sucked catnip when he had nothing to do, looking completely docile. It's just that after seeing the "rebel", her restrained majesty suddenly burst out, and her eyes were full of cruelty and indifference.

Ning Buyi shrugged, not caring how Shi Huaixiang would deal with it.

She walked briskly back to the house, with a little phoenix chirping on her head.

After returning to the base, Xiaofengjiu's whole "jiu" was not well. She found that besides Bai Ze, there were also Nine-Tailed Fox and Xiezhi. After leaving, her position was replaced by a newcomer! This made her angry and sad at the same time. Leaning on Ning Buyi's body all the time, she didn't jump off Ning Buyi's head until she returned to the living room. Her eyes turned between sofas, chairs, and carpets, and she was relieved that she didn't see any unfamiliar fluff and scales. She jumped onto the coffee table and lay down, revealing her soft, fluffy belly, trying to "please" Ning Buyi.

"Didn't you go back and grow up, why are you still so virtuous?" Hua Zhuoyu gave a "tsk", reached out to poke Xiaofengjiu's stomach, and picked her up from the coffee table.

What Xiaofengjiu wanted was not Hua Zhuoyu's "favor", she escaped from Hua Zhuoyu's "claw" and jumped into Ning Buyi's arms, seeing that she lost interest in her soft belly, she immediately If struck by lightning. After a while, Xiao Doudou's eyes burst into tears, she looked at Ning Buyi and complained: "You are ruthless, you are ungrateful, you don't care about me as a pitiful little one, I might as well be captured by the bad guys."

Ning Buyi looked at Xiao Fengjiu's pitiful look, and burst into a "puchi" laugh. She reached out and touched Xiao Fengjiu's head, picked her up, rubbed her belly with her face, and said, "Stop making trouble, how can they compare with you? You are my favorite Fengjiu ah."

Xiao Fengjiu was very coaxable, and after hearing Ning Buyi's words, the cloud immediately changed. Originally, he was drooping his head, but in the blink of an eye, the door seemed to have been injected with chicken blood, and it became majestic and high-spirited.

Hua Zhuoyu glanced at Xiaofeng and said with a snort, "Just let her go."

Ning Buyi is serious: "Xiao Fengjiu is fluffy."

Xiaofeng chirped, stared at Hua Zhuoyu and snorted, "Your jealous face is very ugly."

Hua Zhuoyu: "..." Why hasn't Xiao Fengjiu been taught a lesson by those traitors? At least let her know the ugliness of the world.

On the other hand, Shi Huaixiang's interrogation of the traitor had a result, and out of respect for Ning Buyi, the owner of the planet, he also passed a copy to Ning Buyi. There are quite a few diehards among the beast clan, they come from various tribes, and even the Qilin and Fengjiu tribes in the four poems have traitors. In addition to getting the list of traitor clans, there is another crucial piece of news—the Zerg they contacted was Kerrimo, a general who was once relied on by the Queen.

Insect Star Palace.

The head of the guard Rhine knelt on his knees, trembling.

He didn't dare to look directly at the beautiful silver-haired woman on the throne. Although she has a slender figure and always has a hazy and gentle smile on her face, in fact, all of this is an illusion! In the past, he found the moody "Wings of Betrayal" extremely difficult to serve, but now he believes that the White Queen not far ahead is the real devil. The true meaning of the word.

"My dear chief guard, do you have any bad news to tell me?" Hill asked softly.

Rhine's heart was beating wildly, and her confused thoughts were like a tangled mess. After a while, he struggled out of his chaotic thoughts and remembered his purpose of entering the palace. He looked down at the black stone ground, and talked about the recent bad things in a tone full of regret and sorrow.

"General Kerrimore escaped from the Bug Planet in the Bollworm."

Hill smiled and said, "It's Kerrimore. He is worthy of being the betrayer of the past, and the most loyal dog of my stupid sister."

Rhine spoke with difficulty: "He left with the most elite fighters of the Zerg."

"Is that so—" Hill dragged her tone, and she said with a smile, "Could it be that I treat them badly?"

Rhine wished he could bury himself in the ground. It was not a question he could answer. Is the queen really nice to them? She established a spiritual link with the Zerg as Kelimore wished, but it was disconnected immediately. The young rebellious general was tormented by the repeated connection and truncation. Run away or go crazy, Colllimore has no choice. But can he really escape? The Queen took the initiative to disconnect the link, which does not mean that she lost control of him.

The Queen holds a secret and dangerous switch.

"Are you going to chase?" Rhine's voice was full of panic.

"Why are you going? Rhine, don't you have something to do?" Hill's tone was as gentle as a spring breeze. Rhine was in a trance, and when he looked up, the throne was empty, and the mysterious and ruthless queen had long since disappeared.

Hill had no intention of hiding the news of Kerrimore's departure. In a short period of time, the news swept through the palace and the entire Zerg society. Perhaps it was due to their own desires/thoughts, or perhaps it was the instigation of Kerrimore, in the next period of time, Zerg officers fled from time to time, and the whole society fell into greater turmoil and disorder . As the owner of the insect star, the queen in the palace just watched extremely calmly, not caring about the departure of the "warrior".

The connivance of the Zerg Queen brought trouble to Daxia, because the group of militants met with the orc rebels and finally joined forces to seize a construction star named "Jian'an". The position of this planet is not at the edge, but in the construction constellation. The land here is sparsely populated and the resources are scarce, so Daxia did not deploy defenses here.

It was already mid-September when the news came back to Daxia.

When Ning Buyi saw the news, he just paused for a moment, and then he was busy with the matter at hand. Thanks to everyone's efforts, the germinated oak seeds are already a foot high. Ning Buyi was going to transplant it to a small yard outside the house, and put it under his nose.

"I don't know what those pigs are thinking." Feng Yimao complained. In fact, she had nothing to do with the war between the Zerg and Da Xia, and was so angry that she was a traitor of the orc who ran away. With the supply of mountain and sea star resources, the life of the whole beast star gradually improved, but a group of evil elements insisted on destroying it.

"Who knows." Ning Buyi shrugged, and after thinking for a while, she said again, "Jian'an Star is in the construction constellation, not too far from Shanhaixing Base, we need to strengthen our guard."

"Understood." Feng Yimao nodded indiscriminately, thought for a while, and then said, "Although they have seized a planet, they may not have the resources to use it. With the reputation of our mountain and sea star, they are still very likely to come." Looted."

Ning Buyi glanced at Feng Mao.

Feng Yimao can think of this, which shows that this possibility is very high. And Ning is not easy to suspect that someone will leak information to the Zerg side. After transplanting the oak tree, Ning Buyi returned to the door of the room worried, and contacted Hua Zhuoyu through optical brain communication.

Not long ago, Hua Zhuoyu received the news that Lu Zhiwei was going to Shanhaixing, so he set out to meet him, and he has not returned until now.

Just as Hua Zhuoyu guessed, Lu Zhiwei encountered some minor troubles during the trip.

Fortunately, Ying Jingqiu and members of the Alliance of Civilizations escorted him along the way, so it was safe and sound. It was not the "ambushers" who blocked Lu Zhiwei and Hua Zhuoyu's return journey, but a message from Wang Xing - there is no imperial army stationed in Shanhaixing. Obviously, this message was to be sent to Jian'an Star.

"Our Highness the Crown Prince is really confused, and frequently makes foolish tricks." Lu Zhiwei clicked his tongue, disdainful towards Xia Tu. The news about Xia Tai's cooperation with Jianzhengsi and Shan Haixing spread widely, and no one took the initiative to "refute the rumors". Some time ago, Xia Tu's reputation fell to the bottom, and he was even reprimanded by His Majesty the Emperor, and he was in danger of falling out of favor. This made Xia Tu's sense of crisis climb to the peak. He decided that the most important thing in the prescription was the mountain and sea star, which could not be used for me, so he quietly destroyed it.

Hua Zhuoyu sneered: "Daxia's army has already marched to Jian'an Star, won't he go to make military achievements this time?"

Lu Zhiwei said slowly: "Aren't you afraid that Xia Tai will use his connections in Wang Xing? But he doesn't want to go to the battlefield, and he doesn't want Xia Tai to go out to make meritorious service. But the royal family has a tradition of going to the battlefield, and I heard that he plans to push Xia Sang away. Go out and be a mascot."

Hua Zhuoyu was about to reply, when she picked out a communication request from Ning Buyi in her mind, she made a silent gesture to Lu Zhiwei, and connected without hesitation.

Ning Buyi said: "I saw the Jian'an star started a war."

Hua Zhuoyu nodded: "The situation is even worse than the scythe star."

Ning Buyi continued to ask: "Then how long can this construction star with a good rating last?"

Hua Zhuoyu's eyes flickered slightly, she shook her head and said, "No abnormalities have been received so far."

"Alright then." Ning Buyi took the initiative to end the topic, and she asked again, "When will you be back?"

Hua Zhuoyu: "Immediately."

Ning Buyi raised his eyebrows and smiled when he heard the words.

Of course, Hua Zhuoyu's "immediately" does not flash to her side, but represents "return". She didn't say much, and soon cut off the communication with Hua Zhuoyu.

Lu Zhiwei kept her arms folded, looked at Hua Zhuoyu's smiling face, and wondered, "Just a few words, is it worth your happiness?"

Hua Zhuoyu glanced at Lu Zhiwei: "I hope that when you see the Weihu pillow and the real reading robot, you will not be delighted or smile."

" your curse too vicious?"

"Really? Why don't I think so?"

Lu Zhiwei gave up teasing Hua Zhuoyu, she changed the subject and said, "She seems to be very concerned about the fate of the planet."

Hua Zhuoyu shook his head: "It doesn't seem to be." The judge is the person who decides the life and death of the planet, but it is not the person closest to the planet's will. In Hua Zhuoyu's view, Ning Buyi is the one favored by the will of the planet. "By the way, the drug developed in Shanhaixing is about to enter the stage of clinical trials. Do you know what this means?"

"The retired officers in the past have the hope of returning to the battlefield and continuing to defend the glory of their Great Xia." Lu Zhiwei smiled slightly, "But this may break the pattern that has been maintained for many years. Can some people endure it?"

When Hua Zhuoyu and Lu Zhiwei were rushing towards Shan Hai Xing, after discussing with Xiong Xun, Jin Feifei, Mei Ping and others, Ning Buyi decided to announce the news of the dark pollution purification reagent through the Xingwei account, and named it " Elpis". Through the government affairs system, a channel for "volunteers" to sign up appeared on Shanhaixing's homepage, and they were going to select "drug testers".

As long as people living in the Greedy Wolf galaxy will be more or less disturbed by dark pollution, the past medical methods cannot completely get rid of dark pollution, those "stubborn elements" accumulate in the body, gradually destroying the body, with age The growth of this pain is more serious. Therefore, after "Mystery One" released this news, an unprecedented frenzy was set off, and the entire star network system was almost paralyzed.

-is that true? 100% expulsion of dark pollution?

—I, Cao, I saw the medicine field on their official website, and I turned into a lemon, why am I not a resident of Shanhaixing?

—Fruits and vegetables can also expel dark pollution in the body before, but the quantity is limited and cannot be popularized to the lower classes. If the reagent is researched, will it be able to cover the entire galaxy?

—Don't think about it, the poor may not have this fate, so go to the channel to apply for a quota first.

Yongning Hutong, Chang'an Street, the capital of Great Xia.

An eleven-year-old girl was running through the narrow alley with her schoolbag. She bypassed the smelly trash can, and finally got into a house with a small door that was incompatible with the entire capital. After quickly throwing down her schoolbag, she hurriedly pushed open the concealed room Looking at the old man with a hunched body and wrinkled face, he shouted at the door, "Grandpa, hurry up and apply on Shanhaixing's official website. Shanhaixing has developed a reagent for purifying dark pollution." Of course she knows that it is most appropriate to buy the reagent after it is on the market, but Given their family circumstances, they couldn't afford the expensive expenses, so they could only hope to put them in clinical trials.

Not only in this place, there has been a wave of "registration" almost everywhere the information can reach. Although the number of places is limited, what if the goddess of luck protects me?

In the prince's mansion.

This news is very beneficial to the whole Great Xia, but at the political level, their Prince's Mansion can be regarded as a complete failure.

"Shan Haixing has an ambiguous relationship with Supervisor Zhengsi and Xia Tai. If things go on like this, I can only be a foil to Xia Tai's crown." Xia Tu's complexion was extremely ugly, "The special medicine cannot appear at this time."

Si Xun blinked: "What do you mean?"

Xia Tu said coldly: "As long as the relevant experimental data are preserved, there is no need to worry about the special medicine not being available. I need it to become my achievement, not a sharp knife used by others to deal with me."

Si Xun: "..." It may be that the brain was eroded by dark pollution when he was on the giant scythe, and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince went crazy.

Read The Duke's Passion