MTL - In the Age of Mythology, I Evolved Into a Stellar Behemoth-Chapter 100 Violent Demon Ape, Sword Armored Dragon Elephant Beast (as the leader of Nuanyang Alliance

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  Chapter 100 Rampage Demon Ape, Sword Armored Dragon Elephant Beast

  According to the map given by the mercenaries, and compared with the mobile phone satellite map, the group of iron-armed black apes is about 150 kilometers away from where they entered the mountain.

   During the period, you have to climb over nine mountains, two small rivers, and pass through the territory of three dangerous mutant beasts.

  Of course, this danger is that for those mercenaries, in the eyes of Chen Chu and others, there is only one third-level mutant beast and two second-level mutant beasts.

   Among them, the third-level mutant beast is a thirteen-meter-long king cobra. It is as fast as the wind, powerful, and highly poisonous. Even snake-scale rifle bullets cannot penetrate it.

   At that time, two of the mercenaries were swallowed by the king cobra, and they lost more than a dozen high-explosive grenades before they escaped the pursuit.

  The remaining two second-level mutant beasts are giant crocodiles that inhabit the river beach, and a thorn wolf with a body length of nine meters.

   "Are you going to kill?"

  Under the setting sun, among the woods on the hillside, Chen Chu and the others looked ahead. There was a giant python more than ten meters long, wrapped around the trunk of a big tree.

  The open flat snake neck is one meter wide, and the hideous snake head is full of oppression.

  At this time, the king python was raising its head slightly, and its black snake eyes were coldly looking in the direction of Chen Chu and the others. It was obvious that they had spotted the four people tens of meters away.

  As a snake, its senses are not only eyes, but also stronger sense of smell and thermal imaging.

   It was just a third-level mutant beast, and Chen Chu and the others didn't take it seriously. At this time, they were discussing whether to kill it or bypass it first.

   After all, a third-level mutant beast is worth more than hundreds of thousands, and it is worth 20 contribution points if it is taken back and exchanged to the official. It is much easier than killing ten blood disciples from the second level.

  Li Hao said in a deep voice: "I suggest bypassing this king cobra and killing it when you come back, otherwise it will be too troublesome to travel with its corpse, and it would be a pity to lose it."

  Chen Chu nodded: "In this case, I suggest that the other two mutant beasts should also be avoided."

   "Okay." Xia Youhui and Li Meng also agreed.

   "Let me lead it away."

   As he spoke, Chen Chu rushed out of the woods in a flash, and appeared in an open space more than ten meters away. He picked up a stone the size of a human head from the ground.

  Boom! Under the terrifying force, the stone flew out like a cannonball, and hit the king cobra's head with a precise bang.

  The stone was instantly smashed into powder under the powerful force, and the impact kinetic energy carried made the snake head back violently.


   The king cobra was immediately enraged by Chen Chu, hissing coldly, and its body slid down from the tree like a black thread in an instant.

  Where the king python's thick body passed, the bushes and shrubs naturally gave way, forming a snake path, with a speed like the wind, spanning tens of meters in the blink of an eye.

  King Cobra is also known as Guoshanfeng, which describes its moving speed as fast as the wind, and the speed after mutation is even faster.

   But Chen Chu was faster, and with a bang, he burst into the air and disappeared in place.

   "It's so fast." Seeing Chen Chu and the boa constrictor disappearing into the depths of the forest in the blink of an eye, the three of them were slightly startled.

  Forget about the mutated python, Chen Chu, a guy who practiced strength-related exercises, was so fast, which made them a little puzzled.

  Actually, after coming to the Ke Luoya trial, many people noticed that Chen Chu's agility was abnormal, and he didn't look like a cultivator who focused on strength at all.

  But no one asked more about this, including Xia Youhui.

  After all, everyone has their own secrets. For example, Li Hao, everyone knows that his goal of organizing everyone to join forces this time should be the blood of the golden-backed violent ape.

   Otherwise, why not hunt other mutant beasts, but more dangerous apes?

  Chen Chu, who quickly threw off the king cobra, rushed back, and the four of them ran for more than 20 kilometers, and stopped suddenly after passing through the territory of the giant crocodile.

  No way, it's getting dark.

  At this time, they were still about 40 kilometers away from the mountain where the iron-armed black ape was.

  In six hours in one afternoon, the four of them ran for more than 110 kilometers, at a speed of more than 20 kilometers per hour. This speed is obviously a bit slow given their strength.

  No way, the mountains and forests are not easy to walk, and Xia Youhui and Li Hao carry too much weight.

  The four of them quickly found a place to set up a tent under the cliff. It was safer because it was full of rocks. After making an appointment to take turns to watch the night for three hours, everyone rested.

  In the tent, Chen Chu sat cross-legged, holding the blue crystal whose energy was almost gone, and began to practice.

   At the same time, he was distracted and dual-purpose, and his consciousness sank to the side of the sword armored beast.

  The reason for the time difference is that it is still daytime there, and the sunlight penetrates the sea surface to bring light to the deep water.

  Under the coral reef with a water depth of more than 30 meters, a ferocious beast with a head of five meters and a black body opened its eyes, and its huge body swam out.

  Five days passed, and after devouring a large number of mutated fish every day, the growth rate of the sword armored beast was several times faster than that of the heavy armored beast, making it look even more ferocious.

  These few days at least, the accumulation of evolutionary value is around 20 points a day, and when it is more, it is thirty or forty.

  The reason is that the mutated creatures in the sea contain higher energy in the fish meat, which makes the sword armored beast grow faster, and naturally transforms and accumulates more evolutionary energy.

  Under the influence of clone synchronization, Chen Chu's strength is steadily improving every day, and his physique is constantly getting stronger.

  In fact, Chen Chu has thought about the issue of synchronization. Since the growth of the avatar can affect him, can he also affect the avatar in turn?

  Of course, this influence is not physical fitness. After all, the speed at which he cultivates the real martial arts to temper his body is not as fast as the growth of the clone.

   What he was thinking about was whether the sword armored beast could also cultivate?

  As a mutant beast, it is born with a high affinity for extraordinary energy, otherwise it cannot absorb energy mutation.

  For example, now, the sword armored beast can perceive the rich energy contained in the surrounding sea water, but it just doesn't know how to absorb, refine, and store it.

  I don’t know if this problem is because the avatar was not a mutant beast at the beginning, but evolved from an ordinary hexagonal salamander?

   As a result, although it has been devouring continuously, its flesh and blood also contains a wealth of 'energy', but it cannot slowly become stronger by absorbing the energy of the world like those mutant creatures.

  This problem may require its fourth evolution, which can only be solved by absorbing and evolving a talent of extraordinary ability.

   Just as the sword armored beast was thinking, a head of food on the seabed appeared in its eyes.

  It was a red crab with a body length of four meters and a huge claw that stretched eight meters. The huge claws were holding a three-meter-long gray shark for food.


  A string of air bubbles spewed out of its nose, and the sword armored beast swam over. Its ferocious appearance instantly aroused the vigilance of the mutated crab, and its two big eyes stared at it.

   Cuckoo! The crab's mouth made a warning cooing sound.

  The black and ferocious sword-armored beast ignored its warning, and continued to approach. Seeing that, the mutated crab let go of the half-eaten shark, turned slightly sideways, and aimed its pincers at it.

  As the sword-armoured beasts approached, the atmosphere on both sides became more and more solemn, and the situation was at stake.

   When the distance between the two sides was only five meters, the mutated crab's six claws flicked suddenly, and its huge body quickly rushed towards the sword armored beast, and its huge left claw was even more angry.


  The moment the mutated crab's pincers were clamped, a circle of transparent air exploded in all directions. It is conceivable how terrifying the explosive power of this clamp is.

   It's just that this blow didn't catch the sword armored beast.

  The moment it launched an attack, the sword armored beast flashed like a black shadow in the water, and appeared behind the mutant crab at a faster speed.

  I saw the sword armored beast stand up with its thick hind legs, its claws raised high, a fierce and violent momentum erupted on its body, the muscles of its forelimbs swelled, and its claws were like palms.

  Dragon Elephant Kungfu's third level combat skill, Raging Elephant Treading the Sky.


  The moment the sword armored beast landed on the mutated crab's carapace with its claws like palms, the surrounding sea water exploded, forming circles of white shock waves that rushed more than ten meters away. .

  Under the terrifying force, the carapace of the mutated crab was as hard as an alloy, tens of centimeters thick, shattered and collapsed, and the whole body shattered and exploded under one blow.

   For a time, the surrounding area of ​​ten meters was submerged in tumbling sand, mixed with blue blood and crab roe.

   A few minutes later, the sword armored beast looked at the scattered crab claws and the few edible crab meat around it, and felt a little pity. It would have been lighter if it had known.


  The sword armored beast crushed the huge crab claws in one bite, and its eyes showed joy as it chewed the delicious crab meat with its ferocious big mouth.

   Because its direction is right.

  Although the real power avatars cultivated by real martial arts cannot be synchronized, some combat moves and power burst techniques are universal.

   Just now, the angry elephant stepped on the world, not only fully exploded the terrifying talent of a hundred times the strength of the sword armored beast, but also condensed its strength as if it were real.

  Although due to the absence of the true power of the dragon elephant, it did not burst out several times the power on this basis, but the more concentrated power is obviously more destructive.

  If it was before, it would smash the back shell of the mutated crab with one claw at most, instead of breaking the back shell like now and then bursting out with shocks and impacts.

  In this case, even if you can't cultivate real strength, the strength of the sword armored beast that can display some real martial arts skills has skyrocketed.

  Thinking of this, the sword armored beast was in a very happy mood. After happily eating up the remaining meat of the mutated crab, it disappeared into the depths of the ocean with a flick of its tail.

  In the dark night, Xia Youhui, who was on duty for three hours, came outside Chen Chu's tent and shouted, "Ah Chu, it's your turn."

  In the tent, Chen Chu slowly opened his eyes, a cold and fierce light flashed in the depths of his pupils, and then he returned to his usual gentleness.

   "Okay, you go to rest."

   As he spoke, Chen Chu opened the tent and walked out.

  The deep mountains and old forests at night are very dangerous, even the four of them dare not neglect, including Chen Chu.

  Watching the night, he stood on a big rock with his hands behind his back. His whole body was covered in black and red armor to prevent him from being attacked by some poisonous insects. At the same time, he maximized the perception of his mind and eyes.



   Chirp chirp chirp!

  All kinds of screams and roars continued to come from a distance, murderous intent was everywhere, and a pair of cruel eyes in the forest tens of meters away vaguely looked at this side.

   Sensing the malice, Chen Chu slightly turned his head and looked over, his eyes were sharp and cold.

   However, it was too dark, even Chen Chu's physical vision could not be the same as in the daytime, and he could only vaguely see that it was a creature that looked like a cheetah.

  This mutant beast with its tail is about six meters long, standing on a tree trunk more than ten meters high, most of its body is covered by leaves.

   But it seemed that Chen Chu was not easy to mess with, the mutant beast finally chose to leave, and Chen Chu didn't bother to chase it down when he saw it.

   A first-level mutant beast only contributes two or three points if killed, and the most important thing is that it is not easy to carry.

  The night passed, and the next day, the four of them had a simple breakfast in the morning, cleaned up a little, and then continued to set off, climbing mountains and ridges.

   After killing more than a dozen ordinary mutant creatures who were not afraid of death in one shot, they finally came to the mountain forest where the iron-armed black ape lived.

  The trees here are all 30 to 50 meters high, with a lush canopy, and the branches are covered with arms and thick tree vines hanging down, on which a three-meter-high black orangutan climbs and frolicks.

  Among these black apes, the six five-meter-tall giant apes are particularly conspicuous. Their thick arms are thicker than humans, and their skin is dark and iron-like.

  According to the information, these iron-armed black apes have rough fur and thick skin. Ordinary first-class black apes can ignore ordinary bullets, swing their arms and fly a car, and are very sensitive.

  The second-level iron-armed black ape is stronger, and the rifle and submachine gun bullets on it feel like itching, and the power is even more terrifying.

  And this kind of mutant beast can use weapons just like humans. When fighting, it will carry tree trunks and sweep, or throw hundreds of kilograms of stones as shells, which is very dangerous.

   As for the golden-backed violent ape, there is no specific information.

  Xia Youhui carried the heavy shield and said excitedly, "Do you want to do it directly?"

  Li Meng looked solemn: "I didn't see the golden-backed ape, what if it hides and sneaks up?"

  Li Hao said in a deep voice: "That's simple. Let's lure those iron-armed black apes down. After killing more than a dozen of them, the golden-backed ape will definitely appear."

   "At that time, Xia Youhui and I will contain the golden-backed ape head-on. Chen Chu, you and Li Meng will quickly kill the iron-armed black ape that can be killed to avoid being harassed during the battle."

   "Finally, we will work together to kill the Golden-backed Violent Ape."

   "Of course, it would be better if the golden-backed violent ape is not there. Let's kill all the first- and second-level iron-armed black apes first, and then it will be easier to deal with the violent ape."

  Chen Chu nodded: "Yes."

  Of course, this proposal is not even considered a plan, it is completely a frontal killing.

  Although there are a large number of mutant beasts, most of them are first-level and a few second-level. They are completely vulnerable to the four of them at this time.

  The only thing worthy of attention is the golden-backed violent ape.

  (end of this chapter)

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