MTL - Infinite Clone: ​​I Am Invincible In Devouring Starry Sky-Chapter 300 The greatest inheritance of the spaceship appears

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Since Lu Ge arrived here, it means that this small space belongs to him.

Don't even think about breaking in from the other powerhouses in the Cosmos Sea.

The avatar he arranged can concentrate on comprehending the secret pattern here without distraction.

Thousands of years passed in a flash.

In the millennium, Lu Ge's avatar has only completed an insignificant piece of the secret pattern map on the wall.

If I had to describe it, it would be the size of a fingernail.

But with such a small piece, Lu Ge insisted on creating two sets of secret techniques of the universe's most powerful true gods.

One set of knife skills, one set of body skills.

After all the combat clones are fused together, even if there is no Xeon or Supreme Treasure.

They can also display the combat power of the seventh level.

It has surpassed the highest sixth rank of the Master of the Universe Sea Universe.

Another piece of good news.

It is Lu Ge's avatar in the space of the black-grained stone pillar, in the area of ​​​​8,000 times the speed of time, after thousands of years of training.

The will of all clones successfully broke through the universe to the strongest level.

Lu Ge's strength is even stronger.

Over the years in the Cosmic Sea and the Primordial Universe, he has searched for countless resources and treasures.

There are more avatars of the ninth-order peak of the world master level.

These avatars broke through one after another.

Immortal Venerable Lord of the Universe.

The total number of clones of the Lord of the Universe exploring in the universe sea has exceeded one million.

Although these avatars of Lu Ge act separately, they are inconspicuous in the vast universe.

There are more clones scattered in the three Jedi and other starry sky.

However, in the first reincarnation cosmic era and the second reincarnation cosmic era, all forces in the two holy places still felt the pressure.

Because when they ventured out, they met more new faces.

The cosmic sea has maintained its original state for countless epochs.

Which faction has a new master of the universe will be known by all forces soon.

They will add the information of the Lord of the Universe to the database as quickly as possible.

However, they knew nothing about these strange powerhouses.

I don't even know where they came from.

Something wrong with their information base? Or is something wrong with the universe?

Before figuring it out, all forces in the universe sea became cautious.

Only the Green Bee Organization is still on a drastic expedition.

Humans are not affected.

The other universe masters of the human race don't know what's going on.

The Lord of Chaos and the Creator of the Greataxe knew it.

Who else could those strange powerhouses be?

People from Green Bee Organization!

I don't know where the Green Bee Organization got so many strong people.

Also benefiting is the Zerg Queen.

Laodu really fulfilled its promise, with the Zerg Queen fully cooperating and becoming a subsidiary of the Green Hornet Organization.

The Zerg Queen is granted the protection of adventurers from the Green Hornet.

Sure enough, as long as she has a member of the Green Hornet organization by her side when taking risks.

Regardless of the first reincarnation universe or the second reincarnation universe, including the powerhouses of the two holy places.

No one dared to approach her easily, let alone try to trick her.

The Zerg queen's commitment to the poison is not willing, she always thinks about strengthening herself and then getting out of trouble.

But she saw the power of the Cosmos Sea Green Bee Organization.

Completely put out the mind.

The strength of the green bee organization is not doubled or doubled, but crushed.

There are less than twenty masters of the universe in their Zerg race.

There are less than sixty Zerg, Monster, and Machine races in total.

In the universe sea, there are about 400 masters of each family in the first reincarnation universe and the second reincarnation universe.

The two holy places are similar.

The original universe belongs to the third reincarnation cosmic era, plus all the cosmic sea forces.

How many masters of the universe are there in total?

It's less than five thousand.

How many green bee organizations are there?

Thinking of this number, the Zerg Queen shuddered, and she wanted to cry.

In the future, she will be in a hurry with anyone who says that the Zerg rely on sea of ​​insect tactics.

Is Zerg going too far with Green Hornets?

Zerg race, monster race, machine race, and even the various forces in the cosmic sea, anyway, there is absolutely no day to turn around.

If the Zerg want to live more nourished, they have to hold tightly to the thighs of the green bee tissue.

To put it simply, she needs to hug Lao Du's thigh tightly.

She didn't know Lao Du's status in the Green Bee organization, but it seemed that his speech was very effective.

For thousands of years, Dong Zhuo, Dian Wei, Xu Chu, Overlord of Chu, Li Xunhuan, etc., these avatars are still top-level overlords.

If Lu Ge is willing, they can break through the level of the master of the universe at any time.

But he didn't.

One reason is that these avatars of him are all celebrities, and they are well-known in the virtual universe company.

Second, his current will is at the level of the universe's most powerful true god.

The lower the cultivation level and the higher the spiritual will, the more favored it is.

Whether it's recognizing the master, the strongest, or the most powerful treasure, or accepting some super inheritances, they have an advantage.

The master of the giant hammer who has been lurking in the Purple Moon Holy Land for thousands of years is not without harvest.

Because of the incident of the Lord of Deerworms, he received the attention of Ziyue's ancestor.

Even the slightest movement will be noticed.

So he simply behaved honestly, without any behavior beyond the rules.

The Lord of the Hammer is also waiting for an opportunity.

As long as the Ziyue ancestor's attention is diverted, he can take action.

Soon, this opportunity will come.

The reason was that when Lu Ge finally ventured into the core area of ​​the 'space boat', it caused a turmoil.

Recently, Lu Ge used to book out the venue when he took risks.

As long as he has a premonition that a treasure will be born.

It will expel the powerhouses of other forces in this area in advance.

Facing the prestige of the Green Bee Organization, the most powerful man in the universe, True God, had to back down.

Under the premise of Lu Ge's caution, basically nothing went wrong.

But this time it was really out of his control.

In a large palace, Lu Ge just broke through the gate.

Endless energy gathering.

A tall old man with a human appearance and white hair appeared in the void.

Not only in front of Lu Ge.

All adventures in the "cosmic boat", whether it is outer domain or inner domain, and including the core location.

All the adventurers saw that phantom.

Many adventurers talked about it.

"Who is this? It seems to be a human race?"

"There are also ordinary people like this in the Purple Moon Holy Land and the Eastern Emperor Holy Land."

"You can't tell what race it is by its appearance."

The white-haired old man was wearing a blue armor, and he stood in the void with his hands behind his back.

He looked down at all the adventurers.

Although it was just a phantom, it made people feel a huge pressure.

Even the true god, the most powerful person in the universe, dare not look at him.

The white-haired old man finally spoke: "My name is Zhen Zixu, the captain of this battleship, Marquis Wu Tianwei, General Slayer of Demons."

Everyone was shocked when they heard this.

As for the Marquis Wu Tianwei he mentioned, none of the general Tumo had heard of it.

But the captain of the 'space boat'?

It's so magical!

Countless strong men looked up at Zhen Zixu with awe-inspiring eyes.

Zhen Zixu continued: "I don't know how many eras of reincarnation have passed. Now I have already fallen, and I have no regrets in dying for my country. This is the wrong course this time, and it hurts the soldiers on my ship."

"Now that all the soldiers have fallen, it will be my turn soon."

"Most of the soldiers have left inheritance, and the younger generations can find it by themselves. I, Tianweihou, is the founding king of the Wu Kingdom. I can die in battle, but Tianweihou's inheritance cannot be broken. All creatures on the battleship have the opportunity to accept it. I am the inheritance of Tian Weihou."

"But I can only choose one inheritor."

"Those who lose the inheritance will surely die!"

"The creatures on the battleship, I will give you a chance to choose. If you don't accept the inheritance, you can leave now. If you don't leave, you will choose to accept the inheritance test by default."

"Before the real inheritor is selected, all creatures who set foot on the battleship will participate in the inheritance test by default."

"If you don't accept Tianweihou's inheritance, don't get on the boat!"

"I'll give you half a day to think about it. All those who stay on the boat will accept the inheritance."

After hearing these words, all the powerhouses on the entire 'cosmic boat' became crazy.

The legacy left by the captain of this 'spaceship'!

It's incredible.

How powerful must Zhen Zixu be to be able to control such a huge and majestic 'cosmic boat'?

At least stronger than the ancestors of Dongdi Holy Land and Ziyue Holy Land, right?

If he could get the complete inheritance of Marquis Tianwei, he would be prosperous.

Although I don't know where Wu Guo is?

But judging from the time the 'cosmic boat' was here, at least it has been on civilization.

Maybe it will be a powerful country in the ancient civilization.

If he could get the inheritance of Marquis Tianwei, among other things, wouldn't he be able to inherit this 'cosmic boat'?

Marquis Tianwei is dead.

The legacy he left must be incomparably precious.

Of course, this great opportunity also comes with great danger.

Countless inheritors only need one.

The other losers need to all fall, which is too cruel.

Countless strong men have fallen into the battle between heaven and man.

Leave or stay.

Lu Ge, who was standing in front of the palace gate, was in a complicated mood.

He had tried his best to be cautious, but still made such a big commotion.

Tianweihou Zhen Zixu, the captain of this warship.

Finally found him!

He is Duandonghe Wu, the general who followed him.

The other powerhouses in the cosmic sea don't understand what this country of Wu means.

Lu Ge somewhat guessed.

Whether it is the Wu Kingdom or the world of Jin, the fourth Jedi that will appear in the future, they all come from the continent of origin.

Maybe this country of Wu is a more powerful country with ancient civilization in the world of Jin.

So what was Zhen Zixu's cultivation level before he was alive, the **** king or the master of chaos?

No matter what, he will decide on this inheritance.

After a fierce struggle in the first reincarnation of the cosmic era, Dadu chose to stay.

Their deadline is already approaching, if they don't find the opportunity, all of them will perish

Now that such a powerful and complete inheritance is in front of us, if you want to miss it, you will regret it for the rest of your life.

Even if they stay and inherit it, it is a narrow escape, so they have to give it a try.

"This is our only chance, we must seize it, otherwise we will perish when the time comes."

Some powerhouses in the second universe era and the two holy places have to struggle a lot...

Especially the two holy places, they have no limit threat.

As long as you are in the two holy places, you can continue to reincarnate.

If you stay, the chance of death is too great.

"It's better to report the situation here to the ancestors, and ask the ancestors to decide!"

Some strong men on the 'cosmic boat' left, and some strong men came.

Lu Ge is also making arrangements quickly.

As far as he knows, accepting inheritance is not necessarily the stronger the better.

But there is also a restriction that the weakest must be the king-level immortal.

Lu Ge recalled that the original work interrupted Donghe's inheritance.

It seems that the lower the cultivation base, the higher the willpower, the more advantageous it will be.

According to his arrangement.

Twenty clones of the master of the universe, 200 clones of top overlords, and 3,000 clones of immortal kings were left on the 'cosmic boat'.

As long as he can get the inheritance of Zhen Zixu.

Even if there is only one of these clones left in the end, it is definitely worth it.

This is a more powerful inheritance than Duan Donghe.

He has no reason to miss it.

Half a day passed quickly.

Zhen Zixu's figure appeared in the void again.

His gaze swept across the entire 'cosmic boat'.

"There are still 28,500 creatures left on the ship. Now you start the preliminary screening."

Immediately afterwards, countless brilliance rose from the 'cosmic boat', covering all the strong people on the 'cosmic boat'.

As the light flickered, they automatically appeared in the main hall in the core area.

It turned out to be teleported instantly.

Zhen Zixu's voice sounded: "From now on, as long as you step on this battleship, you will be automatically transported to the place of inheritance. You can only leave if you successfully accept the inheritance, otherwise you will die."

All 3,220 clones of Lu Ge were also sent to the hall.

They appeared in this hall with more than 30,000 other strong men at the same time, and it didn't seem crowded at all.

These strong men are still greeting each other.

"Lord of the glazed glass, you also stayed?"

"Lord of the sea, aren't you the same?"

"Haha, those Universe Venerables have the guts to stay, how can I be timid!"

"Anyway, our time limit is approaching. If we go all out this time, if we fail the assessment, we will die early. If we pass the assessment, we will be released!"

"It makes sense!"

While everyone was talking, the entire hall was suddenly covered by a red mist.

The ground and walls of the main hall are covered by countless secret patterns of These secret patterns of laws are so profound and complicated that they cannot be understood at all.

Every strong man was wrapped in a blood-red mist, and soon formed a thick blood cocoon.

The same is true for Lu Ge's avatar.

Lu Ge guessed in his heart that this was the blood test of Zhen Zixu.

I don't know what his selection criteria are.

In short, some races may be unlucky, Tianwei Hou Zhenzixu, no matter how you look at it, it looks like a life of flesh and blood.

It is estimated that the special life in the cosmic sea cannot pass.

But Zhen Zixu didn't say anything about his realization, it's a bit of a trap!

Sure enough, it lasted for more than ten seconds.

The **** mist disappeared, and all the law secret lines on the ground and walls also disappeared.

The vision of many strong men returned to normal, but they found that the palace was quite empty.

Originally, more than 38,000 strong people stayed behind.

But now there are only more than 16,000 left.

Everyone was puzzled and worried.

"Where did the other strong men go?"

Zhen Zixu in the void said coldly: "They do not meet the inheritance requirements, and they have all been eliminated!"

Eliminated means to fall?

Everyone only felt a bone-piercing cold, and more than 20,000 strong men were gone in such a blink of an eye.

It's just that Zhen Zixu's sentence didn't meet the requirements.

Immediately afterwards, many strong men discovered it.

Most of the powerhouses who disappeared were non-flesh life forms.

Some plant life, some rock life, some special life.

In short, all non-flesh and blood life forms are eliminated.

Lu Ge exhaled lightly.

Fortunately, he had the foresight to replace all the avatars with flesh and blood lives.

Zhen Zixu's voice came again: "The preliminary screening is over, congratulations on entering the next level..."