MTL - Infinite Clone: ​​I Am Invincible In Devouring Starry Sky-Chapter 302 I killed 'em all for your fun

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The difficulty of 10081 rounds of "Rhinoceros Game" is increasing.

The further you go to the back, the higher the requirements for comprehension.

Lu Ge just felt dizzy when he saw the densely packed, layered and intertwined small and medium-sized three-dimensional secret patterns.

"It's not that I can't solve it, I'm just lazy..."

Lu Ge left an excuse for himself, and the main consciousness slipped away.

Such a complicated and brain-wrenching work involves hive thinking and many clones' comprehension, so he doesn't mix it in.

Isn't it good to have a good time to enjoy life?

Lu Ge's main consciousness came to an extremely remote and backward planet in the original universe.

The civilization of this planet is still in the martial arts period.

I don't know the existence of human beings in the universe, and I have never been in contact with the starry sky.

The identity of Lu Ge's avatar here is a disciple of the Devil's Cult that everyone shouts and beats.

But this avatar is handsome, so he hooked up Yu Nishang, the holy girl of Weiyang Sect, the leader of the righteous way, the number one beauty in the martial arts world.

They are destined to be tolerated by both good and evil.

The two were chased and killed by both good and evil.

When the main consciousness comes.

This pair of idiotic men and women have been forced to the cliff by both good and evil.

Looking at Yu Nishang, who was covered in blood and still did not flinch, Lu Ge was moved.

"This time my wife is really beautiful."

The evil gangster seduced the most beautiful woman in the martial arts world.

The first beauty was still devoted to him and remained loyal.

TV shows can't do that.

"It's all because I'm so handsome."

Lu Ge was very satisfied.

As the number one beauty in the martial arts world, Yu Nishang's looks are naturally defensible.

It was learned that Yu Nishang was hooked up by a cult disciple.

Countless righteous young heroes were heartbroken.

Even at this moment, they still refuse to give up.

"Yu Nishang, you have nowhere to go, now there is still time to rein in the precipice."

"Yu Nishang, you have been deceived, as long as you wake up, you will still be a martial arts saint respected by everyone!"

"Yu Nishang, turn around!"

Yu Nishang embraced the seriously injured Lu Ge: "Jiang Lang and I are in love with each other and have never harmed others. Why can't you tolerate us?"

"You Hutu, good and evil have been incompatible since ancient times!"

Lu Ge was amused, what a familiar line, what a **** plot.

This small world is still quite interesting.

Live your life here!

The main consciousness has arrived, and he and Yu Nishang are destined to survive.

At the juncture of life and death, the two jumped off the cliff to die in love.

At the bottom of the valley, there are caves, adventures, and peerless martial arts.

Of course, all of this was arranged by Lu Ge.

Lu Ge and Yu Nishang settled down in this outdoor Taoyuan.

Started a shameless life.

Using the sky as a matchmaker and the earth as evidence, the two officially became husband and wife.

After a year of marriage, Yu Nishang became pregnant.

While Lu Ge was happy, he didn't forget to take a look at the progress of the cosmic boat and Tianweihou's inheritance.

In one year, he has solved 126 "rhinoceros game" endgames.

Temporarily ranked first.

The Holy Land of the East Emperor solved 99 "rhinoceros game" endgames, ranking second temporarily.

Ziyue Holy Land solved 95 "rhinoceros game" endgames, temporarily ranking third.

The universe of the first reincarnation and the universe of the second reincarnation are equal, there is a front and a back.

The bottom of the universe in the third cycle.

The reason for being at the bottom is also because the number of people in the third reincarnation universe is too small.

Only Yaozu, Moth-Eating, Prison and other ethnic groups sent some strong men.

The human race basically didn't send anyone.

Lu Ge is satisfied, this progress is good, continue to maintain.

Ten months later, Lu Ge and Yu Nishang's son was born.

Lu Ge named his son Jiang Yunsheng.

Jiang Yunsheng is extremely talented, a rare martial arts prodigy.

When I was sixteen.

Jiang Yunsheng left the valley, ventured into the rivers and lakes, and challenged the good and the evil, and the various sects were unrivaled.

Lu Ge felt at ease with Yu Nishang, staying and flying together, traveling the world.

Thirty years later, Jiang Yunsheng was framed by the combination of good and evil.

Trapped in the Ghost Abyss.

Lu Ge and Yu Nishang fell from the sky.

More than 2,000 masters of the two ways of destroying good and evil rescued his son.

Jiang Yunsheng's reputation was greatly shaken, and he also joined the court as the leader of the martial arts alliance.

The power of the queen is poured into the government and the public, and the python robe is added to the body.

Jiang Yunsheng changed his country name to 'Jiang'.

The "Jiang Kingdom" fought in all directions, destroyed the nine surrounding countries, and unified the world.

Lu Ge was revered as the Supreme Emperor, and Yu Nishang was the Empress Dowager.

One hundred and twenty years later.

Yu Nishang passed away peacefully in Lu Ge's arms.

The whole country is white, and the whole people wear filial piety.

Lu Ge didn't let Yu Nishang live forever, only a beginning and an end is a reincarnation.

Yu Nishang had no regrets in this life and died.

Lu Ge left a space ring for his son and left.

"If you can cultivate to immortality, you can come to find me in the universe."

Take another look at Tianweihou's inheritance assessment.

The fastest clone of him has just solved the 300th "Rhinoceros Game" endgame.

Now the number of powerhouses receiving inheritance exceeds one million.

The first echelon to break the mess is Lu Ge's avatar.

The powerhouses of Ziyue Holy Land and Dongdi Holy Land gritted their teeth.

Where did these guys come from?

How is the comprehension so high!

"It must be removed!"

Unlock another 1000 rounds, before reaching the minimum requirement.

The safety of the inheritors is not protected by Zhen Zixu.

If you want to kill these guys in the first echelon now, they are the first echelon.

Lu Ge had expected all this in advance.

One hundred thousand clones of the master of the universe appeared silently outside the two holy places.

It frightened all the powerful people who entered and exited the two holy places.

Lord of One Hundred Thousand Universes!

Can the masters of the universe in Ziyue Holy Land and Dongdi Holy Land add up to more than one thousand?

The news was sent back to the place of inheritance.

The powerhouses of the two holy places were dumbfounded.

Lu Ge grinned: "I'm sorry, these are people from my Green Bee organization. If you dare to move a hair, I will declare war on the two holy places."

"The Exploitation of the Vegetable Skeleton"

"Unless you hide in the holy place and don't come out forever, come out and kill one, including the strongest in the universe!"

"I just want to accept the assessment properly, don't mess with me!"

Faced with such a situation, the two holy places could only die down.

Otherwise it won't work.

Who dares to provoke the Lord of the Hundred Thousand Universes?

When it was first said that the Green Bee Organization had three thousand universe masters, it was almost rampant.

But this time, 100,000 of them popped up suddenly.

How to play this?

I'm afraid that the combination of all the forces in the universe sea is not enough for the green bee organization.

"Misunderstandings are all misunderstandings."

The two holy places behaved well and tried their best to solve the "rhinoceros situation".

The superpowers of the primordial universe, such as the monster race, the machine race, the zerg race, the prison race, the crystal race, and the Northern Border Alliance, were balanced after seeing this scene.

It's really not our trash!

The big boss who didn't see the universe sea had to bow his head when facing the green bee organization.

It's really that the Green Bee organization is too perverted!

Lu Ge doesn't think he is perverted, he thinks that the hive mind is too perverted.

He recently chose his concubine, that is, when he chose which wife (girlfriend) to spend his life with.

He was surprised to find that the hive mind had arranged hundreds of millions of female clones in the many planets in the original universe.

Is it for ecological balance?

Lu Ge was stunned at the time!

As we all know, he has long stopped personally arranging clones, and they are all arranged by the hive mind.

There have always been records in the hive log, but Lu Ge has not paid attention to it.

With so many female clones, is it necessary to give birth to monkeys for others?

Lu Ge's goosebumps fell all over the ground.

I can't accept it after thinking about it.

When he opened the hive log to check, he was speechless.

These female avatars of his are influenced by his soul after all, most of them have nothing to do with tenderness, they are all unmarried strong women.

Either you are not interested in men, or you have close friends in your boudoir.

Lu Ge touched his nose awkwardly.

"As expected of my doppelgänger, after becoming a woman, I still like women."

"I really don't change my mind."

Lu Ge didn't want to experience the daily life of the female clone.

He chose another domineering and overbearing president for three hundred years.

These three hundred years have been extremely exciting, and when he came back, Lu Ge couldn't get enough of it.

Business hegemony is much more interesting than sitting there and solving the "rhinoceros game".

These three hundred years.

Lu Ge has made a breakthrough in the progress of researching the secret map of the stone wall on the island of the "independent space" of the spaceship.

By the way, he also made a big breakthrough in cracking the "Rhinoceros Game".

Successfully cracked to the 1000th game!

Zhen Zixu suddenly opened his mouth and announced: "Human Wu Song is the first to crack the 1,000th round and meet the minimum inheritance requirements."

"Human Yang Xiong is the second to crack the 1000th round, meeting the minimum inheritance requirements."

The many strong men in the universe sea watched helplessly as more and more people cracked the 1000th game.

Many strong people are anxious.

But only meet the minimum requirements.

It is still very early to get the inheritance.

They still have a chance to catch up.

The forces of all parties are almost crazy, trying every means to increase the cracking speed.

This is their chance to transcend reincarnation.

At the same time, they are unwilling.

"That Wu Song... that Yang Xiong, who is nothing more than the overlord of the universe, is actually ahead of them, what a shame!"

"Speed ​​up, we want to overtake!"

As 1,000 years passed, more and more people met the minimum requirements.

Cultivation is different.

The minimum required standards are also different.

Cosmic Venerable level, only need to crack 1000 rounds.

Master of the universe level, need to crack 1500 rounds.

The most powerful person in the universe (True God) needs to crack 2000 rounds.

In the past thousand years, Lu Ge has continued to expand his advantage.

Wu Song and Yang Xiong have already cracked the 2000th round one after another.

Zhen Zixu continued to announce: "Human Wu Song and Yang Xiong broke through 2000 rounds and broke through the second bottleneck."

"Other inheritors work hard, and the more bottlenecks they break through, the greater the benefits they will get."

"By breaking through the fourth bottleneck at the Cosmic Venerable class, you can directly obtain the inheritance."

"The master of the universe breaks through the fifth bottleneck, and you can get the inheritance."

"The most powerful person in the universe (True God) needs to break through the seventh bottleneck, which is the 7000th game, before he can get the inheritance."

Lu Ge silently calculated in his heart.

"As it is today, wouldn't the avatars of Wu Song and Yang Xiong be able to obtain the inheritance by breaking 4,000 rounds?"

"Of course there is a faster way, which is to break 3,000 rounds with the king-level avatar."

Lu Ge narrowed his eyes slightly, and he did just that.

When everyone's eyes were on Wu Song and Yang Xiong, the top-ranked powerhouses.

Lu Ge's other unknown king-level avatar suddenly exerted force.

Singing and advancing all the way.

In the year 6000, with lightning speed, he successfully broke through the third bottleneck and cracked the 3000th layer of the "Rhinoceros Bureau".

After finishing all this, Lu Ge let out a soft breath.

"Tianweihou's inheritance is finally stable."

Sure enough, at the moment of his breakthrough, countless stars descended.

Countless starlight instantly surrounded Lu Ge.

Immediately afterwards, these starlights converged into a majestic palace, directly surrounding Lu Ge.

All the inheritors were dumbfounded seeing this scene.

This sudden change made them all feel bad.

The powerhouses of Ziyue Holy Land and Dongdi Holy Land couldn't help shrinking back.

"What happened? Damn, who's that guy?"

"It's an unfamiliar face, and I'm afraid it's also organized by Green Bee."

"He didn't appear in the first echelon, what's the situation now."

"He's just an immortal king!"

At this moment, Zhen Zixu finally appeared in the void.

"Human Zhao Zilong, congratulations on breaking through the third bottleneck with your immortal cultivation!"

Zhen Zixu was trembling with excitement, and he looked at Lu Ge with wild eyes.

He said excitedly: "I fell into this cosmic sea, causing the inheritance of Marquis Tianwei to be cut off. I originally thought that Marquis Tianwei would have no successors, but I didn't expect that I would meet you."

"Six thousand years, less than one era, you have been crowned immortal, and you have broken through to the third bottleneck. Your understanding is something I have never seen before!"

"With the immortal cultivation of the king, even if you break the third bottleneck after an era, your understanding is higher than mine."

"I didn't expect it to be six thousand years, it's really great!"

"My Tianweihou has a successor! Haha!"

Zhen Zixu looked extremely excited: "I have already said before that as long as the inheritor appears, all other losers will be wiped out."

"My successor, I killed all these guys to cheer you up!"

Then Zhen Zixu waved his hand.

The millions of powerhouses in the entire inheritance space have not let out a roar of unwillingness.

They have all been killed.

Only one piece of treasure was left floating in mid-air.

Among them, Lu Ge saw at least dozens of Xeons and treasures.

This includes the Purple Moon Holy Land, the Eastern Emperor Holy Land, the First Reincarnation Universe Era, the Second Reincarnation Universe Era, the Primordial Universe, and some clones of Lu Ge.

Killed a million strong in one fell swoop.

Zhen Zixu didn't even bat an eyelid, he didn't care about those guys at all.

He stared at Lu Ge as if he had found a treasure.

He couldn't be happier.

Unexpectedly, this selection made him meet such a peerless genius as Lu Ge.

Zhen Zixu grabbed all the treasures in the Inheritance Palace and handed them to Lu Ge.

"Zhao I see that you seem to be interested in these things, so I gave them all to you!"

"Thank you senior!"

Lu Ge's heart beat wildly, there are always dozens of Xeons and treasures.

Including the first reincarnation of the universe era that he had planned before, the god-lords of the God-eye clan.

Unexpectedly, they were killed by Zhen Zixu together, and all their most powerful treasures were also left here.

Many strong men have avatars.

After the avatar here fell, the spirit of the deity in the holy places of the universe roared crazily.

"It's too cruel, killing so many strong people without saying a word of nonsense."

"Then what is Zhao Zilong's origin? Damn it! How did he break through the third bottleneck so quickly!"

"Kill us to cheer up Zhao Zilong? Zhen Zixu is too inhuman!"

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