MTL - In the Age of Mythology, I Evolved Into a Stellar Behemoth-Chapter 99 Destroying cities and villages, the 'terrible' Chen Chu (second more)

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  Chapter 99 Destroying the city and destroying the stronghold, the 'terrible' Chen Chu (second more)

  At the entrance where the tributary flowed into the great river, just over ten minutes after the sword armored beast disappeared, two figures appeared, with the true power of the five heavens circulating on them.

  Looking at the big hole in the river embankment that exploded, and the footprints of mutant beasts at the bottom of the huge pit that exploded, one of the middle-aged men said solemnly.

   "The light wave detector in front shows that there are mutant beasts with level 4 energy fluctuations here. I thought it was a huge evolution in the river."

   "But looking at these paw prints, it doesn't seem to be a mutant aquatic beast."

  Another person shook his head slightly: "Not necessarily, judging from the direction of those paw prints, the mutant beast finally entered the river, so it may be a mutant crocodile."

   "Or a mutated aquatic creature that has evolved limbs."

   Having said that, the two were slightly silent.

  After a long time, the middle-aged man said slowly: "That mutant beast has already entered the river, so it's hard to track, but according to the evolutionary law in the past, it will swim along the water to the ocean."

   "Compared to the faint energy of heaven and earth contained in rivers and rivers, the ocean with richer energy is more attractive to these creatures."

  The other person nodded, and then said in a deep voice: "No matter what, there are more and more mutant creatures in the river. I feel that I must find a way to control it."

   "Yes, after returning, I will propose to the higher authorities to selectively catch those fishes that are more than two meters in size and have signs of mutation on their bodies."

   "I feel that the power of the masses can still be mobilized..."


  In the early morning, in the hotel lobby, Chen Chu walked out of the elevator wearing a dark red armor.

  Already a burly figure of 1.85 meters, the metal boots will vibrate dullly every time they land on the carpet, giving people a feeling of calmness like a mountain.

  The fragmented black hair hasn't been trimmed for three months, and the ears have been covered. The bangs sway slightly when walking. The facial features are handsome, and he looks very chic and handsome.

   "Chen Chu."

   "Brother Chen."

   "Brother Chen, you have to go out."

  Looking at Chen Chu who came out, the students from Nantian Wugao and the other two schools in the hall greeted him warmly.

  Compared to being ordinary and unknown in school, Chen Chu skyrocketed after coming to Laestru, and became very popular among his classmates and later freshmen.

  Even the monstrous Li Hao couldn't suppress him.

   Facing these friendly greetings, Chen Chu responded to them one by one with a smile on his face, without any signs of violence and domineering in battle.

   Walking out of the hotel, Chen Chu went to the military area to apply for a rough off-road vehicle that could be modified so that students wearing battle armor could drive by themselves.

   Putting the knife on the back seat, Chen Chu drove the car out.

   Soon the off-road vehicle drove on the main road out of the city, and the car seemed a little more angry along the way.

   After almost a month, except for a few cities in Koroja, the situation in other cities has almost completely stabilized.

  The newly established joint official overthrew the royal system, promulgated many laws to benefit the people during this period, and implemented them earnestly, making the Koroya people more and more agree with the federation.

   Of course, the recovery from this knockdown and rebuilding is slow,

   Soon Chen Chu came to the abandoned, uninhabited urban village on the outskirts, and it was also the place where the Nantian Wugao student died.

   Parked the car outside, Chen Chu walked in calmly.

  In the dilapidated three-story building hall, Chen Chu took a deep breath, and suddenly a violent aura erupted from his body, his muscles swelled and he punched his whole body.

  Boom! A fist covered in black strength blasted out, and the air in front of him exploded instantly, and the half-meter-thick cement pillar exploded, ignoring the debris and splashing everywhere.

  Chen Chu, who blasted the load-bearing pillar with a fist, moved, and burst out a series of ear-piercing screams, like a violent giant elephant slamming into a distant wall.

  Boom! The walls collapsed, and the smoke and dust filled the entire building, shaking slightly.

   Boom boom boom! Chen Chu was like a berserk behemoth, rampaging through the abandoned village in the city, with every move he made, he exploded with terrifying force and destroyed everything.

   appeared extremely crazy and domineering.

  In his hands, one-story houses and small high-rise buildings continued to collapse, the ground shook, billows of smoke and dust shot up into the sky, and sharp sword lights cut everything apart.

  Of course, Chen Chu is not crazy, he is just testing his strength after his physique soars, so as to avoid the situation that he cannot fully control his strength later.

  With his current strength, the test at the base caused too much commotion, so he came here on purpose.

   Until more than an hour later, when the sky was filled with smoke and dust, Chen Chu slowly walked out of the urban village where half of the buildings had collapsed, with a calm expression.

  Noon, restaurant.

   Just when Chen Chu finished cooking and was about to find a table to sit down with the plate, Xia Youhui waved to him not far away, "Ah Chu, here."

  Chen Chu walked over, and after sitting down, Xia Youhui asked curiously: "Ah Chu, where did you go this morning, didn't you see you in the practice field?"

  Chen Chu said casually: "Driving out and wandering around casually, I wanted to see if I could be lucky enough to catch a **** disciple or something, but unfortunately I didn't find anything."

  Xia Youhui hehe said: "It's normal, it's not as chaotic as it was at the beginning."

   "After more than half a month, especially under the frantic sweep of those new trial students, those guys who were going to kill a week after their bloodthirsty were almost killed."

  At this time Xia Youhui said: "By the way, Ah Chu, do you know about the squad leader's breakthrough?"

   "Has the squad leader also made a breakthrough? It's amazing." Chen Chu praised.

  Xia Youhui rolled his eyes: "...Ah Chu, why do I feel like beating you up every time I hear you praise others for being great?"


  Chen Chu looked at him strangely: "Is there any problem in praising others for being great?"

   "It's really fine under normal circumstances."

   "But there's a problem when it's you."

  Xia Youhui gritted his teeth and said: "You guys are obviously getting stronger and stronger, and you are more fierce than anyone else in battle, but you look elegant and easy-going in front of us every day."

"Is this interesting?"

  Chen Chu said strangely: "Facing the enemy, it is natural to be decisive and kill them. It has nothing to do with my usual modesty and easy-going, right?"

   "Should I be crazy about my cool dick, or look evil and arrogant at everyone?"

   "Not at all."

  Xia Youhui was a little tangled and said: "I mean, you can be domineering and tough in your actions and words, so that I can have more confidence when I pretend to be aggressive."

   "What does your pretense have to do with me?" Chen Chu was puzzled.

   "Of course it does."

  Xia Youhui said speechlessly: "Every time I break through the realm and my strength soars, and I want to pretend to be aggressive in front of Liu Feng and the others, you just pop out in a calm manner."

   "And you are obviously more powerful than me, and you have a humble face. Compared with this, my ready-to-go pretentious mood feels boring at once."

  Chen Chu couldn't help laughing: "It's not my fault, why don't I come out next time when you've finished pretending?"

   "Okay, you said it yourself."

   While talking and laughing, the two finished their meal, and then dispersed. Xia Youhui went back and continued to practice hard.

  Chen Chu came to the rooftop of the hotel, his consciousness sank.

  On the coral reef more than 50 meters underwater, the ferocious black mutant beast lay quietly, looking around with pale golden vertical pupils.

  After devouring two large mutated fish in a row in the morning, the sword armored beast toured the surrounding area to get familiar with the environment.

  Although the deep sea is rich in resources, it is also extremely dangerous. In this case, even a sword armored beast dare not be careless, otherwise it will burp when it suddenly encounters a ninth-level mutant beast.

   Just as Chen Chu was thinking wildly, a two-meter-long grouper slowly swam past the coral reef.

   When it approached the coral reef where the sword armored beast was, boom! In an instant, the sea water exploded, and a sword pierced out like a black streamer.

   Poof! The sword pierced through Groupan's head in an instant, causing him to die before he could even feel the pain.

  These creatures are not sword armored beasts. Many fishes have very weak eyesight, and they mainly rely on other senses to perceive the fluctuations of the surrounding water to determine the situation.

  At this time, the ferocious figure of the sword armored beast moved slightly, and the tail with the fish head curled slightly, pulling the grouper in front of the head, and biting it off.

  The sword-armoured beast holds the grouper in its claws, bites and devours it, while its tail sways behind it, and its ferocious figure swims deeper into the ocean, looking for prey.


  December 2nd, morning.

  Chen Chu was wearing a battle armor, with a helmet in his left hand and walked out of the elevator, the black cloak fluttering slightly behind him as he walked.

  Under the steps of the hotel, four remodeled pickup trucks had already parked, and Li Hao, Xia Youhui, and Li Meng were also fully armed there waiting for him.

  The weapons of the three of them are placed on the back of their pickup trucks, especially Li Hao's weapon, which has been lengthened from the original three meters to a terrifying four meters.

  The four pickup truck tires pressed by the thicker and longer heavy steel pillars are slightly sagged.

  Looking at Chen Chu who came down, Li Hao nodded slightly: "Everyone is here, let's get ready to go."

   "Okay." Chen Chu had no objection.

   As they spoke, the four of them each got into a modified pickup truck. With the engine started, the four big pickup trucks turned around and drove away.

   This scene was watched by many students. A student of Heshan Wugao asked curiously: "What are they doing here? It looks like they are going far away."

   Liu Feng, who was leaning against the wall of the hotel, crossed his arms and said enviously, "They are going to do something big."

  The student of Heshan Wugao was a little surprised: "A big deal? Could it be that they found traces of the blood disciples from the Three Heavens?"

   "Pfft! What are the blood disciples of the Three Heavens, it's worth letting the four of them join hands." Bai Curtain, who was also leaning against the wall, couldn't help laughing.

   This group of freshmen came late, during this period of time chasing those blood gangsters and rebel practitioners, all they encountered were ordinary people of the first and second heavens.

   At the same time, Chen Chu and Li Hao have not seen a move.

  For the two guys now, not to mention the third-level heavenly blood disciples, even the fourth-level heavenly cultists have a high probability of single-killing them.

such a pity. Thinking of this, the two felt a little regretful.

  After a week of stabbing retreat, only Li Meng managed to break through yesterday, and obtained the qualification to participate in the hunting of the King Blood Mutant Beast.

   As for the four modified pickups, Li Hao provided them.

   In addition, he also prepared food and water for the few days in the mountains. Chen Chu and the others only needed to kill the mutant beasts.

   This is a big dog, generous.

  Of course, this action was reported to teacher Liu Feixu, and the four of them could only leave the area of ​​Laestru after getting permission, otherwise she would not be able to explain to her superiors if something happened.

   After all, the four of them are all geniuses who have broken through the triple heaven in a short period of time.

  The Kata Mountains span half of Koroya, and the city of Laestru is about 150 kilometers away from the nearest mountain entrance, passing through two small cities.

   Some roads in between... well, some rough dirt roads in between.

  So we set off in the morning, and the four arrived at the foot of the mountain at about two o'clock in the afternoon. The terrain there was flat, and five Koroyas had already camped outside the forest.

   This group of people looked resolute, and they all carried submachine guns and rifles on their backs, and even heavy firearms such as grenade guns could be seen in the tent behind them.

  They are the mercenaries Li Hao is looking for.

  Although these people are ordinary people, they have rich experience in traveling through the mountains and forests, and they are very powerful in combat. They specialize in searching for and even capturing ordinary mutant creatures.

  Of course, the mutant creatures they captured before were ordinary creatures with some traces of mutation, not even first-level mutant beasts.

  So this time they fell down. Originally a group of nine people, four died on the way to explore the traces of mutant beasts.

   But this business is all for money, and I have been mentally prepared for it, so I don't have any thoughts of dissatisfaction and resentment.

  Looking at Li Hao who got off the car, the middle-aged Ke Luoya, the tallest among them, warmly greeted him: "Boss, you are here."

  Li Hao said in a deep voice: "Help me take care of the car, and I will transfer the final payment to you when we come out."

   "No problem boss."

   "Boss, this is the map I drew, and I marked the places where there are dangerous mutant beasts." The mercenary handed Li Hao a sheepskin while speaking.

   While they were talking, Chen Chu and the others also got out of the car, carrying a small backpack containing supplies on their backs, and carrying weapons in their hands.

  The next road is full of dangers, and of course it is safer to hold weapons in your hands.

   It's just that when the mercenaries looked at the long knives, heavy shields, heavy hammers and the iron pillar carried by Li Hao in the hands of the four, they all showed awe on their faces.

  Seeing the four of them striding towards the mountain, the burly man couldn't help shouting: "Boss, you have to be careful, especially some ordinary mutated poisonous insects and snakes."

   "These must not be underestimated."

   Of course, this mercenary is not that kind.

  He was mainly afraid that if these geniuses from the Federation died carelessly, not only would they not be able to get the rest of the money, but they might even get into trouble.

   Li Hao just waved his hand to indicate that he understood.

  After the third heaven, Li Meng, the worst of the four, had a physique more than ten times that of ordinary people, and his arm strength exceeded a thousand kilograms.

  At this time, even if they were wearing heavy armor and holding heavy weapons, everyone was walking like the wind in the mountains and forests. If there was a way to walk, if there was no way, they would just jump across the steep slopes of the ravine.

  The speed is so fast that it only took half an hour to cross the two peaks.

  As for the weeds and thorns on the road, ordinary poisonous insects, snakes and ants directly ignored them, and they couldn't hinder the four people wearing full-body armor.

  It’s just that when I ran more than 30 kilometers...


  The four-meter-long iron pillar covered with red strength crashed down, and the wind howled in an instant, and the wild boar weighing more than a thousand catties was directly smashed into a meat paste from head to tail.

   Extremely domineering.

   Li Hao, who killed the wild boar, picked up the iron pillar and shook it, and the blood stained on it was shaken off with real strength, and he carried it on his shoulder with a bang, looking like a demon against the four curved corners more than one meter long.

   This wild boar is just an episode.

  The four of them continued on their way. Suddenly, Chen Chu in front of him flashed a knife in his hand, and swept across the jungle on the side. A colorful poisonous snake more than four meters long was chopped into two pieces.

  Looking at the corpse of the poisonous snake, the four of them continued on their way calmly, but just a few kilometers ahead, Li Meng suddenly jumped high and smashed down with a heavy hammer in his hand.

  Boom! In an instant, the dead leaves in front exploded.

  The head of a brown-spotted monitor lizard was more than two meters long, and its head exploded, blood and flesh splattered everywhere, exuding a strong **** smell.

  Xia Youhui couldn't help complaining: "Damn, why do I feel that these animals are so aggressive."

  Chen Chu shook his head: "Not only are they very aggressive, but there are signs of mutation on these creatures. Although their strength is only slightly stronger than ordinary creatures, it is not a good sign."

   Hearing this, the faces of the other people were also a little dignified.

  They usually live in the city, and they only need to go to the market to buy food and clothing, so they never knew that the situation in the deep mountains and wild forests was so serious.

   There are highly aggressive wild creatures everywhere, and many creatures have faint traces of mutation.

   This is still a barren place like Ke Luoya, so what about Dongxia where the energy of the world is rich?

   Given Dongxia's environment and vastness, the number of mutant beasts in the deep mountains and wilds will only increase and become more terrifying.

   No wonder the government organizes senior students from various colleges and universities to hunt and kill mutant beasts every year, and at the same time sends troops to block those dangerous large mountain ranges.

  The official armed forces in various places also clean up the surrounding wild animals from time to time, strangling these mutant beasts that are dangerous to ordinary people in their cradles.

   But even in this situation, everyone could vaguely see a terrifying future where mutant beasts are everywhere.

   Soon the four of them advanced more than ten kilometers deep into the mountain. Just as they passed by the foot of a mountain, there was a violent roar from above.


  In the mountain forest, a huge black bear with a head and shoulder height of more than two meters, a body length of five meters, and a weight of more than two tons rushed down, apparently taking four people as prey for invading its territory.

  Xia Youhui suddenly excitedly said: "Don't make a move, leave this to me."

   Along the way, Chen Chu and the three in front took action, beheading the mutant creatures that attacked them neatly, which made Xia Youhui's hands itchy.

   Xia Youhui's body was seen bursting with earth-colored rays of light, exuding a heavy aura as thick as a mountain, covering it together with the heavy shield.


   Li Yin Zhong Xia Youhui was like a basalt in armor, rumbling towards the mutated black bear rushing down the mountain, and in the blink of an eye, a man and a beast collided together.

  Boom! Under the violent impact, earth-colored rays of light flourished, the soil under Xia Youhui's feet exploded, and the ground shook, but his seemingly much smaller figure remained motionless.

  The black bear that collided with him screamed. Not only was half of his body hit by the heavy shield with more than a dozen blood holes, but he was also sent flying more than ten meters away by the terrible shock force.

  The black bear covered in blood fell to the ground and rolled a few times, struggling a little and then stopped moving.

  This is the power of the Xuanwu Thick Soil Secret Art. It not only has a terrible defense, but also has a certain amount of counter-shock power in the first floor.

  At this time, as Xia Youhui broke through the third heaven, the heavy shield's anti-shock power was stronger, and with the power of his own charge, he directly shocked the black bear to death.

  Of course, the reason Xia Youhui looks so fierce is that the black bear is only a first-level mutant beast.

  Li Meng shouted: "Xia Youhui, stop pretending, it's just a first-level mutant beast, hurry up and leave."

   "Damn!" Xia Youhui turned around and gave him the middle finger, can't he just pretend for a while.

  (end of this chapter)

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