MTL - Inheriting a Desolate Star-Chapter 59 059

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The appearance of Xiezhi did not cause much disturbance in the base.

However, compared with Bai Ze and Nine-Tailed Fox, Haechi, who is not too soft and cute, is not very popular, but Haechi himself doesn't care. Every day, he parades around the base in a noble and glamorous style, like the king here.

Ning Buyi adhered to the usual stocking policy and didn't take much care of Xie Zhi. It's just that the "trouble" after the easter egg is still hanging in my heart. She waited patiently for a while, but there was no movement in the Mountain and Sea Illustrated Book, as if Xiezhi was just an easter egg. Ning Buyi was somewhat suspicious, but the golden oak seed finally germinated, which completely diverted her attention.

Petri dish.

The green shoots swayed slightly, emitting a golden halo from time to time. The realm formed by the legendary "Seed of Life" can block dark pollution, and at that time, it may be used to go to the forbidden zone of mythology and solve the pollution from the "Divine Court" in one fell swoop. But now the golden seeds have just germinated, and the thumb-sized light spot can't protect people at all.

The plants of Shanhaixing absorb dark pollution, and the dark pollution reserves can be used to buy seeds, but there is a limit after all. "Insufficient manpower" is not a problem she needs to worry about, but the scarcity of seeds is the big problem. Why can't the Mountain and Sea Illustrated Book open the seeds for sale in advance? Wouldn't it be good to let the entire interstellar be immersed in the joy of plant recovery?

It may be that Ning Buyi's desire to complain is too strong, and most of the time he responded in the sleeping Mountain and Sea Illustrated Book.

[Not enough energy. 】

Ning Buyi looked at the numerical panel that appeared in front of him, and was speechless for a while.

After reassuring herself that the germination of the golden seeds was a good sign, Ning Buyi forgot the cheating mountain and sea illustration book, and her attention returned to the base and Aurora City. After the members of the Germinal Expedition officially immigrated to Shanhaixing, Ning Buyi unlocked the "pharmaceutical factory" and "laboratory" in Aurora City as promised, and provided them with sufficient materials and funds for their research. However, this is not something that can be effective in a short time. Ning Buyi didn't intend to be demanding, but Mei Ping and the others still exerted 100% of their scientific research spirit, researching without sleep and food, trying to produce gratifying results in the shortest possible time.


The scorching hot sun hangs above the sky, but the blazing light is constantly reduced when passing through the protective shield, gradually transforming into the most suitable temperature for the human body. In the royal capital, the speeding car was speeding on the track in mid-air, bringing a lot of buzzing sounds. People in twos and threes walked side by side on the road below. They were used to the boring steel city.

In a club with the "Extreme" sign, Allen danced and talked about traveling to the mountains and sea stars. When he entered the field and was ambushed by star thieves, he bragged about his bravery and fearlessness, and even after exaggerating, he became a hero who repelled the star thieves with one shot. The people in the club have known Alan for a long time, and they also know the truth of what he said, but when they heard him describe it like that, they immediately felt yearning and wished to go there in person.

"But I don't think Shanhaixing will allow the inspection team to enter again." Alan suddenly changed the subject.


"Just because of that researcher, haven't you read the news on Starnet? It's too embarrassing for Daxia." A young man with yellow hair sneered and turned to Allen again, "You saw the planet Lord?"

"No." Allen shook his head, and he said with joy, "What's so interesting about the planet master? Let's come and see the demeanor of fishing!" He called up the recorded image and projected it on the display screen in front of him for playback .

"Is it referring to your demeanor that was almost pulled into the pond by fish?" Lu Zhijin teased.

Allen glared at Lu Zhijin, and said dissatisfiedly: "Don't tear down the stage, okay?" There was a burst of laughter in the club immediately.

"Isn't the planet owner from the Ning family? He should have a good relationship with the supervisor, right?" Another person who didn't wink said.

Allen was not angry, but just glanced at him calmly, and said with a smile: "I don't know about that. But I remember that the Lord of the Mountain and Sea Planet sued the Ning family to the interstellar court before, and there was a lot of trouble."

"It's not the Ning family, it's Ning Jun and Ning Yunjing." The man explained seriously.

"Aren't they all the same?" Allen shrugged.

"Although I haven't seen the planet lord, I think she's not bad. Although a few researchers acted sneakily, it didn't affect others. The lord also gave them permission to pick herbs." Lu Zhijin spoke suddenly.

"To the Xiazheng investigation team? Herbs? Those things that are extinct?"

"It's the researchers." Lu Zhijin responded casually. She had no intention of continuing to talk, so she smiled and kicked Allen: "Why don't you play the video?"

Seeing that Lu Zhijin, Ai Lun and the others were all focused on having fun, a look of disdain flashed across the man's eyes. He pursed his lips, did not continue to ask, but also "melted" into this group of dudes.

After more than half an hour of turmoil, the people who gathered together dispersed one after another. Allen also said that he was tired, and lazily nestled in the chair.

"That guy is finally gone." Lu Zhijin raised his eyebrows. The "that guy" in her mouth is a frequent visitor in the club, and the relationship with them is acceptable on the surface, not "close". After they returned to Uranus, they kept chasing after those who asked this and that. I am especially concerned about the relationship between the supervisor and the planet master.

"The tourist park obviously doesn't have permission for Xia Zheng's inspection team. Are you misleading?" Susan hugged Lu Zhijin's arm, blinking and smiling slyly.

Lu Zhijin let out a "huh" before he said uncertainly, "It doesn't count, does it? I just said the researcher."

After the man left the extreme club, he hurried to a remote alley. People in the club were either rich or expensive, and the things they usually talked about had certain value, and he sometimes made a fortune by selling gossip. This time, someone else paid him to find out about the relationship between Zhengsi and Shan Haixing.

"There are medicinal herbs in Shanhaixing. They are not sold on the Starlight, but are provided to Xiazheng Research Base for experiments and research on special medicines." He summarized the news he heard in the club into one sentence, and said some irrelevant things. He walked out of the alley with a smile on his face because of the urgent matter.

The cooperation between Shanhaixing and the research base affiliated to Jianzhengsi to produce special drugs against dark pollution was soon brought to the table of the imperial prince Xia Tu.

At this moment, Songlan Apartment.

Lu Zhiwei crossed her legs and sat on the sofa with the three-tailed fox doll in her arms. Hua Zhuoyu's figure was projected in front of her eyes.

"I need Shanhaixing's pass." Lu Zhiwei said unhurriedly. She has a fair face, a gentle expression, and looks full of gentleness and bookishness.

"What are you here for?" Hua Zhuoyu gave her a disgusted look, and said bluntly, "It's enough that the money is in place, and I will let you know if there is any result."

Lu Zhiwei squinted his eyes, and his smile became more gentle: "I don't believe you."

Hua Zhuoyu didn't intend to accept the trick at all: "That's fine. I'll go directly to Grandpa Lu."

Lu Zhiwei: " are still so shameless."

Hua Zhuoyu smirked: "Thank you for the compliment."

Lu Zhi stroked his forehead slightly, and when he raised his eyes again, his tone became more sincere: "I just want to see my little fox."

Hua Zhuoyu: "Don't you just hold one in your hand?" Seeing that Lu Zhi frowned slightly, Hua Zhuoyu sighed again, "I'm afraid that you will be assassinated as soon as you leave Wang Xing. Now they are speculating about Shan Haixing and Supervisor Zhengsi. relationship, your appearance will make him fall into deeper doubts."

"Isn't this a good thing?" Lu Zhiwei let go of the three-tailed fox doll, she stood up, folded her arms around her chest, her eyes were at the same level as Hua Zhuoyu's, "I'm willing to take this risk."

Hua Zhuoyu shook his head and vetoed: "The old man will not agree."

"Don't let him know."

"This is impossible."

"Then I will convince the old man myself."

Hua Zhuoyu was defeated in the end, she saw persistence and stubbornness in Lu Zhiwei's eyes, and she might not be able to dispel her thoughts. She took a step back and asked, "Do you want to tell Ying Jingqiu?"

"Of course." Lu Zhiwei nodded and smiled, "This is a free bodyguard."

Although the trip to Shanhaixing was decided, Lu Zhiwei did not leave immediately, but was waiting for an opportunity.

In mid-August, Xia Tu dealt with several officials affiliated to the Supervisory Division who were connected with the "Devil Phantom Star Thief Group" in a thunderous manner. Given the solid evidence, even the supervisor could not keep them. When the news spread, Xia Tu's prestige among the people rose again, almost reaching a peak. In this regard, Xia Tu's actions are a new round of capture, trying to attack the influence of the supervisory department as much as possible.

But at this moment.

A complete roster appeared out of nowhere and was widely circulated on the star network. The list bears the logo of "Demon Phantom Star Bandit". The accounts, events, and time of the exchanges are all clearly recorded... When netizens checked the "fallen" officials, they found that all signs matched the government announcements.

—Thinking carefully, I’m terrified, is this the official list?

—I read this list only to know that the Dakoli family was bloodbathed by Star Pirates ten years ago. It was not accidental.

—If this list is true, will everyone on it be arrested? This involves a bit broad ah? It seems that it is just a small shrimp now, and it will be a big shock in a few days.

—Is there someone from the prince family? Will he be fair?

—I am a fan of the prince! I believe His Royal Highness will deal with it fairly.

—How did this list come about?

By the time Xia Tu got the news, the list had already spread so widely that there was no way to suppress the news on the Internet.

Xia Tu's first thought was Xingting, and he almost wanted to contact Hua Zhuoyu to find out. But he didn't know why Xingting had any reason to harm him. After all, Xingting was aloof from the world and would not be involved in any disturbances. Xia Tu hastily called an emergency meeting, and after several hours of deliberation, an announcement was finally made on the official government website, concluding that the roster was fake.

In the princess mansion.

Xia Sang has been paying attention to the news on Xingwang. When she saw the announcement, she laughed happily. Instead of asking the League of Civilizations to respond, she allowed the online discussion of the government announcement to heat up. After all, the "government" represents credibility. When most people saw the news, they put their hearts back in their stomachs and turned to scold those who spread the "false roster".

—I just said how could all the staff be evil, if this is the case, then the government is too bad.

—True and fake mouth.

—Why didn't the person who spread the news in the first place respond?

—Is it really fake? There is also the anti-counterfeiting logo of the Star Thief Group on it, and some events and times are completely consistent.

It was not until the second day that the Alliance of Civilization's Xingwei account released a new message. It didn't deliberately mention the "roster", but listed the spoils of the Scythe Star and the Demon Phantom Star Pirates, one of which was judged to be a fake "roster" by the imperial government.

—? ? ?

-I'm confused.

— So the roster is real? So what is the government going to do?

—@监正司, @星百法庭, @星庭, what do you guys think?

The Civilization Alliance, a non-governmental organization, is very prestigious in Daxia, especially in the hearts of the "migrated" star people. After all, even the consuls gave up on them back then, but the Alliance of Civilizations has never left them. Without the support of the Alliance of Civilizations, they might not be able to settle in their new home.

The rhetoric of the government and the Alliance of Civilizations is diametrically opposed, which caused two groups of people on the Internet to quarrel fiercely. The government is still trying to find a way, but there is no response. The Alliance of Civilizations immediately posted a second post, without any text, but a badge of the leader of the Demon Phantom Star Pirates.

Although the Alliance of Civilizations had fought against the Star Thieves, the final elimination of the Star Thieves had nothing to do with them. This leader badge was given to them by Hua Zhuoyu.

As soon as this news came out, the entire star network became even more heated.

— So we guessed wrong earlier? It wasn't the government at all that wiped out the pirates, it was the Alliance of Civilizations.

—The government did not admit it before.

—So the list given by the Alliance of Civilizations is actually true.

In the prince's mansion, Xia Tu who saw the news almost lost his breath. He pressed his heart with one hand, pressed the other hand on the table and panted heavily, his forehead was dripping with cold sweat. Before that, he never took the "Alliance of Civilizations" seriously. How dare a non-governmental organization oppose the government? Who is behind it? Supervisor? military? Or other forces? Xia Tu hadn't regained his composure when he received an order from His Majesty the Emperor. With a pale face, he entered the palace to pay his respects to His Majesty the Emperor. Unsurprisingly, he was scolded by the Emperor. His Majesty the Emperor's voice was stern, and there was undisguised disappointment in his eyes. Xia Tu tried to argue for himself, but he opened his mouth, and he found that he couldn't say a word, but listened to the emperor's reprimand with a pale face and lowered eyebrows.

When leaving the palace, Xia Tu passed by Xia Tai who had entered the palace, his eyes suddenly became cold and cruel.

"Is it you? Is it the supervisor?" Xia Tu gritted his teeth.

Xia Tai pretended to be surprised: "What are you talking about?"

Xia Tu wished he could punch Xia Tai's contrived face that made him sick, but it was a pity that he was in the deep palace at the moment. A murderous intent flashed across his eyes, and he sneered and strode away. Xia Tai glanced at Xia Tu indifferently, but didn't see his hatred in his heart. If the emperor hadn't summoned him, he wouldn't have gone out at all.

There's been a lot of talk about "rosters."

The prestige of Xia Tu and the government has fallen to the bottom. Of course, there are still people who expect Xia Tu to arrest those "criminals" vigorously again, but with such a wide range of involvement, how dare Xia Tu do it? Growing up in the royal family, he knows very well that "when the water is clear, there will be no fish". The so-called "punishing **** and eliminating evil" is most of the time a sharp weapon used to defeat political opponents.

Ning Buyi, who is far away in the mountains and sea stars, is watching a joke.

She is happy to see Xia Tu, who is known as the light and the wind and the moon, become notorious.

Ning Buyi turned to Hua Zhuoyu and asked, "When will he step down?"

Hua Zhuoyu smiled slightly: "Hurry up, wait for him to take that irreversible step."

Ning Buyi: "What if I don't leave?"

Hua Zhuoyu: "I can't stop, even if I know I made a mistake, I can only make a mistake to the end."

While Ning Buyi was gloating over Xia Tu's incident, she suddenly received a piece of news from Beast Star—Xiao Fengjiu had disappeared.

The establishment of the Beast Star and Mountain Sea Star Free Trade Market has calmed the hearts of many militants, and some tribes that are surging with fighting spirit have finally calmed down. But this does not mean that everyone on the Beast Planet is willing to do so. Those extremists who tried to provoke a war couldn't help it, and made trouble on an asteroid belonging to the Beast Race. It is precisely because of this that Fengyi, as the crown prince, needs to go to the asteroid to quell the rebellion. In two months, those extremists were either captured or escaped, and the asteroid returned to peace. But at this moment, a traitor appeared in the Fengjiu clan, who took Xiaofengjiu hostage and fled.

Xiao Fengjiu may have had a bit of bad luck. Where can I find the huge greedy wolf galaxy?

After listening to Feng Yi's description, Ning Buyi frowned, with deep worry hidden in her eyes.

"Sister, she has been baptized and can master her own abilities." Feng Yi's brows and eyes were full of tiredness. Her mental strength was consumed a lot in the rebellion of the beast star. After taking a deep breath, she said quickly, "The supernatural power of her awakened bloodline is space jumping. It was precisely because of this that she entered Shanhaixing from Tanmenxing. She carved the coordinates of Shanhaixing. There is an 80% chance that she will come here when she escapes. Please pay attention to it."

Ning Buyi seriously replied: "I will." After all, she has raised feelings for Furry for a while. It is inconvenient for her to leave Shanhaixing at the moment, but if Xiaofengjiu lands in Shanhaixing, she will definitely try to find her.

After the communication with Fengyi was cut off, she turned to Hua Zhuoyu and said, "Great Xia's infighting, Zerg chaos, beast star rebellion... The three major civilizations seem to be in a state of disorder. Did the past civilizations disappear like this?"

Hua Zhuoyu said slowly: "That was in the past, it doesn't have to be like this now."

"hope so."

Although sitting on a whole planet, how vast are the mountains and sea stars? What is said on weekdays is only equivalent to the "land of a country" in the past. I hope Xiaofengjiu's "positioning" is more precise, just like in the past, she fell into a certain bush.

Three hundred kilometers west of the base.

A dark blue spaceship appeared quietly, but its shell was flashing with lightning, and black smoke was emitting from it.

At the moment when the spaceship exploded, three distressed figures leaped out of the spaceship, flying hundreds of meters in the blink of an eye. The explosion made a huge roar, and the air wave set off dust all over the sky. One of the men in a yellow shirt with dark eyes pulled Xiao Fengjiu down, who was pulling his hair tightly.

"Feng Wangba, your young master's abilities are so evil, why didn't you say it earlier? Now that we've arrived on this stupid planet, and the spaceship has been blown up, what should we do? Wait to die?"

"Fuck, those **** are really useless. If I knew they would fail, I would never attack this hostage."

"This planet is a barren star, and the concentration of dark pollution is not low."

"Look for a base where there is no civilization." The man in the yellow shirt said, paused, then lifted Xiaofengjiu up again, and said angrily, "Where is this place? Can you take us away?" Since the bloodline supernatural power There is a way to move them here, and there is also a way to leave if you think about it. There is no other way but to pin their hopes on this cub.

Xiao Fengjiu was dizzy from being shaken, and pecked fiercely at the rough palm of the man. But her strength was still not as strong as that of an adult, and she couldn't struggle out despite all her efforts.

in the base.

Ning Buyi suddenly had some senses, and then Beidou scanned the area to the west that was not covered by the protective shield, and there were several breaths of life.

Thinking of Feng Yi's entrustment, Ning Buyi's eyes froze suddenly. Just as she was leaving the room door, Xie Zhi, who was patrolling in the base, also ran towards her, uttering hasty cries.

"It's Xiaofeng Chirp?" Hua Zhuoyu also ran out after receiving Ning Buyi's news.

Ning Buyi said in a deep voice: "It is very likely that it is her." If they flew into Shanhaixing along the interstellar orbit, Beidou would recognize the signal before they entered. But now the traces of life appeared suddenly, indicating that it was a kind of supernatural power or supernatural power of blood, and Xiaofengjiu happened to have such a talent. There are more than one signs of life, which are different from beasts with strong dark pollution. They can only be traitors among the beast clan.

"It's dangerous!" Ning Buyi's eyes were serious, he was worried about Xiaofengjiu, but also annoyed and hated the rebels.

Is the appearance of Xiezhi actually a sign of the chaos of the beast star?

At the moment when Ning Buyi and Hua Zhuoyu acted, the traitors were also trudging in the desert without seeing the edge.

Since they pinned their hope of leaving on Xiaofengjiu, they did not give up looking for cities and bases.

The human body is not as convenient as the original form of the beast race, so what appeared on the ground was a weasel shaped like a cow, a four-legged snake as long as a giant python, and a phoenix with a somewhat bare tail. At this moment, Xiao Fengjiu was standing on Fengjiu's back with fluttering wings, scratching his back and shouting loudly: "Can't bald chickens fly?

"Feng Wangba, haven't you eaten?"

There is no sense of becoming a prisoner at all.

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