MTL - Infinite Clone: ​​I Am Invincible In Devouring Starry Sky-Chapter 299 The legendary eternal god

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Several masters of the universe were shocked and angry. They come from different camps in the cosmic sea, and they are all powerful enough to explore the interior of the spaceship. But as soon as Lu Ge arrived here, he dared to expel them directly. Arrogant, domineering, unreasonable. Lu Ge said indifferently: "I am a member of the Green Bee Organization, if you don't retreat, you are against us, have you considered it?" "The Green Bee Organization?" "That Green Bee organization that is rumored to have thousands of masters of the universe? "Some of the masters of the universe present here are from the first reincarnation universe, and some are from the second reincarnation universe. They didn't dare to provoke Lu Ge easily. They communicate with each other. "No matter how strong the Green Bee organization is, this guy is the only one right now. Why don't we work together to kill him and take the treasure and go." "How do you know he doesn't have a clone? If our information leaks, won't it cause disaster? "The Green Bee organization is too hateful!" "Let's retreat first!" After discussing with several strong men, they decided to avoid the front for the time being. It's not worth it to cause yourself a catastrophe for a treasure. What's more, there are many forces here, and it is not certain who will get the treasure. "Evacuate!" They cast a glance at Lu Ge unwillingly, and evacuated one by one. Lu Ge showed a smile. The name of the Green Bee Organization is still easy to use, and it is also good to use it occasionally to bully others. In the cosmic sea, the first reincarnation cosmic era, the second reincarnation cosmic era, and the two holy places have always been domineering. Many powerhouses in the third reincarnation era of the universe were overwhelmed by them. The arrival of the Green Hornets just turned this situation upside down. None of these multi-party forces are opponents of the Green Bee Organization. Since Lu Ge broke through the Lord of the Universe. The combat power of a single clone has increased dramatically. He already knew that in the universe sea, the strength of the master of the universe is divided into six levels. Just broke through to the master of the universe, the life gene is a hundred times, and the secret method has not been created, this is the first level of the master of the universe. "The life gene of the Lord of the universe has reached a thousand times, and he has also created the ultimate secret method, which is the second level." The third level and the fourth level are all in increments. Breaking through countless epochs of the master of the universe, creating mature secrets, possessing powerful peak treasures, such as the master of the galaxy in the original universe, and the master of the chaotic city can be divided into fifth-order masters of the universe. "On this basis, the master of the universe who possesses the most powerful treasure is the sixth rank! The sixth rank of the master of the universe is also the highest rank of the master of the universe." The most powerful in the universe without the most powerful treasures can be divided into seven levels. Later, according to the strength of consciousness, there is also the mastery of the secret method. The most powerful person in the universe in the universe sea, the highest is the ninth rank. Now Lu Ge's avatar has strong willpower and is a multiple of the perfect life gene, even if it does not have the most powerful treasure. It will also have the combat power of the sixth-order universe master. If Xeon and Supreme Treasure are added, he can display a seventh-level combat power. That is to say, the avatar of the master of the universe who has the most powerful treasure can single out the most powerful person in the universe who does not have the most powerful treasure. Three or more such clones can kill the strongest in the universe. The powerhouses just now are all at the level of the third or fourth-order universe masters. Retiring in time is the wisest choice. In this way, Lu Ge is the only one left in this black swamp. The treasure has already been born for a little while. I guessed wrong, it's not a domain type treasure. It is a peak attack treasure, and its shape seems to be a stick weapon. This is not bad, after all, his best now is the peak top treasure. The birth of the peak treasure is very slow. He left a clone here to guard. He then drives the other avatars to continue his adventures. At this moment, Lu Ge received feedback from the hive mind. One of the adventurous clones entered a huge space. That space isolates the inside and outside, and it is an excellent place for cultivation. Lu Ge's mind moved, and he descended instantly. Sure enough, one of his clones was floating in a huge space. The whole space is not big, and it is unusually quiet inside. In front of him was a huge lake with an island in the middle of the lake. There are many palaces on the island. The styles of these palaces are magnificent, and they are all architectural styles that Lu Ge has never seen before. The water is surging and the island is quiet, which is a good place. Lu Ge guessed that this might be the place where a certain superpower once lived in the spaceship. So it's not as dangerous as other Jedi. Lu Ge knew that this spaceship was actually a super treasure of mechanical flow. It is beyond the existence of the most powerful treasure. It's just that I don't know where the strong men who drove the spaceship came from and why they entered the universe sea. The spaceship is so powerful, how did it break down and fall? The cosmic boat is a super treasure of mechanical flow, and even the ancestors of the Purple Moon Holy Land and the East Emperor Holy Land, the true gods of the void, can't be damaged with all their strength. Lu Ge suspected that the original will of the primordial universe made the move. But there is no evidence yet. The spaceship is so huge, let's explore it slowly. In the original book, the biggest inheritance of the spaceship is the inheritance of Duandonghe. The Duandonghe inheritance has a complete inheritance secret method for cultivating to the Void True God. Of course, the original work interrupted Donghe's inheritance and was finally acquired by Luo Feng. He also became the one hundred and ninety-third generation successor of the Duandonghe inheritance. But Lu Ge has always had doubts in his heart. He doesn't think Duan Donghe is the greatest inheritance of the spaceship. Interrupt Donghe's autobiography through the original work. He is just one of the men who followed the general of the spaceship. In other words, the strongest in this spaceship should be the actual controller of the spaceship, the general. For the description of the general, there are only a few words in the original book. Lu Ge didn't know much. However, Lu Ge now has enough time and enough patience. More importantly, he has countless avatars who can carefully explore the spaceship at this time. Although the spaceship is huge. But under the exploration of his countless avatars, he will definitely be able to find out all the secrets. He will see when the time comes to see if the general of the spaceship has left any inheritance. If the inheritance can be left behind, it will be much stronger than Duan Donghe's inheritance. Therefore, even if the avatar found such a small space, he would not miss it. You have to explore it well. Under the cover of his divine sense, he was sure that there was no danger on the island. Even so, he still transferred fifty clones, which were located in all directions of the space. Even if there is no danger found in a position, it will fall. There will be other avatars to fill in. The island is almost a million kilometers in diameter. The rolling palaces exude a simple and mysterious atmosphere. On the walls of those tall buildings, mysterious patterns are engraved. Lu Ge watched closely. I saw huge tool patterns engraved on some patterns. Some pictures are pictures of countless powerful men fighting. Some of the pictures are pictures of sacrificial offerings. These patterns are vividly carved, and there is a strong will in them. Even if you take a look at it from a distance, you may be deeply involved. Lu Ge was extremely happy. Finally, I came to a good place. This is the place where the ancient Ming powerhouses lived. His eyes stopped on one of the pictures. In that picture, there is an incomparably huge spaceship that crosses the galaxy and crushes the stars. Countless stars surrounded the spaceship, like dots of light. Lu Ge did recognize it. The spaceships in the picture are the spaceships we are in now. To be able to forge such a huge and terrifying spaceship, how terrifying is the ancient civilization. Even the ancient existences such as the East Emperor Holy Land and the Purple Moon Holy Land, where there are countless reincarnation universes, cannot compare with it. According to records, when the Holy Land of the East Emperor and the Holy Land of Ziyue were born, the spaceship already existed. At that time, the spaceship was already broken, and became one of the three great jedi in the universe sea. Lu Ge vaguely guessed that this income is very, very likely to come from the continent where the ancient civilization originated. It's just that there are too few descriptions in the original book, and he doesn't know. You can only explore slowly on your own. Besides, existences like Origin Continent cannot be explored by the current self. Perhaps he can now dominate the original universe and traverse the universe. But compared to these ancient existences, it was still too weak. Lu Ge walked slowly in the palace complex. Carefully observe the patterns on the walls of these palaces, these are all the ancient civilizations recorded. An ancient magical civilization that is far more powerful than the current primitive universe and the two holy lands. Lu Ge also saw the words recorded on a huge wall. This is a word that Lu Ge has never seen before, but there is a will revealed, allowing him to understand the meaning. It was a desperate soul roaring angrily: "It was a mistake to come here, we went in the wrong direction, so what if I break through the Eternal God now, I'm still going to die, I hate it!" The will revealed on the wall, Desperate angry and unwilling. I don't know how many eras of reincarnation and universe have passed, but this will is still so clear. It can be seen how strong the emotions were at the time. Lu Ge sighed. I don't know what happened to the strong men on the spaceship at that time, which caused them all to fall. "Eternal True God? It should be the next level that can only be reached after breaking through the Void True God?" In fact, Lu Ge already knew that the so-called Universe Supreme is just the title of the primordial universe and the cosmic sea. In the inheritance of the ancient Ming Dynasty, there is no such thing as the most powerful person in the universe. The most powerful person in the universe is equivalent to the true god. The true **** is the **** of the void. The True God of Void is the God of Eternity in the upward direction. Above the Eternal God, there is also the Lord of Chaos, and Lu Ge, the King of God, is becoming more and more interested. Could it be that the owner of this space was originally an eternal god? Then if he leaves behind an inheritance, it is probably not weaker than Duan Donghe's inheritance. Lu Ge continued to search carefully. This is a quiet island, except for the flowing water, there are no plants on the island, and there are no treasures in the palace. Seems to be just an empty island. It was extremely quiet inside, unlike other dangerous places in the spaceship. Seems to be just a space for people to rest. Lu Ge turned around a group of palaces, and finally saw a huge stone wall. That stone wall is ten kilometers high and more than a hundred kilometers long. It is a long strip of white stone wall. The entire stone wall exudes a simple light. Lu Ge just glanced at it. I was deeply attracted by this stone wall. This makes the ground look smooth, but in fact there are countless very dangerous dense patterns carved on the stone wall. If it weren't for Lu Ge's cultivation and will at this moment. He couldn't see the patterns at all. too tiny. Even with the most advanced microscope can barely see. Countless secret patterns are densely packed, covering the entire stone wall. It's like thousands of different worlds connected. A wisp of Lu Ge's will was thrown into a small corner of the stone wall. "Boom!" He suddenly felt a change in front of his eyes, and everything became different. This is just a small corner, but it actually contains a complete world. There are countless creatures in this world, and the complexity and diversity of these creatures even passed through the primordial universe. These creatures are multiplying rapidly, fighting, dying, and reincarnating again. Lu Ge was deeply shocked to see the creatures in this world constantly multiplying, dying, and reincarnating. Enter a special space from the ancestor of the star behemoth. Lu Ge began to practice the mysterious patterns of the Eight Great Beasts. Although the secret pattern is extremely complicated, its advantage is that there are countless avatars participating together, UU reading www.uukanshu. com also has hive thinking for summary integration. Lu Ge is already proficient in the cultivation of the secret map of the universe. The superpowers of the original universe, even the powerhouses of the first reincarnation universe, are far inferior to Lu Ge in terms of secret patterns. But now Lu Ge discovered that the secret pattern map he comprehended compared with the secret pattern map on this stone wall, it was like the gap between a firefly and a bright moon. Too deep, too mysterious. Fortunately, Lu Ge has countless clones, and he was able to wake up in time. Otherwise, his spiritual will will sink into it for an unknown number of years. After Lu Ge woke up, he was surprised and delighted. Surprises and surprises. A joyous thing, this is the map of the peak secret pattern left by a super strong man. What shocked him was that just an insignificant small piece of the secret pattern in the corner of the wall could bring him such a shock that he almost fell into it. It would take a lot of energy and time to comprehend all the secret patterns on the entire stone wall. At this time, he also saw the words left on the wall next to him. "I have finally broken through to the God of Eternity. Unfortunately, my life is not long. I am not reconciled. I left this map of the secret pattern at the peak, which only means that I have been here." Lu Ge sighed slightly. This super strong man really only wanted to prove his ability at his peak, and didn't want to leave a legacy. Otherwise, it is a complete set of secret lines from shallow to deep. Rather than just a map of the secret pattern at its peak. But even so. The secret patterns on this wall can still bring great enlightenment and help to Lu Ge. This is the secret pattern map left by the self-proclaimed Eternal God. Now that you have encountered it, how can you miss it! Anyway, he has endless time now, so if it is not easy to comprehend, he will slowly comprehend. Behind him, clones appeared one after another. Suspended in front of this huge stone wall ten kilometers high and one hundred kilometers long. Thousands of clones comprehend a very small area. From point to surface, slowly comprehend.

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