MTL - Infinite Clone: ​​I Am Invincible In Devouring Starry Sky-Chapter 301 Tianweihou's inheritance is too difficult, I choose to lie flat

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The "cosmic boat" now has a super-inherited event, as if it has grown wings, and it spreads across the entire universe in an instant.

Almost all the forces are known.

I also heard that the selection was cruel.

More than 20,000 strong people were killed just by selecting qualifications.

Because of flesh and blood life.

Zhen Zixu was so arrogant and reasonable.

Weihou's inheritance is only a life of flesh and blood, let me tell you earlier!

He just said it again.

But choose the qualifications, and kill all the non-blood and flesh lives that meet the inheritance.

The non-flesh life and special life in the universe sea are extremely indignant.

Seeing that the super inheritance has no chance.

class group.

The creator of the Great Ax of Chaos City Lord also discussed things.

The flesh and blood life of the clan is eligible for inheritance.

The second selection is fierce.

Zhen Zixu only needs one successor, and all those who fail the assessment will be killed.

The creator of the Great Axe, the Lord of Chaos, specifically consulted Lu Bu.

Lu Bu's opinion.

It is recommended that the creator of the great axe, the Chaos City Lord, accept the inheritance.

After all, if the two fall, the general family will bear the burden.

The other master of the universe, the Venerable Universe, chooses on his own.

Think about it carefully.

If you choose to accept the inheritance, you have to accept the tragic consequences.

The owner of Chaos City, the creator of the giant axe, discussed it and thought what Lu Bu said made sense.

Although Zhen Zixu's inheritance is very important.


In the third cosmic epoch, the original universe is still countless epochs away from being destroyed once.

In other words, there is a strong and sufficient time to practice in the original universe.

It doesn't have to be as crazy as those strong men who are about to end in the first cycle of the universe.

The Lord of Chaos and the creator of the Great Ax decided to join in the fun.

As for the other master of the universe, the Venerable Universe.

Pros and cons will be analyzed for it.

As for the final choice, that is your own decision.

The clan is in a hurry.

The strong like to take risks, and the strong like to be safe.

In the end, a small number of strong people flew to the "space boat".

As for the point, Lu Ge took care of it.

It's all your own choice.

Even his avatar will be partly lost.

Where can I manage it.

At the same time, other forces in the universe sea are also taking action intensively.

A storm is more scary than imagined.

Especially in the first reincarnation of the universe, the limit is approaching.

A group of powerful beings who only belonged to flesh and blood went to the "cosmic boat" one after another.

Wealth and wealth are in danger.

Similarly, the Purple Moon Holy Land and the East Emperor Holy Land also caused an uproar.

The Holy Land of the Eastern Emperor.

A large piece of suspension landed on the ground, qualified to step on land.

The lowest level of cultivation is also a mortal god.

Almost all the immortal gods, the Venerable Universe, the Overlord of the Universe, the Lord of the Universe, and the strongest of the universe gathered in the Holy Land of the Eastern Emperor.

At the core of the floating land, a huge green tree.

This green tree is like the world tree planned by Lu Gedang.

As high as 100 billion kilometers, the majestic canopy covers the entire continent.

Therefore, there are many immortal gods, lords of the universe, lords of the universe, and the most powerful of the universe.

They all surrounded the tree, with fanatic eyes.

The tree is exuding colorful light.

Known by many powerful people.

Whenever a tree emits colorful divine light, it is the time when the will of the ancestor of the Holy Land of the Eastern Emperor descends.

In the sea of ​​the universe, the Holy Land of the East Emperor, although the Holy Land of Ziyue is also known as the two Holy Lands.

But the East Emperor Holy Land is much earlier than the Ziyue Holy Land.

The ancestor of the Holy Land of the Eastern Emperor is even more mysterious~

Most of the powerhouses in the Holy Land of the Eastern Emperor have never seen the ancestor of the Holy Land of the Eastern Emperor.

The most powerful man in the universe who has lived for endless years, burst into tears with excitement: "I saw the ancestor for the first time, and after about one hundred and twenty reincarnations, I can finally see the ancestor again."

Finally, the eyes of countless strong men looking forward to it.

A figure radiating thousands of lights emerged from a tree.

The whole body exudes vigorous vitality.

The moment it appeared, a green light shrouded the surroundings.

Within the area covered by the green light, countless powerhouses felt refreshed, and even their own cultivation bases improved significantly.

Some powerful people with damaged bodies also noticed that their bodies recovered quickly.

He was extremely excited and shouted enthusiastically: "Welcome to the ancestor!"

The ancestor of the Eastern Emperor overlooked the strong man in the Holy Land of the Eastern Emperor.

He said directly: "I heard that the "Cosmic Boat", one of the three jedi in the universe, has just discovered a strong inheritance?"

Several universe powerhouses hurriedly replied respectfully: "That strong man claims to be Weihou Zhenzixu, the captain of the "cosmic boat", and is very powerful."

The ancestor of the Eastern Emperor was confirmed, and his tone was a little excited: "Weihou's inheritance has actually fallen into the universe, and the opportunity of the Holy Land of the Eastern Emperor is absolutely wrong."

"Order, and wait as soon as possible to select the 30 universe masters with the highest potential, 300 universe venerables, and 3,000 mortals, and immediately rush to the "cosmic boat" to accept the inheritance."

The ancestor of the Eastern Emperor swept the audience.

"Knowing that the inheritance is full of dangers, and the inheritance can fall, you are afraid?"

The strong man in the Holy Land of Suodong Emperor respectfully replied: "Wish to go!"

The ancestor of the East Emperor said with satisfaction: "Okay, I hope you can bring surprises, I really need a copy of the inheritance, help me get it back!"


The countless powerhouses in the Holy Land of the Eastern Emperor were inexplicably excited.

Because of the protection of the Holy Land, it can be freed from unlimited threats.

As a citizen of the Holy Land of the East Emperor, it is an honor to finally have the opportunity to do things for the ancestors.

Countless powerhouses scrambled to be the first, and they also won the places to go to the "space boat".

The two cosmic powerhouses in the Holy Land of the East Emperor quickly selected the candidate with the best potential, and flew through the sky on a palace-like treasure, heading straight for the "cosmic boat".

"In any case, we must regain the inheritance for the ancestor."

The same thing happened more and more in Ziyue Holy Land.

The ancestor of Ziyue Holy Land also sent thousands of powerful people with good potential and high comprehension to the "cosmic boat".

All forces in the universe are equally crazy.

They sent their own teams to the "cosmic boat" to accept the inheritance.

Now that the inheritance has just begun, it is still unknown who will get it.

Inside the waiting "cosmic boat", the palace to receive inheritance.

Lu Ge and others have already started the second round of selection.

Second round of selection.

Let them enter a channel respectively, and fight with strange beasts that they have never seen before.

A fearful beast that can continuously change according to its strength.

Strong and scary.

Lu Ge felt the deepest, and his avatars were at all levels from the king-level to the master of the universe.

The strength of the alien beasts encountered by each clone is the same.

The stronger the strength, the more afraid you will encounter.

The avatar of Lu Ge's master of the universe has the combat power of the seventh-order master of the universe.

It was also extremely difficult to fight, and it was hard to defeat the strange beast.

Pass a level.

It is not as easy to find a clone at the master level of the universe, but not as easy as a clone at the king level.

Fortunately, after a pass, all the avatars passed.

The strong ones are not so lucky.

Lu Ge was able to master it, relying on his unparalleled combat experience, the fusion of many secret methods, and his superb skills.

Among them, the strong have no ability, and they are usually ravaged.

Only one-third of the ultimatum passers.

Two-thirds of the powerhouses fell directly.

It is also cruel to make the remaining strong people feel cold all over.

Opening the bow without turning back the arrow, has already embarked on the road of inheritance, and returned.

Apart from successfully passing the assessment and inheriting the inheritance, there is no other choice.

Lu Ge's thousands of avatars and the remaining powerhouses all appeared in another palace.

body, a three-dimensional image emerged.

The ever-changing, incomparably complex three-dimensional image.

Zhen Zixu's figure reappeared.

"My hometown, countless families and countries, is a means of selecting inheritors to test the understanding and perseverance of the inheritors. It is the "Rhinoceros Game"."

Many strong men stared at the three-dimensional phantom, pricked up their ears and listened carefully.

For fear of missing the word Zhen Zixu.

Lu Ge's heart skipped a beat.

The hometown of Zhen Zixu, the original "Rhinoceros Bureau", is also a standard for the various forces in the origin land to select inheritors.

No wonder so.

In the memory of Duan Donghe's choice of successors, it was also a "rhinoceros game".

See Yuanyuan Lu's unified assessment standards.

Zhen Zixu also popularized it to many powerful people: "The "Rhinoceros Bureau" was created by a great strongman, the hometown of the Rhinoceros Emperor. The hometown of the real hero of the Rhinoceros is deeply respected. "It has also become a means for various forces to select inheritors."

Many powerful people listened carefully.

Although I know where Zhen Zixu's hometown is.

But the obstacle stands in awe of the complex chess game.

"The "Rhinoceros Game" has a total of 10,081 basic endgames, and each endgame represents a mysterious rule of the universe structure. The process of solving the endgame should also study a kind of mysterious rule structure. The more you solve, the more you represent. The higher the comprehension is, if you solve a certain number of endgames within the specified time, it proves that your comprehension is quite poor and you will be eliminated directly."

With the rumbling sound.

Each inheritor appears in an independent space.

"Let's start now."

"Whoever can solve the 7,000 endgames first within the stipulated time will be eligible to directly obtain Zhen Zixu's inheritance. If he can solve the 7,000 or so endgames, even his hometown is outstanding, even worse than his understanding." High, will achieve far more than."

"Of course, whoever thinks that the group of guys can solve the seven thousand endgames should do their best, and at least meet the most basic requirements. If they do, they would rather kill them all and leave the inheritance to the idiots."

Everyone was shocked again.

Why is Zhen Zixu so capricious.

It also said to select a successor, but now it says that if the minimum requirements are met, all of them will be killed.

How can there be ten deaths and no life.

How many endgames did the world of the lowest inheritor open?

Didn't say anything!

Every strong player on the field felt tremendous pressure.

After all, there is no inheritance, and the thief ship is still afraid?

Unfortunately, since I stayed, there was no way out.

He could only seriously study the three-dimensional phantom beside him.

Of course, many strong people are quite confident in themselves.

To be able to stand out from the crowd and cultivate to the current level of cultivation, which is a one in ten thousand peerless talent.

Both comprehension and potential are improved.

The reaction speed of his consciousness is extremely fast, and countless thoughts can flash in just one second.

However, in comparison, Lu Ge was more sure.

Just two thousand clones are connected with each other.

Not to mention the strong hive mind behind it.

Today's avatars are all over the entire primitive universe, and the hive mind has become unbelievably strong.

Especially the increase in clones at the master level of the universe.

The intensity of consciousness of a master of the universe is equal to hundreds of millions of low-level clones.

Let the hive thinking undergo a qualitative change.

The ability of the hive mind to analyze, judge and process things is not what it used to be.

It's like evolving from an abacus to a supercomputer.

In particular, the three-dimensional "Rhinoceros Bureau" is actually a three-dimensional and extremely complicated secret pattern.

Countless secret patterns are intertwined and superimposed on each other, and it is easy to unravel.

Fortunately, Lu Ge's avatar is also quite impressive in terms of secret patterns.

In particular, Lu Ge noticed the secret patterns on the three-dimensional chess game.

Actually, the independent space obtained by it.

The island, the stone wall, and the incomparably mysterious and complicated secret patterns are somewhat similar.

Even similar to the same purpose.

Is it a coincidence?

Countless powerhouses use their own means.

These strong men with avatars will soon find the most powerful men in the universe who return to the universe.

Request access to one side of the room to adjust the flow rate.

The fastest is to increase the inter-flow rate to 10,000 times.

The independent space of Lu Ge's house can also adjust the flow rate between rooms.

Set the flow rate to about 10,000 times.

Start to study the incomparably complicated three-dimensional chessboard.

Since Zhen Zixu said that he would get the inheritance directly if he only solved the 7000 endgames.

Jean's goal is to solve the seven thousand endgame.

The image of Lu Ge's three-dimensional phantom appears in an independent space.

It has been released countless times.

The many avatars around began to analyze seriously.

Lu Ge discovered that each endgame is composed of countless three-dimensional secret patterns.

Each sexual three-dimensional map is composed of countless types of three-dimensional structure secret patterns.

Each type of three-dimensional secret pattern is made of countless miniature three-dimensional secret patterns.

Each miniature three-dimensional secret pattern is composed of 10081 basic elements.

If any basic element is moved, the whole three-dimensional phantom can undergo huge changes.

It really moves the whole body.

Lu Ge remembered a kind of Rubik's cube game, the most complicated one was like the ninth-order Rubik's cube.

Even the twelfth-order Rubik's Cube follows the rules.

If you find the pattern, it will be extremely difficult to three-dimensional phantom "Rhinoceros Bureau" on Lu Ge's face.

Even a miniature three-dimensional map is hundreds of millions of times more complicated than the twelve-order Rubik's Cube.

One can imagine.

Countless miniature three-dimensional secret patterns, small three-dimensional secret patterns, small three-dimensional secret patterns, how complicated is the "rhinoceros bureau" formed.

To create such a complicated and strong "Rhinoceros Game", the Rhinoceros knows how abnormal it is.


Lu Ge's main consciousness chose to lie flat.

Such a complicated matter is handed over to countless clones of hive thinking.

"I'm tired, I still find my wife to comfort me."

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