MTL - Infinite Clone: ​​I Am Invincible In Devouring Starry Sky-Chapter 262 escaped lord of the universe

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The Lord of Lushan felt a little strange when he arrived here.

He is the noble master of the universe, no matter where he is, he is always in the spotlight, and he has long been used to this.

He was used to those gazes of admiration, respect, and even fear.

But once he got here, something was wrong.

There are two things that are wrong.

One is that the number of cosmic powerhouses here is too much.

The powerhouses of the major forces in the universe are scattered on 10,081 primitive planets. Although there are quite a few of them, it is very rare for five million powerhouses to gather in one place of treasure.

And these guys looked at me without respect or fear, only eager to try and a trace of murderous intent.

This is a bit strange.

Just now his divine power swept across the audience, none of the powerhouses around him was a master of the universe.

Their divine power fluctuations are almost at the level of cosmic overlords and high-level cosmic lords.

Where did they get their courage?


The Lord of Lushan discovered another thing that was wrong.

He didn't know any of the five million strong men present.

There is not even a single strongman in the Thorn Ring Alliance.

This is not right.

He just rushed over after receiving a report from a Universe Venerable from the Thorn Ring Alliance.

Where have all the powerful members of the Thorn Ring Alliance gone?

The original planet cannot connect to the virtual universe, but he also has a way to connect to the outside world.

After all, many masters of the universe have clones.

It is a routine operation for one avatar to venture on the original star for treasure hunting, and leave a avatar in the base camp to be in charge of contacting.

The avatar of the Lord of Lushan who stayed in the base camp immediately landed in the virtual universe and asked about the situation at Jianzhong.

Soon he figured out the cause and effect.

It turned out that a group of bullies came here and drove away the people of the Thorn Ring Alliance.

How bold!

The divine power surged from the Lushan Lord's body, covering a radius of a million miles in an instant.

His voice resounded like thunder in the starry sky: "I heard that there is a group of bullies in this starry sky, whoever drives away the strong men of my Thorn Ring Alliance, stand up!"

There was no sound around.

A pair of indifferent eyes stared at the Lord of Lushan.

The Lord of Lushan was even more furious: "Why, dare to do it or not?"

Lu Ge looked at the sword mound that was about to rise from the ground.

His main consciousness opened his eyes on a Nine Nether Sea clone, turned his head and smiled at the Lord of Lushan, "Master of Lushan, the sword mound will be opened soon, are you sure you want to track this down?"

The Lord of Lushan suddenly looked over: "Could it be you?"

Lu Ge lazily smiled and said: "So what if it's me, just look for your treasure well, I advise you not to meddle in your own business."

"How dare!"

The lord of Lushan laughed angrily. No one had dared to speak to him so presumptuously for many years.

The other party seems to be just a high-level universe venerable.

"No matter who you are, you will pay the price today!"

The Lord of Lushan's body was full of murderous intent, and he had already activated his murderous intention, ready to use thunder to kill chickens and monkeys.

Kill this guy first to deter other strong men.

Determine your place of honor here.

The sword mound will open immediately, as long as no other master of the universe arrives.

Didn't he have the final say in the sword mound?

There are many treasures inside that he can let him choose.

In an instant, the Lord of Lushan had already thought about the follow-up.

But Lu Ge's figure flickered, and he had already appeared a hundred thousand miles away. His voice came: "Lord of Lushan Mountain, it's too small to use it. I'll take you to another place to fight. Do you dare to come?"


The Lord of Lushan frowned.

Due to special reasons, the original star did not teleport here, nor could it teleport from the Kingdom of God.

As soon as he appeared just now, he imprisoned the surrounding void.

With his strength as the master of the universe, as long as he is within the range of his divine power, no one on the scene can leave.

But that guy didn't seem to be affected at all just now, and he appeared a hundred thousand miles away in an instant.

The speed is as fast as teleportation.

He sneered: "I was mistaken. It turns out that there are really two brushes. No wonder you dare to challenge me."

He turned his head and glanced at Jianzhong, who was about to be fully born.

Chased out one step at a time: "Kill you, it's not too late to go in and hunt for treasure!"


The terrifying divine power crushed Lu Ge like mountains and seas.

Lu Ge laughed, and when his divine body was distorted, he rushed out a million kilometers again.

He continued to provoke, come on!

"If you want to tune the tiger away from the mountain, you have to have that strength!"

The Lord of Lushan seems to be able to see Lu Ge's mind. I heard that there are more than 2,000 people in their group.

Now he jumped out all by himself, just to lure himself away and let other accomplices enter the sword mound to hunt for treasure.

Wither Little Tech!

In the face of absolute strength, all strategies are fancy.

After he came back from suppressing the guy in front of him, he didn't delay anything.

It's just that this kid is really naughty and has a little bit of ability to escape.

Lu Ge jumped continuously, and finally left the Jianzhong for about 200 million kilometers.

He stood in the void, quietly waiting for the Lord of Lushan.

"Actually, I've always wanted to know how far I am from the Lord of the Universe now!"

After Lu Ge said this, his divine body instantly began to grow bigger.

In the blink of an eye, a huge monster with a height of tens of millions of kilometers appeared in the starry sky.

In front of Lu Ge, the lord of Lushan, who is more than 300 meters tall, is as small as an ant.

"bring it on!"

Lu Ge roared, and the divine power in his body began to burn.

Today, he has dozens of super peak skills, nine treasures including armor, weapons, armguards, and belts on his body. His divine body strength and soul secrets are all at the level of the overlord of the universe.

"Sword Comes"

Especially his divine body, originally the divine body of the Nine Nether Sea's clone was ridiculously strong, but now he has even trained hundreds of Nine Nether Sea's cloned divine bodies into one body.

It might not be easy to consume his divine body.

When Lu Ge's incomparably huge divine body appeared, the Lord of Lushan was indeed stunned.

Such a huge divine body is indeed rare in the universe.

Is this guy a special race?

It seems to have heard of it somewhere.

Before he could remember, he saw the nine treasures on Lu Ge's body.

The Lord of Lushan's heart jumped wildly.

A cosmic overlord actually carries nine treasures on his body. How is this different from a three-year-old baby carrying gold ingots through the downtown area?

As a master of the universe, he only has one ordinary treasure on his body.

"You deserve to get rich today!"

He doesn't care what the origin of the guy in front of him is, no matter how the treasure on his body comes from.

As long as it's in his hands, it's his.

At this time, Lu Ge's attraction to him has surpassed that of the sword mound that is about to be opened in the distance.

According to the experience of the Lord of Lushan, for a treasure of the size of the Sword Tomb, there will be no more than two treasures in it.

And this guy in front of him has nine pieces on him, isn't this a moving treasure?

As everyone knows, this is what Lu Ge wanted.

If the Lord of Lushan is dragged to death here firmly, the sword mound will be smoother.


The heavy hammer the size of a mountain in his hand fell down with a bang.

The Lord of Lushan sneered and pointed out.


Lu Ge's body, which is thousands of kilometers high, flew upside down for hundreds of thousands of miles.

The Lord of Lushan also shook his body violently: "What a powerful divine power!"

A treasure that resembled a fishing rod appeared in his hand, and he shook it lightly.

Thousands of transparent silk threads spanned the space and wound towards Lu Ge.

Lu Ge could clearly see that those silk threads were not only extremely sharp, but also had a strong corrosion effect.

Wherever the silk thread passed, meteorites the size of mountains were cut apart soundlessly.

The incision was neat, and the next moment it quickly turned black, and the entire meteorite turned into fly ash in a few seconds.

Fortunately, Lu Ge has enough treasures.

A green gourd appeared in his hand.

Pat lightly.

A blue flame swept across the void.

The transparent silk thread was wrapped in flames, and blue smoke rose unexpectedly.

The Lord of Lushan took back the silk thread distressedly, obviously the magic weapon was damaged.

He roared.

Charge up again and use the means of the Lord of the Universe.

The void vibrated, and terrifying pressure poured down on Lu Ge.

Lu Ge truly felt the power of the Lord of the Universe.

The master of the universe's control over the laws is much stronger than the king's immortality.

Although he can exert the combat power of the cosmic overlord now, he is still at the immortal level.

It is indeed difficult to fight across two levels.

Under the crazy attack of the Lord of Lushan, even if there are many treasures to protect him.

His divine body is still declining rapidly.

This means that the divine body of the Nine Nether Sea Clone is strong enough, and the reserve of divine power is astonishing.

If it were an ordinary cosmic overlord, his divine body would have been destroyed long ago.

Can't beat it!

Even with many treasures, Feng Wang's immortal cultivation still can't beat the Lord of the Universe.

But it wasn't that easy for the Lord of the Universe to kill him.

The Lord of Foothills is quite excited now.

He saw that Lu Ge's divine body had dropped by 38%

If it goes on like this, it will be blown up soon.

However, in the next moment, Lu Ge ran away.

He appeared hundreds of thousands of miles away in a blink of an eye, and was already a million miles away in a blink of an eye.

"If you want to run, how can it be so easy!"

The Lord of Lushan chased after him.

How could he let Lu Ge, a mobile treasure house, run away.

The hateful thing is that Lu Ge obviously has the treasure of acceleration.

In the case of being unable to teleport, the speed is a little faster than him.

He was trying his best to burn his divine body, so he barely followed him.

The Lord of Lushan has made up his mind, no matter what, Lu Ge cannot be allowed to escape today.

They escape one by one and chase after one by one.

Soon it was tens of billions of kilometers away from Jianzhong.

The Lord of Lushan saw it clearly, this guy clearly wanted to escape to the transmission channel.

He wants to leave this planet.

No way!

Just when the Lord of Lushan wanted to use his avatar to call his companions to stop him.

Lu Ge actually stopped again.

"The distance is far enough, work!"


The other members of the treasure hunting brigade, a total of more than 2,000 clones, came crashing down.

The members of the treasure hunting team are all combat clones.

Even if the strength of the divine body is not as strong as that of the Nine Nether Sea clones, the difference is not much different, and each has its own talent.

It doesn't matter if a clone can't beat it.

2,000 avatars with the combat power of the cosmic overlord are hard to say against the top-level cosmic masters like the Chaos City Lord, but it is enough to deal with the Lushan Lord.

"Combined attack!"

With Lu Ge's roar, the divine powers of more than 2,000 battle clones were connected together.

Together they unleashed a full blow.

A terrifying ray of light enveloped the front instantly, just wrapping the Lord of Lushan inside.

Terrifying light and heat swept over everything.

Within a radius of a million miles, the void was shattered, and everything was reduced to the smallest stream of particles.

The combined attack of more than 2,000 cosmic overlord-level combat clones is terrifying.

This kind of joint attack is not as simple as 2,000 cosmic overlords uniting to launch an attack.

This is Lu Ge referring to the sum of Zerg fighters, optimizing and improving.

Faster and more powerful.

Lu Ge's avatar and the Zerg warrior have a common feature, that is, a soul.

Their divine power can be connected as one, regardless of each other.

After all the forces are assembled.

Let's make a devastating blow together.

Even the master of the universe, it is absolutely unbearable.

The armor of the Lord of Lushan is a top-level heavy treasure suit.

But under Lu Ge's joint attack, the top heavy treasure suit was cracked inch by inch.


It shattered directly.

The body of the Lord of Lushan was damaged, and his breath dropped rapidly.


A joint attack destroyed 50% of the body of the Lord of Lushan!

The Lord of Foothills was terrified.

Why didn't I see where these guys came from.

A combined attack was so terrifying.

There are more than 2,000 clones in this treasure hunting brigade, and they have exhausted all their strength in a joint attack.

If they want to join forces again, it will take at least three minutes.

Three minutes is too slow.

It seems to see the limitations of the combination attack.

The Lord of Lushan grinned grinningly, wanting to cull him again.


The other two treasure hunting teams teleported across the void.

6000 people!

The Lord of Lushan was Isn't the original star not able to be teleported by the kingdom of God? Where did these guys come from?

Are they all hidden in the world ring?

Not right!

If it was hidden in the world ring beforehand, why didn't it come out earlier?

The lord of Lushan reacted quickly enough.

Although he didn't understand what was going on, he knew that his divine body would definitely not be able to withstand the second combined attack.


The Lord of Lushan escaped.

Facing Lu Ge's three treasure hunting teams, he had no intention of fighting.

After all, the combined attack of these guys is too terrifying, half of the divine body is lost in one strike.

Don't know when it will be back.

Lu Ge's three treasure-hunting brigades chased after Lushan.

The Lord of Lushan felt extremely ashamed.

The majestic master of the universe was actually chased by a group of cosmic overlords and fled after the wolf team.

This matter is not over.

In the end, he escaped into the transmission channel and left the planet.

Lu Ge's 6,000 clones were directly guarding the entrance of the transmission channel.

Before the end of the sword mound, this planet is not allowed to enter!

In order to ensure nothing goes wrong.

Lu Ge simply mobilized another 60,000 combat clones.

The cosmic powerhouse who just came through the transmission channel will immediately persuade him to return.

Those who do not listen to advice will explain by force.

On the other side, Jianzhong finally came out completely, and the protective shield covering it disappeared.

Lu Ge took a deep breath.

Now, all the treasures in the sword mound belong to him.

Among the millions of troops around, there is no outsider except for his clone.

After finding the entrance to the mausoleum, Lu Ge's million clones entered calmly.

The remaining millions of clones stayed outside the sword mound.

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