MTL - Infinite Clone: ​​I Am Invincible In Devouring Starry Sky-Chapter 264 0 million to hold back

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Infinite Clone: ​​I'm Invincible in Devouring Stars Chapter 264 Be sure to hold back!

With three loud bangs, the three prison clan powerhouses were blown up.

Facing the siege of ten starry sky behemoth clones, they had no chance to escape at all.

The relics exploded by the three prison clan powerhouses filled the starry sky.

Lu Ge unhurriedly selected valuable resources.

behind him.

Jianheluo's accessory, the black Excalibur is slowly rising.

Only a bit of the tip of the sword remains to be fully born.

At this time, several other teams had arrived.

At a glance, they saw the three prison clan powerhouses who were blown up, as well as the relics in the starry sky.

These teams were shocked at the same time, and they took a step back quietly.

He looked at the avatar of the giant starry sky beast with some apprehension in his eyes.

They are not like the three strong aliens who have never heard of Lu Ge's starry sky behemoth avatar.

Recently, there has been a lot of movement in this group of starry sky behemoths.

The three strong men of different races dared to grab something from their hands, it was really courageous.


Lu Ge stared at these teams coldly.

Among them are the Venerable Universe from the Hongmeng, the Venerable Universe from the Northern Xinjiang Alliance, and the powerful from other alliances.

Lu Ge said coldly: "Are you also coming to grab my treasure?"

A venerable from the Northern Xinjiang Alliance said loudly: "Starry sky behemoths, the treasures of the primitive planet can be snatched by everyone, why do you say that this sword is yours?"


Lu Ge laughed loudly: "Just rely on my fist, if you don't accept it, just come here."

The Venerable of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance is eager to try.

He used his avatar to attract friends and prepare to **** this treasure.

He could see that this black sword was not simple.

Unfortunately, it was too late.

This black divine sword is only a little bit close to being fully born.

The strong man of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance looked around, and he asked the strong men of other alliances: "These starry sky behemoths are only ten, and we have already added up to more than a hundred. Do you want to give it a try?"

The strong man of Hongmeng shook his head: "There is only one treasure, even if you grab it, it's not easy to divide it. Let's not join in the fun, let's go!"

"First Evolution"

The powerful members of the Hongmeng quickly evacuated, and they did not take this muddy water.

There is only one treasure, and everyone wants it.

It is too risky to **** it from these starry sky behemoths.

The idiots of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance, didn't they see the end of the three prison clan powerhouses?

Those were the three cosmic overlords, and they were blown up just like that.

Although the powerhouses of other alliances were a little moved, they still hesitated when they saw the ferocious starry sky behemoth.

Just when they hesitated.

The Excalibur behind Lu Ge finally came out completely.

Lu Ge did not delay at all, and immediately imprinted his own spiritual imprint.

The direct recognition of the master is successful.

Next, bless this divine sword on Jianheluo's compass, and he will have two divine swords.

Finally got it, feel good.

Those strong aliens who were still hesitating just now sighed regretfully when they saw that the Excalibur had recognized its master.

They didn't reply to the Northern Xinjiang Alliance powerhouse, turned around and left.

The eyes of those strong men from the Northern Xinjiang Alliance turned red.

It's horrible.

It is a waste of money for such a good treasure to be snatched away by these giant starry sky beasts.

It is quite difficult to **** the treasure after recognizing the master.

Unless the starry sky behemoth is killed.

But the starry sky behemoth is notoriously difficult to deal with, whether it is attacking or defending, it can be called abnormal.

If this group of giant space beasts wanted to escape, even the Lord of the Universe might not be able to stop them.

"Forget it, it's cheaper for these guys."

These strong men of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance informed the others, but they didn't come.

Just when they were about to evacuate, they felt that their eyes went dark.

The group of giant star beasts actually surrounded them.

He stared at them maliciously.

A strong man from the Northern Xinjiang Alliance suddenly said angrily: "Beasts in the sky, what do you want to do? Are you not satisfied with the treasure?"

Lu Ge said coldly: "I heard correctly just now, you are beckoning friends and wanting to grab our treasure."

"The treasure has not recognized its owner, and everyone can **** it!"

Lu Ge looked up and thought for a while: "What you said makes sense, but there is a strong man in your Northern Xinjiang Alliance who stole my things. I can't find him. It should be reasonable to take you as the blame!"

"Starry sky behemoth, what do you want to do!"

This group of strong men from the Northern Xinjiang Alliance was shocked and angry, and they couldn't hear what Lu Ge meant.

Lu Ge laughed loudly, and directly chose to shoot.

The ten starry sky behemoths shot at the same time, and their power was extremely powerful.

Especially those three golden-horned behemoths.

The golden-horned behemoth recovered its body and lay across the starry sky, like undulating mountains.

With one claw, a high-ranking Universe Venerable was directly sent flying.

The human-shaped purple monster is holding a black sword, which is the Jianheluo accessory just obtained.

Now recognized the Lord.

Black Sword has also been successfully matched with Jianheluo, and its power has increased.

The black divine sword is hundreds of miles long, sweeping across all directions with a terrifying sword light.

A strong man from the Northern Xinjiang Alliance was chopped off in half.

Didn't even have time to scream.

A terrifying force erupted on the black Excalibur, instantly destroying his body.


Seeing that the opponent killed a high-ranking universe venerable on his side with one move or two.

The many powerhouses of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance were shocked.

They turned and fled without hesitation.

A strong man roared angrily: "Beast of the Starry Sky, you remember it for me, this matter is endless."

Lu Ge didn't deliberately continue to chase them down.

Still smiled contemptuously.

They are not qualified for revenge, unless they contact the Lord of the Universe.

It would be best to contact the Master of the Universe who avenged them.

It's nothing to kill a few high-ranking Universe Venerables.

Killing a master of the universe is shocking.

Lu Ge did not wait for the Lord of the Universe who came to the Northern Xinjiang Alliance.

He waited for two universe masters from the prison clan.

These two masters of the universe are here for revenge.

Lu Ge directly blasted three prison clan powerhouses before.

After they received the news, they rushed over immediately.

Taking revenge for the tribe is one aspect.

On the other hand, they also want the divine sword in the hands of the starry sky behemoth avatar.

"Two masters of the universe from the prison clan?"

Lu Ge's heart was about to move.

He wanted to kill the two masters of the universe.

But that would make too much noise, which doesn't fit his personality.

After all, he is the avatar of the starry sky behemoth. On the surface, he is not in the same group as those avatars of the Lord of the Nine Netherworld, nor with those treasure hunting teams.

If there is also a combat clone to attack.

It is easy to think that the avatar of the starry sky behemoth is related to the avatar of the treasure hunting brigade.

Even if it's just suspicion, it will affect Lu Ge's plan.

He can't allow this to happen.

There can be no mistakes in his going into the headquarters of the Star Alliance behemoth.

Besides, the avatar of the giant starry sky beast is only a king of immortality.

Facing the two masters of the universe, it is normal to not be able to beat them.

Lu Ge led the starry sky behemoth to escape.

There was no pressure to escape, and he didn't have any psychological burden at all.

If you can't beat it, of course you run. If you don't run, you are still waiting to die.

The two angry masters of the universe are naturally chasing after them.

"Damn starry sky behemoth, killed the powerhouse of our clan, and did not stay to die."

"There's still the black Excalibur over there, stay here!"

While running, Lu Ge sneered and said, "Prison clan strongman, are you avenging those three bastards, or are you here to **** my treasure?"

"I haven't seen you for tens of thousands of years, but your prison clan has become more and more depraved!"

"The two masters of the universe, chase and kill our group of Xiaoxiu. You prison clansmen have such a big face. Is there no one who bullies us starry sky giants?"

A lord of the universe roared filial piety: "Don't use your tongue, hand over the sword, and spare you not to die."

"I believe your evil!"

The avatar of the giant starry sky beast ran fast without stopping.

In the end, he is still the Lord of the universe, with infinite means.

If they can't catch up, they use soul attacks.

As time and space were distorted, a spiritual imprint rushed directly into the body of a giant starry sky beast.

The spiritual imprint of the Prison Clan Universe Lord is poisonous.

Once the soul is corrupted.

There is no doubt that he must die!

It's a pity that Lu Ge's soul is unique, and all souls are one.

As soon as the spiritual imprint of the Lord of the Universe entered, he was besieged.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, Lu Ge's soul power is superimposed, theoretically there is no upper limit.

Although the spiritual luck of the master of the universe is strong, he cannot withstand such a terrifying siege.

That spiritual imprint was destroyed in an instant.

Then he was eaten by Lu Ge's avatar manipulating his soul.

The master of the universe of the prison clan snorted, and his huge body shook a little.

"What a vicious boy, you actually destroyed my soul luck!"

Another master of the universe was very surprised: "He actually has the ability to destroy your soul imprint? Is it so evil!"

The Lord of the universe was already mad with anger.

"court death!"

A divine hammer burning with black flames suddenly appeared in his hand.

On the divine hammer burning with black flames, purple thunders were vaguely entwined.

The moment it appeared, the entire void seemed to be shattered.

Superior treasure!

Lu Ge has a good eye now, and he can tell at a glance that the black magic hammer is also a good thing.

It is actually a high-level treasure!

The power of the black divine hammer is so great that the void will be distorted wherever it passes.

A terrifying void storm swept towards the clone of the giant starry sky beast.

The clones of many starry sky behemoths were blown to one side by this storm.

"Worthy of being the Lord of the Universe, strength is strength."

Lu Ge was a little emotional, if he didn't use the double attack.

It is simply too difficult to achieve the level of being a king and defeating the Lord of the Universe.

Lu Ge doesn't like fighting.

He continued to take these clones of the starry sky behemoths and continued to flee.

The black divine hammer naturally caused some damage to his body.

But in the next moment, the damaged body of the starry sky behemoth clone was replenished at the same time.

Return to the full state.

This shocked the two masters of the universe of the prison clan.

how can that be?

They have personally seen the power of that black hammer.

That hammer down, the consequences are quite serious.

At least one star beast must be destroyed.

It's a pity that their aura has not decreased in the slightest, and they can move as they should.

"What's going on, there is something wrong with their bodies, why doesn't it decrease at all."

Lu Ge laughed loudly: "The **** hammer is a good thing for the **** of the prison clan, but it's a pity that it fell into the hands of a waste like you, and it's not even strong enough to knock the back of the master."

Another master of the universe hurriedly comforted his companion: "Don't be impulsive, this kid seems to be deliberately provoking you."

The Lord of the Universe gritted his teeth and said, "I understand, but I really want to kill him, and I can't wait for a moment."

"Look at mine!"

His companion waved his hand, and the sky was clouded instantly.

A streak of **** thunder flickered.

More importantly, there are 100,000 flying saucer-shaped psychic weapons in the clouds.

At the level of the Lord of the Universe, the Psychic Weapons he uses are absolutely top-notch.

Followed by his growl.

The psychic weapon of the 100,000 flying saucers fell down horribly along with the red thunder that filled the sky.

A black wristband suddenly appeared on the hand of one of the starry sky behemoth clones.

While the wristband was shaking, the void twisted a bit.

Many flying saucer-shaped weapons fell into the distance, but Lu Ge was not damaged at all.

But he didn't dare to be careless.

keep running away.

Before killing these two masters of the universe, it is best for their psychic weapons not to move.

Otherwise, there will be endless troubles.

The two masters of the universe failed to stop them, but were still run away by Lu Ge...

The masters of the universe of the two prison clans were very depressed.

"We won't poke a hornet's nest, will we? There are very few clansmen of the starry sky behemoths, why there are only ten gathered here, it is not logical at all!"

"Don't worry about it, there are many wandering starry sky behemoths in the universe. They are not necessarily from the starry sky behemoth alliance. The starry sky behemoth alliance will only bring back those who have reached the immortal level. If they have not reached this level, it is easy be ignored."

"Once these starry sky behemoths return to the group, they will definitely find ways to deal with us, and we cannot let them go back."

"Block the vortex channel!"

The two masters of the universe have a way. They want to prevent Lu Ge's starry sky behemoth from escaping.

He directly chose to block the transmission channel of this primitive If Lu Ge's avatar of the starry sky monster wants to leave, he can only pass through here.

Of course, this is just wishful thinking of the two prison clan universe masters.

If Lu Ge wants to leave, he can directly pass through the hive space.

There is no need to be so troublesome.

But Lu Ge still has to maintain his own personality now, so he can't collapse.

It can unscrupulously use the skills and abilities of the starry sky behemoth.

But use it with caution.

Otherwise, it will be difficult to explain if it is suspected.

The two masters of the universe of the prison clan are indeed powerful, and they guard the transmission channel in person.

But through his avatar, he notified the prison clan, and immediately sent a large group of strong men.

Start chasing and intercepting the clone of the starry sky behemoth on this planet.

This is their revenge.

In the eyes of outsiders, this basically belongs to closing the door and beating dogs.

The transmission channel is blocked.

This group of starry sky behemoths could not leave and could only be beaten passively.

These starry sky behemoths are very powerful, but they can't stand up to the strong like clouds of the prison clan.

Forget about the two masters of the universe themselves.

They actually said hello, and one hundred thousand Universe Venerables came.

No matter how powerful those ten starry sky behemoths are, can they still rival the one hundred thousand universe lords?

All of a sudden, the primitive planet was in dire straits.

The Universe Venerable of the Hundred Thousand Prison Clan chased and beat ten starry sky behemoths.

It made Lu Ge angry.

He really wanted to send millions of troops to join the planet.

Let's see who has more troops.

However, he still held back, his plan had already succeeded more than half, and he couldn't let it fall by the wayside.

There are also many loopholes in the layout of the prison clan...+add to bookmark+

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