MTL - Inheriting a Desolate Star-Chapter 61 061

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Discussions on the "Elpis Reagent" on the star network were very loud, and some of them were frustrated, always thinking that the situation was bad. But no matter what, the registration channel was closed in a very short period of time, the number of volunteers was already enough, and the rest was to be carefully selected among this batch of people.

In this chaos and calm, Hua Zhuoyu and Lu Zhiwei's spacecraft successfully arrived at Shanhaixing.

The urban infrastructure and facilities of Aurora City are gradually opened up. In order to facilitate the development there, many people from Beast Star have moved into the new community. But Ning Buyi didn't want to move for the time being, so she still stayed in the low bungalow on the ground, the space here is enough for her to live alone.

When Hua Zhuoyu strode into the house, he was holding a bouquet of fresh roses in his hand. The flower vase has been moved to Ning Buyi's bedroom, and she has also obtained a "permit" to enter it. After changing to flower branches, she smiled slightly at Ning Buyi who was holding the light brain: "I'm back."

Ning Buyi looked up at her, nodded and said: "I saw it." She paused for a moment, then continued, "Have you been ambushed on the way?"

"Yes." Hua Zhuoyu replied, she approached Ning Buyi, stretched out her hand to brush the hair on her shoulders, and said casually, "It's someone sent by the empire."

Ning Buyi sighed "tsk tsk", "It's really troublesome."

Hua Zhuoyu smiled and said: "It will be resolved in a while." At this moment, they have kept some evidence against Xia Tu in their hands, but this may not be able to completely overthrow a stable prince, at least let him Only when the reputation among the people has fallen to the bottom can the royal family be forced to make a choice. And not surprisingly, Xia Sang is about to go to the battlefield. Perhaps this pearl of the empire will no longer carefully conceal her ambitions, but will radiate light thoroughly. She is no longer a cowardly person who clings to her father and brother.

"Volunteers are still being selected, but the first produced reagents have already been transported to Uranus by Xingguang. In clinical trials, nothing will happen, right?" Ning Buyi asked again.

Hua Zhuoyu asked back: "What do you think?" Her eyes were deep and gloomy, like the vast night sky.

Ning Buyi understood, she looked directly at Hua Zhuoyu, her eyes gradually became sharper: "This is a bait, but no one should be sacrificed for it."

Hua Zhuoyu nodded with a smile: "Of course." She hated Xia Tu's behavior, so naturally it was impossible for her to walk on a path similar to his.

in the base.

Although Lu Zhiwei has seen the plant images of Shanhaixing, the feeling is still very different from what he saw with his own eyes. It was as if a hurricane had blown through the lake of her heart, setting off a huge wave. Her eyes were full of nostalgia, shock, joy, and even a trace of regret. Her mother has always taken it as her duty to expel dark pollution, and even paid for it with her life. I'm afraid my mother didn't expect that hope would come to the world in this way.

The "guide" who led Lu Zhiwei to visit the base was Feng Ermao who volunteered.

She didn't hide her gaze, and looked at Lu Zhiwei curiously. According to the information she got from Xingwang, this person is Tu Shan Sansan's "golden master", and it was her generosity that prevented Tu Shansan from sleeping in the bridge cave. Of course, what I heard from Tu Shan Sansan was another kind of rhetoric. But in any case, the relationship between the two people is somewhat unusual.

Lu Zhi said in a warm voice, "Where's Tu Shan Sansan?"

After turning around for a long time, Feng Ermao finally heard this question, and suddenly became energetic, and his thoughts of gossip surged. She cleared her throat, tilted her head and blinked, and said, "San San is busy."

Lu Zhiwei asked again: "Are you reviewing Shanhaixing's new products live on Shanhaixing?" Since coming to Shanhaixing, Tu Shan Sansan has completely changed his course and become an artist who mainly "endorses". As for the idea of ​​filming, she had already thrown it out of the blue. That's good, fans don't have to be poisoned by poor acting skills and exaggerated plots.

Feng Ermao shrugged, shook her head and said, "No, she is cultivating feelings with her fellow clan."

"Cultivate feelings?" Lu Zhiwei stopped abruptly, her brows were slightly furrowed, adding a little melancholy for no reason.

"Yes, yes." Feng Ermao didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement. In a sense, she didn't lie, the nine-tailed fox is also a fox clan, although it is an ancestor. "Do you need me to take you there?" Feng Ermao asked enthusiastically.

Lu Zhiwei hesitated for a moment, then sighed, "No need. Thank you."

At this moment, Tu Shan Sansan was paralyzed at the feet of the nine-tailed fox, his face being caressed by the nine furry white fox tails. Xiaofeng Jiu trampled on her body and yelled at Nine-Tailed Fox Jiu Jiu, trying to defend her "sovereignty". Tu Shan Sansan tried to catch Xiao Fengjiu, but the furry claws were not so convenient, and Xiao Fengjiu was not a fool to let Tu Shan Sansan catch him. After making a fuss, Tu Shan Sansan really had no strength, so he curled up into a ball to rest, his three fiery red fox tails were swinging one after the other, and he was too lazy to drive Xiao Fengjiu away.

She didn't know about Lu Zhiwei's arrival at Shanhaixing.

Until Feng Ermao appeared bouncing around.

"Your patron has come to the base."

"What is a benefactor?" Xiao Fengjiu tilted her head and asked humbly.

Feng Ermao's voice was so loud that even Nine-Tailed Fox raised his head to look at Sansan Tu Shan. Tu Shan Sansan was a little embarrassed by the "ancestor" and turned back into a human form and said to Feng Er Mao angrily: "It's the creditor, the creditor, Feng Er, don't talk nonsense." After a pause, Tu Shan Sansan shrank again Shrinking his neck, he whispered, "I'm not asking you to pay back the money, are you?"

"Didn't you earn a lot during this time? Haven't paid it back yet?" Feng Ermao looked at Tu Shan Sansan curiously.

Tu Shansan said nothing. After hesitating for a moment, she asked Feng Ermao about Lu Zhiwei's news, then hurried away without even cleaning the grass clippings in her hair.

Feng Ermao's eyes widened, wanting to follow Tu Shan Sansan to watch the fun. However, she suddenly felt her left arm sink, and Xiao Fengjiu was hanging on her body like an iron spinning top, with a strong desire for knowledge still shining in her eyes. Feng Ermao immediately became interested, and she explained to Xiaofengjiu: "It's someone who takes care of your basic necessities, but needs you to provide furry services."

Xiaofeng chirped twice, expressing that she understood.

She quickly got rid of Feng Ermao, and instead flapped her wings to find her "golden master"—Ning Buyi.

Feng Ermao didn't spoil the child's awareness at all, and left with brisk steps, hands behind his back, humming a song.

base living area.

As some people moved, this lively place gradually became quieter.

Tu Shansan remembered Lu Zhiwei's house number, and after a long hesitation, she raised her hand to knock on the door. When she heard a familiar voice, she straightened her clothes and entered the room nervously.

It was still that gentle smile that caught her eyes, and her heart sank suddenly.

Tu Shan Sansan quickly made a choice, she turned into a three-tailed fox and jumped into Lu Zhiwei's arms, raised her head slightly and said in a calm tone, "Why are you here?"

Lu Zhiwei said gently: "I want to see you. You have been in Shanhaixing for so long, if I could not see your dynamics during the live broadcast, I thought you had an accident midway, or why there is no news at all?"

Tu Shan Sansan felt a little guilty. Who could remember so much when they arrived at Happy Home? But when she saw Lu Zhiwei, she found that she still missed her hands a little bit. Lu Zhiwei touched Lu Zhiwei with her paws, and she muttered, "Aren't you here to collect debts?"

Lu Zhiwei pretended not to hear, reached out and lifted the three-tailed fox in his arms, and put it on the sofa beside him. She looked down at Tu Shan Sansan from a high position, and said with a faint smile, "Your people are here too?"

Tu Shan Sansan immediately became vigilant when he heard the words, stared at Lu Zhiwei with those big eyes that were full of water and luster, and said defensively: "What do you ask this for? Isn't it enough to touch me? Our fox tribe is the most It’s arrogance, don’t, others won’t read those books to you.”

"Should I appear flattered?" Lu Zhiwei asked slowly. She bent down and reached out to brush off the grass clippings on Tu Shan Sansan's body, and said with a smile, "After you left, I deeply reflected on myself. It is really inappropriate to let a fox study."

Tu Shan Sansan looked at Lu Zhiwei happily after hearing the words.

Lu Zhi smiled slightly, and said again: "You change back to human form."

Tu Shan Sansan: "Are you a pervert?" How could she be embarrassed? In the original form, a furry face could not show any emotion at all. She regretted it now, and signed a series of contracts that were not good for her in order to pay off her debts. Back then, she couldn't afford Lu Zhiwei's loss, but now she is rich. "Can I pay back the money?" Tu Shan Sansan asked pitifully.

Lu Zhi smiled slightly: "I'm not short of money."

Tu Shan Sansan: "Then it will be written off." As he said that, he was about to rush out. With sharp eyes and quick hands, Lu Zhiwei grabbed Tu Shansan and gently pressed her down on the sofa. Lu Zhiwei stroked her hair with one hand, and sighed, "Tu Shan Sansan, you make me very embarrassed." Having "raised" Tu Shan Sansan for a while, Lu Zhiwei clearly knew her weakness, so he licked a few After that, I saw Tu Shan Sansan limp on the sofa like a puddle of water.

"You're shameless." Tu Shan Sansan's accusation didn't have any strength, but because of the soft eyes like water waves, it looked like flirting.

These three words were not painful to Lu Zhiwei, she looked down at Tu Shan Sansan, and said something inexplicable: "Do you beast stars also have the bad habit of urging marriage?"

Tu Shan Sansan: "Ah? Our Fox Clan doesn't have one. When we reach the age, we will directly assign a spouse."

Lu Zhiwei's eyes darkened, and she whispered, "What about you?"

Tu Shansan didn't pay attention to the change of Lu Zhiwei's expression, she suddenly felt a little frustrated: "I haven't returned to the tribe for a long time." She drooped her head for a while, and then followed Lu Zhiwei's question, "Maybe Fiancé, maybe not. Maybe the patriarch has forgotten me."

Lu Zhi smiled: "Your tribe is very labor-saving."

"Yes." Tu Shan Sansan also sighed, "When you see foxes in the future, don't touch them, many of them have owners."

Lu Zhiwei blinked: "But I'm worried that habits will be hard to change."

Tu Shan Sansan: "Then what should I do?"

Lu Zhiwei was persuasive: "You want to help me get rid of this habit, aren't you?"

Tu Shan Sansan's mind was muddled, and he didn't want to understand the relationship between this matter and himself, but nodded indiscriminately under Lu Zhiwei's deep gaze.

Seeing this, Lu Zhiwei raised his eyebrows, and the smile in his eyes became more obvious: "Then from now on, you can change back. In Shanhaixing, there is no media that you hate."

Tu Shan Sansan: "..."

She is so silly.

In the next few days, a three-tailed fox was missing from the mountains and seas.

It's just that Ning Buyi, who is the owner of the planet, didn't notice this subtle change at all. She was obviously more curious about Lu Zhiwei than Tu Shan Sansan.

Looking at Lu Zhiwei who was wandering around the base with Tu Shan Sansan, Ning Buyi's eyes were subtle: "The Lu family has also invested a lot, I thought she would at least go to the experimental base to take a look."

"After all, she is a fool." Hua Zhuoyu sneered, seeing that Ning Buyi's eyes were still full of confusion, and said, "For her, teaching the little fox to read is more important."

Ning Buyi was puzzled and asked, "Didn't Sansan graduate a long time ago?" The biographies of the residents of Shanhaixing are all recorded in the Shanhai Tuji.

Hua Zhuoyu said slowly: "Some things can only be learned after you are an adult."

Ning Buyi shook his head and didn't care anymore.

Jian'an star.

As a construction star with a good rating, it is only in terms of "dark pollution". The lack of resources makes this place an abandoned place, surrounded by barrenness, and there are very few standing cities. Kerrimore of the Zerg led the Zerg elite to occupy those isolated cities, and then began to build war fortresses on all sides. Building materials are not easy for him to get, but his allies the Orcs and Star Thieves can.

In a fortress shaped like a starship.

Ke Limo supported his head with one hand, and a cold beam of light shone in his eyes. In his office, only lieutenant Horam stood quietly with his hands down.

The news that Daxia's army was marching to Jian'an Star was not worth worrying for Ke Limo. At this time, he was worried about the Zerg. More and more officers and soldiers have come to seek refuge with him since "fleeing" from the insect star, but the queen has never made any movement. Maybe the queen really lost control of the entire Zerg group, but what if it wasn't? Then all his efforts will be in vain.

"Is there no news about the queen yet?" Cole Limo turned to his lieutenant general, and the queen he said meant the betrayal wing Chrissy. It's not that he is so loyal, but under such circumstances, Chris is the only one who can compete with the pure white queen of Wormstar. As long as she re-establishes a spiritual link with the entire Clan, she will sit on the throne safely.

"No," Horam replied. He is no less afraid of the White Queen than Kerlymore, after all, he is also one of the tortured people. However, his opinion was different from that of Kerrimore. He believed that the White Queen had completely lost control, otherwise why didn't he send Zerg soldiers to intercept them? It can't even keep the hearts of Zerg soldiers. Seeing that the boss frowned, Horam said again, "The Boller is the Zerg's number one warship. The Zerg who lost the Boller is like a broken arm. If the White Queen has the ability to intercept us, will she let it go? "

"You haven't experienced that court change." Ke Limo said, just remembering that incident, his face turned pale. In that coup, the loyal soldiers of the White Queen were almost slaughtered, and those royal families were also mercilessly beheaded, with blood flowing like rivers. He survived because he was as much a traitor as Betrayal Wing was. He once suggested that the Queen behead all the rumored "Lord of the End", but was rejected by the Queen.

That **** sisterhood made it what it is.

"She re-ascended the throne, and she is taking revenge on the subjects who betrayed her." Kelimore said firmly.

Horam didn't think so, he curled his lips and said, "No matter what, she can't reach this planet. Our Zerg soldiers are doing tests every day, and the spiritual link with the Queen is indeed broken. It never recovered. The soldiers were agitated and bewildered, and we needed war to vent that emotion, and nothing else to think about.”

Kelimore paused for a moment before saying in a deep voice, "Perhaps you are right."

"I heard that Daxia has developed a special medicine against dark pollution." Horam changed the subject suddenly.

"There are cheers everywhere on the star network. But you also know that what they are best at is exaggerating the facts." Kerrimore sneered disdainfully.

"No, this time the news didn't come from Starnet." Horam's eyes flashed, and he lowered his voice, "It came from the Daxia government. And there is another news, the planet owner of Shanhaixing did not agree with Daxia The government stationed troops on the planet, which means that their strength may be worse than that of Jian'an Star. There are wonderful plants growing there!" At the end of the talk, Horam's expression became intoxicated.

"But I heard that the Devil Phantom Star Thief Group tried to attack Shanhaixing, but was wiped out." This news was obtained by Ke Limo from the heads of other star thief groups.

"Unfortunately, they ran into the guns of the Alliance of Civilizations. After breaking away from mind control, those fools are like pieces of tender tofu, completely vulnerable." Horam snorted, and said, "But we It is not possible to enter the mountain sea star through the orbit openly, it is best to enter by wormhole jumping."

"No." Kelimore denied without thinking, "The energy accumulated by the Bollworm cannot be used here."

Horam smiled and said, "It's not the Bollworm, don't we have allies?"

A few days ago, the rebels and exiles of Beast Star arrived at Jian'an Star.

Although they are not many in number, they have extremely powerful bloodline talents. Especially Xing Shan from the Shining Star Silver Wing Butterfly Tribe, he has the talent of "space jumping", and because of this, he was able to escape from the hands of the Ten Thousand Beasts Alliance.

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