MTL - In the Age of Mythology, I Evolved Into a Stellar Behemoth-Chapter 98 The third evolution, Sword Armor King Beast (first update)

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  Chapter 98 The third evolution, the sword king beast (first update)

   Wujiang, seven thirty in the evening.

  Chen Hu came down from upstairs holding the box containing the tiger beetle, and shouted to Zhang Xiaolan who was watching TV in the living room: "Mom, I'm going out for a walk."

  Because of good law and order, Zhang Xiaolan didn't worry about his safety, but just told him: "Don't go too far, you know."

"I know."

   "Wait a minute, what are you doing with your brother's pet bug when you go out for a walk?" Zhang Xiaolan looked at the box he was holding in surprise.

   "Oh, brother called me this afternoon and asked me to take it out and release it." Chen Hu blinked.

  No way, his brother’s request to tie him up with a rope and throw him into the water is too ridiculous. He told Zhang Xiaolan that he might be regarded as deliberately causing trouble, but instead, let him be released.

   "Your brother called you."

  Zhang Xiaolan was taken aback for a moment, and then asked concerned: "Did he say how he was doing over there? Was he injured? Did he eat well?"

   "I heard that Ke Luoya is very backward, even the signal is intermittent, and some places often have power outages..."

   "Cough! Mom, brother, he's fine, he's doing well." Chen Hu interrupted hastily.

   Then before Zhang Xiaolan could speak, he ran out: "Mom, I'm going out first."

  It is almost December at this time, the weather is getting cooler, and there are many fewer pedestrians going out at night. There are only a few old people walking with their children along the road along the river.

  According to Chen Chu's request, Chen Hu came to the bridge by the river, took out a rope and **** the box containing the tiger beetle, with a small stone tied at one end.

  Trying the weight, Chen Hu suddenly threw the stone and the box out together.

Snapped! The water splashed everywhere, and the stone quickly sank into the water, while the box with a few small holes punched on the front floated on the water and was fixed in the water by the stone.

   "Is this all right?" Looking at the box floating in the water, Chen Hu was a little uncertain, thought for a while, and then took out the phone from his pocket.

  Due to the time difference, it was around midnight at Ke Luoya's side.

  Chen Chu, who hadn't slept all night, tapped to answer the phone as soon as it rang.

   "Brother, I threw the tiger beetle into the river."

   "Well, I see, you can go back."

  While Chen Chu was speaking, a three-meter-long black mutant beast lay quietly under the water under the bridge, looking up slightly at Chen Hu by the river.

   "Oh, I'm going back then."

  Since Chen Chu said there was no problem, Chen Hu hung up the phone and left.

   After Chen Hu left for more than ten minutes, it was already 8:30 in the evening. The water splashed under the dim bridge, and a huge black head stuck out of the water.

  The two sides are half a meter long, covered with spikes, and the three pairs of horns that are as bright as blood burst upwards, making the heavy armored beast look inexplicably majestic.

  Boom! The armored beast swallowed the tiger beetle and the box in one gulp, and then disappeared into the river.

   Half an hour later, the black mutated beast came to the intersection of the tributary and the big river, and returned to the hole on the bank where it had dug to hide.

  Of course, the current lair certainly cannot accommodate it now. I saw the heavy armored beast protruding its claws, and the river in this area suddenly became turbid.

   Soon, a cave mouth was below the river surface, the passage was five meters deep, and a huge cave with a length and width of six meters inside was dug out.

  It wasn't until then that the heavy armored beast came to the middle and lay down, crushing the wooden box that had been in its mouth for a long time.

   At the same time, the voice of Chen Chu who came to the rooftop of the hotel sounded "evolution" in his head.


  Chen Chu's voice was like pressing a certain button. At a distance of tens of thousands of kilometers, a fiery torrent in the heavy armored beast erupted like a mountain roaring and a tsunami.

  The evolutionary energy accumulated this time is far more than the previous two times. Wherever it passes, the muscles, bones, and even the exoskeleton of the armored beast are decomposing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

   Yes, from the cell level decomposition, reorganization, division, compression, the density becomes more terrifying.

  The originally stable gene also absorbed a part of the factor representing the speed of the tiger beetle, and began to recombine, optimize, and evolve in a direction that is more suitable for itself.

  At the same time, a fiery energy appeared out of thin air in Chen Chu's body, which exploded like a bomb, rolling up a billowing heat wave and sweeping across his whole body.

  Wherever he passed, his already strong physical strength soared at a terrifying speed, doubled, doubled, five times...

  As his physique grew and his musculoskeletal density became stronger and stronger, a heavier and heavier aura permeated Chen Chu's body.

   This evolution took longer than the last one, and it took almost two hours to complete.

  At this time, the sky was bright and the sun was rising. The golden sunlight shone on Chen Chu's face, and his facial features were shining like jade carvings.

  Chen Chu slowly opened his eyes, his black and white pupils were tinged with gold, and his eyes were indifferent, with a faint sense of dignity and sacredness.

  But this vision is just a flash.

  Chen Chu moved his body a little, and he could clearly feel that his body became very heavy as his physique strengthened and the cell density increased.

  His skin became tougher, his muscle fibers became more explosive, and his bones were harder than alloys, allowing him to carry stronger forces.

   "This promotion is a bit exaggerated." In amazement, Chen Chu summoned the property page with a thought.

   Realm: Three Heavens

  Physique: 285+

   Strength: 306+

   Dexterity: 247+

  Spirit: 241+

  Talent: Soul Split+

  gongfa: lotus platform meditation, dragon elephant skill + [third level] mind-eye sword + [third level]

  Attribute points: 3

  Equipment: Ordinary War Armor [Sturdy +10]

  Divided body: Hexagonal Sword Armored Beast

  Level: Intermediate Mutant Beast [A mutant beast with three powerful talents, it is the king among the same level of alien beasts, and its combat power is extremely strong]

  Talent: Strength + [Hundred Times Strength Explosion] Defense + [Hundred Times Heavy Pressure Defense]

  Swift +【Special body structure and limbs with strong joints and elastic muscles, which can instantly explode at 30 times the movement speed, and the effect in water will be weakened to a certain extent】

  Evolution value: 0/3000

  In this evolution, Chen Chu's four attributes have increased by 100 points as a whole, and the overall increase in all aspects is terrible.

  At this moment, he felt that even if he didn't use his real power to possess his body, ordinary bullets at the terrifying density couldn't penetrate his skin, and the increase in strength was even more terrifying.


  Chen Chu grasped the huge water tank frame on the roof with his palm, and pulled it slightly, the metal frame weighing more than ten tons made a creaking and deforming sound.

  Feeling the terrifying strength emanating from the arm muscles, Chen Chu let go of his palm in satisfaction: "It's just pure arm strength, I've already exceeded 4,000 kilograms."

  The later the physique attribute is, the stronger it is with every point of increase. Just like now, the strength between 200 points and 300 points has almost doubled.

   After briefly testing the almost doubled strength, Chen Chu's attention fell on the clone data below.

  The name has changed to Hexagonal Sword Armored Beast, a mid-level mutant beast. This grade division is different from the division of mutant beasts by humans.

  Chen Chu felt that the current level of the sword armored beast among the mutant beasts should be around the beginning of level four.

  Combined with the previous low-level, the property page should divide the mutant beasts into three levels: low-level, intermediate, and high-level, corresponding to a nine-level.

  Of course, although the level is at the beginning of the fourth level, the remarks of the Mutant Beast King later indicate that the combat power of the evolved Sword Armored Beast far exceeds its own level.

  Looking past the information, Chen Chu's attention fell on the third talent' swiftness'.

   Accumulate power, instantly bursting with thirty times the movement speed. Chen Chu was a little surprised, he didn't expect that the talent he got this time was not a hundred times increase.

  Chen Chu was thoughtful: "It seems that even if it is talent, speed is also affected by air resistance and gravity."

  The talent of strength comes from the powerful muscle fibers and hard bones of the whole body, and the defense comes from the hard exoskeletal armor with special structure of the whole body, both of which belong to the body category.

   But not at the same speed.

  Although the evolved speed talent mainly comes from being able to store power and possessing terrifying joint elastic muscles, it will be affected by the outside world after it explodes.

   Or because this talent comes from the physical body, it is still restricted by the rules of physics.

  If the evolutionary awakening is similar to the rules, or the speed talent of extraordinary power should be able to ignore the laws of physics.

  After carefully reading all the data, Chen Chu came to the sword armored beast with a sinking consciousness.

  In the pitch-black cave, a pair of vertical pupils with gold in black slowly opened. Because of the light, Chen Chu couldn't see the changes in his appearance clearly, so he exerted a little force on his limbs.


  The **** of the river bank exploded with a bang, and dozens of tons of soil were thrown into the air like a missile bombing.

  Amidst the smoke and dust in the sky, a mutant beast with a pitch-black body appeared by the river.

  After this evolution, the Sword Armored Beast's body has become much more coordinated and stronger, and its body length has changed from three meters to four meters, but the extra part is the tail.

  The tail, which was shorter than the body, now occupies almost half the length of the body, and the tail becomes slender as it goes back, giving people a sense of flexibility.

  Especially, a ten-centimeter-long black bone spur grew from the tail of the tail, like the tip of a gun or the tip of a sword.

  The body surface is still covered with layers of armor-like outer armor, exuding a metallic luster in the pitch black, but it is not as thick as before, but the defense remains the same.

  At the same time, the limbs have become more slender and stronger, and the muscles of the rear body and hind legs are thicker than the front, and it seems that they can stand up with a little effort.

  At the same time, the row of blunt horns on the back also became narrow and sharp, extending from the back of the head to the tail, like sharp black swords more than ten centimeters long.

  In addition, the head became more three-dimensional, thick, with protruding eye bones, and the edges of the upper and lower jaws were black bone armor with distinct water chestnuts, like a dragon's head.

  The three pairs of red feather horns on both sides are more vivid like blood, shining with a faint red light like jade, and the pale golden vertical pupils are cold, exuding inexplicable majesty.

  At this moment, the Sword Armored Beast exudes a ferocious and ferocious aura, like a terrifying beast born entirely for killing.

Roar! The sword-armored beast opened its mouth slightly, and let out a low roar that looked like a tiger but not a tiger, with a deep and deep voice.


  The soil exploded with a bang, and four large pits appeared on the ground. Under the terrifying counter-shock force, the sword armored beast instantly turned into an afterimage and disappeared on the spot.

boom! Hundreds of meters away, the water on the surface of the river exploded, and several tons of river water rose into the sky like a fountain, and then slowly fell after rushing up to more than ten meters.

  Under the river, the sword-armored beast swam like a black shadow at an alarming speed.

  Many fish were swallowed by the ferocious mouth before they could react, leaving only a tail or half of the head floating in the water.

  From the mouth of the sea to the river mouth where the tributary flows into, it took a long time for the heavy armored beast to come back from the distance of more than 100 kilometers, but it only took more than half an hour to go out after evolving into a sword armored beast.

  Equivalent to a speed of about 150 kilometers per hour, faster than the fastest fish in the ocean.

  Of course, this comparison is before the mutation, and after the mutation, the speed of many fish in the ocean has become very terrifying, such as the knifefish that I met back then.

  This evolution not only gained the talent of swiftness, but also made the sword armored beast agile and powerful, without the bulkiness of the heavy armored beast.

  Boom! At the junction of salt water and fresh water, a black shadow tore through the waves and rushed into the sea.

  Although the body size has not changed much, the sword armored beast is not as afraid of the ocean at this time. It is like a black shadow rushing towards the deep sea.

  Because only deeper seas can breed more powerful mutated fish.

  It will devour those stronger mutated fish, so that it will have more energy for its growth, and accumulate more evolutionary values ​​to prepare for the fourth evolution.

   Just when the sword armored beast swam more than 20 kilometers in the ocean and came to a water depth of more than 50 meters.

  A ten-meter-long fuzzy black shadow like a boa constrictor appeared in front of it. Suddenly, the sword armored beast's eyes turned cold, and the terrifying power in its body erupted.

  Boom! The sea water exploded behind him, and the sword armored beast shot out like a black arrow, and appeared in front of the distant shadow in the blink of an eye, with its claws protruding.

  Puff puff puff!

  Under the terrifying speed and sharp claws, the head of the mutated eel, which was shaped like a python, had a ferocious head, and was covered with yellow scales, was instantly torn apart.

   Bang bang bang!

  Like a real boa constrictor, the mutated eel with its head torn apart is dead but not stiff, its body as thick as a bucket writhes wildly in the sea, and blood gushes out.

  Just in the blink of an eye, the sea water around ten meters away was stained red with blood, exuding a strong smell of blood.

   After the corpse of the mutant eel stopped struggling, the dark and ferocious sword armored beast slowly swam over.

   It grabbed the body of the eel with its two claws and swallowed it like eating spicy sticks. The thick blood and meat dregs overflowed from between the sharp teeth and floated in the sea water.

   But at this moment, none of the small fish and shrimps that smelled blood dared to approach.

  Although they have no intelligence, they have biological instincts. At this time, they instinctively feel a terrifying and ferocious aura in front of them, and dare not go forward.

  Clicking, the mutant eel, which was ten meters long and weighed only one ton, was eaten up by the sword armor beast in a short while.

  Under the gusts of biological energy transformed by the food, the body of the sword armored beast became larger at a speed visible to the naked eye, making it appear more powerful.

   And the evolution value directly increased by 1 point.

   It doesn't seem like much, but the problem is that the sword armored beast just devoured an ordinary mutant moray eel at random. Wouldn't it be tens of points a day if it ate at this rate?

  At this time, the sword armored beast swayed its tail slightly, came to the bottom of the sea, and grabbed the bucket-sized head of the mutated eel with one claw.

   But it didn't eat it, but crushed it with a click.

   "No." The sword armored beast rummaged through the broken eel head slag, but found no life crystal.

  Sword Armored Beast only needs to convert the flesh and blood of creatures into energy to accumulate evolutionary value.

   Therefore, Chen Chu always wanted to test whether the sword armored beast gained more energy from swallowing crystals, or it was more cost-effective for him to convert life crystals into attribute points.

   It’s just that I don’t know if it’s bad luck or something. The ordinary mutated fish that the armored beast hunts in the river don’t have life crystals.

  However, compared to the ordinary mutant fish in the river, the endless ocean bred more and stronger mutant beasts, even giant beasts with a size of more than 100 meters, and hundreds of meters.

  Those places have generally become restricted areas in the deep sea, and human ships dare not approach them at all.

  Even if the aircraft carrier carries a battle formation, plus a real warrior passing by, there is a risk of being completely destroyed, because the ocean is the home of those deep-sea monsters.

  The sword armored beast threw away the wreckage it caught, and its hideous figure swam around to find the next target.

  The conditions for life crystals are extremely harsh, and they need to be at the peak evolutionary stage to be born, so the sword armored beast is not very disappointed.

   This is no big deal and continue to kill, there will always be crystals found in a certain mutant fish.

   As expected of an ocean rich in resources, before the sword armored beast had swum a few kilometers, a huge black shadow appeared in its eyes.

  After several times of evolution, the sword armored beast has very sharp eyesight, and with the help of the faint light of the moonlight falling on the sea, it discovered this food in advance.

  It was a nine-meter-long fat mutant fish with brown scales all over its body and more than two meters at its widest point. It looked like a bus.

   There are four sharp upper and lower canine teeth in the slightly opened mouth, which is very powerful.

  Compared to the slender mutant eel, this mutant fish is much stronger, so the sword armored beast slowed down and slowly approached from behind with its tail swinging.

   It's just that the mutated fat fish was very sensitive, and it reacted when the sword armored beast approached it more than ten meters away, turned around suddenly, and a gray force burst out of its body.


  In an instant, the mutated fat fish covered in gray power was like a heavily loaded tank, crashing into the sea water in a short distance, bursting into the sword armor beast at a terrifying speed.

  The mutated fish's bulky body suddenly exploded at such a speed that even the sword armored beast was a little surprised.

  Boom! Dozens of tons of violent water exploded, blowing away the surrounding sediment within a range of more than ten meters, and the shock wave of the turbid seawater rushed far away before calming down.

  However, the Sword Armored Beast, which seemed several times thinner, remained motionless. The muscles of its hind limbs swelled and sank into the bottom of the sea, firmly blocking the huge mutated fat fish in front of it.

   This result made the mutated fat fish, which used its natural ability to accelerate and hit its prey one by one, a little confused.

  However, it is ignorant of the sword armor beast, but it is not ignorant. It blocked the impact of the mutated fat fish. The muscles of its claws swelled, and it tore suddenly with a terrible force.

   Poof! The gray power on the mutated fat fish's body surface was directly torn off by its claws, followed by its ten-centimeter-thick scales and flesh, revealing the white skull underneath.

  Boom! Under the severe pain, water spewed out from the mouth of the mutated fat fish, its huge mouth opened angrily and shook its head before biting the sword armored beast on the side...

  Pfft! At this time, a black shadow pierced through the sea water, soaring out at a speed almost reaching subsonic speed, and the black light pierced through the mutant fat fish's head in a flash.

   It is the sword tail behind the sword armored beast that also has the ability to store power.

  Looking at the dead mutated fish, the sword armored beast's icy pale golden vertical pupils did not fluctuate at all, and its tail was pulled out from the fish's head with a slight force.

  At this moment, standing on the bottom of the sea with its hind legs, the sword armored beast holding the mutated fish in its two claws looks like a humanoid monster. Its long and narrow tail swayed slightly in the sea water, making it look extremely ferocious.

   But the sword armored beast didn't care whether it was ferocious or not. It thought that after eating such a big mutant fish, it should be able to provide four or five points of evolution, right?

  (end of this chapter)

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