MTL - Infinite Clone: ​​I Am Invincible In Devouring Starry Sky-Chapter 263 Continue to raid

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Infinite Clone: ​​I'm Invincible in Devouring the Stars Chapter 263 Continuous Sweeping

[under revision, see tomorrow morning]

The long-awaited sword mound finally opened.

Lu Ge directly sent a million clones in.

First of all, this sword mound is big enough, with a diameter of one million kilometers. The more clones you send in, the faster you can collect treasures.

Inside, it was exactly as he expected.

One after another, the divine swords the size of small hills exuded a sharp aura.

With the current strength of Lu Ge's avatars.

It is not difficult to subdue these divine swords.

In fact, when looking for treasures, the most dangerous thing is to be robbed by other powerful people.


Lu Ge perfectly kept the danger out.

The entire sword mound is full of his people, and he can take all these divine swords away calmly.

Those sharp swords are almost all top-level treasures.

It is worthy of being produced by Jianzhong, the quality is too good.

Of course, the best sword mound is the supreme treasure-level divine sword.

Although they are both the same size as hills, the Supreme Treasure-level Excalibur is even stronger.

The top heavy treasure-level Excalibur may be more suitable for the use of the Universe Venerable and the Universe Overlord.

If it is a battle at the master level of the universe.

A heavy-treasure-level divine sword is very likely to be cracked or damaged by the terrifying power.

Only the Supreme Treasure can perfectly display the ability of the Lord of the World.

Lu Ge has also done experiments before.

When he used the clone of the Nine Nether Seas, his size swelled to tens of millions of kilometers, and he couldn't use heavy treasure weapons.

Although heavy treasures and weapons can also be controlled in size, they are quite fragile if they are to be used by Nine Nether Sea clones.

Only the Supreme Treasure can perfectly display his power.

This is also the reason why Lu Ge must get the supreme treasure sword of the sub-head intermediate fighter.

His doppelgänger is fast.

Thousands of top heavy treasure swords were collected one after another.

Came to the depths of the sword mound.

There are seven most important treasure-level divine swords floating there.

Lu Ge was not polite and put them all away.

It's a pity that these 7 treasure-level divine swords are not matched with Jianheluo.

Finally, Lu Ge saw the goal of his trip.

Jianheluo's compass and one of the swords.

He was in a good mood, and it seemed to be smoother than expected.

After driving away the Lord of Lushan, it became smoother.

His avatar split into two groups.

On the one hand, it is intercepted at the entrance of the transmission channel.

On the other hand, it is surrounded by the sword mound.

Both ways.

During the period when Lu Ge was hunting for treasure in the sword mound, there was indeed a fierce conflict at the entrance of the teleportation channel of this primitive planet.

Which one of the strong aliens who dared to come to the primitive planet was not rebellious.

Someone dares to block the transmission channel, is this going to be reserved?

So arrogant!

But no matter they self-reported their families, or they asked each other about their origins.

The other party refused to reply at all.

They also tried hard to break through, but they couldn't break through at all.

The tens of thousands of powerhouses intercepted outside are at least the strength of high-level universe lords, and they can't beat them at all.

They stalemate with each other for more than half an hour.

Just when several masters of the universe heard the news, they broke in together.

These interceptors seem to receive some signal.

Qi Shushu disappeared.

In fact, it was because Lu Ge had finished his work.

All the treasures in the Sword Tomb have been obtained.

These include 3,600 top-level heavy treasure swords, 7 supreme treasure-level swords, the top-level sword Heluo's compass, and a magic sword.

The most important compass has been obtained, and the other top-quality swords are easy to get.

At the very least, Lu Ge knew the place where the other top-grade gods were born.

It is not difficult for him to gather all the parts of Jianheluo.

This is a top treasure that possesses domain and attack attributes at the same time.

Once obtained, it will be of great help to increase the upper limit of his clone's combat power.

Lu Ge has too many avatars now, and these top-level treasured swords that he just obtained will be divided immediately.

Of course, those combat clones are given priority.

As for the Supreme Treasure Excalibur, it is stored in the honeycomb space as before.

Where battles take place, which configurations take precedence.

It is also fortunate that he has a hive space that is not limited by space, time, and location.

Only then will he be able to make the most efficient use of these treasures of his.

The original planet has many restrictions.

Can not use the virtual network, it can not communicate in real time.

You can't use teleportation, and you can't use the teleportation of the kingdom of God, which limits the movement and transition speed of these alien powerhouses.

But these are no problems for Lu Ge at all.

Other strong men can only communicate with each other through the external network only if they have clones.

Lu Gezi can completely avoid this trouble.

In the original planet, as long as one of his avatars gets the news, all other avatars will know.

Of course, this also requires hive thinking to schedule and filter out some outdated or useless information.

The lord of Lushan ran away in embarrassment, but he didn't tell the world what happened on this planet.

A master of the universe was hunted down by a group of universe venerables, and it would be embarrassing to wear it out.

He doesn't need to go around showing off.

Anyway, there are no strong members of the Thorn Ring Alliance on this planet anymore. As for whether people from other alliances will suffer, it's none of his business.

The Lord of Lushan was deeply shocked this time.

He never expected that half of his body would be lost because of these cosmic sages.

He has traveled in the universe for millions of years, and has experienced countless battles, large and small.

There were also scenes that were more tragic and desperate than this one, and he survived them all.

In the cognition of the Lord of Lushan, even if these cosmic lords can hurt him, it is extremely limited.

Even if it is besieged by thousands of tens of thousands of Universe Venerables, he can retreat calmly.

Available on primordial planets.

The joint attack of the thousands of Universe Venerables was very wrong.

Why is their combined attack so powerful? It gave him the illusion of facing Zerg warriors.

When he was still the Venerable Universe, he once encountered Zerg warriors on the battlefield.

That was how he felt when he faced the joint attack of tens of thousands of immortal Zerg fighters.

Are these guys related to the Zerg?

Even if you're not with the Zerg, you definitely have ties to them.

I'll go to the Zerg to find out!

The Lord of Lushan was full of anger and had nowhere to vent, so he turned around and decided to join his friends and go to the Zerg for an explanation.

He didn't know that the Zerg was more wronged than him.

How did the Zerg know that the joint attack technique used by Lu Ge's avatar was born out of Zerg warriors, but he was obviously superior to others.

Lu Ge's avatar is more skilled in the use of energy and the combination of groups, and cooperates more tacitly, and its power is much greater than that used by Zerg warriors.

This is clearly an improved and enhanced version.

After all of Lu Ge's clones retreated, three powerful figures descended near the sword mound.

These are the three masters of the universe.

One of them entered the sword mound and came out soon.

He shook his head and said, "It's empty, the contents inside have been taken away."

"Who did it, the guys who blocked the door?"

"Besides them, I can't think of anyone else who would do this kind of thing. It's really arrogant, to dare to block the planet's fellowship without authorization."

"I've asked before, and it's definitely not someone from the nine major forces of the universe."

"But apart from the nine major forces in the universe, who else has such abilities?"

"That's hard to say. There are talents from generation to generation. Don't forget, the Northern Xinjiang Alliance stumbled before, isn't it just a group of inexplicable newcomers?"

When the Northern Xinjiang Alliance was mentioned, several people fell silent at the same time.

One of the three is the Lord of the Universe in the Northern Border Alliance.

He took a deep breath, looked at the other two and said: "It's okay, our Northern Xinjiang Alliance has accepted this matter, the opponent is indeed very strong, and we haven't found out the details yet."

Another master of the universe sighed and said: "I can't understand the situation in this universe more and more. The newcomers who have emerged now are too fierce."

"Let's hurry up and go treasure hunting. I heard that there is news of a treasure on planet 0834. Go and have a look!"

Seeing that the planet was no longer attractive, they left through the teleportation channel without staying for a moment.

The same is true for Lu Ge, he is very busy.

While hunting for treasure, pay attention to the news of other accessories of Jianheluo.

The birth of Jianhe Luo was not a big deal this time, and it was completely under Lu Ge's control.

So this time it didn't make it known to everyone like in the original book.

Almost no one has heard of Jianheluo, nor do they know what Jianheluo is?

Not to mention other accessories of Jianheluo.

As long as it is not combined with Jianheluo's compass, Jianheluo's other swords look like ordinary treasures.

Ordinary treasures, but the fighting is not so intense.

Even if he got it from another master of the universe level, he has the ability to **** it back.

Lu Ge's avatar continued to hunt for treasure.

If there is no top treasure that attracts him, he will not replicate the actions on this planet. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Keep a low profile even if you have strength.

In case of arousing public anger, it is still quite troublesome to be attacked by several major alliances.

Even if he is not afraid, it will definitely have a bad influence on him.

All that is needed is the arrogance of those avatars of those starry sky behemoths.

The other avatars tried their best to make a fortune in silence.

Just as he wished.

Lu Ge's other avatars searched carefully on various primitive planets.

He has summed up the experience.

The more you are in the wilderness, the more inaccessible places, the higher the chance of treasures appearing.

Especially some places that look like places of interest.

The more you are in such a place, the easier it seems to find treasures.

Especially those avatars of Lu Ge who picked up trash, they really didn't miss a lot of good things.

Under the leadership of the Treasure Hunting Mouse avatar, their chances of finding the treasure increased a lot.

One common or top-level treasure was found one after another.

Lu Ge didn't hesitate for a moment, and immediately assembled these top-level treasures on his clones.

Treasures are not for collection, they can be regarded as real treasures only when their value is displayed.

Sometimes by chance and coincidence, the clone of the treasure-hunting spirit mouse can also find the treasure.

The news of the birth of the treasure is not small.

In such a situation, the first thing to do for the Treasure Hunting Spirit Mouse clone is to retreat, and the second thing is to summon the battle clone to descend.

These two things do not actually conflict, and the two sides cooperate very tacitly.

The Treasure Hunter avatar determined the coordinates.

Once they evacuate, this area will suffer a terrible blow. <pstyle="text-align:center;">+Bookmark+